Ultimate Warrior memorial wrestling thread 1959-2014

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Not sure I am going to watch Battleground...I have last week's Raw and Smackdown to watch still...and it's 4:30.

I guess I could always watch it later.

Well I suppose I'll hold off then. I should have taped those episodes back when they aired on cable access.
I have just about every one if you'd like to borrow them.

While the whole race topic is still fresh: The most most racist thing I can remember hearing on WWF television was from Farooq. It was The LOD and Ahmed Johnson Vs. The Nation of Domination (at WM 13 I believe)

It was a rant about how he never understood why white people liked to hang black people; now that hes met Ahmed he understands.

It was so bad that Vince tried interrupting from the commentator desk and apologized.

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It should be good, with the exception being the preshow match.

Naomi - Cameron - watch like you're supposed to care when Alicia interferes and gets Cameron the win. Meh. Get your piss break in now.

Swagger - Rusev - needs to end in a DQ with Swagger not releasing the Patriot Lock

Paige - AJ Lee - would like to see Paige turn full on heel and cheat to win the belt back

IC Battle Royale - dunno who will win but Bo Dallas should entertain

Usos - Wyatts - Wyatts due for a win

Jericho - Wyatt - Bray's due for a win also

Ambrose - Rollins - should be off the chain

4 Way - Cena wins LOL
is the tag teams just dead or what. this is what the 3rd or 4th ppv in the row osos vs wyatts

i say Rusev wins setting up a rematch at Summerslam where swagger makes a rocky move and wins the hearts of the nation :)

Paige vs Aj. Aj wins via Dq with Summer ray or another diva coming out of back

IC royal. really no clue

usuo vs wyatts--- who cares

jericho vs wyatt-- whatt. jericho will be like RVD, bring back an old person and make them lose all the time

Ambrose vs roll. Rollins when kane chokeslams ambrose

4way.. the blue meanie steals rollins money in the bank case, comes out of the crowd and shocks everyone winning the title.

Holy hell.. watching the preshow I realised something I had never noticed before: Layla's boobs are huge..... I mean damn, they are so big they could be WWE tag team champs.

That intro with the kid singing on Rowan & Harper's theme is the most annoying thing ever, even worse than Hardcore Holly's intro of "How do you like me now?" (If that doesn't summon mykevermin, nothing will.)

is the tag teams just dead or what. this is what the 3rd or 4th ppv in the row osos vs wyatts

i say Rusev wins setting up a rematch at Summerslam where swagger makes a rocky move and wins the hearts of the nation :)

Paige vs Aj. Aj wins via Dq with Summer ray or another diva coming out of back

IC royal. really no clue

usuo vs wyatts--- who cares

jericho vs wyatt-- whatt. jericho will be like RVD, bring back an old person and make them lose all the time

Ambrose vs roll. Rollins when kane chokeslams ambrose

4way.. the blue meanie steals rollins money in the bank case, comes out of the crowd and shocks everyone winning the title.
I don't think the division is dead, it's an ongoing feud that draws. You have 4 other teams - the Dusts, Rybaxel, Truth/Woods, and Los Matadores (Fernando's injured but should be healed up soon), possibly Slater and Titus, not to mention they could throw a couple of other teams together if they wanted with Ryder, Gabriel, Kidd, Hunico/Sin Cara, & Otunga.

Great match, terribly painful commentary, but great match. Switching to Spanish broadcast now. If the IC battle royal is after Rollins/Ambrose I'll be able to turn this off real early:)
They have sold them at the Mexican grocery stores here in California for a long time, but they've become available all over in recent years. They're little spicy, crunchy snacks. They're pretty good.

That tag match was the best tag I've seen in WWE in a very long time. The Wyatt Family basically looks like really tough jobbers, always seeming to come up short in title opportunities. That is not good for the character if you're a heel.
That was weird... Weird that the Rollins/Ambrose match was right after the great Tag Championship match and weird that they decided to throw it off the card. I guess that probably means Seth is going to cash in against Cena, lose and Lesnar is making his return tonight.

I'm also guessing that the Ascension will come for Summerslam to give us another tag team. The guys aren't getting any younger, they're over there and they've been in developmental for a long time.


Two Jamie Noble, Boy appearances in one night. And Hugh Morrus!

But seriously, Ambrose/Rollins is my favorite WWE feud since probably HBK/Jericho in 2008.

Damn. Wyatt's eye is still messed up from where Flair busted him open.

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I don't wanna see the damn belts unified. Nothing against Sheamus, who is really good in ring even if his character sucks.
I guess it could have been worse. Sheamus could have won. It just seems like Battleground endings have just been used to build Summerslam matches.
90% of these matches have had utter dog shit endings. I can't remember a recent PPV with enjoyable matches with horrid results.
Yup. Besides the first match, which I still think was the wrong ending (unless they bring up The Ascension) the endings have sucked The night of Shitty Finishes, tonight. I expect Lesnar to come out and wreck everyone's shit tonight, only to put Cena on someone so they face each other at SummerSlam.

What in the hell are Takis?
Mexican Flaming Hot Cheetos, but they have a hint of Lime.

That battle royale was great until they fucked it up by giving away the ending like 5 minutes into it, and the announcement of Roman Reigns being from Pensacola Florida got more of a crowd reaction than Miz winning the IC title.

Decent matches tonight marred by shitty endings and even shittier announcing.

Glad to see you guys agree. Aside from AJ, I would have preferred the other person or team win the other matches. I am fine with Miz as IC champ, but would have rather seen Cesaro or Ziggler win.
Because his 3 months were up?

Good final match.  Expected finish, but still weak.  Pretty strong considering what came before it though...yeeesh

The fact that Cena isn't booked for the next night on Raw (where Lesnar is returning) and that he's going to miss the Raw on 8/4 as well (both due to filming a movie) leads me to believe that either A.) Lesnar will show up and cost him the title, or B.) He'll win and get attacked afterwards.

Just a guess. Probably wrong.
So, where did this come from? Cena seemingly will be there tomorrow.
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The wrong person won literally every match. I guess I'll hear an argument for AJ, but that match sucked so bad I find it hard to care.

Not a great show by any means. Opener was fun and I laughed at Cesaro being thrown out by Slater.
Welp this most likely confirms that the Summer Slam card is pretty set then. Man this is just so immensly disapointing. The WWE is bursting with talent on mic and in ring right now and most of them are just being used so badly. The Shield, Ziggler, Cesaro, Bray Wyatt(I would argue Harper has almost as much from what we have seen), Wade Barret, Damien Sandow and I would personally even add in the overlooked Titus O Neil. There is just an immense ammount of talented guys that I feel with a push could be Champ.....so why do we have to suffer through Cena vs Brock?

I think its official that the guy is just the Hulk Hogan of the new generation. He has been the same one dimensional charcter from the start. He became THE guy faster then he deserved(not that I feel either deserved it). He squashes his competition often in ways that put him over(his defeat of Wyatt was just painful). He is going to leave WWE and join a rival company and put them on the map when he finally turns heel.......well ok so he isnt exactly Hogan...but man wouldnt it be nice if he did leave?

O and is anyone else really sick of the Uso's and feel its a travesty that Harper/Rowan dont have the belts yet? Its not that the Uso's are so bad, I am just sick of them after how many years of the exact same thing. Outside of being underdogs and Samoan twins can anyone tell me one thing the WWE has done to make them personalities/give them charcter?

The wrong person won literally every match. I guess I'll hear an argument for AJ, but that match sucked so bad I find it hard to care.

Not a great show by any means. Opener was fun and I laughed at Cesaro being thrown out by Slater.
I thought the slater thing was great and agree that the wrong person won every match, outside the AJ match. Paige messed up a few times(her charging AJ and tackling her out of the ring was just comical)but overall they had some good spots. I would argue Pagie really should have won just because the WWE has already booked her so badly. Alicia Fox and most of the other DIvas she wrestled after winning the belt have went over more then her. If the WWE wants to salvage her they really should have let her win and then keep the title for atleast a few solid and well booked matches. Then again it was a stupid stupid idea to give her the belt in the firsrt place. That type of story might work for the men, but people are so tuned out to the Divas right now that I cant believe they thought Paiges upset would get her over.

Orton was holding out, he could have had matching gear with Bluetista a couple of months ago.

The Usos were fine tonight but good lord the Wyatt's can not catch a break.

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You know... If they wanted to have a heel ending to the Battle Royal, Bo Dallas would have been such a better choice than the Miz. Bo got more of a reaction with some of the eliminations and the audience didn't really seem to give a damn about the Miz being the new intercontinential champion. (it's also a shame that the streak had to end like that) I wasn't really expecting much out of Battleground, but I'm glad that the talent didn't phone it in because the bookers certainly did.

Hopefully stuff happens at Summerslam.

Except the other stuff we get on top of the live PPV events is worth exponentially more than $10 a month.
Speaking of which, is anybody that got it at launch not renewing next month? I'm planning on keeping my subscription. Current PPVs aside, I feel like I've only scratched the surface of all the old stuff on there that I still want to watch.

Speaking of which, is anybody that got it at launch not renewing next month? I'm planning on keeping my subscription. Current PPVs aside, I feel like I've only scratched the surface of all the old stuff on there that I still want to watch.
Can you stream the old stuff any time you want yet? I thought they were still doing the stupid "network" thing where instead of watching the old stuff any time you want you had to tune in at specific times to see old raws or wcw.
Did they put the belt on Miz because he has a movie coming out soon?

Also Paul Heyman posted a picture of himself on Facebook sitting on a plane with the caption of going to pick up Plan C.  I guess we already know where this is going.

Can you stream the old stuff any time you want yet? I thought they were still doing the stupid "network" thing where instead of watching the old stuff any time you want you had to tune in at specific times to see old raws or wcw.
With the exception of stuff that is debuting later on the schedule (for instance, let's say they have the Network debut of a Old School show scheduled for Tuesday and, if you try to stream it before it airs, you'll get a blip of it not being available yet), and not everything works like this, you can stream it whenever you want. The SNME episodes that are on there didn't have this condition. It's been that way from day 1.

Speaking of which, is anybody that got it at launch not renewing next month? I'm planning on keeping my subscription. Current PPVs aside, I feel like I've only scratched the surface of all the old stuff on there that I still want to watch.
I don't see any reason why I won't commit to another 6 months.

The last time Miz was somewhat entertaining was when he was paired with Morrison. He's a smaller, shittier version of Jericho.

He's like the David Spade of pro wrestling.

I must have missed it but did they drop the whole Heyman/Cesaro thing without any explanation? If so, what a waste of time. They never should have been paired together in the first place. Cesaro should have gone face after winning the battle royal; now he's stuck in mid-card heel hell.

Regarding WWE Network: I was joking, I firmly believe the old content alone (if better organized) is worth $10 a month by itself.

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They've done absolutely nothing with Cesaro since splitting him with Swagger, and that's ridiculous. We The People was over and it was dumb to not let them have some fun in the tag division like the Dust Bros.

That said, Swagger vs Rusev felt bigger than it should have and would have been a lot stronger had it been for a title. Swagger's good in the ring and deserves to sit at the top of the mid card.

Cesaro on the other hand... well, he got eliminated by Slater -- a guy who currently has a gimmick of him being in a 3 man faction which two other members are gone and they haven't even bothered to update his gimmick for it.

The next wave of future endeavors may be just on the horizon with how many people they're doing absolutely nothing with.

So I've noticed that being a "Paul Heyman Guy" does more to hurt than help, unless you're someone that is already over (Lesnar, Punk). Pray they don't stick him with Zayn or Kenta when they get moved up.

Nothing against Heyman himself, but it's like these idiot writers think that just putting Heyman with a guy is a one-step solution to making a star, and actually do zero to promote the guy after the initial spark that a Heyman association provides.
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