Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Collector's Edition (PS3) $29.99 at Best Buy

[quote name='Brother Daz']Just sold the ring and belt buckle on eBay for $30. If you're planning on selling these do it now before it gets flooded with them. I've had my CE for a few months and knew I needed to get them up for sale quick with all of these that have been sold.[/QUOTE]
I'm gonna put on the belt buckle and look...badass?:cool:
And switch to AC buckle later :lol:
[quote name='jiggyteddy']Because you made out like a bandit?

I picked up my Ratchet All 4 One today. I got a similar look when she saw what I paid.[/QUOTE]

Lol, I guess so. I was very calm and pleasant on the outside, but once she saw what I was picking up, and gave me the look, I was like, "B*tch, gimme my CE!!" on the inside, haha. Although, I must admit, the box is surprisingly large. Larger than I thought it'd be. For a split second, I thought they screwed up and were about to give me an Uncharted 3 PS3 bundle. (I wish!;))
[quote name='cagfansub']The Nathan Drake figurine goes for around $10-$15 on ebay. Shadowrage is correct. It doesn't look as good.
The batman statue that came with the CE for Batman Arkham City is much better.[/QUOTE]

Yeah if only Kotobukiya designed the figure for UC3. I'm still waiting for Batman to go down.
[quote name='thebert']Lol, I guess so. I was very calm and pleasant on the outside, but once she saw what I was picking up, and gave me the look, I was like, "B*tch, gimme my CE!!" on the inside, haha. Although, I must admit, the box is surprisingly large. Larger than I thought it'd be. For a split second, I thought they screwed up and were about to give me an Uncharted 3 PS3 bundle. (I wish!;))[/QUOTE]
I hauled that thing 20 blocks because I was too cheap to drive and too cheap to pt it.
[quote name='jiggyteddy']I hauled that thing 20 blocks because I was too cheap to drive and too cheap to pt it.[/QUOTE]
And I thought I was cheap by always calculating gas cost as precisely as possible...
[quote name='jiggyteddy']I hauled that thing 20 blocks because I was too cheap to drive and too cheap to pt it.[/QUOTE]

Well, you got some good exercise and the CE, so not terrible. :cool:
Pretty sure the sneaky ninjas in my city grabbed them all the moment this deal touched the internet (my BB had 3-5 last week). No huge deal, as I still have yet to beat the first game and I have the 2nd game still in the packaging from black friday. Shame I couldn't get this shipped to the store, but oh well.
Almost bought it but then remembered how much I disliked U3, both single and multi player. The ring, the statue (which looks odd), and belt couldn't sweeten this deal enough for me.
Checked online and no stores by me had any. Decided to go to my local BB (San Marcos, CA) anyways to browse and behind the counter in a repack box, fresh off the truck, was one copy. Snagged it up and quickly went home to hide the giant box before my wife could see I bought another game ^_^
Thanks OP!
[quote name='fellfrosch']Checked online and no stores by me had any. Decided to go to my local BB (San Marcos, CA) anyways to browse and behind the counter in a repack box, fresh off the truck, was one copy. Snagged it up and quickly went home to hide the giant box before my wife could see I bought another game ^_^
Thanks OP![/QUOTE]
Lol I hide my CE boxes from the wife also. Deep in my crawl space is where theyre all stored. Once we buy a bigger house with a basement for my man cave, she is going to be in for a rude awakening. At least I'll have the "oh I bought those forever ago" defense.
[quote name='Brother Daz']Lol I hide my CE boxes from the wife also. Deep in my crawl space is where theyre all stored. Once we buy a bigger house with a basement for my man cave, she is going to be in for a rude awakening. At least I'll have the "oh I bought those forever ago" defense.[/QUOTE]
LOL. I hope you're nowhere near a flood zone in your city.
[quote name='eau']LOL. I hope you're nowhere near a flood zone in your city.[/QUOTE]
I live in a hilly area of Colorado springs so the chance of floods is slim to none. That would really suck though.
Thankfully I have a walk-in closet(that's no longer a walk-in) to hide my shit in from my family.:lol: There's like 5-6 BLOPS Prestige boxes stuffed in there, as well as a box loaded with LBP2 plushes, about 4 Snuggies and a shitload of other stuff from the BBV clearance last summer.:rofl:
OK guys/girls. I can't take anymore requests to send out the CEs. I'm already sending out 5 tomorrow. Sorry, but I have to stop now. Please don't send me anymore PMs. My box is almost full now.
Finally after a day of bitching I got a copy. Although all of my local stores were marked "unavailable" online, I trekked out to the two closest ones today before and after work. One had none, and the other seemed as though it had none but I went to ask someone if they had any copies left and she showed me where it was, somewhat hidden from view.

Picked it up with Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Child of Eden PS3 for $68.88, or $0.88 after my gift card.
While the nearest stores to me said they were unavailable online. I called two stores, one didn't have any more and I got the last one at the second store. Have been wanting to get UC3 for awhile and figured the CE for $30 was too easy to pass up. Thanks OP.
[quote name='SchumiF1']While the nearest stores to me said they were unavailable online. I called two stores, one didn't have any more and I got the last one at the second store. Have been wanting to get UC3 for awhile and figured the CE for $30 was too easy not to pass up. Thanks OP.[/QUOTE]Fixed;)
Ugh, my local best buy sucks. Called them Sunday at opening and they said they had no copies. Went in today and asked them and they told me some guy just came in and bought three. If they check for you make sure they know what they're looking for.
I was tempted to pull off the freeway and check another store on the drive home, but whenever I think I'm going to get into speculative buys, I always get stuck with them - if anyone wants a sealed copy of Fallout New Vegas CE for PC in the Detroit area, PM me - so I decided not to be "that guy" who buys up extra copies and deprives others of a chance.
Well I'm a happy camper... My girlfriend called a store bout 30 minutes away to see if they had it... They had one left and held it for me... Was gonna get a couple other games with b2g1 free but they didn't have anything I already had. I also returned a copy of Ghost Recon that I picked up yesterday with Saint's Row CE and Witcher 2 so I can get NCAA 13 instead. Anyways, thanks OP!
Holy crap - I actually held out long enough that it was finally unavailable at my local best buy.... I FINALLY SAID NO TO A DEAL!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!! :applause::applause::applause::applause:
I don't want to complain too much because it is a great deal. I was able to get it as part of the b2g1 free sale, so it was even better. However, I really wish that the travel chest box that it all comes in was slightly wider, slightly deeper, or both.

I really wanted to store all three games inside the chest (I was planning on putting them where the figure is) but the dimensions are just too small.
Got the collectors edition, Golden Abyss, and Gravity Rush for a total of $15 after my $60 GC from buying my vita which only cost me $120 because of gift cards. I love Best Buy. Over $400 of stuff for a little over $100. :)
This makes me mad.

The site shows this as not available for shipping.

My local BB had FOUR of these YESTERDAY and when I asked the manager to ring them up because I suspected they were half off, I got a no. Now, it shows my local store as not available for store pickup and out of stock. As well as every other store around.

So lame.
[quote name='ThEliteOne']This makes me mad.

The site shows this as not available for shipping.

My local BB had FOUR of these YESTERDAY and when I asked the manager to ring them up because I suspected they were half off, I got a no. Now, it shows my local store as not available for store pickup and out of stock. As well as every other store around.

So lame.[/QUOTE]


Wtf(why the f) would you accept 'no'?.
Picked up my copy while I was out earlier. Grand Forks, ND only has 1 copy left. They also had: game only for $39 or a used copy for $34. I think I got the best deal.

Thanks OP.
[quote name='ChunLiBarbie']Lol.

Wtf(why the f) would you accept 'no'?.[/QUOTE]

Because, I go to this store at least once a week, and I know pretty much every employee.

I call the manager of the entire store "Mr. Awesome" In public. Everybody knows me, and they know when I come in that ive found a deal.

It wasnt in their system yesterday apparently, or I wouldve had it. I hadnt seen this post yet, or I wouldve persisted, I was going off another, earlier post, which wasnt as confirmed and was just YMMV.

I can't go about making an ass of myself in BB like some can - I can push a little, but when you know everyone by name, you cant be an ass. It usually works in my favor that I know everyone anyhow.
[quote name='TooPoor']Hate to be in the same city as this guy.[/QUOTE]

I hope he doesn't sell any, then he's stuck with 8 opened CE that he won't be able to sell because they're opened and he'll take a huge loss. Must be a Slick Dealer.
[quote name='roger watersmelon']I don't want to complain too much because it is a great deal. I was able to get it as part of the b2g1 free sale, so it was even better. However, I really wish that the travel chest box that it all comes in was slightly wider, slightly deeper, or both.

I really wanted to store all three games inside the chest (I was planning on putting them where the figure is) but the dimensions are just too small.[/QUOTE]
I got them to fit flat inside the area the figurine was held in, face up. They don't look classy but its all in one box, the steelbook is in its door sleeve.
[quote name='ThEliteOne']Because, I go to this store at least once a week, and I know pretty much every employee.

I call the manager of the entire store "Mr. Awesome" In public. Everybody knows me, and they know when I come in that ive found a deal.

It wasnt in their system yesterday apparently, or I wouldve had it. I hadnt seen this post yet, or I wouldve persisted, I was going off another, earlier post, which wasnt as confirmed and was just YMMV.

I can't go about making an ass of myself in BB like some can - I can push a little, but when you know everyone by name, you cant be an ass. It usually works in my favor that I know everyone anyhow.[/QUOTE]

Dang. Well, now you know to check their site after a rumor and buy it quick for in store pick up! Keep a pre-paid gift card handy if you don't have any of the other kind!

Obviously, no one knew if it was in the system or not if the manager wouldn't check. If the manager knows you, too, he sounds fake as hell.
[quote name='TooPoor']You have been missing out...It's inside the CE[/QUOTE]

i had no idea! ive been pretty much gone since january of this year
[quote name='ThEliteOne']Because, I go to this store at least once a week, and I know pretty much every employee.

I call the manager of the entire store "Mr. Awesome" In public. Everybody knows me, and they know when I come in that ive found a deal.

It wasnt in their system yesterday apparently, or I wouldve had it. I hadnt seen this post yet, or I wouldve persisted, I was going off another, earlier post, which wasnt as confirmed and was just YMMV.

I can't go about making an ass of myself in BB like some can - I can push a little, but when you know everyone by name, you cant be an ass. It usually works in my favor that I know everyone anyhow.[/QUOTE]

Also, some Best Buy stores(if they choose) can order from another store. Mine has up to the next state over.

Maybe they can order 1 for you.:)
[quote name='ChunLiBarbie']Dang. Well, now you know to check their site after a rumor and buy it quick for in store pick up! Keep a pre-paid gift card handy if you don't have any of the other kind!

Obviously, no one knew if it was in the system or not if the manager wouldn't check. If the manager knows you, too, he sounds fake as hell.[/QUOTE]

He did check - thats how I got the no... I figured that was self explanatory.

I didnt just say "Hey is this half off?" and he says "No."

I said I heard these were half off and he said sweet, let me check... he had 4, he wouldve got one himself. So it wasnt in his own interest to tell me no anyhow.

The stars just didnt align this time I guess lol. I got 2 of the Saints Row CEs a month or 2 ago for $10 bucks because of TRU - and they did that for me without even confirming stock. So im not going to be complaining about my BB too much - they are decent guys and gals.
No - none are in stock for like 5 states. I couldnt find a store that has one on my "Check more stores" thing. went 3 or 4 pages - to the end of the list - and nothing.
[quote name='shadowrage']I got them to fit flat inside the area the figurine was held in, face up. They don't look classy but its all in one box, the steelbook is in its door sleeve.[/QUOTE]

That's even more frustrating, because I tried that. The only way for me to get them to fit flat would be to force them into place. I'd end up either bending in the small drawers, or bending out the side of the box.
Picked up the copy I had waiting for me in Bee Caves, TX tonight... perfect condition, no ugly spider cord marks on the sides. Will cherish with all my heart >hugs< Nasty rain in Austin tonight, btw. It was an adventure.

I always love when at BB.com pickup the cashier says "wow, that's a great deal!" fuck yeah, that's the only time I shop at your store ;)

I have an extra order still sitting in Tracy, CA because i didn't want to miss this because of inventory issues but my order to my nearest BB went through so i don't need the one at the other store.. Not sure how i would go about this but if someone wants it PM Me and we can talk then.
I have an extra order for in-store pickup in the East Valley (Phoenix), if anyone else is still looking, not sure how the logistics would work out...
[quote name='uEih']I have an extra order still sitting in Tracy, CA because i didn't want to miss this because of inventory issues but my order to my nearest BB went through so i don't need the one at the other store.. Not sure how i would go about this but if someone wants it PM Me and we can talk then.[/QUOTE]

this is what i don't understand, some locations has numerous stock of the ce. I can't find any uncharted 3 ce in my location, bestbuy fail
[quote name='YBX87']this is what i don't understand, some locations has numerous stock of the ce. I can't find any uncharted 3 ce in my location, bestbuy fail[/QUOTE]

What is there to not understand? it's a clearance item and therefore, is subject to availability. Some stores were able to sell them at full price or even at the $65 price point and some didn't. They're not going to redistribute them evenly especially under clearance. It would cost them tons to redistribute evenly to each store.

I have no horse in this race as i was a day late. Would have liked to grab one but you can't get them all. I'm tempted to ask about the Tracy one but I think its a bit out of the way as I'm in San Jose.
bread's done