Villains. Say which one is your favorite and why. (Poll to come soon)

I remember those episodes where Megatron does that...makes me remember another good villian Apocalypse in xmen, who trys to destroy time because he finds out he will never destroy mutants lol
One of the best recent villians I've seen is Costello (played by the extraordinary Jack Nicholson) in The Departed. I think this quote he says sums it up.

"I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me."

wait, i change my nomination...



He is the owner of GLOBEX. He tangled with the UN, blew up a bridge, took over the East Coast and has enough capital to buy NFL franchises as gifts. He also killed famed agent, Mr. Bont.
I'm playing the Warriors now and I loved the movie so I'm going to vote for Luther - He's the guy who shot Cyrus.
[quote name='smalien1']Oh, also, Nurse Ratched.[/QUOTE]

There are a lot of movies and a lot of villains out there, but few, few, have ever actually made my skin crawl. She's one of them.

When that dude throttled her at the end it was quite possibly one of the most satisfying movie moments I've ever experienced.
What about the Satan?

The guy only has about 7 speaking lines in the entire bible, and somehow he has remained the biggest badass for 2000+ years.

Plus without Satan we wouldn't have rock music, casual sex, or the theory of evolution. This is pretty cool stuff.
oh yeah another great villan was Mr. Dark from the movie something wicked this way comes. that guy was so damn scary and you cant tell me as a kid when you saw that scene with the parade going down town the the kid sized coffins you werent scared shitless. especially when he had the kids pics in his hands and made them bleed. one of the coolest villans ever and he had a hell of a death scene too. id love to see this movie remade if only you could brign that guy back unaged but im sure he could still do the role old too.

oh yeah and gul dukat from ds9 the guy was so blind to how fucked up he was it was sad and scary. to think by subgugating a people you are helping them and to think he could get them to like them or that they did and then to finally see he was wrong and then try to destroy them on a spiritual and physical level is crazy stuff even moreso to becoe one of them to do it.
Magneto - tragic villian in some cases
Joker - Definitive villian
Dr. Doom - only good part of the Fantastic Four comic outside of the Thing
Kefka - funny and he just didnt kill a main character, he destroyed the world, Sephiroth had nothing on this guy
Sephiroth - not as good as Kefka, on the list for what is probably the defining moment of the Final Fantasy series
Ghalleon - Lunar series, John Truitt kicked @$$ and made this character
Megatron - Best 80s cartoon villian
Starscream - Truly vile character, would of loved if he had more of a spotlight in G1
The coupon chicken form Family Guy - bastard giving out expired coupons
Four pages in, wow...I can't believe no one's mentioned...

"They call him 'Bellosh'."

"Belloq. Belloq!"

Also, color me ignorant, but is Q really a bona fide villain?
[quote name='jollydwarf']Also, color me ignorant, but is Q really a bona fide villain?[/quote]

I don't consider him ( to be a villain. This is especially true in Voyager.
[quote name='2Fast']I don't consider him ( to be a villain. This is especially true in Voyager.[/quote]

Speaking to ST:TNG only, I would say that Q is a trickster god.

The new-agey philosophy of Star Trek leads me to the conclusion that his ultimate destiny is to act as a catalyst for man's evolution in the guise of a Promethian anti-hero.
Almost forgot

George Steinbrenner - For his over spending, being the Yankees owner, and stealing Johnny Damon, Roger Clemens, Wade Boggs, and countless of other players. Not cool Boss George! Not cool at all!
[quote name='MrBadExample']Woo-jin from Oldboy - the man knows revenge.[/quote]

I second Woo-jin, that was just screwed up. Also, Sho'nuff from The Last Dragon.
[quote name='The Crotch']Unfortunately, StarCraft II requires a blood sacrifice in order to summon. We'll see it when the Madden and Tony Hawk franchises finally get killed off.[/quote]

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I like Shredder more than Krang. Shredder always rips a couple self depricating, "inside humor" type of jokes during the show.[/quote]

Krang will always reing supreme in my books, but we will let the masses vote in a couple of days.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Four pages in, wow...I can't believe no one's mentioned...

"They call him 'Bellosh'."

"Belloq. Belloq!"[/quote]
Belloq? Raiders of the Lost Ark Belloq? He had some excellent lines, but he really didn't stand out at all after the opening scene.

Plus, he brought a dress for that bartender chick.

I must be a weirdo, but I wasn't really bothered too much by Nurse Ratched...

I forgot how much of a badass Largo was, in that he murdered a dude and took his sister as a mistress, if only to prove how evil he was.

And, call me an old softie, but the villain of Phoenix Wright 1, Case 5
Damon Gant
was pretty damn cool.

Also, if we define villain in the broadest sense, Dr. Bob Kelso is a badass, especially for:

[quote name='Dr. Kelso']
When I first met her, she wanted to be a psychiatrist, but, uh... we both decided that that wasn't a fitting profession for a family woman -- no offense, sweetheart. I know she's grateful. She likes to joke that I "choked the last breath of life out of her long ago, now she's just a shell of a woman." [laughs] I think that's so cute; I call her "Shelly"! [laughs more] You know, when I call her that, sometimes she laughs so hard she cries a little.[/quote]
Vader (obviously)
Boba Fett
Mr. Sinister
Green Goblin
Shego (Kim Possible)
Hopper (Bug's Life)
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg

edit - almost forgot, Agent Smith
[quote name='megashock5']Maleficent[/quote]

I have to agree with this, she's one of the best villans ever.

It would be cool if they could make more use of her.
I was going to say him... but the whole gimp outfit is just too horrifying. :lol:

[quote name='Danimal']Come on, I'm not the only Farscape fan here, am I?


Scorpius, FTW[/quote]
Well, Belloq was, for me, the 'best' kind of villain, the kind that could equivocate his way into anyone seeing his side of things. Witness his speech to Jones about "passing through History". At that point, they are (and the audience is) of one mind about things. He's above the barbaric ways of some villains and sheer intimidation tactics of others, and that kind of makes him the most dangerous kind of all. The difference between Indy and Belloq is simply having a heart.

Plus, Raiders is my favorite movie, so take that into consideration.

I'd also like to throw Annie Wilkes in for 'Honorable Mention'. And in the category of frumpy women, Dolores Umbridge is the person I've disliked the most so far in the Harry Potter series.
No more love for Ghalleon?! In Sega CD Lunar he kicked major @$$ (he was a bit corny in the PSOne version) and in Lunar 2 (both versions) he was a complete bad@$$. One of the few RPGs to have a connecting storyline and John Truitt did a great job with his voice acting.
Because I'm in that part of the country's history, I'm going to throw in a couple more historical villians

oh yeah cant forget albert wesker the guy served up his 2 best police squad teams to the undead for testting out umbrellas creations. and he keeps coming back everytime. and nemesis in re3 that bastard was scary and hard to beat and the first few times i tried to fight him i ended up running away like a bitch out of fear. and general zod as well as emperor ming.
bread's done