War Week & CAG Contest - 5 Weeks of $5 Downloadable PC Games at Direct2Drive


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
[IMG-R=5198]9145[/IMG-R]Celebrate 5 Years of Direct2Drive with 5 Weeks of downloadable games for $5. Each week features a new genre of games to choose from. Buy one game and get a chance to win all 50.

Week 1: Ubisoft and great strategy titles
Week 2: Action
Week 3: RPG /MMO
Week 4: Indie
Week 5: War

:pc: $5 Downloadable PC Games at Direct Drive
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[quote name='xrayzwei']A great promotion, I wish that D2D could be just a little more user friendly to use like Steam. Prices couldn't be better though. Could they have been a little more consistent with what stayed $5 during the promotion. Weeks later Civ IV is still $5, meanwhile Defense Grid and World of Goo are back up to full price. I waited too long on some of them.

Shame on me.[/QUOTE]

You are right. You Wait too long!

Honestly, if their downloader was at least on par with steam's speed (which is also installing games as they download them), this whole promotion would be amazing. As is, its just really good.

Hopefully World in Conflict will give me the "Red Dawn" gaming boner I have longed for.
I wanna win them all! But to make this post somewhat useful...beware that Sid Meier's Railroads is not compatible with Vista.
These are great sales but after a ton of email back-and-forth with tech support I'm totally frustrated with D2D and giving up on this whole thing.

It's a shame because I love Steam but they could definitely use some competition on the crazy sale front.
Games I got and quick reviews

1. Bioshock - Amazing def worth 5 bucks -just buy it now!

2. Saints Row 2 - Besides the little stuttering issue I think I've had more fun playing it then I did with gta4

3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R SOC - Awesome and great graphics with the complete 2009 mod! I can't seem to get the 1.0006 patch (unofficial) to work with the d2d version yet so can't play online but the single player is awesome reminds me of fallout 3 a little bit.

4. Frontlines: Fuel of War - Last second purchase for me right before they changed it back to full price. I am glad I pulled the trigger because the game is very good..I wish there were more people playing online because the multiplayer reminds me of battlefield (2) and that's definitely a good thing.

Hope I win. ;)
[quote name='eastx']Have you had a bad experience, or are you just wary of how expansion packs and mods work with their games?[/QUOTE]

Not bad, just woefully unimpressed. You look at the Steam forums where everyone helping each other with tweaks and tricks and support, and D2D doesn't even have a forum or any sense of community at all. Combine that with widespread reports of difficulty getting a hold of customer service, a shopping cart that won't accept money, and slow download speeds. No client to rope your purchases together, it's up to you to remember where you bought such-and-such game.
Got TQ for $5, I really just needed the expansion, but this is just too good to pass up.

I might jump at CoH, I liked it well enough. I remember something about the demo turning me off, but I can't remember what it was. Is it good single player? I don't play multiplayer RTS hardly at all.

I don't really know anything about World in Conflict but everyone is gushing about it. Hmmm.
I snapped up several titles off this sale, the latest being World in Conflict... omg.. my back log keeps growing.
I'd like to thank this deal... if it wasn't for this I wouldn't have played Penumbra. It has become one of my favorite games of all time :)
Picked up World of Goo and Civ 4, mostly for use on my netbook as I have disc copies of Civ 4 already. I would highly recommend both these games.

I'm thinking about Supreme Commander, WiC, and CoH. Will a Pentium 4 3.0GHz/2gigsRAM/256 integrated graphics be enough to handle those? I mean, they meet system requirements, but will it be detrimental to the scope of the game, especially in Supreme Commander, to have only integrated graphics? I have not tried any of the three before, but I have been wanting to.

Great sale by the way. I usually stay away from DRM anything, but these deals are too good to pass up; plus, the WiC is DRM-free, so that's definitely a bonus... not even bonus, the game-winner.
I just picked up World in Conflict, CoH Gold, and the Titan Quest Bundle, which was $5 again to my surprise. Greats deals all around. :)
[quote name='DarthPuma']I'm tempted by Battlestations Pacific. Is it any good?[/QUOTE]

Only played the first mission of the Japanese campaign but enjoyed it and also really liked Battlestations Midway so easily worth $5 IMO.
[quote name='Joafu']
I'm thinking about Supreme Commander, WiC, and CoH. Will a Pentium 4 3.0GHz/2gigsRAM/256 integrated graphics be enough to handle those?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's almost certain you can't run those games on those specs. My system was running a P4 3.2Ghz with a dedicated video card back when SupCom released, and I could barely get through the demo. RTS games are incredibly demanding on your CPU; SupCom in particular was designed for multiple cores. Integrated graphics are horrible for a lot of reasons, but in particular they eat up CPU cycles as well. It's a bad combination.

The games are so cheap you can buy them anyway just to test it out, I suppose. Worst case they hang around for a while until you upgrade. If you can justify the expense, it's really time to move forward with your hardware.
I'm really satisfied by these deals. I've already boughten Stalker, and Chronicles of Riddick, and seriously considering Company of Heroes. Most of the other great games I have already. Would love to win the package of 50 though.
[quote name='TwistedBishop']I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's almost certain you can't run those games on those specs. My system was running a P4 3.2Ghz with a dedicated video card back when SupCom released, and I could barely get through the demo. RTS games are incredibly demanding on your CPU; SupCom in particular was designed for multiple cores. Integrated graphics are horrible for a lot of reasons, but in particular they eat up CPU cycles as well. It's a bad combination.

The games are so cheap you can buy them anyway just to test it out, I suppose. Worst case they hang around for a while until you upgrade. If you can justify the expense, it's really time to move forward with your hardware.[/QUOTE]

Sup Com will rape your PC if you don't do better then the recommended specs. Even the devs say part 2 will run better then part 1 on the same PC. The expansion runs better then the first but Sup Com was built for multi-core and Multi-monitor PCs.
Battlestations Midway and Bioshock are tempting (even though I've already played Bioshock on 360). It would be cool to win all 50 games!
Wow, they really went at it with the RTS games this week. I already got Saints Row 2, Frontlines: Fuels of War, World of Goo, Civilization 4 and was about to buy GRAW2 but damn, they really they hit me hard with all the games this week.
I am still on the fence on Titan Quest ... sounds like a great Diablo like game and its ONLY 5 bucks. But, my back catalog is sooo big right now that it still seems like a wasted 5 bucks. Sooo many good games ... sooo many good CAG deals ... sooo little time!
[quote name='grognard66']Battlestations Midway and Bioshock are tempting (even though I've already played Bioshock on 360). It would be cool to win all 50 games![/QUOTE]

You mean Battlestations: Pacific, no?

I own Bioshock for the 360 (haven't played it, yet), but have considered multiple times grabbing the PC version for $5 for the past two weeks, since I have Vista and a DX10 card. Is it worth spending $5 on the PC version if you already own the 360 version?
[quote name='Lanman']I am still on the fence on Titan Quest ... sounds like a great Diablo like game and its ONLY 5 bucks. But, my back catalog is sooo big right now that it still seems like a wasted 5 bucks. Sooo many good games ... sooo many good CAG deals ... sooo little time![/QUOTE]

I own TQ and TQ:IT on disc, and nearly purchased the $5 TQ bundle to be able to play the game without needing the disc in the drive. If you don't already own it and enjoy Diablo-type games, purchase the bundle yesterday. At $5, it's a steal.
[quote name='Lanman']Sooo many good games ... sooo many good CAG deals ... sooo little time![/QUOTE]

No kidding. It is impossible to pass up on Civ4 which will surely cause a spike in the backlog.

Just one more turn . . .
Anyone try/successfully buy with Paypal?
I wanted to do so for CoH:Gold but it won't work, getting a server error.

Same result with repeated tries at different times, I've used it fine elsewhere before.
Very disappointing, I like Paypal and I'd just as soon D2D not have my credit card.
[quote name='Mysterio']Is it worth spending $5 on the PC version if you already own the 360 version?[/QUOTE]

If you care much about nerd points then you'll want to stick with the 360 version. Also, depending on your computer, the 360 version may look and play better for you.
For War Week get:

Company of Heroes Gold
World in Conflict Gold
Supreme Commander Gold

All the others are trash games. I own all three. Bought them before for full price. Sucks but the point is that I dont regret it at all. it would have been nice to get these prices but I love those games. CoH and World in Conflict both have good multiplayers. Both are different. And both are rock solid game. Same with SupCom but it has no multi population anymore. Top just 600-800 people a day.
Would you believe D2D is unable to complete my transaction with Pay Pal (used three different credit cards) and Credit Card (used same three credit cards) payment methods? Now I'm locked out of using either method. They have the absolute worst transaction system of any digital distribution system. These same payment methods are accepted flawlessly by Steam and Amazon.
Bought Company of Heroes Gold and World in Conflict Gold and am trying to DL them here at work and while CoH is coming down fine, WiC downloads a 0 byte zip file. Using Firefox 3.5.3, not the Download Manager program. Had no problem directly DLing Assassin's Creed and Defense Grid at home. Anyone else seeing this sort of problem?
I'd love to win the games, considering some of the titles I've seen listed here, but considering the problems some people are having with the client as well as purchasing through Paypal, I think I'll be just passing on the deal, but still hoping to win. Can't beat free, but I can sure beat hassle and you can always find plenty to play on the PC.
[quote name='Mysterio']Would you believe D2D is unable to complete my transaction with Pay Pal (used three different credit cards) and Credit Card (used same three credit cards) payment methods? Now I'm locked out of using either method. They have the absolute worst transaction system of any digital distribution system. These same payment methods are accepted flawlessly by Steam and Amazon.[/QUOTE]

I had a similar issue. I could not use paypal for some reason. Used my credit card that it was linked to (Visa) and it worked fine. I'd say give them a call.
[quote name='Airmarkus']I'd love to win the games, considering some of the titles I've seen listed here, but considering the problems some people are having with the client as well as purchasing through Paypal, I think I'll be just passing on the deal, but still hoping to win. Can't beat free, but I can sure beat hassle and you can always find plenty to play on the PC.[/QUOTE]

I think the issues with paypal have something to do with having a balance of 0 in your account. Even if it's linked to your debt/credit account from your bank, it seems D2D wont accept the payment.

Download wise... I couldn't believe it only took me less then 2 hours to download 6.5 gigs of WiC.
Paypal didn't work for me either, but that didn't stop me from picking up like 10 games. The Path is a strange, yet cool indie game, missed my radar previously. Really liking Defense Grid, and I have a bunch of others to try out. Weighing my options for this weeks titles.
I bought and downloaded
CoH Gold
Battlestations Pacific
Supreme Commander
WoC Gold
Titan Quest Bundle

Used a credit card with no issues. Downloaded this morning all above in about 1.5 hours. Not sure why so many are having issues. This is my first experience with D2D and, other than it not being Steam, it hasn't been too bad.

I did have to manually patch Battlestations Pacific via the D2D patches page. The update through Windows Live failed.
This has been an amazing sale - loads of $30+ stuff for $5 each! Grabbed a bunch, including 2nd copies of NWN2 so my kids and I can co-op!
[quote name='Lanman']I am still on the fence on Titan Quest ... sounds like a great Diablo like game and its ONLY 5 bucks. But, my back catalog is sooo big right now that it still seems like a wasted 5 bucks. Sooo many good games ... sooo many good CAG deals ... sooo little time![/QUOTE]

I would go for it if you are a fan of Diablo. If that hack 'n slash bug ever bites you, it's an excellent filler until D3 hits the market. It lacks the random maps that Diablo II had, but it contains an interesting profession system where you can mix two professions of your choice (or specialize in one), creating some pretty fun and unique builds. The graphics are also well done if it matters to anyone.

At $5, I think TQ is one of those games you just simply can't miss. If I didn't already own it, I would be all over it. I love Diablo style games. :)
It's too bad I just got a bunch of games on steam. The sad thing is that I can't even play most of them on my laptop since it has a Go 6150 graphics card :( Hopefully I'll be able to afford an actual computer in the next month or two. Now if only they didn't cut the Michigan Promise Scholarship :p
So, apparently the reason i couldn't buy anything was that the "system" flagged me for a "random security sweep". But whatever, they got back to me pretty quick and i'm happily downloading my games now! Still not sure if i should get Titan Quest or Mount and Blade....or maybe Battlestations pacific or warhammer....sigh, so many games, so little time.
Dammit CAG, you sure know how to spend my money for me. Had to jump on Civ 4 and Pirates. Grabed COH for the hell of it.
bread's done