We Love Katamari possible reprint? $30

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[quote name='LLeopardGGecko']Do you guys think this is worth ordering from Amazon while they have copies? I don't see this game very often in stores...[/quote]
If you want the game then go for it, the price isnt too hot but the game is enjoyable. Free shipping too.
That's the full MSRP, but it is an incredibly fun game. Worth every penny and then some.
Wow, just checked Ebay, I can't believe people are paying over MSRP for it. I wasn't aware that it had become an uncommon game.

Thankfully, I got mine for $13 (I think) at TRU as well.
Ya I am amazed it is going for like $35+ w/ shipping. That is crazy. I might have to put my sealed copy there soon if people there are paying hand over fist for it. Damn I hate ebay though but that's a different thread entirely.
Got mine for $8 or $9 at a CC clearance. Great game... dunno about $30 though.

then agen it iz hrd 2 find and wil be worth 100 bux l8r.
Dang it! I kept waiting for it to hit $20. $30's not terrible, but it's not great either. It's funny when Best Buy jumped games from $30 (or more) all the way to $2...it's like how about trying $10 or $20 first?
I bought 81 of these at TRU way back when for 5.00 a piece when they were on clearance. Ebayed them for 45-50 a pop. Needless to say, I now own an HD Projector Mitsubishi hd1000u, w/ a 100" screen. Fun game, not worth 50 imo.
[quote name='Rimmit']I bought 81 of these at TRU way back when for 5.00 a piece when they were on clearance. Ebayed them for 45-50 a pop. Needless to say, I now own an HD Projector Mitsubishi hd1000u, w/ a 100" screen. Fun game, not worth 50 imo.[/quote]
Thanks for sharing, hoarder. :roll:
[quote name='johnnypark']Way to go, Rimmit. Definitely in the CAG spirit.[/quote]

Alright lets not jump to conlusions or anything. Maybe he thought he needed 81 copies. You know, for spares and such in case the dog got a hold of the first 80. Then when he decided that 81 was far too many to have on hand he tried to return them to TRU in order to help out other local gamers on a budget. When TRU wouldn't take back them back he drove over to the local Goodwill to donate them to poor orhpans with tuberculosis and found out that it was closed! Oh drat! So he decided to do the next best thing and ebay each game for a ridiculous amount of money before putting them in the trade thread. Plus he definitely needed a 100" projector. Poor eyesight I presume.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Dang it! I kept waiting for it to hit $20. $30's not terrible, but it's not great either.[/quote] I remember seeing that Amazon did have this game for $19.99 early this year and it qualified for free shipping. And, if you bought it along with Katamari Damacy, I think the total was around $37.99 or something with free shipping.

I almost went for it then passed when I found We

For the record, I had already sold a chunk when I decided to take this pic.
Also the Katamari's had been sitting in the Orlando, TRU for 4 weeks according to the checkout guy. I originally bought only 10 to trade, and then he was like, why don't you buy them all. We can't give these away. So I asked him how long they'd been on sale, and he was like about a month, so I was like, fine I'll take them.

For the record I made around 2800 total by the end of it all and donated 200 to Food for the Poor, bought and HD1000u projector, and used the rest for shore excursions for my wedding, as I'm going to alaska and needed the money to go whale watching etc, and buy airfare. I'm also moving, so the rest went toward buying a tv stand, coffee table, and side table.

Call me hoarder, bastard, whatever, but they'd been sitting there long enough. I tried to trade around the forums, but couldn't get any bites.
[quote name='Rimmit']

For the record, I had already sold a chunk when I decided to take this pic.
Also the Katamari's had been sitting in the Orlando, TRU for 4 weeks according to the checkout guy. I originally bought only 10 to trade, and then he was like, why don't you buy them all. We can't give these away. So I asked him how long they'd been on sale, and he was like about a month, so I was like, fine I'll take them.

For the record I made around 2800 total by the end of it all and donated 200 to Food for the Poor, bought and HD1000u projector, and used the rest for shore excursions for my wedding, as I'm going to alaska and needed the money to go whale watching etc, and buy airfare. I'm also moving, so the rest went toward buying a tv stand, coffee table, and side table.

Call me hoarder, bastard, whatever, but they'd been sitting there long enough. I tried to trade around the forums, but couldn't get any bites.[/quote]

maybe because you tried to get too much? That really is a dick thing to do especially when you have 81 copies of one game if you priced them reasonably you would have had many cags who would have paid for them.
[quote name='m0dem']maybe because you tried to get too much? That really is a dick thing to do especially when you have 81 copies of one game if you priced them reasonably you would have had many cags who would have paid for them.[/QUOTE]I cant believe you really believe that a tru would have 81 copies of this game
I seriously don't know why you guys are ripping on Rimmit other than you're jealous that he got something for a killer price that you didn't. He was in the right place at the right time.

Would you say these kinds of things to someone who bought Microsoft shares way back in the day for a few dollars only to turn around and sell them for a hundred+ each later on? Oh wait, I guess the investor should've just bought one or two and let other people come in and "hoard" all the other shares.

Honestly, what's the difference if it was 20 guys who bought 4 copies each? I guess there's none unless you were one of the 20.

Besides, he already said that he tried selling it on here but no one bit. That's not hard to believe as I've seen this game sitting on store shelves for quite some time up until a few months ago. Also, he said he donated some of his proceeds. How many CAGs would do that here, considering some go crazy just so they can save a few bucks on a game.

I don't know Rimmit but I don't blame him for doing what he did. I personally wouldn't do it because that's a lot of money to spend at one time for an unsure profit return. But that's no reason to stick it to him just because he got a killer deal and might have stiffed you out of one.
Well if what he says is true about the donation then I think it's fine. And really? Microsoft stock comparison? Don't act stupid. And yes I think twenty is still too much. More than 5 depending on your intentions is a little much.
[quote name='jagwire1141']Well if what he says is true about the donation then I think it's fine. And really? Microsoft stock comparison? Don't act stupid. And yes I think twenty is still too much. More than 5 depending on your intentions is a little much.[/quote]

How's that stupid? It's an investment either way. What would you prefer, someone buying multiple pieces of property in a hot market to sell them for a premium later instead of leaving some for someone who "really really wants" to live there? Give me a break. It doesn't matter if you don't see it in the same vein as an investment but that's what he ended up making it. Besides, I don't think anyone would've complained if he bought all those copies at MSRP.

If he grabbed 81 copies and these were FREE, then that's a different story. But he was in the right place at the right time and PAID for them.
[quote name='Mugen Power']How's that stupid? It's an investment either way. What would you prefer, someone buying multiple pieces of property in a hot market to sell them for a premium later instead of leaving some for someone who "really really wants" to live there? Give me a break. It doesn't matter if you don't see it in the same vein as an investment but that's what he ended up making it. Besides, I don't think anyone would've complained if he bought all those copies at MSRP.

If he grabbed 81 copies and these were FREE, then that's a different story. But he was in the right place at the right time and PAID for them.[/quote]

Wait Microsoft stock is now land? How old are you?
[quote name='m0dem']maybe because you tried to get too much? That really is a dick thing to do especially when you have 81 copies of one game if you priced them reasonably you would have had many cags who would have paid for them.[/quote]
nothing wrong with being a cag but if I can make way more money by putting it on eBay why should I put it on cag while I can obviously make much less money? it's just about investment and return, and he got a better return for putting it on eBay than cag it.
honestly, I would do the same thing if I had the chance
and no one have the right to blame him, he's just trying to make money while investing money like many others in the society
good job Rimmit!
guys guys. this is economics at work. dont tell me none of you bought anything at the best buy 2 dollar extravaganza just to flip them somewhere else. also, it's ironic that you guys bitch and moan about "hoarders" who buy just to sell for a profit, and yet consider keeping spares for trading on the forum fair game.
[quote name='blaked569']guys guys. this is economics at work. dont tell me none of you bought anything at the best buy 2 dollar extravaganza just to flip them somewhere else. also, it's ironic that you guys bitch and moan about "hoarders" who buy just to sell for a profit, and yet consider keeping spares for trading on the forum fair game.[/quote]
I never bought anything at the bestbuy 2 dollar sale thing cuz I never really ran into one...lol
but I sure would if I have the chance...:bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:
[quote name='encendido5']Thanks for sharing, hoarder. :roll:[/quote]
I think word that eludes you is' fucking a-hole'. Seriously, it's people like this clown that do nothing but ebay this shit fuck it up for everyone else and never give the people who HONESTLY want the game for THEMSELVES or a couple of friends a chance.
I figured he went to multiple TRUs the minute he found a deal on CAG after initially reading his post, if the story is as he tells it, shame on CAGs in his area for not picking some of those up. This game for $5, on PS2 especially, should not have been sitting in a batch that large anywhere. It just fell through the cracks. No stores in my area have 81 of any titleat any one time, so I can't really relate.
Wait, this game is rare? A bunch of stores by me still have plenty in-stock. I have my copy, which I'm keeping, but if it's going for well over MSRP, well hiccup need's some dough. Strange, I thought this game sold particularly well. It received a sequel on PSP and is going to be on 360, etc.
[quote name='CappyCobra']I think word that eludes you is' fucking a-hole'. Seriously, it's people like this clown that do nothing but ebay this shit fuck it up for everyone else and never give the people who HONESTLY want the game for THEMSELVES or a couple of friends a chance.[/quote]

Maybe those "people who HONESTLY want the game for THEMSELVES or a couple of friends a chance" should be on the ball a little more and pick up one of the 81 copies during the weeks that they were readily available. The game didnt drop from 29.99 to $5 overnight. Plus, most clearances are posted days, if not weeks in advance on almost all of these "deal" sites. I personally wouldnt buy 81 copies of it, but I would definitely walk out of there with a large portion of them.

Anyway, why has this thread turned into this lame ass ebay argument? Cant you guys make your own thread for that?

I actually want to know if the two Katamari games got a reprint. I would assume they have, being that they are in stock on Amazon quite a long time after they came out.
I'd normally leave some but the guy in the video game dept was like "Woohoo, I'll have something to talk about in the backroom. I not only sold 1 but 10!! To one guy!! Are you sure you don't want the rest, we really are just desperate to get rid of them?" So the temptation arose. The Orlando CAGs really missed the boat on this one cuz he said they'd been at that price for a month. I went to TRU when I was vacationing in orlando to start my trip and the massive pile was there, and 1 WEEK later, it hadn't moved, so I though I'd buy 10, and then I just said what the hell, and bought them all. I gave anyone in the AREA a 1 week window AFTER I found the stash, and no ONE had moved one copy.

I have no ill will toward anyone who believes what I did was "wrong" despite it being a free economy. I only hope that you'd do the same. I tried to trade them for games, but no one really wanted the game, so I just threw em up to ebay, and let the market dictate.

Also, I did offer it to some of my friends, but no one wanted the "quirky" japanese game as all they play is madden and NCAA. I myself did enjoy this game along with the first one.

Anytime I make out mad ebay profit on something like this I normally donate 5-10% to some charity. Food for the poor just happened to be at my church that weekend so they lucked out. I bought some village a "water pump" and a "food for a month" or something like that for some family. Sure I didn't donate it all, but sometimes I want to treat myself to something nice, LIKE A Honeymoon and a Home Theater. My soon to be wife would never let me spend money I actually earned from my job on something like a projector, but since this was kinda a luck thing, she was like go for it. So I took the opening while it was there and ran. Anyone out there with a significant other would understand that.
[quote name='CappyCobra']I think word that eludes you is' fucking a-hole'. Seriously, it's people like this clown that do nothing but ebay this shit fuck it up for everyone else and never give the people who HONESTLY want the game for THEMSELVES or a couple of friends a chance.[/quote]

Uhh...What about the people who bought it on ebay? They wanted the game, enough to pay good money for it.

Anyhoo, is this game as good as the first one?
[quote name='Rimmit']

For the record, I had already sold a chunk when I decided to take this pic.
Also the Katamari's had been sitting in the Orlando, TRU for 4 weeks according to the checkout guy. I originally bought only 10 to trade, and then he was like, why don't you buy them all. We can't give these away. So I asked him how long they'd been on sale, and he was like about a month, so I was like, fine I'll take them.

For the record I made around 2800 total by the end of it all and donated 200 to Food for the Poor, bought and HD1000u projector, and used the rest for shore excursions for my wedding, as I'm going to alaska and needed the money to go whale watching etc, and buy airfare. I'm also moving, so the rest went toward buying a tv stand, coffee table, and side table.

Call me hoarder, bastard, whatever, but they'd been sitting there long enough. I tried to trade around the forums, but couldn't get any bites.[/QUOTE]

I'm usually annoyed when I go someplace that recently had a clearance sale announced or something similiar only to find out that the store has been emptied. But if an item has been sitting on the shelves for the same price for weeks and someone decides to buy them all for whatever reason, all power to them.

I understand leaving some for the next person, but if they have been there for a month I think the merchandise is free game.

And in case it matters, I only collect.
[quote name='Hibiwa']I like stories. :applause:[/quote]

I love them too. Reminds me that I have to make my daily donation to the Sally Struthers fund for those less fortunate than me. My donation, around the price of a cup of coffee a day or a We Love Katamari game, helps bring fresh water and 2-ply charmin TP to poor villages. I have a letter from the sponsored child in this village that I receive monthly that makes me forget the troubles of this world. It keeps my mind free and clear about videogames and the thought of a Toysrus actually having 81 games. Please, lets all make a simple donation. Even those in poor villages need games to play. You can make a difference.

This message brought to you by the "We love SOB stories" foundation. :cry:
[quote name='jagwire1141']Wait Microsoft stock is now land? How old are you?[/quote]

Um, why are you keep coming at me with insults like being stupid and being young? Why don't you try learning some reading comprehension skills so you can understand what I'm saying? I'm giving you examples of INVESTMENTS here, buddy. If you didn't like or understand the Microsoft investment, I gave you one which was real estate.

I don't care if you see what he did was an investment or not but that's exactly what happened. Do you want me to give you another example of people "hoarding" or investing a lot in something extremely cheap and selling it later for a high profit margin? If you don't understand these examples, please don't try to hide your inadequacies by turning to personal attacks. :roll:
[quote name='Mugen Power']Um, why are you keep coming at me with insults like being stupid and being young? Why don't you try learning some reading comprehension skills so you can understand what I'm saying? I'm giving you examples of INVESTMENTS here, buddy. If you didn't like or understand the Microsoft investment, I gave you one which was real estate.

I don't care if you see what he did was an investment or not but that's exactly what happened. Do you want me to give you another example of people "hoarding" or investing a lot in something extremely cheap and selling it later for a high profit margin? If you don't understand these examples, please don't try to hide your inadequacies by turning to personal attacks. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Quit acting like that. We don't like hoarders here, period. This is Cheap Ass GAMER. Not Cheap Ass Investor.

You buy a game for yourself? Great. You buy it for your friend too, and maybe a couple to sell at a reasonable price on CAG? That's great too. You take a trillion copies and sell them on eBay? You'd better not brag about it here.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Quit acting like a jerk. We don't like hoarders here, period. This is Cheap Ass GAMER. Not Cheap Ass Investor.

You buy a game for yourself? Great. You buy it for your friend too, and maybe a couple to sell at a reasonable price on CAG? That's great too. You take a trillion copies and sell them on eBay? You'd better not brag about it here.[/quote]

I'm acting like a jerk because I'm pointing out that this is a free market? jagwire1141 was the one trying to belittle me in the first place. But he was "on your side" so I guess it's OK for him. Wow, you people here are something else.

There's not much of a difference if there were 3 copies of something left and a person bought all 3 as opposed to 81. Either way, he/she would've made it impossible for the next person to get a copy. Anyone buying copies and selling it on eBay or even CAG is investing. So much for not being Cheap Ass Investor... So maybe no one should be allowed to buy more than 1 copy so that everyone has a fair chance, right?

Like I said before, what if he bought all 81 copies at MSRP? No one would be complaining then, right? In fact, everyone would be calling him stupid. If people really wanted it before, then they seriously should've been more attentive.

If you people want to get mad at someone, then get mad at the stores for not limiting the amount of purchases. Or why not get mad at eBay for allowing people to sell multiple copies of games?

Seriously, people are just getting mad because they're angry or jealous that they couldn't get such a deal while the other guy scored. I'm done with this because it's obvious that some people will either agree or disagree.
[quote name='Mugen Power']I'm acting like a jerk because I'm pointing out that this is a free market? jagwire1141 was the one trying to belittle me in the first place. But he was "on your side" so I guess it's OK for him. Wow, you people here are something else.[/quote]

You're acting like a jerk because you're violating our code of conduct here. You don't hoard. You don't support hoarding. We're GAMERS. We're here because we love games, and we want to get good deals on games for ourselves and our friends.

There's not much of a difference if there were 3 copies of something left and a person bought all 3 as opposed to 81.

Yes there is, because 3 is a larger number than 81. If someone bought three copies and gave two away to friends, or sold them to them for basically cost, we're fine with that.

Like I said before, what if he bought all 81 copies at MSRP? No one would be complaining then, right?

Right, because he wasn't abusing a deal.

If people really wanted it before, then they seriously should've been more attentive.

Well not all of us can check every possible web site on the internet, and check every possible store, for every possible deal on a weekly or daily basis.
[quote name='Mugen Power']Um, why are you keep coming at me with insults like being stupid and being young? Why don't you try learning some reading comprehension skills so you can understand what I'm saying? I'm giving you examples of INVESTMENTS here, buddy. If you didn't like or understand the Microsoft investment, I gave you one which was real estate.

I don't care if you see what he did was an investment or not but that's exactly what happened. Do you want me to give you another example of people "hoarding" or investing a lot in something extremely cheap and selling it later for a high profit margin? If you don't understand these examples, please don't try to hide your inadequacies by turning to personal attacks. :roll:[/quote]

Well it sounds like Wolfpup is handing your financially responsible ass to you on a platter so I won't intervene. This is no place for a haorder v. gamer argument and Lord knows we've had our share here at CAG but it pisses me off when people use this site for personal gain. If what Rimmit says is true then he's almost completely justified buying 81 copies. His first post about buying the 81 and getting a 100" screen just rubbed me the wrong way. I endorse charity of any kind and if the TRU guy pressured him then more power to Rimmit. What I don't enjoy however is people like you that consider this site a vehicle for self-profit and not profiting the entire community. With your posts I can judge that if you got those copies of Katamari they would never see the light of the trading forum. You'd probably have no problem lurking here for deals everyday that were found by others' hard work and not returning the favor by cutting CAG's a discount. We're a tight knit community here, this isn't the NYSE. We constantly cut each other deals and try to keep our findings on the FW forum. So I think it's pretty rude to hoard and not even consider repaying the community that gave you insight to the deal itself.

The reason I asked how old you were is because you couldn't differentiate between land and stock and the CAG situation with videogames. It just seems like something someone good grasp on reality might do. Like an eleven or twelve year old.
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