What do you use your PSP for?


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so my iPod broke down on me and I was going to buy a new one or a Zune but i bought a 4GB memory card and decided to just stick with my PSP it seems to do everything they do and i don't mind carrying it around with me.

So I want to know what exactly I can do with it. I have a couple of UMD's but i hate carrying them around. I've tried using PSP Video 9 to transfer movies there but it takes a really long time anything else you recommend?Also converting mpeg and other video files that are not movies

I also set it up so i can listen to my iTunes using that RSS feed but have they come up with a way to stream movies/videos?

Are there other things you can use your PSP for? Like are there programs so you can use it like a PDA or read like those eBooks?
There is all sorts of Homebrew like emulators that play Super Nintendo, Sega, or any other of the old systems. There's other things as well. I don't really do that stuff because you have to go out of your way to avoid the updating issues and shit like that, which I don't care to do really. Just search PSP homebrew on Google and a shitload of stuff comes up(and the sites are usually pretty specific on how to do things). And if you're really interested, there are ripped games if you look in the right places.

I have a PSP Video converter at my house that is pretty good, but I can not recall the name of it, so I'll check it tonight and get back to you.

The only thing I really use my PSP for are games really. I have a 2 Gig card with a bunch of songs on it, but I don't really use it for an MP3 player. The only UMD movie I have is Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man:the animated series(which I picked up for $1.25 and I wanted to check out the animation). I've ripped some DVDs to it, and they looked good, but I'd rather just watch them on a TV.
i use it to play a bunch of NES games. I got Mike Tyson's Punch out in there. thats it. once in a while i'd play Lumines, Hot shots golf or darkstalkers --but not that much. I'd rather play with my DS.
[quote name='Darwin23']i use it to play a bunch of NES games. I got Mike Tyson's Punch out in there. thats it. once in a while i'd play Lumines, Hot shots golf or darkstalkers --but not that much. I'd rather play with my DS.[/QUOTE]

I kinda go back and forth between PSP and DS. I picked up 9 games this weekend during that buy 2 get 1 free deal at Ebgames, and they were all PSP and DS games. So I figure I'll be playing them a lot for a while.

By the way, last I checked(which was quite a while) the emulators did not handle sound well. Has that been fixed?
Rags - Thanks for the homebrew stuff forgot about that and since it's actually a $50 PSP i'll probably try and wish for the best. If you can find the name of the converter that'd be great at this point i don't mind paying either.

Also, what's an ISO?
[quote name='erika1209']

Also, what's an ISO?[/QUOTE]

It's what is killing software sales of great PSP games.

Right now I'm using mine to play Sonic Rivals.
[quote name='rodeojones903']It's what is killing software sales of great PSP games.

Right now I'm using mine to play Sonic Rivals.[/quote]

What's killing software sales is not ISOs, but the average freakin' price of a PSP game/PSP unit itself. If you talked to the average user/person with a PSP I doubt that they've even heard of what an ISO is before, let alone be able to use them on their PSP. $50 for a pocket game is strenuous on any pocket.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']
$50 for a pocket game is strenuous on any pocket.[/QUOTE]

Very few games come out at $50. The average PSP games is only $5 more expensive than many DS games, and is the same price as FF3. I don't recall anyone being mad about a $40 DS game.
Used to use it for emulation only... then it got boring so I went to legal PSP games and haven't been bored with my PSP since.

When my 1GB comes in, I'll be using it for music too, and I might grab a few dirt cheap UMD Movies like Advent Children, High School Musical, Sky High, Family Guy and Dave Chapelle.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Very few games come out at $50. The average PSP games is only $5 more expensive than many DS games, and is the same price as FF3. I don't recall anyone being mad about a $40 DS game.[/QUOTE]
But the DS game is for NINTENDO! Everything they do is PERFECT. Unlike stupid sony.

Seriously, the only recent $50 PSP game I can think of is GTA, every other one has come out at $30-$40...same as most DS games.

As far as what I use my PSP for...playing PSP games and using it for MP3's (mainly CAGcast)
I use it more for listening to podcasts than playing games. I do get the occasional game or 2 in but I mostly use it as a mp3 player. The rss feed channel will let you download podcasts straight from the website without having to download to your PC first then transferring them to your PSP or MP3 player. Saves alotta time. As a matter of fact I download the official CHEAPASSGAMER podcast every week from this site with the RSS channel save feature. Haven't tried homebrew yet and probably won't. I remember months ago some program was bricking alot of PSP's so be careful.


PS - My legs get crazy needles when I'm in the pooper too long too. I think that pain's worse than child birth.
I have a 1gb stick in mine, and since I cant really find much I want to play on it anymore (I still love my psp though), I mostly use the crap I have on the stick. I usually keep 2-3 cds, a few low quality movies/videos/clips etc, and an assortment of pictures to use as backgrounds. You can fit a lot of material on there depending on how to encode it.
I currently use mine to collect dust. Not that I want it to. I spent too much money on DS games so I held off on PSP games.
My PSP is mostly used to play awesome PSP games, on the latest firmware. I play the games mostly at home, but sometimes on the go.

The second thing I use my PSP for is listening to music, since I don't have an MP3 or iPod (I refuse to buy an iPod due to my hatred for the company of it).

The third thing I use my PSP for is internet browsing, since I don't have a laptop and cannot view the internet away from my PC.

I sometimes use my PSP for videos, although not often.

I like storing a lot of pics on my PSP, and changing my wallpaper constantly (either RPG or anime wallpaper).
[quote name='whoknows']But the DS game is for NINTENDO! Everything they do is PERFECT. Unlike stupid sony.

Seriously, the only recent $50 PSP game I can think of is GTA, every other one has come out at $30-$40...same as most DS games.

As far as what I use my PSP for...playing PSP games and using it for MP3's (mainly CAGcast)[/QUOTE]Lol. I dislike most Nintendo first party games, which I don't feel they're worth $35. I rather pay $30-$40 for many PSP games over that.
I used my psp as trade in towards a wii. Tho I do miss playing the games I had there is really nothing on the horizon for it that I want. (Not a huge fan of metal gear)
[quote name='deadlite']I used my psp as trade in towards a wii. Tho I do miss playing the games I had there is really nothing on the horizon for it that I want. (Not a huge fan of metal gear)[/QUOTE]You'll buy it back one day. I'm not a big Metal Gear fan, but I'm keeping my PSP for awesome RPGs coming, Ratchet & Clank Size Matters, PQ Practical Intelligence 2, and many other games.
I havent played mine in 4 months. If it wasent for Silent Hill and MGS:pO I would have traded it in for a DS.
Hey guys, I just picked up a PSP and I was wonder what the best program was to convert your movies to the psp? Is that media manager any good? Or does it just give you an interface to move stuff around? I've seen a few free ones on download.com but I don't know if any of them work well. What program do you guys use?
[quote name='erika1209']Rags - Thanks for the homebrew stuff forgot about that and since it's actually a $50 PSP i'll probably try and wish for the best. If you can find the name of the converter that'd be great at this point i don't mind paying either.

Also, what's an ISO?[/QUOTE]

The one that I found that was pretty good was IMToo Video Converter.


There is a free trial here.

Anyway, on the games issue. I'm not much on the ISO thing either. Not because I feel bad about doing it, I just don't want to deal with it. I also don't think it is a common thing for people to know how to do. However, I do remember seeing some idiot on the news bragging about hacking the PSP to do illegal things(which Sony probably killed him the next day). So that probably picked up the pace on the hacking issue.
I just wait until the games go down in price. The only ones I buy at full price are ones that start at 30 bucks. I just bought Yu Gi Oh:Tag Force for like 28 bucks, and that was good with me, but I am getting Metal Gear Solid for $40 when it comes(the case got me going).
This weekend I finally picked up some games at the Ebgames sale this weekend that I had been wanting to play but did not want to pay a bunch for>

Ape Escape
Spider-Man 2
Coded Arms
Capcom Classics
Midway Treasures
Metal Gear Acid 2

And then 2 DS games

Got them all for like 65 bucks, and they will last me a while.
Listening to music on it now....my PSP is basically an oversized mp3 player (and videos too). I rarely play games unless on trips.

I may replace it with a normal size mp3 player though eventually....we'll see.
The thing that really pisses me about the PSP is that games that are also for the consoles(I'll use Sega Collection as an example) are the exact same fricken game, yet it's 10 dollars more. Not sure about why this tactic is used. I'll just wait until it goes to 20 like the console version.

By the way, has anybody played Power Stone for PSP? I eyed it, it's at a good price of under 30 on Amazon. I'm just cautious about it due to the PSP analog stick.
What do I use it for? To play games of course :D

I used my PSP briefly as an MP3 player when my iPod's battery died. While it has great sound quality, it's not really practical for that since it's a game system.
I use my PSP to see how much dust it has accumulated since I last cleaned it.

Seriously, I just haven't found anything interesting for it since Lumines (the first one). LocoRoco was fun but lasted a whole 4 hours maybe. I'll probably pick it up when I get Every Extend Extra and Lumines 2.
[quote name='Vinny']Seriously, I just haven't found anything interesting for it since Lumines (the first one). LocoRoco was fun but lasted a whole 4 hours maybe. I'll probably pick it up when I get Every Extend Extra and Lumines 2.[/QUOTE]It's because you're anti-Sony. Nothing will interest you because of that. Since I happen to like Sony, I can find plenty of great games on PSP (I own 33 games, find them all good to totally great, and there are many more games for me to buy). I can see that just by your sig/avatar alone.
I have 10-12 games. I've had a couple others but got rid of them. I have only disliked 2 that I have played. Coded Arms is too blah for me, and I can't control my guy for crap. Death Jr. I thought was terrible, just did not like it. There have been some games I thought were fantastically fun.

Hot Shots - Best golf game I have ever played. I played this for about 10 hours on the way to and from North Carolina a year ago, and was still not done playing it. It gets hard as hell, but it's still fun.

Tales of Eternia(import) - Awesome RPG. It's a remake, but a very good one.

Legend of Heros - It's very basic, but I found it enjoyable. I want to pick up LofH 2, but I'm waiting for a price drop.

Madden 2006 - I have not played 2007 yet, so I don't know about it. I don't care much for the console Maddens, but I really like the PSP version.

X-men Legends 2 - It's on consoles, but this was a fantastic port with added characters and a few other things.

Tekken - Very good fighting game, I mean, it's Tekken.

Metal Gear Acid - Pretty good strategy game, but I know it's not for everybody.

Mega Man:powered UP and MM:Maverick Hunter - Both of these were awesome. I just hope remake sequels to both are made.

Yu Gi Oh:Tag Force - If you have liked YuGiOh games in the past and don't have this game, you are doing yourself harm by not playing it.

There are more, but that covers a pretty broad range of games I liked. I have never played Lumines, but it must be pretty good since a lot of people keep mentioning it. I think it's 8 bucks at Walmart, so maybe I'll go see if I can get it this weekend.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']You'll buy it back one day. I'm not a big Metal Gear fan, but I'm keeping my PSP for awesome RPGs coming, Ratchet & Clank Size Matters, PQ Practical Intelligence 2, and many other games.[/quote]

WHOA, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, when was this announced?
Thanks Rags I'll try that when i get home anyone else recommend another program?

i've been trying to set that RSS feed up does anyone know the link for using it with music and videos?
Mainly for gaming, music secondary, and barely the video player.

I can easily say people overly trash the PSP for no reason. It's a portable system with a very strong library (probably the strongest of all sony's systems ATM) of good titles... I just think they went overboard with the whole "movie" aspect of it.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Mainly for gaming, music secondary, and barely the video player.

I can easily say people overly trash the PSP for no reason. It's a portable system with a very strong library (probably the strongest of all sony's systems ATM) of good titles... I just think they went overboard with the whole "movie" aspect of it.[/QUOTE]

Those UMDs were just too damned much. The DVD of a movie would cost 15, and the UMD would be 28. Why the hell was there such a hike in the price?
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']
I can easily say people overly trash the PSP for no reason. It's a portable system with a very strong library [/QUOTE]

Yeah really. I don't know why it's bashed so much on here. It's an astounding piece of technology, and has tons of games that couldn't have been done on an earlier portable.

It had a strong launch, and then a bad six months or so, and it's like people are still acting like releases never picked up after that-and that was more than a year ago.

The DS had a really weak first half year too (and a weaker launch), yet you don't see as many people bashing it.
[quote name='Rags']Those UMDs were just too damned much. The DVD of a movie would cost 15, and the UMD would be 28. Why the hell was there such a hike in the price?[/QUOTE]

yeah, sony made the huge mistake of not controlling the pricing. $10 umds I think would have been a huge success.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']yeah, sony made the huge mistake of not controlling the pricing. $10 umds I think would have been a huge success.[/QUOTE]

I think I would have bought a couple at $10. There was no way in hell I was paying what most were going for though. I saw Doom at Best Buy about 4 months ago(Doom is a couple years old now) and it was $29. What the hell is that?

I know it is somewhat the stores fault, but that can't be all that.
[quote name='Rags']I think I would have bought a couple at $10. There was no way in hell I was paying what most were going for though. I saw Doom at Best Buy about 4 months ago(Doom is a couple years old now) and it was $29. What the hell is that?

I know it is somewhat the stores fault, but that can't be all that.[/QUOTE]

I think the standard MSRP of UMD movies was exactly the same as DVDs, witch is a big no-no.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']It's because you're anti-Sony. Nothing will interest you because of that. Since I happen to like Sony, I can find plenty of great games on PSP (I own 33 games, find them all good to totally great, and there are many more games for me to buy). I can see that just by your sig/avatar alone.[/quote]

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I think the standard MSRP of UMD movies was exactly the same as DVDs, witch is a big no-no.[/QUOTE]

The prices I always saw, the UMDs were like 8-12 dollars more.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Mainly for gaming, music secondary, and barely the video player.

I can easily say people overly trash the PSP for no reason. It's a portable system with a very strong library (probably the strongest of all sony's systems ATM) of good titles...[/quote]

Yeah, lots of irrational hatred on the PSP side, with people claiming that, because it can play movies/music it must be something less of a game device. Apparently the PSP software isn't doing too bad seeing just how long the list can go without a single below avg. title:


[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I just think they went overboard with the whole "movie" aspect of it.[/quote]

I think the problem is that they DIDN'T go overboard with UMD movies. Proprietary technology that goes with one device, and one device alone is almost auto-fail, so they should have gone all the way with the concept and released either:

A) A USB2out cable that plugged the PSP directly into a SA-V input to watch movies on a home entertainment system.
B) A standalone UMD movie player. It wouldv'e done well because 480x272 doesn't look bad stretched to TV width/length at all, and would have been very convinient to have with DVD players/DVDs being so cumbersome
That comparison with Game Rankings is pretty telling just how biased some of these people are.

I think the DS is a great system too, but I haven't played a single great non-minigame DS game that couldn't have been done as well or better on the PSP, whereas a ton of great PSP games couldn't have been done on the DS.

And as much as I love the Castlevania games, I'd prefer they were on the PSP with even better 2D graphics and music. Actually I'd prefer they do them on the PS3-just go nuts and throw 100's of MB of 2D art at the screen.

I'm also sick of this thing that technology is only for better graphics, and that somehow that means they're not concentrating on gameplay. In reality, better technology opens up more types of possible gameplay. And at least in the case of the DS versus PSP, the PSP's raw power and 16x+ the storage space plus an analog stick is a lot more useful than a touch screen.

(I do love the second screen, but it's poorly used in 95% of games. Even Nintendo's games rarely use it decently.)
[quote name='Puppy']That comparison with Game Rankings is pretty telling just how biased some of these people are. [/quote]

Please don't misunderstand. While it's only for a few exceptional titles like Megaman ZX, CV: DoS, Sonic Rush and FF3, I like the DS a whole lot too, and have had a lot of fun with it. The only point of posting that was to show that the PSP isn't doing as bad as so many make it out to be, with little to no focus on the actual comparison itself.
[quote name='Puppy']That comparison with Game Rankings is pretty telling just how biased some of these people are.

I think the DS is a great system too, but I haven't played a single great non-minigame DS game that couldn't have been done as well or better on the PSP, whereas a ton of great PSP games couldn't have been done on the DS.

And as much as I love the Castlevania games, I'd prefer they were on the PSP with even better 2D graphics and music. Actually I'd prefer they do them on the PS3-just go nuts and throw 100's of MB of 2D art at the screen.

I'm also sick of this thing that technology is only for better graphics, and that somehow that means they're not concentrating on gameplay. In reality, better technology opens up more types of possible gameplay. And at least in the case of the DS versus PSP, the PSP's raw power and 16x+ the storage space plus an analog stick is a lot more useful than a touch screen.

(I do love the second screen, but it's poorly used in 95% of games. Even Nintendo's games rarely use it decently.)[/QUOTE]

The PSPs analog sucks on most games, so I wish that had been handled a little differently. And with that, they should have put 2 on the system, which would have opened the door to other types of games(like FPS that did not suck).

And I have always thought that there should have been an adaptor that made UMDs work on a TV. It was a bad decision to not implement that somehow.
I love the PSP's analog stick. I've found it's basically as good as the big consoles (which surprised me when I first used it).

I do wish it had two though-it really should have. But on the other hand I just remind myself that it's the only portable with an analog stick at all, and the PS1 and Saturn didn't start with them at all.

I think it does hurt certain types of games, though Syphoon Filter shows you can work around it, as it controls great (though not like a normal game of that type).
I mostly use it for watching movies and shows when I travel for work. I never get on a plane without a PSP and a DS.
[quote name='Puppy']I love the PSP's analog stick. I've found it's basically as good as the big consoles (which surprised me when I first used it).

I do wish it had two though-it really should have. But on the other hand I just remind myself that it's the only portable with an analog stick at all, and the PS1 and Saturn didn't start with them at all.

I think it does hurt certain types of games, though Syphoon Filter shows you can work around it, as it controls great (though not like a normal game of that type).[/QUOTE]

It's passable, I'm not totally bashing the stick. And games like Coded Arms(FPS) could be MUCH more playable if they had the aiming like Goldeneye(where you hold down a button to move the aim). Controlling the character with the face buttons was just a terrible idea.

The stick gets the job done, but I thinK it could have been a little better designed.
I'm loving my PSP right now. It's perfect for down time at work.

The system has every type of game you could want. LocoRoco, Valkyrie Profile, Tekken, Guilty Gear, Lumines, etc....... And they're not all just simple ports. Well, Valkyrie Profile is, but how many of us have actually played it? They gave us the Dark Resurrection version of Tekken 5. They added the cool Judgement mini game to Guilty Gear X2. Oh, and get the import version so you can play Slash instead of Reload. It's awesome.

Any word on which Final Fantasies will be available for download? I'd get the DS/GBA versions but my wife, daughter, and mother-in-law are bogarting the DS so it'd be nice if they were available for the PSP.
I'm not sure why everybody likes Valkyrie Profile so much. I picked up the PSP version(never played the PS version) and thought it was terriblely dull. Just could not get into it. I liked the battle system kinda, but the rest of the game was boring.
bread's done