What features would you like in new updates?


First let me say I love my Wii. It's the first system I have ever bought that I haven't felt like I wasted my money atleast a little bit.

Anyway, their are only a few things I would like to see added to the options set. First I'd like to have the option for Autoplay. Not really for Wii games, but more for GC games. I think its a bit of a pain to have to use the Wii-mote to start a GC game.

Second I'd like individual channels for the VC game systems. (i.e. NES-->Legend of Zelda; N64-->Super Mario 64; Sega-->Sonic the Hedgehog etc.)

Finally I'd like to be able to post Wii Sports scores online.

These aren't really huge deals but I think I'd like to have them. I got most of the ideas from other CAG's. So post any ideas you may have.
the main stuff i'm looking for is to get the internet up and running along with the news and weather(I know weather is on the 20th). I also want to see the functionality of the usb ports and the firmware updates to allow dvd playing.

I love the system and am incredibly happy with it. I look forward to whatever tweaks they bring our way! It can only help.
I want online stuff besides the VC. Support for games that aren't just old console games would be stellar.
I sort of have a section for this in the FAQ I made, and as such I might gank information from here for updates.

Just sayin'.

And of course I'll give credit where credit is due if I do this thang.
I want to see more options for Mii creation.

And I think after there are a lot more VC games, we'll definitely see channels split up into console, then game.
Coming from a PC platform, i think i've been spoiled too much by the online freedoms. But even so, i think Nintendo has a long ways to go to catch up to the xbox or even sony, with online play.

I say, get online play up and running and make more games that support them! Sometime's it's hard to find a friend at 12am willing to come over to your house and play multiplayer... or sometimes you might get tired of AI and really itch for some human challenge. Then other times u just feel like you wanna kick the ass of some guy from Kansas. Plus online gaming adds so much more to replayability.
I would like updates to NOT break the internet connection. I'm getting a 51330 error after their stupid ass update to add parental controls to the VC games.

When I initially hooked up my Wii, I was getting an error code. So I updated my Linksys54WRG to the latest firmware. This allowed me to connect, but got me another error code. So I changed a bunch of settings... and eventually found the key was to switch from G only to Mixed (B & G).

Well that effing pointless update has got me getting the unable to connect to the internet error again. For a company that preached they wouldn't go online until it was simple to do, they have the most half-ass implementation in videogame history. If the new answer to this is setting the router to B only, I'm done with taking this thing online.

EDIT: Had 2 Wireless settings on the console. Solved the problem by Erasing the non-active Setting 1 which it was defaulting to after the update.
[quote name='PaulG']I would like updates to NOT break the internet connection. I'm getting a 51330 error after their stupid ass update to add parental controls to the VC games.

When I initially hooked up my Wii, I was getting an error code. So I updated my Linksys54WRG to the latest firmware. This allowed me to connect, but got me another error code. So I changed a bunch of settings... and eventually found the key was to switch from G only to Mixed (B & G).

Well that effing pointless update has got me getting the unable to connect to the internet error again. For a company that preached they wouldn't go online until it was simple to do, they have the most half-ass implementation in videogame history. If the new answer to this is setting the router to B only, I'm done with taking this thing online.

EDIT: Had 2 Wireless settings on the console. Solved the problem by Erasing the non-active Setting 1 which it was defaulting to after the update.[/QUOTE]

Check the FAQ. Switching routers to channel 1 or 11 seems to solve most issues.

I'd say the issues with the Wii going online aren't much more annoying than any other piece of hardware I've messed with, but I recognize that it can be quite annoying.
[quote name='Strell']Check the FAQ. Switching routers to channel 1 or 11 seems to solve most issues.

I'd say the issues with the Wii going online aren't much more annoying than any other piece of hardware I've messed with, but I recognize that it can be quite annoying.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I should edit out my rant, but I did include an edit at the bottom. I had 2 wireless profiles and after the update it switched from wireless profile 2 (Good) to profile 1 (not compatible.) After clearing profile 1 I was back in business.

But still, that router is the most popular router sold in the USA. They should have worked out all the kinks on that one before addressing others (or at least had a decent FAQ for it). If you go to the front page, there's a box that addresses slow downloads: and instructs you to switch to Wireless G only as a solution. The most popular wireless router in the USA doesn't work if you do that. You have to used Mixed or you get an error message. And Nintendo's website doesn't even address that. And I know it's not just me, I've seen other posting that had to do the exact same things as I did. Why doesn't Nintendo at least FAQ that? It's absurd.

Edit: In the event people do have that router and they can run fine, version 4 at the very least doesn't.
[quote name='superspiffy']Coming from a PC platform, i think i've been spoiled too much by the online freedoms. But even so, i think Nintendo has a long ways to go to catch up to the xbox or even sony, with online play.

I say, get online play up and running and make more games that support them! Sometime's it's hard to find a friend at 12am willing to come over to your house and play multiplayer... or sometimes you might get tired of AI and really itch for some human challenge. Then other times u just feel like you wanna kick the ass of some guy from Kansas. Plus online gaming adds so much more to replayability.[/QUOTE]

*reads and thinks this guy wants in on "The Most Dangerous Game"*

and in response to the router problems: I've had no trouble since I got it at launch. I think this is amazing cuz my router seems to have a mind of its own usually.
I want them to get rid of the friend codes. Have everyone grab a username and offer a friends list feature. Parental controls could easily prevent kids from playing online with people other than friends. The friend codes drive me fucking nuts. For a company who has no real experience online, why make it so fucking hard for people to play online. (That goes for the DS too.)
I want to be able to deauthorize a Wii for VC games so you can move your VC games over to another Wii. That's number one.

Two would be cleaning up the channels as suggested so VC games are in one channel, then grouped by system or whatever. Seems weird to just throw them all into the main menu.

I also don't agree with the way they gave the disc that's inserted into the system the same priority as say a weather channel, or an individual VC game. I saw that interview with them talking about, but they just said "it would be expected that the disc gets higher priority! But we didn't do that!" umm...okay? Why?

Not a huge deal, but it is a bit strange. But mainly just change the VC system so you can authorize/deauthorize VC content iTunes style.
I want to see a dedicated video channel that can handle real media files (DIVX, MPEG2) stored on USB HDDs. This MJPEG crap sucks.

As said, the VC games need to be grouped by system.

I wish when playing a gamecube game, you could just press the (A) button on the wavebird controller during the warning screen to immediately jump into gamecube bootup. I hate f'n around with several controls... just play the game, damnit!

I want albums in the Photo Channel with the ability to tag and search photos.
USB harddrive/flashdrive support, better online setup, more VC stuff (me want duckhunt), VC category in channels, abuility to load and play off of the SD (or usb in the future) as opposed to having to copy it over, also instead of having VC games linked to your system, have them linked to your controller, so you can take it to a friends house on a SD card and as long as your contoller is there, play it, so its semi authorized so you cant just bootleg them, but still dont have to drag your console up the street if you want to play VC stuff with a friend.
[quote name='T16skyhopp']USB harddrive/flashdrive support, better online setup, more VC stuff (me want duckhunt), VC category in channels, abuility to load and play off of the SD (or usb in the future) as opposed to having to copy it over, also instead of having VC games linked to your system, have them linked to your controller, so you can take it to a friends house on a SD card and as long as your contoller is there, play it, so its semi authorized so you cant just bootleg them, but still dont have to drag your console up the street if you want to play VC stuff with a friend.[/QUOTE]

that VC Game/Wiimote idea is an excellent idea. also sounds like something that could also happen
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