What good DS and GBA games are out of print?


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I just found out today that WarioWare Touched (a game I've been waiting to buy) is OOP and so I'm about to head over to a store where I can pick it up since I don't want to pay a ludicrous amount on eBay for it. I was wondering what other games are or getting to be OOP?

I think I read a while ago that Castievania DOS is getting hard to find, I tried to find it at a Kmart or Toys R Us for $10 but wasn't very successful, should I pick it up for full price at a Gamestop? Are there any other good games that are going extinct?

(I tried searching but you can't really get much for OOP and Out of Print in the search box).


Ok, as my search goes to increase my library of handheld games, my list has changed from what I want to what is quickly disappearing.

Good DS games that are noted as OOP or hard to find are:

WarioWare Touched = OOP (I am hunting for it)
Electroplankton = OOP
Castlevania: DOS = OOP (according to Amazon, its getting harder and harder to find though)
Lost in Blue = Hard to Find/OOP

GBA games are just about growing extinct but notable ones that have been mentioned are:

Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Ninja Five-O
Advance Wars
Golden Sun
[quote name='Zeeman']I just found out today that WarioWare Touched (a game I've been waiting to buy) is OOP and so I'm about to head over to a store where I can pick it up since I don't want to pay a ludicrous amount on eBay for it. I was wondering what other games are or getting to be OOP?

I think I read a while ago that Castievania DOS is getting hard to find, I tried to find it at a Kmart or Toys R Us for $10 but wasn't very successful, should I pick it up for full price at a Gamestop? Are there any other good games that are going extinct?

(I tried searching but you can't really get much for OOP and Out of Print in the search box).[/quote]

C: DoS is hard to find, but its out there. It was put back into print late last year if I recall. I was lucky enough to get my copy for 9 bucks at Kmart. Cool this is that it was one of my first DS games (along with True Swing Golf at the same time)
Yeah I'm glad some games came back into print (read: Phoenix Wright). I just got the game for Christmas and I must say it was very capitivaiting from start to finish, can't wait to get the sequel.
CV-DOS is worth every bits of your money, even if you get it for the full price (and its sequel is very good too).

Anyway, I heard that these games are pretty hard to find also.
Advance Wars-DS
Kirby Canvas Curse
Trauma Center
TONS of games. I mean games almost always go out of print within a year or so, unfortunately. Only exception is Greatest Hits type reprints, but even those go out of print eventually.
Advance Wars-DS
Kirby Canvas Curse
Trauma Center

These are all more difficult to find than the average game, except MPH. You can find that in any place that sells games, period.

GBA games that don't get Player's Choice reprints are generally hard to find. Once they're gone, they're gone, but Konami games in particular are like this. This includes all the GBA Castlevanias in particular. Lately, Lost in Blue for the DS has also been hard to come by for many people.
I tried my Toys R Us and Game Crazy today and they didn't have WarioWare. I remember seeing it around Christmas time so I might check out Walmart and Target tomorrow.

I think Amazon has CV: DOS in stock so I might get it there... I bought POR (with the bonus woot) and almost about done with it so I want to work my way back through the handheld series. I've never seen a physical copy of the Double Pack though of AOS and HOD. Otherwise, I might have to buy both games used seperately. I'm also going to hunt for COM just to complete the series... I really regret not getting that at the GBA launch (I got THPS 2 which I also just sold).

Luckily I snagged Advance Wars Duel Strike at the Toys R Us sale, I'm a little curious about Trauma Center though. I suppose I could get it for the Wii but I like the idea of "On the Go" surgery.

Bah! I'm just trying to prioritize my handheld buying by things that might not be in stores later. I've been waiting to get Tetris DS, Star Fox, and MPH for a long time but I keep putting them off for other games that might not resurface.
With very few exceptions, you can still find any DS game. Lost in Blue is kinda scarce, but the one true rarity for the DS is Electroplankton. One print run, very small quantities, and not sold at most stores. Good luck finding that one.

The list of rare or scarce GBA game could go on for pages. Basically anything more than a year old becomes scarce. If you a gba collector, I would suggest picking up any game your interested in within 6 months or so of its release.
The "Master of Spirits" games are really good (I think that's what they're called). They're tied in to some license, but they're basically Castlevania variants, so really fun.

[quote name='Zeeman'] I've never seen a physical copy of the Double Pack though of AOS and HOD. Otherwise, I might have to buy both games used seperately. I'm also going to hunt for COM just to complete the series... I really regret not getting that at the GBA launch [/quote]

When it first came out I saw the Castlevania double pack all the time, especially at Best Buy. That was at least a year ago though, I think?
Luckily I kept the first GBA Castevania, though I didn't actually get to play it until 2003 when the GBA-SP came out. (IMO the original GBA is unplayable, and I sold mine a couple of months after launch...and I was a HUGE fan of my GBC, and actually had to go back to that.)

I've been waiting to get Tetris DS, Star Fox, and MPH for a long time but I keep putting them off for other games that might not resurface.

Hunters STINKS IMO. It's a generic FPS, not a Metroid game, and it forces you to use the touch screen, which doesn't really work. Tetris wasn't that great either (I'm selling my copy). Haven't played Star Fox yet, but I'd rent that first too, as it's gotten mostly average or negative reviews.
[quote name='4tygames']Nintendo really needs to start its Player's Choice on the DS and add several games to its GBA lineup.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo's never been very good with this-part of it I think is that cartridge based stuff is harder to drop prices on. Ironically within a year or two the PSP's average game cost will probably be cheaper because there will be tons of Greatest Hits because of that.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Nintendo's never been very good with this-part of it I think is that cartridge based stuff is harder to drop prices on. Ironically within a year or two the PSP's average game cost will probably be cheaper because there will be tons of Greatest Hits because of that.[/QUOTE]

Doubtful. Even though Nintendo doesn't do drops on all games, the vast majority of DS games fall to $20 in most retail stores. While Sony is much better at making a greatest hits line then Nintendo or Microsoft, a ton of DS games can be had sub-$20 without that beautiful greatest hits packaging.
[quote name='furyk']Doubtful. Even though Nintendo doesn't do drops on all games, the vast majority of DS games fall to $20 in most retail stores. While Sony is much better at making a greatest hits line then Nintendo or Microsoft, a ton of DS games can be had sub-$20 without that beautiful greatest hits packaging.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was mostly stuff getting clearanced out? I haven't seen much stuff on the DS hitting an official $20 price point (beyond Brain Age and the like), and it's not safe to pass on a game hoping for a cheaper price later.
[quote name='Wolfpup']I thought it was mostly stuff getting clearanced out? I haven't seen much stuff on the DS hitting an official $20 price point (beyond Brain Age and the like), and it's not safe to pass on a game hoping for a cheaper price later.[/QUOTE]

Nah, there's a lot of games that have universal drops. Kirby Canvas Curse, Advanced Wars DS, Sonic Rush, Meteos, True Swing Golf, and so on and so forth all dropped down to $20 about six months after their release universally. The only games that it wasn't safe to pass on were, as always, Atlus titles and Capcom niche releases that they underprinted (which, in turn were reprinted). Yes, a lot of the cheap games we see are on clearance and sure, the big things like Nintendogs or NSMB don't drop. Still, when you look at how successful the DS is at the moment and the fact that the PSP hasn't sold nearly as well as Sony has wanted that it makes sense that the big games drop in price faster then Nintendo's big games. There's just more sustained demand worldwide and nationally for a Nintendogs or a New Super Mario Brothers then there has been for a Loco Roco or a GTA.
[quote name='furyk']Nah, there's a lot of games that have universal drops. Kirby Canvas Curse, Advanced Wars DS, Sonic Rush, Meteos, True Swing Golf, and so on and so forth all dropped down to $20 about six months after their release universally.[/quote]

Those were just price cuts by the stores to move them though AFAIK, not an actual price drop like what we're getting on the PSP (and will get more on). You don't see much of that on the DS and GBA-just a small handful of titles on the GBA, and I'm not sure anything's been rereleased cheaper on the DS.

Still, when you look at how successful the DS is at the moment and the fact that the PSP hasn't sold nearly as well as Sony has wanted that it makes sense that the big games drop in price faster then Nintendo's big games.

The PSP has been a success though, and the price drops aren't due to anything with the DS-they're how Sony always handles all their consoles. It's exactly what we've seen on the PS1 and 2. Games come out, if they're at least fairly successful you see an official price drop and rerelease, usually as a greatest hit. There's still some risk, but it's a fairly predictable thing. That's really different from stores just clearanceing out stuff.
These are the games I had to settle for cartridge only since I couldn't find a new one in any store for the GBA:

Advance Wars
Golden Sun
Konami Krazy Racers
Sega Arcade Gallery

I hope there will be more Player's Choice games coming soon!
[quote name='Wolfpup']Those were just price cuts by the stores to move them though AFAIK, not an actual price drop like what we're getting on the PSP (and will get more on). You don't see much of that on the DS and GBA-just a small handful of titles on the GBA, and I'm not sure anything's been rereleased cheaper on the DS. [/quote]

Oh, I thought you meant everything. Yes, the PSP has more expensive games that drop to a budget price then the DS as sanctioned by Sony. Regardless, a DS game costs, on average, $10 less then a PSP game and even though there aren't official drops, I have yet to see a DS game I want priced more then $24 within the first two weeks it comes out (due to sales and what not).

[quote name='Wolfpup']The PSP has been a success though, and the price drops aren't due to anything with the DS-they're how Sony always handles all their consoles. It's exactly what we've seen on the PS1 and 2. Games come out, if they're at least fairly successful you see an official price drop and rerelease, usually as a greatest hit. There's still some risk, but it's a fairly predictable thing. That's really different from stores just clearanceing out stuff.[/QUOTE]

The PSP has been a success, but it's still last in a two horse race. The majority of gamers, both casual and hardcore, that own a handheld system own either a DS or a DS and a PSP. Even on these boards, I have yet to see a single person who owns a PSP not have a DS. The reason why this is is twofold. The DS is perceived by most gamers to have higher quality software, and it is cheaper. Argue all you want about the PSP having great games, the numbers show most of them aren't selling. We all know Loco Roco did awful numbers, and there is no reason why GTA:VCS gets a price cut only eleven weeks after its release unless it isn't selling.

PSP fanboy reports that there have been 8 million sellers on the system globally while the DS has had 21 million sellers. If you break the article down further, only GTA: Vice City Stories stands as a million seller in the United States alone (there are no million sellers in Japan). The Greatest Hits line seems to have little to do with sales for the PSP and much more to do with what products Sony wants to move. The brand name games besides Liberty City Stories and SOCOM aren't moving as well as Sony would like you to believe.
It's crazy how games are having shorter and shorter shelf lives these days and games that are less than 2 years old are selling for over MSRP on EBay.

I have been lucky so far with getting almost every DS and GBA game I want at a clearance price and hope that continues.
Yeah, I held off on WarioWare Touched for what I thought was an inevitable clearance or at least $20 price. It seems every other game I bought at full price was available dirt cheap later (WarioWare Twisted, Tales of Phantasia, Meteos, AW: DS, even AC:WW for $9 at Kmart). But of course, the ones I hold out for (WarioWare and Castlevania: DOS) go OOP and become hard to find. D'oh!
Ugg! This is insane! I just saw WarioWare literally like two weeks ago but didn't buy it since I didn't think it was disappearing and now I can't find it anywhere! What the heck is going on here?! Hopefully Nintendo will issue a reprint since as much as I want the game, I'm not willing to pay $50 bucks for it. I should probably grab a hold of Dawn of Sorrow before it goes extinct...
[quote name='furyk']...I have yet to see a DS game I want priced more then $24 within the first two weeks it comes out (due to sales and what not). ...[/quote]

That hasn't been the case for me, unfortunately. I can't ever remember getting a DS game that cheap unless it's on clearance (with the exception of the one day Final Fantasy III sale, but that's a HUGE exception). The best I've seen is occasionally Target marks a game down to $28 or something it's first week, but it's not much of a sale, and dosen't cover most games.

The PSP has been a success, but it's still last in a two horse race. The majority of gamers, both casual and hardcore, that own a handheld system own either a DS or a DS and a PSP. Even on these boards, I have yet to see a single person who owns a PSP not have a DS.

Maybe, but in "real life" I've seen a lot more people who own just a PSP than a DS (though that may be skewed because they're all college age or older, I don't know).

...and there is no reason why GTA:VCS gets a price cut only eleven weeks after its release unless it isn't selling.

Not necessarily. Lots of games do that on disc based systems. Some that are quite successful, like Final Fantasy 12, sports games, etc. They can kind of gouge people at a certain price then drop it (especially since it's after Christmas so they're now targeting a different market probably).

Anyway, I can't even remember what we were originally talking about :lol: I guess it had something to do with average game prices? I still think you'll be better off with the PSP in that regard long term, as the games mostly launch at most $5-10 more now (and sometimes not even that), and there's an official method of rereleasing and dropping prices that works great for us CAGs ala the Playstation 1 and 2.
[quote name='Wolfpup']That hasn't been the case for me, unfortunately. I can't ever remember getting a DS game that cheap unless it's on clearance (with the exception of the one day Final Fantasy III sale, but that's a HUGE exception). The best I've seen is occasionally Target marks a game down to $28 or something it's first week, but it's not much of a sale, and dosen't cover most games.[/quote]

It doesn't seem like you're looking hard enough. Besides Gunpey and maybe some of the smaller releases, I've seen everything hit $24 or below from Castlevania to Pokemon.

[quote name='Wolfpup']Maybe, but in "real life" I've seen a lot more people who own just a PSP than a DS (though that may be skewed because they're all college age or older, I don't know).[/quote]

Depends on your area. I've seen two PSPs in the wild at my college's game room before I graduated in December. There were always five to six people playing DS though (Tetris, Mario Kart, etc).

[quote name='Wolfpup']Not necessarily. Lots of games do that on disc based systems. Some that are quite successful, like Final Fantasy 12, sports games, etc. They can kind of gouge people at a certain price then drop it (especially since it's after Christmas so they're now targeting a different market probably).[/quote]

Yes, lots of games drop on disc based systems but not if they're huge hits. Madden dropped recently but in past years drops in April (which says something about the game industry as well this year). FFXII won't universally drop until it goes greatest hits (and no, the "limited" edition exclusive Final Fantasy XII dropping from $60 to $50 at EB doesn't count). A uber popular game like GTA shouldn't drop two months in the same way a Mario game doesn't drop two months after it's release. The lack of GTA:VCS on the GDP lists

[quote name='Wolfpup']Anyway, I can't even remember what we were originally talking about :lol: I guess it had something to do with average game prices? I still think you'll be better off with the PSP in that regard long term, as the games mostly launch at most $5-10 more now (and sometimes not even that), and there's an official method of rereleasing and dropping prices that works great for us CAGs ala the Playstation 1 and 2.[/QUOTE]

And I think you're better off with the DS simply because the system will be around after another year :D. Also the price difference, its $10 not $5-10. The $35-40 DS games are occasional these days the same way PSP $50 games are occasional. Then it breaks down to $30 vs $40 and $20 games vs $30 games.
[quote name='furyk']It doesn't seem like you're looking hard enough. Besides Gunpey and maybe some of the smaller releases, I've seen everything hit $24 or below from Castlevania to Pokemon.[/quote]

Where was Castlevania? I've never seen that, or most releases.

Yes, lots of games drop on disc based systems but not if they're huge hits. Madden dropped recently but in past years drops in April (which says something about the game industry as well this year). FFXII won't universally drop until it goes greatest hits (and no, the "limited" edition exclusive Final Fantasy XII dropping from $60 to $50 at EB doesn't count).

I was seeing it for $40 everywhere so I thought that was official, but I guess it was just sales or something.

A uber popular game like GTA shouldn't drop two months in the same way a Mario game doesn't drop two months after it's release. The lack of GTA:VCS on the GDP lists

Maybe so, but you're putting an awful lot on that one game. They launched the PS2 port of the last one for $20, they've dropped that Table Tennis game on the 360 even faster, so it's not like it's unprecedented for them. I think they dropped the first game pretty fast too, and it probably sold better just 'cause it was something unique (getting to try a type of gameplay that hasn't been possible on a handheld before).

And I think you're better off with the DS simply because the system will be around after another year :D. Also the price difference, its $10 not $5-10. The $35-40 DS games are occasional these days the same way PSP $50 games are occasional. Then it breaks down to $30 vs $40 and $20 games vs $30 games.

(The PSP will be here in a year also...)
I don't see that at all. PSP games new range from $20-40, with most first run probably in the $30-40 range, then dropping to $20. DS games new range from $20-40 too, with most in the $30-35 range. As the Greatest Hits library gets bigger, the average game price on the PSP will probably drop to less than the DS, if it hasn't already. The typical $5 price difference just isn't that huge.
Wow what a delusional PSP fanboy. You deserve to spend all your money on shitty games. So just keep on doing what you're doing.
So apparently Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow is officially out of print... again. I'm having my sister take a look at two stores I remember seeing it at because I just moved back to college and thought I could get it on Amazon. Bah! I can't let this one slip through the cracks!
Y'all are forgetting about that Monopoly/Yahtzee/Battleship/whatever pack on DS, too... I thought it was overpriced at $30 when it came out.... and now it's OOP.

As for the PSP/DS popularity... you know, I hardly *ever* see anyone with handhelds anywhere here... I've seen one DS at my college... no PSP's. When i took my own DS, though, people seemed really interested in it.

I've seen one kid "in the wild" with a PSP... I think that's about it for handhelds. I dunno what the deal is around here. People out in public (with the exception of school) always look at me oddly when I have mine with me, as well. But maybe that's cause I'm a woman in her mid 20's playing video games... I dunno if that's all that accepted by most people.

[quote name='Snake2715']I will keep my eyes out fo rWario Ware Touched.. I got it at release and didnt find that lasting appeal in it.[/QUOTE]

I just bought one at full price at Kmart last night. I felt dirty spending $35 in cash on a game (as opposed to store credit at EB or something). A Gamecrazy nearby had Castlevania and I have a 10% off new portable game coupon. I should have just bought the damn thing, but I'm holding off on finding it used at another GC (where I can use A Buy 1 Get 1 free coupon).

I have a feeling WarioWare will end up being a PC re-release at some point, but who knows...
Woo! Scored a copy of Dawn of Sorrow! Now all I gotta do is track down the double pack and WarioWare Touched. I'm going to consider myself lucky for picking up the Minish Cap at the Kmart clearance seeing that others are having a hard time finding it.
[quote name='Zeeman']Woo! Scored a copy of Dawn of Sorrow! Now all I gotta do is track down the double pack and WarioWare Touched. I'm going to consider myself lucky for picking up the Minish Cap at the Kmart clearance seeing that others are having a hard time finding it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've been to many Kmarts during the latest clearance round and have never seen Minish Cap. I did go back to a GC tonight and picked up Castlevania DoS. That's 2 GC's I've been to and they each had 2 copies a piece. I know my local Fred Meyer has one as well. It certainly isn't as hard to find as WarioWare Touched. This GC also had a used WarioWare Touched (cart only unfortunately). I picked up that and Magical Starsign (also cart only :cry:) for $24.99 total with the Buy 1 Get 1 free coupon I got with a system purchase. The WarioWare is a surprise birthday gift for my son - he'll be thrilled (and won't care that it is cart only). I would have had a hard time droipping $45 on the two of them given they were cart-only, but the coupon made that much easier ;). And now I can return my Kmart copy or possibly hold on to it to see if it gets even more rare.

Now, apparently, I'm hearing that Lost In Blue is OOP and hard to find! I can't fucking keep up!
[quote name='io']

Now, apparently, I'm hearing that Lost In Blue is OOP and hard to find! I can't fucking keep up![/quote]

Lost in Blue has been hard to find for me. Ive seen some game only copies, but I refuse to buy a ds game without the case & manual.

If you happen to see any copies of Electroplankton (you wont) I'd pick those up too.

Ive been on a GBA kick lately, I just got in the mail Road Rash: Jailbreak, Lady Sia, and Wade Hixton Counterpunch. Wade Hixton is the closest thig were gonna get to Punchout on the GBA/DS and I heartily reccomend it. I got it from Target.com for like $10 new + Shipping.
[quote name='PrTv']CV-DOS is worth every bits of your money, even if you get it for the full price (and its sequel is very good too).

Anyway, I heard that these games are pretty hard to find also.
Advance Wars-DS
Kirby Canvas Curse
Trauma Center

I seriously hope you're joking, as those are five of the most common, every-day DS games avaiable. Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow is pretty easy to find used, but it'll cost you full price.

As for GBA... Nearly anything good is out-of-print, besides the PC games.
Originally Posted by PrTv
CV-DOS is worth every bits of your money, even if you get it for the full price (and its sequel is very good too).

Anyway, I heard that these games are pretty hard to find also.
Advance Wars-DS
Kirby Canvas Curse
Trauma Center

Yeah, I went on a game Search and Destroy Mission (3 ebgames, Circuit City, and a Best Buy) and couldn't find Touched Anywhere. I did find two copies of Meteos and several copies of Trauma Center. I think TC use to be rare but it was reprinted a while back. Metroid Prime Hunters isn't rare though since its everywhere. I didn't really run into that many copies of Kirby or Advance Wars though... luckily I got my AW at Toys R Us two weeks ago. Anyway, I updated the main post with the findings and input.
[quote name='Jeoff']Wow what a delusional PSP fanboy. You deserve to spend all your money on shitty games. So just keep on doing what you're doing.[/QUOTE]

Wow! A bizaro world Troll! Hi troll-y!
im really thinking i shouldve picked up that warioware touched at eb just now...im not sure if it was there but they had a a case well a disc case that said warioware touched...
though i was able to buy DOS used and get an edge card
i'll check tomorrow if they still have it.....and pw:jfa will tempt me >_>
man u guys cant forget my homie, Car Battler Joe.

or is it dat his game is so rare there's no way you couldnt not forget him?!?!
[quote name='Snake2715']I will keep my eyes out fo rWario Ware Touched.. I got it at release and didnt find that lasting appeal in it.[/quote]I got it for something like $20 and then sold it for $40 after finding the same... no desire to play anything on it a second time, and a nice profit.

[quote name='Puffa469']I found Tactics Ogre gba this morning on my travels. Cart only for $12. :D[/quote]I got mine complete for $17 a year ago. ;)
[quote name='JEKKI']man u guys cant forget my homie, Car Battler Joe.

or is it dat his game is so rare there's no way you couldnt not forget him?!?![/quote]

Ive been looking for Car Battler Joe since it came out. And by looking, I mean 'not finding anywhere goddammit!' >(
I played through Tactics Ogre on the GBA back when it came out. Enjoyed it okay, though not as good as Vandal Hearts IMO (I liked it a lot more than Final Fantasy Tactics though).

I had forgotten Car Battle Joe existed! I missed that, and it looked nifty.
o and I forgot my other 2 homies,

muhfugginz Billy an Jimmy Lee, hoes!!!

dat's rite, that DOUBLE DRAGON ADVANCE.

dat game is INCREDIBLE!

like, u play River City Advance and u like

"eh, this game is coo"

but then u play Double Dragon and u like

"hoooooo shit dawg!! they dunn improved Double Dragon like the night!!"

it's so awesome...
[quote name='Wolfpup']I played through Tactics Ogre on the GBA back when it came out. Enjoyed it okay, though not as good as Vandal Hearts IMO (I liked it a lot more than Final Fantasy Tactics though).

I had forgotten Car Battle Joe existed! I missed that, and it looked nifty.[/quote]
That's because the GBA one is a lousy Tactics Ogre.

The good one is Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together, which is available for PSOne. It was produced by Yasumi Matsuno. The same man who had a hand in Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy XII, Ogre Battle, and Vagrant Story.
[quote name='Pijaibros']That's because the GBA one is a lousy Tactics Ogre.

The good one is Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together, which is available for PSOne. It was produced by Yasumi Matsuno. The same man who had a hand in Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy XII, Ogre Battle, and Vagrant Story.[/QUOTE]

That might explain why I could play through the GBA one. I *HATE* Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story. I was completely amazed that I actually liked FF12. Ogre Battle was kind of interesting/different though (but I wasn't a huge fan).

So I guess Square must have hired him away?
I didnt realize castlevania DOS is hard to find?? Picked it up at Kmart for $9!! Also they had 3 of the double pack of the GBA castlevania , is this one getting hard to find also?? If it is im goin back to get mine , the only problem is that my Kmart doesnt keep on the clearance prices from that other thread , dont know what do to about that or even go about telling the employee "hey thats the wrong price"??? Anyways should I go ahead and pick up the double pack??
Thats one game I DO own. ;) It does kick ass just like you said...uhh... like I think you said...

[quote name='JEKKI']o and I forgot my other 2 homies,

muhfugginz Billy an Jimmy Lee, hoes!!!

dat's rite, that DOUBLE DRAGON ADVANCE.

dat game is INCREDIBLE!

like, u play River City Advance and u like

"eh, this game is coo"

but then u play Double Dragon and u like

"hoooooo shit dawg!! they dunn improved Double Dragon like the night!!"

it's so awesome...[/quote]
I think you can probably add the original WarioWare for the GBA to the list. I couldn't even find a single current OR COMPLETED auction for it, new OR used. So I can't even find out what the value is - seems to be rare, in any case even if it isn't worth much. I know I haven't seen one in a store since I found mine at the CC clearance last summer (for a nice $8.96).
bread's done