What is hardcore gaming? What does it mean to you?

No, I know, I would've considered myself hardcore until everybody brought up the whole "wel, u lik games and have a collection, so you're a egotistical douche!" So I dunno. Or care all that much.
[quote name='Chacrana']No, I know, I would've considered myself hardcore until everybody brought up the whole "wel, u lik games and have a collection, so you're a egotistical douche!" So I dunno. Or care all that much.[/QUOTE]

yeah, I thought it had potential for discussion...but that theme keeps coming up.
[quote name='hostyl1']This touches on a subject that is one of my pet peeves with the online gaming community. I liken "hardcore gamers" to "wine snobs". They tend to take the games, and themselves, way too seriously and obsess over every bit of minutia.

Furthermore, they have created the term 'hardcore' to distance themselves from the great unwashed masses that are the 'casual' and/or 'mainstream' gamers. But in the end, it's all a crock of crap. Hardcore gamers tend to only accept certain games or certain genres as worthy of play. Japanese RPGs tend to gain you street cred. An occasional dabbling into the GTAs, Maddens, and Halos of the world wont hurt you too bad, but you need to supplement that with some ICO, Psychonauts, or Okami type critically-acclaimed poorly selling game to regain your balance. Playing Hannah Montana, Yu-Gi-Oh, or anything Harry Potter? (begin Soup Nazi voice) "Banned! One year!"

I agree with this. To me "hardcore is a completely manufactured term, and mainly a backlash against all the new people getting into gaming with the Wii.

I really think hardcore only means you are deeply involved in gaming, whether the time is spent just gaming or gaming + message boards. If somebody only spent their time playing Wii Sports and Wii Play along with other casual games, but they spent a lot of time playing, I would consider them a hardcore gamer.
[quote name='Apossum']see...I would definitely consider you hardcore. we discuss things pretty in depth on live--stuff even your average gamer wouldn't know much about. and you know about train-rape sims-- that's the point of no return. Uber-RPG nerds are just uber-rpg nerds.

edit: i dunno, I don't have too much baggage with the word...I just see it as a "degree" thing- small, medium, or large etc.[/quote]

The "baggage" I have with the terms comes from (some of) those who define *themselves* as "hardcore". The truth of the matter is, if you play games a lot you *are* hardcore. And it doesnt matter whether you play the whole gamut of games or you simply play Yahoo Hearts. Go into some of the Yahoo lounges of "casual" games and tell me if you dont think some of those people are hardcore.

But that's the 'denotation' of the term. The 'connotation' is much more narrowly defined. I think most here and on other video boards would exclude a fan of a single game like Madden from the hardcore. They would assume that a hardcore gamer has had a more broad taste of gaming genres. Also said hardcore would be aware of 'cult-favorite' games. Do you not agree?

Oh and you absolutely *must* have a deep seated loathing of Electronic Arts (j/k).
lata, hostyl1
--not k3wl enough to be hardcore :lol:
[quote name='pumbaa']Then what is a game that caters to the hardcore?[/QUOTE]

Ao rated games ... cater to that fuckers! Seriously though I don't understand why hardcore ended up associated with FPS in the first place. I've always looked at it like a hardcore gamer is someone who will play just about any game for the sake of it being a game, not a single genre. It's funny what happens when the media gets involved isn't it?

[quote name='jer7583']I enjoy videogames, why is there more to it than this?[/QUOTE]

Because people need to feel secure with themselves on the Internet by assigning a meaningless label to every discussion to show their superiority. The mere fact that we're talking about this puts us as "hardcore" gamers regardless of what you think in some people's eyes. Having said that, we all know someone who is deeper into video games then we are so we can say "well at least I'm not that bad". It's a meaningless word because people use it to say different things about others, mostly negative and mostly to make themselves feel better about their hobby.
I'm somewhat surprised nobody has thrown "mainstream gamer" into this. Your madden, gta4, halo, gears (generally) people that only play what the commercials and cardboard cutouts impose on them. Nothing wrong with those games, but you see where I am going.

I've never considered hardcore with a negative connotation, but maybe we need a new term for the people who are ruining it.
Edge magazine did a survey thing a few years ago called "Are you a Hardcore gamer", it had questions like "Have you ever owned a Neo Geo console" and things like that. Thats probably took it in more of a gaming snobbery direction.

I think a Hardcore gamer is someone who makes videogames into something a bit more than just a way to pass a few hours. They post on Forums or read magazines/websites on the subject. Probably know a bit more about games and have more up to date information then Jo Public.

I don't think it's a particularly negative term, I think a snob who happens to be snobby about video-games is something different.
For me, hardcore gamer used to mean "Cool, that person's really into video games." But then, as the industry grew and we see the rapid influx of casual games, hardcore gamer turned into "elitist bastard", with exception.

Now, when I see the term, what comes to mind is the stereotype: a fanboy (usually Sony or MS, because it seems Nintendo isn't as "hardcore" anymore), whose favorite genre is the BGV (blood, guns and violence). Cutsy graphics? Needs more brown. 480p? Phail, needs more HD. Etc. etc., you get my point.

I agree with other people in the thread, that the term hardcore gamer evolved into an elitist title, to separate "the knowledgeable, the best and the brightest" from the "unwashed heathens". I see it as a facet of human nature - people setting up defensive mechanisms to protect themselves from outsiders.
[quote name='hostyl1']The "baggage" I have with the terms comes from (some of) those who define *themselves* as "hardcore". The truth of the matter is, if you play games a lot you *are* hardcore. And it doesnt matter whether you play the whole gamut of games or you simply play Yahoo Hearts. Go into some of the Yahoo lounges of "casual" games and tell me if you dont think some of those people are hardcore.

well, yeah. like I said, sometimes those people just hardcore assholes :lol: Other times, they're right to define themselves that way. I also mentioned the yahoo/web games people in another post-- definitely hardcore gamers.

completely agree with your post.

But that's the 'denotation' of the term. The 'connotation' is much more narrowly defined. I think most here and on other video boards would exclude a fan of a single game like Madden from the hardcore. They would assume that a hardcore gamer has had a more broad taste of gaming genres. Also said hardcore would be aware of 'cult-favorite' games. Do you not agree?

Oh and you absolutely *must* have a deep seated loathing of Electronic Arts (j/k).
lata, hostyl1
--not k3wl enough to be hardcore :lol:

yeah, someone who buys Madden once a year probably just games casually. I don't think it's that narrow-- i think "hardcore" encompasses the people who have gaming as their main hobby, then from there, they need to be separated into smaller groups depending on what they are into.
Like in music, someone can be a hardcore music fan, but be really into all things pop or all things punk, or even just a certain kind of pop or punk.

I enjoy videogames, why is there more to it than this?

because videogames aren't just one unified thing. there are subgroups of fans.
In other words, this is interesting for social science majors with nothing better to do :) jk
You've got the hardcore RPG fans that will import RPGs so they can play through them six months before they hit our shores. They aren't the same as the hardcore Madden players that camp out before release day. So many different types of hardcore.
hardcore gamers are fanatics, the way a sports fan is different than a casual fan.
the hardcore type has a greater grasp of information ready on hand, enjoys reading and discussing the topic more, has a deeper level of emotional involvement to go alongside the rational pursuit. Reads secondary and tertiary sources constantly be they print or electronic.
The hardcore looks forward to and is more aware of what has come, and what has passed. Has a better understanding of the entire field and almost always has an opinion on any subject in that field, regardless of how shallow or deep the current level of knowledge might be.

If one was to sum it up succinctly, it would be a prolonged passion for all things gaming, as opposed to a passion to just one or a couple things, (tetris, bubble bobble or second life).
Hardcore can differentiate commitment to any hobby. Be it collecting stamps, watching birds, climbing mountains, playing softball or saving a buck. And for some, that higher level of commitment and passion is a badge of honor, worn always with pride.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']hardcore is just a term made up by gamers to make themselves feel better about themselves[/quote]


To me, harcore is a label that FPS addicted twist who get off on pissing on everyone elses' game parade like to use for themselves... the ones that really get pleasure out of and fel like big men for fucking it up for everyone else. Those seem to be the ones that call themselves "hardcore". Nintendo isn't "hardcore" because they don't make the sorts of games these twits would play...

Then I think there are "serious" gamers... who are normal, well adjusted people, who just like to game a lot, and keep up with gaming news, new releases, etc. If I had my way, this is what "hardcore" would be... and those mentioned in the previous paragraph would henceforth just be referred to as "losers" :lol:

Then there's the casual gamer, who doesn't keep up with anything, and just occassionally picks up something on a whim. Nintendogs is cute, Brain Age is interesting, etc.

There's nothing wrong with either, I just think video game companies need to remember what made them successful to begin with and what that demographic wants - it obviously DOES make them money, after all...
I dont get all the negative connotation associated with the term 'hardcore'.

Im a Hardcore gamer. To me that means Im reeeally into gaming.

Shit, everyone here is a hardcore gamer. Your arguing about the term on an internet message board dedicated to gamers who buy sooo many games that they need to get them cheap.

I got news for you, if you follow gamimg development, and stream E3 press conferences, and know all the games that are coming out a year before they do, then your a hardcore gamer too.

Being elitist, or dismissive of others gaming likes and opinions doesnt make you hardcore, it makes you an asshole.
[quote name='Puffa469']I dont get all the negative connotation associated with the term 'hardcore'.

Im a Hardcore gamer. To me that means Im reeeally into gaming.

Shit, everyone here is a hardcore gamer. Your arguing about the term on an internet message board dedicated to gamers who buy sooo many games that they need to get them cheap.

I got news for you, if you follow gamimg development, and stream E3 press conferences, and know all the games that are coming out a year before they do, then your a hardcore gamer too.

Being elitist, or dismissive of others gaming likes and opinions doesnt make you hardcore, it makes you an asshole.[/QUOTE]

It's denial, of course. That's pretty much it.

I do agree that there is a distinction b/w 'hardcore' and 'asshole.' They are often spotted together, but nevertheless can be mutually exclusive.
[quote name='Puffa469']I dont get all the negative connotation associated with the term 'hardcore'.

Im a Hardcore gamer. To me that means Im reeeally into gaming.

Shit, everyone here is a hardcore gamer. Your arguing about the term on an internet message board dedicated to gamers who buy sooo many games that they need to get them cheap.

I got news for you, if you follow gamimg development, and stream E3 press conferences, and know all the games that are coming out a year before they do, then your a hardcore gamer too.

Being elitist, or dismissive of others gaming likes and opinions doesnt make you hardcore, it makes you an asshole.[/QUOTE]

I was typing the same thing. To me every single person who posted here is a hardcore gamer, they either don't realize it or deny it. If you are checking this site at work, or at home on odd hours, or you are reading blogs and sites about E3 coverage I hate to break it to you but are hardcore.

Imagine if it was cars and someone you worked with loved Camaros and checked car sites about the new Camaro redesign. When you describe that person to someone else, chances are you would use the word Hardcore Car or Camaro lover.

For me it has nothing to do with being an asshole. It has nothing to do with with being elitist. It has nothing to do with playing a game to 100%. It has everything to do with loving games and nothing else. Some of the same people I see in this thread saying that hardcore gamers are assholes and elitists are the same ones bitching in the Fanboy BluRay and Xbox threads, but yet somehow that same classification doesn't apply to them now? Hello kettle?

If you love games, if you talk about games to people who don't care, if you know release dates like the back of your hand, if you can't wait for the next Kojima game, if you know who Kojima is, if you know schedules, directors and studios, then you are a hardcore gamer. It has nothing to do with what you have or how you play it. It has everything to do with how you feel about it.

Sadly, I am sure this will help fuel the fire and flame war will ensue. So to all the people that are about to disagree with this and bitch about it and debate the nuances of the word, remember you are fighting on a video game forum about the validity of the words hardcore gamer, take a step back and think about how hypocritical that is.
[quote name='rabidmonkeys']I was typing the same thing. To me every single person who posted here is a hardcore gamer, they either don't realize it or deny it. If you are checking this site at work, or at home on odd hours, or you are reading blogs and sites about E3 coverage I hate to break it to you but are hardcore.[/quote]

I don't think anyone here denies being really into games... "hardcore" is just one of the labels you could use for that. I probably wouldn't call myself hardcore, simply because I think it sounds silly for me :lol: , but I wouldn't deny being obsessed with video games, or care if someone else called me hardcore. I think people were simply discussing the term and how it is generally used.

I don't really see why people are acting like we're all fighting, or going to start a flame war, in this thread, either. I haven't read all the posts, but it's appeaered to be a sensible discussion to me?
In the spirit of the OP, I wonder then what Nintendo's place in all this is. We've gotten a couple of definitions on what "hardcore" means and is... but I think where I'm coming from is this perception that Nintendo is no longer or hasn't been "core" for a while.

Nintendo's conference seems a bit defensive on this front at times, and those guys on G4 unequivocally said that Nintendo no longer cared about the "hardcore" gamer.

In fact, one guy went so far as to say that the "mainstream" press would eat Nintendo's press conference up, while there was absolutely nothing there for the enthusiast.

I'm just wondering what the key here is. Is it about cinematic experiences (which arguably got their start with the PS1 and the FFs?) Is is about blood, violence, and "reality?" There seems to be something that Nintendo doesn't do (or can't do) that turns them off to a very specific type of gamer... and they are a vocal audience.

Is "casual" for Wii simply the same thing as "kiddie" for the GameCube and N64?
AWESOME! THANK YOU MODS!!! for serious.

anyway, Pumbaa, Nintendo is just another game company. I don't think companies fall in to the definition of hardcore or not. Just like you can't really classify certain kinds of music as "only for hardcore music listeners." (Unless, you know, the genre uses the word) :) Someone can be hardcore and listen to Britney Spears (for whatever reason.)

point-- any hardcore fan of anything can like any part of their obsession for whatever reason, imho. hope that makes sense.

Nintendo was on the defensive, but only because people are co-opting the term "hardcore" to promote their own tastes.
Nintendo isn't catering to the hardcore gamer. Where are the JRPGs? The GC had several hardcore games. I'd consider anyone that plays and enjoys Eternal Darkness, Killer 7, Skies of Arcadia, and Baten Kaitos to be hardcore. Nintendo seems to be going away from some of these games and pushing straight 1st party and licensed crap.
hmm... apart from Trauma Center 2, Resident Evil UC, and Nights 2, I don't think there's any even remotely decent 3rd party games on the Wii this year... so yeah, it seems like moreso than ever before, the system is being carried by Nintendo's first party stuff.
And those first-party games, for the most part, are either last-gen games with Wii controls, or shit like Wii Fit. Phail.
[quote name='javeryh']Everyone knows that hardcore gamers play videogames while drunk, smoking a stogie and getting a blowjob all at the same time. Anything less and you are a hardcore pussy.[/quote]

Don't forget that you should be taking a dump while all that other stuff is happening.

I think about playing games all day long, go home and play them, dream about playing games, and wake up wishing I could stay home and play games. Does that make me hardcore?
People said it in this thread that hardcore is a title that separates them from the casual gamers. Since Nintendo is appealing to the casual gamers (everybody) moreso than the "hardcore gamers" (a certain group of people) people would think Nintendo isn't "hardcore". "Hardcore" separates itself from the everybody with the blood/fps/playing with godly graphics because not everyone like those kinds of genre. At least that's what I think about "Nintendo not being hardcore in the mainstream world". It's lame to think a company isn't appealing to a certain group just because they want to appeal to all. They just lack the games. They need more 3rd party developers to make some other games that isn't entirely Mario.

Oh and with the first part of your question, what is hardcore gaming and what it means to me?

Hardcore gaming to me is just playing the game and beyond it (look below for beyond it).

Hardcore gamers are people who know the games, game developers, publishers, news of gaming, participate in tournaments/social circles (like forum boards) with games, talk to other gamers about games/strategy/news/developers etc, plays the game, and utilizing/understanding the game (frame rates, juggles, etc) going beyond what casual gamers do. I don't think of it as a bad thing, the lovely people who wants to label themselves as hardcore in a way that make other gamers feel like what they play isn't gaming and isn't cool/fun/challenging/etc do.
[quote name='Vinny']spend 99% of their times inside. They only go out when stores get the latest copy of 'Hardcore RPG 3' Special Ultra Limited Edition comes out- they pick up the regular copy too... just so they can say they're better than you at both copies. [/QUOTE]Somewhat sounds like me, but I only go out to buy a new video game.;) If I'm not buying a new video game, no reason to go out.
Mana Knight, you seriously make me sad. There's so much more to life. I don't say this as an insult. I say this as genuine concern for what you're missing out on. Get out there, make some memories, make some friends. I think you've got some issues to work through, maybe with being afraid of social contact, maybe with self-image that makes you want to stay to a safe hobby, I don't know. I was about the same way until sophomore year of high school.

I just would hate someone to wake up one day and realize they don't have stories to tell and memories to think about and laugh about. Maybe see your school's counseling center if you feel it's a problem. I can't make you do anything, though. And if it really doesn't bother you, then I won't judge.
Nintendo doesn't seem to realize that with Mario Kart for the Wii online, Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. 3 w/ online support they can cater to everyone at the same time.

Or do they?
[quote name='jer7583']Mana Knight, you seriously make me sad. There's so much more to life. I don't say this as an insult. I say this as genuine concern for what you're missing out on. Get out there, make some memories, make some friends. I think you've got some issues to work through, maybe with being afraid of social contact, maybe with self-image that makes you want to stay to a safe hobby, I don't know. I was about the same way until sophomore year of high school.

I just would hate someone to wake up one day and realize they don't have stories to tell and memories to think about and laugh about. Maybe see your school's counseling center if you feel it's a problem. I can't make you do anything, though. And if it really doesn't bother you, then I won't judge.[/QUOTE]
Who cares? You're gonna die, everyone's gonna die. Anything you do will be forgotten in the end. Let him spend his time how it pleases him.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Who cares? You're gonna die, everyone's gonna die. Anything you do will be forgotten in the end. Let him spend his time how it pleases him.[/QUOTE]

That's the point; life's too fucking short. Also, from some of his other posts, it doesn't sound like he's enjoying it at all.
[quote name='Apossum']have you guys heard anyone use the word hardcore in anything outside of gaming?

anyone who isn't a gamer that walks into your room and sees a bookcase full of games would call you a "hardcore" gamer. the word is used for anyone who is really into anything... a hardcore metalhead, a hardcore starwars fan, a hardcore crackhead etc.

there are people who are so self-important that they have to be the most into anything they are talking about...but they're just hardcore assholes ;)[/quote]

makes sense to me...lol
[quote name='pumbaa']In the spirit of the OP, I wonder then what Nintendo's place in all this is. We've gotten a couple of definitions on what "hardcore" means and is... but I think where I'm coming from is this perception that Nintendo is no longer or hasn't been "core" for a while.

Nintendo's conference seems a bit defensive on this front at times, and those guys on G4 unequivocally said that Nintendo no longer cared about the "hardcore" gamer.

In fact, one guy went so far as to say that the "mainstream" press would eat Nintendo's press conference up, while there was absolutely nothing there for the enthusiast.

I'm just wondering what the key here is. Is it about cinematic experiences (which arguably got their start with the PS1 and the FFs?) Is is about blood, violence, and "reality?" There seems to be something that Nintendo doesn't do (or can't do) that turns them off to a very specific type of gamer... and they are a vocal audience.

Is "casual" for Wii simply the same thing as "kiddie" for the GameCube and N64?[/QUOTE]

That is the very problem with how hardcore gets defined. If you call somebody a hardcore gamer because of the TYPES of games they play then Nintendo probably isn't catering to them. If you call somebody a hardcore gamer because of the AMOUNT of games they play then Nintendo still is catering to the hardcore gamer.

That is why the term "hardcore" gamer irritates me, when it is used to describe the TYPES of games a person plays, it usually equates to the cinematic games that were popularized when game storage capacity increased during the Playstation era, and is often associated with bloodier, more violent games. To extract it even more, this really refers to the image (facade) associated with the TYPES of games a person plays. To me it's no more hardcore than the person who clothes themselves with the latest Hot Topic line.

I would associate the term hardcore with the AMOUNT of games a person plays (and game information they read) regardless of the game type. If someone only plays casual games, but plays a lot of them, they are a hardcore gamer IMO. In that way I don't think Nintendo has forgotten about the hardcore gamer.

I am a hardcore gamer by any definition, I own and play all kinds of games. But I can play and appreciate Gears of War, Company of Heroes for the PC, and still enjoy Wii Sports. I don't think there has to be a line in the sand for any gamer.
It's like if you have diarrhea, but no, you can't just have normal diarrhea like everyone else and take Pepto Bismol. No, you have to have Hardcore Diarrhea. You need Pepto MAX because you are just that much better than everyone else.
[quote name='whoknows']It's like if you have diarrhea, but no, you can't just have normal diarrhea like everyone else and take Pepto Bismol. No, you have to have Hardcore Diarrhea. You need Pepto MAX because you are just that much better than everyone else.[/QUOTE]

hahahahhhahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahaha :bouncy: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
[quote name='whoknows']It's like if you have diarrhea, but no, you can't just have normal diarrhea like everyone else and take Pepto Bismol. No, you have to have Hardcore Diarrhea. You need Pepto MAX because you are just that much better than everyone else.[/quote]
Hardcore gamer?


Hardcore diarreha?

bread's done