What is the Wii to you? A revolutionary success, or nintendo's biggest failure?

[quote name='maximumzero']

I own way, way, more Wii games than 360 games. This picture is outdated, actually. Now the entire top shelf is Wii games and half of the second shelf is Wii games as well for a total of about 25.

Meanwhile I have about 7 360 games, which is basically everything that you see in this picture here in addition to Prince of Persia, Ghostbusters & Bionic Commando.

In my opinion the Wii just has more games that are fun. Games I enjoy more.When I'm in a store, be it Wal-Mart, Gamestop, or Best Buy, looking at the 360 shelf all I manage to see are shooters, fighting games, and the occasional RPG. I love variety with my games.[/QUOTE]

To each his own? Maybe your opinion of the 360 has been negatively affected by 1/7th of your collection being Sonic Unleashed. :D

I think it really comes down to personal preference. I've only had my Wii a couple months, and I've enjoyed it mainly because I've been picky with what games I've purchased (obviously). My main issue is that I really don't like motion controls generally. Even in a game I like such as SMG, the waggle parts still bug me. Tiger Woods 10 is changing my mind though.
[quote name='bvharris']To each his own? Maybe your opinion of the 360 has been negatively affected by 1/7th of your collection being Sonic Unleashed. :D

I think it really comes down to personal preference. I've only had my Wii a couple months, and I've enjoyed it mainly because I've been picky with what games I've purchased (obviously). My main issue is that I really don't like motion controls generally. Even in a game I like such as SMG, the waggle parts still bug me. Tiger Woods 10 is changing my mind though.[/QUOTE]

Say what you will but Sonic Unleashed is easily my favorite 360 and one of my favorite games of the generation.

[quote name='chimpian']the wii is 'stupid' fun, honestly its for people who arent into the bells and whistles of gaming and just want to have fun.
I enjoy it to a point but i tend to grab my other consoles before the wii more often then not. But if people are over to hang out i would grab the wii over the others.[/QUOTE]

What does this even mean? Bells and Whistles? Stupid Fun?
Just to add, the Wii provides a gaming system besides the DS, that is easily fun for ages 12 and under.

I've got two nephews that can't get enough of it. Even though there are titles that span all three, throw those out, there still are titles that are completely fun.

Sure some software is shovelware, but small minds don't mind, it sells.... but there is quality games on the wii.

I've easily owned 20 games and those are mainly RPGs, with a few cross console titles only because I don't have a 360/ps3. The boys themselves have plenty of games too, and all real fun... roughly another 20 titles...

Just because it doesn't serve up a FPS every two weeks, shouldn't be a failure... ... even looking at the 360, there's only what, 3 or 4 RPGs... maybe less since only going exclusives... that I care about.

I'm utterly against FPS on consoles, Wii makes it better, Rail games are fun, but joypad with a FPS, and even a RTS, coming from PC that's redunculous. I would never torture myself like that.

so take out all that, what's left.... sports games, and a shit ton of them, another section that I don't care about.

I could say that the 360/ps3 is a failure in my eyes... course this is highly biased.... and I don't say that because it's wrong. I would take the same reguard with the Wii. So what if it may not cater directly at YOU... it's still a success anyways.

Just look before that time... what you had was the Gamecube, mostly E rating games but really small library... then the SNES and N64, again, E titles hardly any M titles.... even playstation didn't have that may M titles either, many didn't break till Ps2.

Frankly the Wii is there where the ps360 just doesn't reach, the small and the older, that normally aren't lumped in the gaming generation.

The ps360 should be giving credit to nintendo, because what do you think those boys would want once they get older... eventually a ps360, their tastes, much like tastes for beer will mature.

And the Wii isn't just for kids, there just isn't enough to cater the rapid kuju's hardcore fans....
I turn my Wii on about every 6-7 (maybe longer) months now.

Played the shit out of Smash Bros. when it came out last year...then completely stopped.

The games that are released on it just don't interest. I'm going to guess that next time I turn it on is when Galaxy 2 comes out.

In short, for me and my gaming habits, Wii sucks.
[quote name='xycury']I could say that the 360/ps3 is a failure in my eyes... course this is highly biased.... and I don't say that because it's wrong. I would take the same reguard with the Wii. So what if it may not cater directly at YOU... it's still a success anyways.[/QUOTE]

I think Will Wright put it best:

"The only next gen system I've seen is the Wii – the PS3 and the Xbox 360 feel like better versions of the last, but pretty much the same game with incremental improvement. But the Wii feels like a major jump – not that the graphics are more powerful, but that it hits a completely different demographic."
I haven't read all the posts, but to me, the Wii is just another gaming system that I use to get my kicks. I don't know if it's Revolutionary, but seeing as how Sony made its own controller, and MS has Natal....maybe?

It's a shame that the majority of Wii games are shovelware, but there are gems out there and some are on the near horizon. Silent Hill, Metroid, Trauma Team, Muramasa, etc...

The Will SHOULD be capable of better graphics. GC RE4 was one of the finest-looking games of the last generation that the PS2 could only emulate by lowering the polygon count and removing things like real-time lighting. So I think it comes down to most companies simply not putting in the effort to figure out how to best program for the Wii. (Which hopefully would change if companies decide to try to tap into the extended consumer base)

While the HD experience of the PS3 and the 360 is very nice, the graphics aren't so wonderful they trump all other aspects of a game, and while I haven't played enough next gen games to say this definitively, I'm going to say that there are quite a few new games that can't hold a candle to older games, higher res or no.

I've gone somewhat astray, so to reiterate my answer, to me at least, it is neither a revolutionary success or a failure. It's just one more system for me to get for its exclusives. (Though if the Wii provides a better social gaming outlet to people of both genders than Apples to Apples, it'll be a revolution to me. Haven't tested that yet, so I can't say.)
the promise, the unbridled potential of the wii in the early moments of launch and initial enjoyment of wii sports or rabbids- these were all truly revolutionary moment
the first time reading about red steel or imagining a star wars light saber battle, again, more revolution than the incremental graphics/power of the 360 and ps3.
Now today, at this point, I was expecting more games to deliver on that potential. and aside from some gems like Boom Blox, world of goo and Okami, or slighty lesser titles like Zack/Wiki, lost winds or Kororinpa the potential hasn't been there.
That doesn't mean I haven't really enjoyed a game like deblob, mario kart or little king's story, but they could exist in a motion-free Gamecube 2 world.

Perhaps when I get around to trying motionplus, it will rekindle my feelings of revolutionary gaming, but I am in no rush, the system provides plenty of enjoyable gaming as is.
[quote name='vherub']the promise, the unbridled potential of the wii in the early moments of launch and initial enjoyment of wii sports or rabbids- these were all truly revolutionary moment
the first time reading about red steel or imagining a star wars light saber battle, again, more revolution than the incremental graphics/power of the 360 and ps3.
Now today, at this point, I was expecting more games to deliver on that potential. and aside from some gems like Boom Blox, world of goo and Okami, or slighty lesser titles like Zack/Wiki, lost winds or Kororinpa the potential hasn't been there.
That doesn't mean I haven't really enjoyed a game like deblob, mario kart or little king's story, but they could exist in a motion-free Gamecube 2 world.

Perhaps when I get around to trying motionplus, it will rekindle my feelings of revolutionary gaming, but I am in no rush, the system provides plenty of enjoyable gaming as is.[/QUOTE]

Wii Sports Resorts kinda flamed that fire, and I suppose to other people that Tiger Woods 10 would do the same.

I have played a ton of the Archery game and I really can't see or feel the same as if doing that on a ps360... controller just doesn't get me in the game the way the Wii does.
It's a great console for those who want variety, love platformers, and don't care about over-hyped Western shooter 5090 that only looks prettier than the last.
Lol, the Nintendo Wii is a "revolutionary" success, I think. Since it's bringing the other consoles to consider motion controls and other means of playing games. But I feel like it's gaming library is utter trash. There are few games that I, personally, see that are worth playing. I'd get Mario Galaxy, Smash Bro's maybe, Metroid The Other M, Legend of Zelda, that's about it. People like to say "Hey, the Wii has games that are more fun than the Xbox 360's/Ps3's!!!". But I seen a bunch of website's reporting that the Wii has some of the lowest activity between all 3 consoles. So I dunno how much those "fun" games are helping. But I'm baised, I'm a fan of all three consoles, and I just happen to think the Xbox 360 and Ps3 is more epic than the Wii. The Wii is more of a mini game console to me.
[quote name='Phunin']But I feel like it's gaming library is utter trash.

The Wii is more of a mini game console to me.[/QUOTE]

What? WHAT? It's Library is trash? Are you blind or just plain retarded?

The Wii is so, so much more than a mini-game console.

-Animal Crossing: City Folk
-Batallion Wars 2
-de Blob
-Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
-Excitebots: Trick Racing
-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
-Mario Kart Wii
-The Munchables
-Nights Into Dreams
-No More Heroes
-Resident Evil 4
-Super Mario Galaxy
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl
-Wario Land: Shake It
-Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
-Zack & Wiki
-Little King's Story
-Super Paper Mario
-House of the Dead (2 & 3, Overkill)
-Mario Strikers Charged
-Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
-Ghostbusters: The Game
-Overlord: Dark Legend
-The Conduit

All of these games are awesome. Not a single one is a mini-game collection. (And there's quite a few awesome mini-game collections for that matter, including Wii Sports Resort & the Raving Rabbid titles.)

And this is with me forgetting a whole lot, and of course it's not even including Virtual Console and Wiiware games, which would be a list 30-strong by itself.

And don't forget the awesome upcoming titles:
-Cursed Mountain
-Muramasa: The Demon Blade
-TMNT: Smash Up!
-Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo (It's so nice to see a non-Z Dragonball game for fuck's sake.)
Dead Space: Extraction
-Silent Hill Shattered Memories
-Rabbids Go Home
-Ju-On: The Grudge
-Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
-Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles
-A Boy and His Blob
-New Super Mario Bros. Wii
-Metroid Other M
-Metroid Prime Trilogy
-Arc Rise Fantasia
-Super Mario Galaxy 2
-Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
-Red Steel 2
-Sin & Punishment 2
-No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
-Monster Hunter Tri
-The Grinder
-Mondano: Beginning of the World
-Endless Ocean 2

Again this doesn't include the occasional random game that comes out of nowhere like The Munchables did.

You can say there's nothing on the Wii that you like...somehow. But what you can't say is that it has a trashy library

Before you call out the Wii on having a shitty library go back and look at the PS2's library. Do you realize how much utter trash was released on that console?
Nah, I'm going to say all those games suck and play Overhyped Manchild 7 instead on my Xbox while shouting racial slurs to people online. That's more fun.
[quote name='Phunin'] But I seen a bunch of website's reporting that the Wii has some of the lowest activity between all 3 consoles. So I dunno how much those "fun" games are helping.[/QUOTE]

How much of that has to do with how much fun the games released for the system or and how much of it has to do with the demographic of people who buy the Wii? Grandma isn't going to be playing 8 hours a day of Wii regardless of how many great games are out there.
It's far from it's biggest failure, that belongs to the Virtual Boy (which I still have!). There isn't anything I'm really interested in past the first party games on it (though some upcoming RPGs look great, along with Muramasa), so it's basically a secondary system to me even though it still gets a decent amount of playtime via Wii Sports. It doesn't help that I am mainly an RPG player.

If I didn't have a PC/PSP then it would probably suck to have a Wii as my only console based on my tastes, but thankfully that isn't the case. However, I would be one happy camper when SMG2 hits, as SMG is by far my favorite game this gen.

Also to be fair, I owned a 360 before the Wii and had similar problems since the 360 didn't have many games I enjoyed. The few that I did were great though.

This thread's existence has been justified by the mentioning of "The Munchables" as a good game. I just looked it up on Wikipedia. I am confused and terrified.
[quote name='The Crotch']...

This thread's existence has been justified by the mentioning of "The Munchables" as a good game. I just looked it up on Wikipedia. I am confused and terrified.[/QUOTE]

It's Namco Bandai, what do you expect?

Actually, Namco Bandai makes sense as it's a bit of a mix between Katamari Damacy & Pac-Man. You eat enemies to make your character larger, and once he's larger you can access more sections of the level and eat enemies that were too large to eat before.

It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's only 20 bones and it's a fun game.
Now I'm not trying to bash the 360 or PS3 here, but is it just me or is like 70% of the games on those systems either "Futuristic/Sci-Fi" (Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect) or "Medieval" (Dragon Age, Overlord, Fable, Sacred)?
[quote name='maximumzero']Now I'm not trying to bash the 360 or PS3 here, but is it just me or is like 70% of the games on those systems either "Futuristic/Sci-Fi" (Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect) or "Medieval" (Dragon Age, Overlord, Fable, Sacred)?[/QUOTE]

Thats just like saying that the wii has nothing but nintendo mascot games (mario, mario kart, zelda, ssbb), party mini-games (wii sports, wii play, wii sports resort, carnival games) and fitness games (EA Sports Active, Wii Fit, Golds Gym, etc).

There are gems on the systems if you look. If you just look at whats the most popular, you will get mostly the genres you mentioned, because this gen, those are the hot genres for HD consoles. But there are amazing games like Uncharted, Castle Crashers, Flower, Pixeljunk Monsters and a ton more that blow away most of the games you mentioned.

There are lots of good games on the wii, but the problem is, they arent worth the asking price, especially when compared to what you get on the HD consoles (better graphics/sound, trophies/achievements, functional online, voice chat, etc). I would compare Wii games to XBLA/PSN games.
[quote name='blitz6speed']There are lots of good games on the wii, but the problem is, they arent worth the asking price, especially when compared to what you get on the HD consoles (better graphics/sound, trophies/achievements, functional online, voice chat, etc). I would compare Wii games to XBLA/PSN games.[/QUOTE]

I agree with most of your post, and also the first sentence quoted above... but why do you say that Wii games aren't worth the asking price?

I don't think I've paid more than $30 for a Wii game other than a few first-party titles like Super Mario Galaxy and Wii Fit. Typically, the games I'm buying are between $20 and $30 -- and sometimes less than that. I agree that many aren't worth the initial $50 asking price, but game prices tend to drop off quickly unless they are published by Nintendo.

Also, I want to agree that the borked online system that Nintendo has provided (including almost non-existant support for voice chat) is a huge detractor at times. I don't really like playing online with random people very often -- but not even having the option to do so is disappointing.
munchables, if you like the grow/absorb genre of gaming, is well done. The controls are solid and the mechanics work.
There is a lot of garbage on the wii, and the art and box design, even screenshots make it look like trash.
But it is a well made game even if it will never be a seminal moment in the history of gaming.
[quote name='blitz6speed']There are lots of good games on the wii, but the problem is, they arent worth the asking price, especially when compared to what you get on the HD consoles (better graphics/sound, trophies/achievements, functional online, voice chat, etc). I would compare Wii games to XBLA/PSN games.[/QUOTE]

Value is subjective. How do you compare a single-player game like Bioshock to a mostly-multiplayer game like CoD4? If you want to compare development costs, yes most PS3/360 games cost more to make than Wii games. But a $200M movie can get horrible reviews while a $50M movie wins an Oscar.

Wii games are already $10 less in MSRP than their PS3/360 counterparts. Plus, when you talk about "value" on a forum full of cheapskates looking for a great deal, I don't think anyone wants to buy a game for its asking price. :)
The Wii is a success for what it does... I just wish it was more of a success (for what it doesn't do. I.E: fiasable voice chat, fiasable online infastructer, etc.).

For the record, I love every Nintendo console ever made (exception = Virtual Boy)... and the Wii is no different. I do love it less than the other four home consoles (NES, SNES, N64, GC) they made though.
[quote name='ejamer']I agree with most of your post, and also the first sentence quoted above... but why do you say that Wii games aren't worth the asking price?[/QUOTE]

I can't speak for all, but there are a few reasons why I myself am less likely to buy a Wii game than a game for another system....

A big one is online play. The wii's online system is downright pathetic. Friend Codes are something that never should've left the planning stages. With the 360 or PS3, it is much easier to simply hop in games and play with strangers or your friends. Online play, or at least ease of online play, injects a lot of value into games.

Next is cost...a lot of first party wii games take a notoriously long time before they actually drop in price. Twilight Princess was a release title and still retails for $50 in a lot of places. And let's be honest - a sizable chunk of the games people want for the Wii are first party. In my experience, it is generally much easier to find good deals on PS3 and 360 games than it is to find a deal on a Wii game.

Finally there's DLC. While a lot of DLC is crap, there are packs that inject extra campaigns and extra life into games. The wii doesn't really do DLC, so I know that when I buy a game, that's all its gonna be.
[quote name='funkflexmctough']Had all three and never even plugged the wii in. Best move I made was trading it in for 360 accessories[/QUOTE]

Why exactly would you buy a console only to not use it and return it?

[quote name='Salamando3000']I can't speak for all, but there are a few reasons why I myself am less likely to buy a Wii game than a game for another system....

A big one is online play. The wii's online system is downright pathetic. Friend Codes are something that never should've left the planning stages. With the 360 or PS3, it is much easier to simply hop in games and play with strangers or your friends. Online play, or at least ease of online play, injects a lot of value into games.

Next is cost...a lot of first party wii games take a notoriously long time before they actually drop in price. Twilight Princess was a release title and still retails for $50 in a lot of places. And let's be honest - a sizable chunk of the games people want for the Wii are first party. In my experience, it is generally much easier to find good deals on PS3 and 360 games than it is to find a deal on a Wii game.

Finally there's DLC. While a lot of DLC is crap, there are packs that inject extra campaigns and extra life into games. The wii doesn't really do DLC, so I know that when I buy a game, that's all its gonna be.[/QUOTE]

1) I can understand this issue, but as for me, I don't care much for online multiplayer. Most of the people you end up playing with are idiotic dicks so it's not a whole lot of fun.

That being said I'd gladly pay $50 for a great single-player game than $50 for a game with a half-assed single-player and half-assed multiplaye rmode.

2) The only games that rarely drop below $50 are the First-Party games, and there's good reason for that. Twilight Princess could be $100 and I'd feel like I got my money's worth. You've got a good 50 to 60 hours of game there if you keep at it.

Otherwise third party games can be had on the cheap in droves.

3) Since the Wii doesn't have the option for DLC, this generally means publishers have no choice but to sell us a complete game as opposed to selling us 80% of a game and then charging us later for the other 20%.

DLC is only decent for Music games and I don't even play those so I couldn't give a shit (or two shits) about DLC.
[quote name='maximumzero']1) I can understand this issue, but as for me, I don't care much for online multiplayer. Most of the people you end up playing with are idiotic dicks so it's not a whole lot of fun.

That being said I'd gladly pay $50 for a great single-player game than $50 for a game with a half-assed single-player and half-assed multiplaye rmode.

2) The only games that rarely drop below $50 are the First-Party games, and there's good reason for that. Twilight Princess could be $100 and I'd feel like I got my money's worth. You've got a good 50 to 60 hours of game there if you keep at it.

Otherwise third party games can be had on the cheap in droves.

3) Since the Wii doesn't have the option for DLC, this generally means publishers have no choice but to sell us a complete game as opposed to selling us 80% of a game and then charging us later for the other 20%.

DLC is only decent for Music games and I don't even play those so I couldn't give a shit (or two shits) about DLC.[/QUOTE]

1) To be quite honest, you sound like one of those people who get online in a game, find out they suck, and then complain about how broken the game is, or how everyone else hacks. Sure, there are jackasses online, but just about every system has some way to either mute them, boot them, or report them. Multiplayer has been a staple of gaming since the beginning. To completely write it off will deprive you of a lot of fun experiences.

Not to mention, Multiplayer grants near-infinite replayability. Each time you play the game, something changes. It's quite easy to spend upwards of 100 hours on a good multiplayer game, but to do that on a single player is quite rare.

2) Go look at the list you posted of good games for the wii....40-50% of them are first-party. And if you're so deluded that you honestly think twilight princess is worth $100, you're mad. There are people here that don't even think any game is worth the $50 that most games launch for.

3) True, there's a lot of DLC that is pure crap. However, there are games that do DLC right. Fallout 3 has issued five content packs, each one building on an already magnificent game. They built on the game, gave you more to explore, and more to do. Imagine if Twilight Princess got a DLC pack with another dungeon....you can't tell me you wouldn't be all over it. Valkyria Chronicles got extra campaigns and extra skirmishes...Bioshock got new weapons (for free)...Halo and Gears of War get Extra Maps...and while not DLC in the proper sense, I can still download other users Maps in LittleBigPlanet....all of which are impossible on the wii. Now, you may hate DLC in principle alone, but for me, it keeps me playing some games a lot longer than I would be without it.

Ultimately, I'm not saying there aren't good games on the Wii. I am saying that for two identical games, one on the Wii and one on the PS3/360, I'm going to get the PS3/360 version. I am saying that I am more likely to get longer gametime out of a PC/PS3/360 game, due to DLC and online multiplayer. In a bubble of just Wii, its games aren't that bad. They just get lost in the larger picture.
[quote name='Salamando3000']1) To be quite honest, you sound like one of those people who get online in a game, find out they suck, and then complain about how broken the game is, or how everyone else hacks. Sure, there are jackasses online, but just about every system has some way to either mute them, boot them, or report them. Multiplayer has been a staple of gaming since the beginning. To completely write it off will deprive you of a lot of fun experiences.

Not to mention, Multiplayer grants near-infinite replayability. Each time you play the game, something changes. It's quite easy to spend upwards of 100 hours on a good multiplayer game, but to do that on a single player is quite rare.

2) Go look at the list you posted of good games for the wii....40-50% of them are first-party. And if you're so deluded that you honestly think twilight princess is worth $100, you're mad. There are people here that don't even think any game is worth the $50 that most games launch for.

3) True, there's a lot of DLC that is pure crap. However, there are games that do DLC right. Fallout 3 has issued five content packs, each one building on an already magnificent game. They built on the game, gave you more to explore, and more to do. Imagine if Twilight Princess got a DLC pack with another dungeon....you can't tell me you wouldn't be all over it. Valkyria Chronicles got extra campaigns and extra skirmishes...Bioshock got new weapons (for free)...Halo and Gears of War get Extra Maps...and while not DLC in the proper sense, I can still download other users Maps in LittleBigPlanet....all of which are impossible on the wii. Now, you may hate DLC in principle alone, but for me, it keeps me playing some games a lot longer than I would be without it.

Ultimately, I'm not saying there aren't good games on the Wii. I am saying that for two identical games, one on the Wii and one on the PS3/360, I'm going to get the PS3/360 version. I am saying that I am more likely to get longer gametime out of a PC/PS3/360 game, due to DLC and online multiplayer. In a bubble of just Wii, its games aren't that bad. They just get lost in the larger picture.[/QUOTE]

1) It's true that multiplayer gaming has been around forever, but at least in my experience, I usually play games with friends. Nowadays, rarely do any of my real life friends play online so if I play online, I play with strangers. And just one listen to CAGCast 168 shows you the type of asshats that populate online gaming. Sure you can mute ppl (and I do), but then it feels a little less playing a human and more like playing bots (at least to me).

2) I'm a CAG so I get most games cheap. Even TP can be had cheaply if you look hard enough.

3) I'm torn on DLC. I have bought a fair tad (TLaD, RB songs, Battlefield 1943) but for the most part I can take it or leave it. I dont really need the extra maps levels and it's starting to seem like more and more games are going to offer the DLC on a disc of some sort.

4) I can think of a few games where I'd prefer the Wii version. Sega SS Tennis, Tiger Woods 10, Ghostbusters, SW:TFU just to name a few.
The Wii to me is a huge success. I know, I'm somewhat of a Nintendo fanboy, considering how it's my only console of this generation. But, there's a lot of great first-party games, and even the third-party stuff is getting better.

Plus, I'm not sure how much hating on WiiWare there is (I've looked through the past few pages), but that's really good. Keep in mind I've NEVER used XBLA, but WiiWare is pretty good. The games may look like crap, but trust me, they are a lot more fun than you think.

Take Water Warfare. Looks like crap, right? I actually went and bought it, and trust me, it's definitely the best Wii FPS. (beter than the Conduit)
Lmao, most of the games I see in that list = fodder. The only games you got me with were Okami and Mario Kart. Lol, but then again, when I said the Wii's Library was trash, that was, of course, in my opinion. I thought that was understood and didn't need to be pointed out. Even with your list, however, I feel that your list is composed of a bunch of fodder games, as I said. When I said they're a bunch of mini games, I didn't mean that literally. I meant that the games hardly hold my attention, and they're only good for a quick play.

So yeah, I think the Wii's library is trash, lol. By the way, I don't know why the Ps2 had to be brought up.
[quote name='Phunin']Lmao, most of the games I see in that list = fodder. The only games you got me with were Okami and Mario Kart. Lol, but then again, when I said the Wii's Library was trash, that was, of course, in my opinion. I thought that was understood and didn't need to be pointed out. Even with your list, however, I feel that your list is composed of a bunch of fodder games, as I said. When I said they're a bunch of mini games, I didn't mean that literally. I meant that the games hardly hold my attention, and they're only good for a quick play.

So yeah, I think the Wii's library is trash, lol. By the way, I don't know why the Ps2 had to be brought up.[/QUOTE]

The PS2 is mostly brought up because it was the weakest console last gen (hardware-wise) yet vastly outsold the XBOX and Gamecube. It also had the largest software library and its share of shovelware.

So a lot of people equate the Wii to this gen's PS2.
[quote name='Phunin']Lmao, most of the games I see in that list = fodder. The only games you got me with were Okami and Mario Kart. Lol, but then again, when I said the Wii's Library was trash, that was, of course, in my opinion. I thought that was understood and didn't need to be pointed out. Even with your list, however, I feel that your list is composed of a bunch of fodder games, as I said. When I said they're a bunch of mini games, I didn't mean that literally. I meant that the games hardly hold my attention, and they're only good for a quick play.

So yeah, I think the Wii's library is trash, lol. By the way, I don't know why the Ps2 had to be brought up.[/QUOTE]

Wii has no games because I say so.
Typical moronic logic for you from the anti-Wii crowd with trollish "lols", too. Awesome job.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Wii has no games because I say so.
Typical moronic logic for you from the anti-Wii crowd with trollish "lols", too. Awesome job.[/QUOTE]

Lol, simply put an opinion, I never shoved anything as fact. I can say it has no games because it is one of the, if not the most, in active consoles this generation. If it's games were that good, many of the gamers would be more active. But then again, I don't see how you can label me as anti wii, when I'm actually a fan of the Wii. Just not for it's actual games. I'm more interested in the Virtual Console and WiiWare games. But then again, it's typical for a Wii-Supporter to get defensive when a gamer expresses distaste for the Wii in anyway.
Your opinion is based on severely flawed and skewed knowledge is my point, but please keep saying "lol it's my opinion" like it's an excuse. Oh, CAG... :lol:

Anyway, I love how Wii games don't shape up to HD games now. Okey dokey. *sells collection of last gen video games*
People like you happily look for excuses to buy something HD (like Manchild Shooter 55 with racist online play you pay $50 a year for) over a Wii game so you can pretend Wii games aren't worth it. It's lame, and I wish you'd just admit it instead of being obtuse like some "typical" troll.

" it's typical for a Wii-Supporter to get defensive when a gamer expresses distaste for the Wii in anyway."

Haha. Coming from you? I'm sure it is. :roll:
Lol, the typical bluh bluh thing was sarcasm. But anyway, my opinion is fueled by the fact that I see no reason to play anything but Nintendo owned titles on the Wii, since the 360 does everything else better.
I just kind of take the Wii for what it is...which is awesome. The games that are great on it are great and I simply force myself to stay away from extra peripherals. There are plenty of games to play on the system currently and I'm much more hyped for the upcoming Wii lineup than that of any other console (DS included, oddly enough).

However, my biggest gripe with the system still remains. Downloaded games are still tied to each individual Wii rather than a given account so if you lose or sell your Wii you lose your games. That's a real drag.
Nintendo is not making an HD version of the Wii.

That was a total bullshit rumour started by Pachter. It's too late into the gen and Nintendo has yet to use any momentum furthering techniques like bundles, price drops or new colors in The States.
what about the black wii? That would be nice to see. I just bought a wii off craigslist this morning. haven't had much time to really try it out but I like it so far.
[quote name='Ye0ldmario']what about the black wii? That would be nice to see. I just bought a wii off craigslist this morning. haven't had much time to really try it out but I like it so far.[/QUOTE]

Speaking as an owner of a RE5 Edition Xbox 360, I doubt the Black Wii will add anything to the games.
Lol, well, at least it offers some variety. I was looking forward to all the colors that Nintendo used to show the Wii in, I'd buy it in black if given the chance.
If you have to justify your argument with "it's my opinion", your argument sucks. I'm pretty sure most people here (which are almost all Wii owners) aren't blind fanboys and can recognize the faults of the Wii.
I'm sure my argument sucks, because all you people continually say is "ur logic is phail" and their counter argument was that I'm a "Wii Hater". Yeah, that argument is much better. I'm not seeing where I'm thinking wrong. You people fail to understand that I'm not arguing anything, I just said my thoughts on the Wii and someone complained. It's nothing new to know that the Wii has a weak game library. But, of course, supposedly the Ps2 did as well, so that makes it okay =D.
Anyone who considers the Wii "Nintendo's biggest failure" doesn't remember the Virtual Boy.

Honestly, I have yet to see anything to dissuade me from thinking that the majority of the anti-Wii sentiment is because the Wii isn't enough like the 360 or PS3. More than anything else, the Wii reminds me of the N64: the first party stuff has been stellar and there are some gems in the form of third party games, but the truly great games have been farther between than I'd like. I don't regret the purchase, and doubt I ever will - I've had fun with my Wii, just like I've had fun with my 360 and would have fun with a PS3 if I could afford one.

[quote name='Phunin']You people fail to understand that I'm not arguing anything, I just said my thoughts on the Wii and someone complained. It's nothing new to know that the Wii has a weak game library. But, of course, supposedly the Ps2 did as well, so that makes it okay =D.[/QUOTE]

To know the Wii has a weak gaming library? I could've sworn that was an opinion, but "know" denotes a fact. :whistle2:?

Also, nobody said that the PS2 had a weak game library; you're extrapolating that from your own sentiments against the Wii. There's a world of difference between "weak game library" and "strong library, but with more crappy budget titles than the competitors."

[quote name='Phunin']I'm sure my argument sucks, because all you people continually say is "ur logic is phail" and their counter argument was that I'm a "Wii Hater". Yeah, that argument is much better. I'm not seeing where I'm thinking wrong.[/QUOTE]

It's like rain. On my wedding day.
I've only skimmed the thread, but the topic question is kinda moot. Any console that rakes in billions of dollars every month with millions in sales(hardware and software) is the farthest thing from a failure. Never mind that two year span where you couldn't find one on a shelf. Time will tell if sales surpasses the PS2, but even now it is looking like the Wii is the most successful console in history based on the fact that Nintendo succeeded in getting non-gamers to play games. Oh, and Nintendo actually makes money on every console sold since day one, which gives it another leg up on the PS2.

I still enjoy the Wii but the novelty has worn off since companies haven't really done anything revolutionary with the controls. Outside of a few exceptions most would be playable on a standard controller. In the grand scheme of things, I would rank the Wii last in the history of Big N consoles (SNES, N64, NES, GCN, Wii) and that's only because they are neglecting some key franchises. Give me a new F-Zero, Pikmin, Waverace, PilotWings, Icarus or even a Luigi's Mansion sequel and I'd gladly move the Wii above the GCN.

[quote name='SuperPhillip']
People like you happily look for excuses to buy something HD (like Manchild Shooter 55 with racist online play you pay $50 a year for) over a Wii game so you can pretend Wii games aren't worth it. It's lame, and I wish you'd just admit it instead of being obtuse like some "typical" troll.

I'm not taking sides but if attacking another console is your best defense than you really don't have a leg to stand on. I mean really, just because someone doesn't like the Wii means they are a racist FPS man child? Weak sauce dude. Weak sauce.

Just for reference, I love most of the games on your list, but I can't take anyone seriously who just feeds a troll post with another troll post. Sometimes it's best to just step away and let others take from your original post what they will.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Anyone who considers the Wii "Nintendo's biggest failure" doesn't remember the Virtual Boy.

Honestly, I have yet to see anything to dissuade me from thinking that the majority of the anti-Wii sentiment is because the Wii isn't enough like the 360 or PS3. More than anything else, the Wii reminds me of the N64: the first party stuff has been stellar and there are some gems in the form of third party games, but the truly great games have been farther between than I'd like. I don't regret the purchase, and doubt I ever will - I've had fun with my Wii, just like I've had fun with my 360 and would have fun with a PS3 if I could afford one.

To know the Wii has a weak gaming library? I could've sworn that was an opinion, but "know" denotes a fact. :whistle2:?

Also, nobody said that the PS2 had a weak game library; you're extrapolating that from your own sentiments against the Wii. There's a world of difference between "weak game library" and "strong library, but with more crappy budget titles than the competitors."

It's like rain. On my wedding day.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I purposely claimed it to be fact there to rile up some emotions in a potential nay sayer. I must have been mistaken for them saying it has a weak library, because they brought up the PS2's gaming library while on the topic of talking about the Wii's Weak Library. In which case, I still fail to see how the Wii's library is being compared to the Ps2's library at all. The Wii certainly doesn't have a strong gaming library, so maybe I'm missing the connection between the two? But then again, I don't really make attempts to understand things I don't care for. All I know, the Wii is one of the most inactive gaming consoles this generation. Sure it's selling well, but apparently it's library isn't able to hold it's gamers attention for long.
[quote name='Corvin']
I'm not taking sides but if attacking another console is your best defense than you really don't have a leg to stand on. I mean really, just because someone doesn't like the Wii means they are a racist FPS man child? Weak sauce dude. Weak sauce.l.[/QUOTE]

No. I did not say that. I said "people like you" not people who don't like Wii. You jumped to an incorrect conclusion.

[quote name='Phunin']Yeah, I purposely claimed it to be fact there to rile up some emotions in a potential nay sayer. I must have been mistaken for them saying it has a weak library, because they brought up the PS2's gaming library while on the topic of talking about the Wii's Weak Library. In which case, I still fail to see how the Wii's library is being compared to the Ps2's library at all. The Wii certainly doesn't have a strong gaming library, so maybe I'm missing the connection between the two? But then again, I don't really make attempts to understand things I don't care for. [/QUOTE]
And there you go. No wonder you're so misinformed. With that statement, you've proven you have no business talking about the Wii. Not because you're being negative. It'd be great if you were negative and actually KNEW what you were talking about. Sadly, you do not and you just admitted so. Why talk about the library? You just said you didn't make any attempt to understand it. No back-tracking now, Phunin. Your words means nothing then.

"All I know, the Wii is one of the most inactive gaming consoles this generation. Sure it's selling well, but apparently it's library isn't able to hold it's gamers attention for long."

Which you just admitted you don't know much since you don't follow things you don't care for. Which makes me wonder why you're continually posting about the Wii unless you were trolling. No, that's crazy talk!
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