What is the Wii to you? A revolutionary success, or nintendo's biggest failure?

Anyone here watches True Blood (excellent softcore porn/utlra-violent vampire drama on HBO). Noticed the Wii product placement, and how last week's episode featured Dead Space: Extraction? Come to think of it, the mention of the Wii in the show has be particularly vocal for the past season.

How does this pertain to the thread? Up to you to make your own judgements.
I think I'd classify the Wii as both a revolutionary success and a huge failure.

For success, first of all, it's gotten interest from all kinds of people that don't typically play games. That's a rather impressive feat in itself. It's also a huge success because it has provided a new way of playing games that hasn't been seen on any other console. The control really does provide a new experience and changes many games in positive ways. I'd never want to go back to playing a bowling or golf game using regular button control. It's also a huge success in providing such a complete library, with games from every Nintendo console available. Then there's Wii Fit, which is another major innovation. Along with this, I don't know that I'd want to play another snowboarding game not using the balance board, it's just more fun. The game lineup has plenty of good games, from Wii Sports and Mario to Boom Blox and Ghost Squad. Some developers have done a great job making the Wii version of multiplatform games as good, if not better than, their PS3 and 360 cousins (Tiger Woods, Guitar Hero series). I haven't had a problem finding games I want to play and continually have a list of games to play and games to buy.

However, it's also a definite failure. With all the positives said and it's huge success, imagine how much bigger of a success it could have been had some better decisions been made. The lack of adequate internal memory was a horrible decision, since they're making a profit off of hardware they obviously could have afforded to include more. And in the long term, it probably would have made them more money. Not only did it limit the amount of downloadable games someone could have until the SD card fix, it's now limiting what WiiWare can be since the size limit is so small. Animal Crossing was such a huge disappointment, it seemed they had created another solid core franchise but they chose to just phone it in and not bother to innovate. The online system is very poor. And the support from 3rd parties has been good at times but leaving huge holes at other times. Games like Boom Blox are great, why aren't there more unique ideas? And why haven't the games from Wii Sports (with the exception of golf and Tiger Woods) been expanded into great full featured sports games? And Nintendo, how is it that this far in, there's still no Pikmin, no Wave Race, no Star Fox, no Zelda that wasn't a port...

If Nintendo had a few more AAA titles out, a better online system, and more internal storage the system would be an even bigger success, especially among gamers. It's frustrating that these things weren't address. But at the same time, I still have a blast playing my Wii and have plenty of fun games to play so it's definitely a success as well.
[quote name='rlse9']I think I'd classify the Wii as both a revolutionary success and a huge failure.

For success, first of all, it's gotten interest from all kinds of people that don't typically play games. That's a rather impressive feat in itself. It's also a huge success because it has provided a new way of playing games that hasn't been seen on any other console. The control really does provide a new experience and changes many games in positive ways. I'd never want to go back to playing a bowling or golf game using regular button control. It's also a huge success in providing such a complete library, with games from every Nintendo console available. Then there's Wii Fit, which is another major innovation. Along with this, I don't know that I'd want to play another snowboarding game not using the balance board, it's just more fun. The game lineup has plenty of good games, from Wii Sports and Mario to Boom Blox and Ghost Squad. Some developers have done a great job making the Wii version of multiplatform games as good, if not better than, their PS3 and 360 cousins (Tiger Woods, Guitar Hero series). I haven't had a problem finding games I want to play and continually have a list of games to play and games to buy.

However, it's also a definite failure. With all the positives said and it's huge success, imagine how much bigger of a success it could have been had some better decisions been made. The lack of adequate internal memory was a horrible decision, since they're making a profit off of hardware they obviously could have afforded to include more. And in the long term, it probably would have made them more money. Not only did it limit the amount of downloadable games someone could have until the SD card fix, it's now limiting what WiiWare can be since the size limit is so small. Animal Crossing was such a huge disappointment, it seemed they had created another solid core franchise but they chose to just phone it in and not bother to innovate. The online system is very poor. And the support from 3rd parties has been good at times but leaving huge holes at other times. Games like Boom Blox are great, why aren't there more unique ideas? And why haven't the games from Wii Sports (with the exception of golf and Tiger Woods) been expanded into great full featured sports games? And Nintendo, how is it that this far in, there's still no Pikmin, no Wave Race, no Star Fox, no Zelda that wasn't a port...

If Nintendo had a few more AAA titles out, a better online system, and more internal storage the system would be an even bigger success, especially among gamers. It's frustrating that these things weren't address. But at the same time, I still have a blast playing my Wii and have plenty of fun games to play so it's definitely a success as well.[/QUOTE]

This is a great summary, and largely how I feel about the system. While I absolutely love it at times, I still get pissed off with how much better things could be on the console given some different decision making and release choices. The only thing I'd disagree with you on is that it has a complete library, though you might not be referring to what I think you are. The Wii has a clear lack of quality RPGs, though that will hopefully change with games like Tales of Graces and Arc Rise Fantasia.
[quote name='SL4IN']Don't know what you're playing, but some of the wii games look amazing, but really, when did graphics make the game?

And to me, the Wii is true next gen. It changed the way we play some games, I'm actually getting a new and fresh experience playing video games that I don't get from the 360 or PS3, all those can really tout is "HD" graphics and that's really it, does nothing to add anything new to the gaming experience.[/QUOTE]
Actually, the PS2 can go up to a 1280x1024 resolution, making it's capability a little bit over 720p.

The Wii, on the otherhand, only goes up to 720×480 (480p) for an NTSC console, and 720×576 (576p) for a PAL console.

So no, the Wiis graphics are far below the PS2s. (and the framerate capabilities, memory, ect.)
[quote name='Nebenator']Actually, the PS2 can go up to a 1280x1024 resolution, making it's capability a little bit over 720p.

The Wii, on the otherhand, only goes up to 720×480 (480p) for an NTSC console, and 720×576 (576p) for a PAL console.

So no, the Wiis graphics are far below the PS2s. (and the framerate capabilities, memory, ect.)[/QUOTE]

Regardless of whether the resolution is better, the PS2 is still graphically inferior from a hardware perspective to the Wii/GC/XBOX.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']Regardless of whether the resolution is better, the PS2 is still graphically inferior from a hardware perspective to the Wii/GC/XBOX.[/QUOTE]
I was responding to the post about the Wii and PS2 resolution/graphics formats, in which case PS2 is better.
[quote name='Nebenator']Actually, the PS2 can go up to a 1280x1024 resolution, making it's capability a little bit over 720p.

The Wii, on the otherhand, only goes up to 720×480 (480p) for an NTSC console, and 720×576 (576p) for a PAL console.

So no, the Wiis graphics are far below the PS2s. (and the framerate capabilities, memory, ect.)[/QUOTE]


Wikipedia has a whopping three PS2 games that support ANYTHING above 480p; all three were first party titles, and one of them (Tourist Trophy) was essentially a retooling of another (Gran Turismo 4). By default, the PS2 only outputs 480i; you either need component cables to get 480p, or software that "forces" the system to a higher resolution but distorts the image in the process.

While I can't find anything to back this up, it wouldn't surprise me if Sony's "1080i" is like the high-def claims for Halo 3: stretched. 480p requires 480 lines in the display, whereas 1080i is interlaced and needs 540 lines; that's close enough where Sony could probably have gotten away with calling it 1080i. Again, though, that's just conjecture.

To repeat: by default, the PS2's output resolution is the exact same as the Wii's - 480i, or 480p if you have the component cables.

Do you have anything to back up the figures you cited, or any games that actually run at that resolution? I could very well be wrong (sure wouldn't be the first time), but I've never seen those figures before. I'd also like to see some support for the frame rate and memory claims - again, those are new to me.

Given that the PS2 was generally accepted as having the worst graphics of the last-gen consoles and that the Wii is at least as powerful as the GameCube, I'm just confused what you're making the claim from.
Well the Wii is a runaway success no matter what I think of it.

I moved into my new house at the end of April. I packed up my Wii in it's box after wiping the dust off of it.

It's still packed up in it's box in a closet somewhere in the new house.

The only game in that time that has piqued my interest in that time is Muramasa Demon Blade. I may bust out the Wii to play that.
I agree. I only have 3 games on it: RE4, Umbrella Chronicles and Red Steel. As much as I love RE4, I've really just been paying attention to my 360 and ps3. Goes to show you how huge an impact and success the Wii is FOR CASUAL GAMERS.
[quote name='dustdust']I agree. I only have 3 games on it: RE4, Umbrella Chronicles and Red Steel. As much as I love RE4, I've really just been paying attention to my 360 and ps3. Goes to show you how huge an impact and success the Wii is FOR CASUAL GAMERS.[/QUOTE]

I only have Bomberman Act Zero for my 360.
The 360 is great for BAD GAMES.

See? I can be illogical too.
WHose fault is it that you only own three games? Whose fault is it that you don't pay attention to the great games the Wii has? Methinks you don't want to admit the system has good games... That would be something a lot of people on "gamer sites" love to do.
It IS illogical, but lets be reasonable. Which console do YOU prefer? Which console does ANYONE a Wii and a second console prefer. I have yet to see anyone who chooses Wii.
[quote name='Nebenator']It IS illogical, but lets be reasonable. Which console do YOU prefer? Which console does ANYONE a Wii and a second console prefer. I have yet to see anyone who chooses Wii.[/QUOTE]

You say be reasonable then you post anecdotal evidence as trying to prove a point.

I think I'm done with this horrible topic. It's just another excuse to troll the Wii. Then again, I must be the fanboy since I'm not trolling it. Funny logic some of you people have.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']You say be reasonable then you post anecdotal evidence as trying to prove a point.

I think I'm done with this horrible topic. It's just another excuse to troll the Wii. Then again, I must be the fanboy since I'm not trolling it. Funny logic some of you people have.[/QUOTE]

Smart move. The internet is filled with people who confuse opinions and observations with facts, and trying to argue the merits of Wii is a lost cause on most gaming websites. As long as you enjoy whatever system you are playing, it doesn't matter what the ignorant online fanboys are backing.
To me, the Wii is a huge sucess in what it tries to acomplish: a gaming console for everyone. Just because Nintendo gave us the NES, Super NES and N64 classics that we know and love, it doesn't mean they have to keep doing it forever. I mean, look at gaming in Japan. It hasn't evolved much in years, unlike the Western games.

Myself, I grew playing plataformers and RPGs, and I honestly can't stand any of these types of games made in Japan. However, Western games for the most part range anywhere from average to pretty damn awesome.

I think the hardcore Nintendo fans need to let go and embrace the Wii for what it is: an awesome gaming system with plenty of social games to entertain family and friends, and the ocasional "real game" to brake the monotony. Me, I love it. I don't have any games to play with my girlfriend or friends (who aren't hardcore gamers) in the Xbox360 or PC. I'm sure they exist, but with the Wii it's almost impossible not to find a game that will make everyone laugh.

Thumbs up Nintendo ;).
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I like mine okay. Overall I think it is a huge success, it is good to see Nintendo still in the game as they have always been one of my favorite companies. Aside from the positive I see for the industry my own experience has been very mixed. Of all three systems I play the 360 the most, and I can't really explain why. The Wii gets occasional play during social times, or for light gun games, which I am excited to see a resurgence of.

The Wii, much like the DS, has a very interesting mix of games, but I have to agree that the good/bad ratio feels a little high. Most of the games on the Wii that I really expected to love I have not. Between Zelda, Mario, and Smash Brothers I spent less time then I did on almost any game on the 360 or PS3. The biggest issue for me is I can't explain why I didn't enjoy any of these games when I have loved all previous incarnations in these series.

Overall I think it is great it came out, it just isn't a primary system for me.
bread's done