Wii Fit - Gen. Discussion & Info - What's your Fit age?

[quote name='Snake2715']This is going to be hard to find, at least I am thinking it will be.[/quote]

Maybe not at first, but once it gets on Oprah or the equivalent to her show, all the soccer moms will instantly want one because they could get it for the kids because it promotes health and they could do exercise on it too. I seriously think this will sell like hotcakes.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Maybe not at first, but once it gets on Oprah or the equivalent to her show, all the soccer moms will instantly want one because they could get it for the kids because it promotes health and they could do exercise on it too. I seriously think this will sell like hotcakes.[/QUOTE]
Why do people keep mentioning Oprah? Is Wii Fit definitely going to be featured on Oprah?

I know that pre-orders are closed and it killed in Japan, and I am aware that analysts are predicting it will top everything. I'm still skeptical about its success in the US. Do Americans in general have Reggie's sense of humor (see E3 footage) about their weight/fitness? Let's go back to this Oprah thing: how will Oprah react when she steps up on that board and the game politely tells her her body weight index is on the chunky side? Her reaction, were this scenario to play out, would be a good indicator for how well Wii Fit goes over with the Oprah demographic.

That's my only reservation about the sustainability of Wii Fit sales. Not predicting it'll bomb, I'm just still not convinced that it's a lock in the way GTA4 was and will be through the holiday.
You have a point; there has been a backlash already on some UK disney board about Wii fit calling kids overweight

Mom in Denial

Whether or not Oprah features Wii fit, its a no-brainer that it will show up on a female demographic show. If Nintendo can't get Oprah(You all get Wii Fits! You get one, and you get one, and YOU get one!), they'll just drop down the list to Ellen, the View, Dr Phil, etc, etc.
Its not denial per say that has the parent upset its the way the board calculates whether your overweight or not. To my understanding it uses the BMI index to determine if someones over weight or not. What that is exactly is a goverment calculated height to weight ratio(beliee it also takes into account age) for example I'm 5'5" roughly and I weigh around 211 pds. Normally this would put me in the morbidly obese catagory especially if you go by the BMI which says I should be around 140 to 150 pds. It does not take into account muscle mass and bone density both of which are higher on me because I lift weights for an hr 4 times a week and run for 30 to 40 minutes 5 to 6 days a week. The amount of muscle on my frame and increased bone density(side effect from lifting heavy weights) makes me go "way" over my reccommended BMI.

Anyway this possibly could be why some parents are upset their kids are being called fat, of course they could be portly inactive kids to *shrug*.
[quote name='PhoenixT']Anyway this possibly could be why some parents are upset their kids are being called fat, of course they could be portly inactive kids to *shrug*.[/QUOTE]
Right, I recall when the BMI changes pissed people off a couple years ago. Nintendo may claim, "Don't blame us, we're just following the BMI guidelines," but people won't give a damn for explanations. They'll just feel defeated because Wii Fit, not the braintrust behind the BMI, called them chunky.

I don't know. I'm not shooting the Wii Fit experience down, I'm just wondering if it's going to be the mega hit that everyone expects in the States. I don't doubt that it'll sell out immediately. What I'm curious about is the holiday sales.

I wish a gambling site would put an over/under on total US sales as of Jan 2009, because the under could be profitable if those gambling sites are focusing solely on the analysts' arguments.
[quote name='dothog']Why do people keep mentioning Oprah?[/quote]

Because Oprah is the matron goddess of women 30-65. They must listen to her infinite wisdom and do/read/believe whatever she says. If she pushes the Wii Fit, there will be stampedes on stores like it's Black Friday.

My not being 30 yet has helped greatly in staying out of her influence. Right now I think she's boring, full of herself, and a bit of a hypocrite. Hopefully she'll retire for real before I get there.

As for her reaction, that I can't really tell. She should know better than to push this thing as someone who's yoyo dieted/struggled all her life, and this thing could definitely be a trigger. BMI doesn't consider age, muscle-mass, chronic disorders, or other deciding factors, and since she's 54 with a thyroid disorder (this is the point where she fucking pisses me off), oh yeah. That thing is definitely going to call her a fat cow.
I think Wii Fit is fine for what it is. What irritates me is how every thinks Nintendo is promising them the worlds riches and a toned butt. First of all there are all types of exercises. This game (well calling it a game pisses people off but whatever) is focused on lighter exercise like Yoga and Aerobics.

The best way to lose weight is to burn calories. And to do that you've got to excerpt yourself. Yoga and Aerobics won't really accomplish that like running a few miles would. Also this would need to be coupled with a good diet.

What this most likely will accomplish is better balance, breathing, muscle stregth, and like Miyamoto said a better sense of your health.
I watched that 5 minute video on the Nintendo Channel about Wii Fit.
Now, the thing is.. the game does look somewhat fun. It IS something different and right there makes it appealing to me. But the fact that it's all about OMG YOU'LL BE FIT N LIVE HEALTHY ..well, it's kinda bogus.

Now I really can't make a judgement. Some of the exercises MIGHT be tough. Maybe after playing for 30 minutes you ARE sweating. Now I understand that you'll burn more calories playing 30 minutes of Wii Fit compared to sitting and watching TV for 30 minutes..but I just wonder if it's really enough.

It's kinda sad that I want to starve myself and lose like 30lbs and take pics of myself in July and talk about how Wii Fit made ME fit..and be given a sack of money from Nintendo :lol:

Despite it all, I am looking forward to this game. If it's sold out everywhere, I really don't see myself tracking this down hardcore..I think I'll just get it when I get it.
I just got an e-mail from Best Buy about preordering Wii Fit and there's a coupon for $10 off $75 or more in video game purchases. I'm not that forum savvy yet to figure out how to post the coupon, but I'm sure that will make it the cheapest place to get it yet - $79.99

*EDIT* - And I was right. Thanks to the OP
:rofl: I really hope this isn't another Wii...I would like to play this. But like I said, I am not going crazy looking for this damn thing.
7.0 from Gamespot
I would buy this if they announce the next ssx will be using it.
Wii ski looks pretty good, probably more fun than wii fit.
I preordered this at Best Buy this morning. I want to make sure I get a copy after getting out of work. I don't usually preorder unless the store includes a bonus item or gift card.
Wii fit advertised in Times Square
[quote name='Mindzeye82']It's kinda nuts that this thing is sold out and not even available for purchase yet[/QUOTE]
They're just out of pre-orders. They expect to have more units on launch day, they just don't know how many. I don't want to over-hype the scarcity of Wii Fit at launch, who knows how many they've made for the US.

Wii fit advertised in Times Square
got my preorder at best buy the other day $10 coupon + $5 rewardzone money= $75 total cost for item...I can just justify thatpurchase I guess
[quote name='lilboo']I gotta find a $10 off Best Buy coupon.. :whistle2:k
When does that expire?[/quote]
Not sure, but in case it expires before Wii Fit, there's a 10% coupon that's almost as good that doesn't expire until a week after it comes out.
I was just charged by Amazon this morning. Should be shipping soon! :D

Only reason I decided to buy it is because of the balance board and the $50 HD-DVD credit I had. Plus, the exercise can't hurt.
I just called my Best Buy and was told that they will have them available at opening on the 21st. I was too cheap/lazy to preorder one and they are out of preorders, but the clerk I spoke with said they have an allotment that's totally separate from preorders so there will be floor stock too. I was going to wait, but between the $10 coupon and my Guitar Hero III check, I think I'm obligated to get this Wednesday morning.
[quote name='mephitical']I just called my Best Buy and was told that they will have them available at opening on the 21st. I was too cheap/lazy to preorder one and they are out of preorders, but the clerk I spoke with said they have an allotment that's totally separate from preorders so there will be floor stock too. [/QUOTE]That's more or less what I was told at my visit last week. I'll bet Best Buy gets a fair amount.
Ppl are making a killing on ebay with Wii Fit pre-orders. The last 6 to end in the last few hours are $203, $143, $202, $203, $198, and $204

I'm sorry, but thats about the cost of a yearly membership at a gym. Though im sure this game is going to get re-called pretty soon. All the mothers with their "special little guys" who are 11 years old and 200lbs are going to take offense to a game calling their kid fat and raise up a shit-storm. They're not fat, they're just big boned...

[quote name='Bezerker']Ppl are making a killing on ebay with Wii Fit pre-orders. The last 6 to end in the last few hours are $203, $143, $202, $203, $198, and $204

Hm I might just sell mine on ebay... very tempting.
All of the stores I went to today (Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, even smaller M&P stores) had not fully ready displays out already. Like, empty plastic to house the demo Wii and a ton of shelf and floor space that will be dedicated to Wii Fit. Best Buy even gave it's own have of an aisle with all of the displays and whatnot. Surprised me.

I'm really curious to see how this sells, and how available it'll be this week. If the pre-orders are knowingly gone, people are going to show up anyway.

So... release date is the 21st. Does this mean that they'll be in store at midnight on the 21st or not?
[quote name='Tecka']Hm I might just sell mine on ebay... very tempting.[/quote]

I should have ordered 2 because my wife won't let me ebay our only one when it comes.:cry:
[quote name='chakan']I don't want to over-hype the scarcity of Wii Fit at launch, who knows how many they've made for the US.[/quote]
Reggie is on record stating 1 million units ready for the North American launch, which I assume includes Canada.

I've been saying that a 100% day 1 sellthrough seems unrealistic, but with the hype train on full throttle, who knows.
My Best Buy pre-order card says it's out the 19th, but the sales ad says the 21st. Which is it? Don't want to waste gas driving out tomorrow if it's not going to be out until Wednesday.


-- N
The 21st is Tuesday, but for whatever reason most companies are now calling that the "ship date", which means it's not actually in their store until Wednesday. I'd call whatever store you were thinking about going to to see what their actual floor date is.
[quote name='mephitical']The 21st is Tuesday, but for whatever reason most companies are now calling that the "ship date", which means it's not actually in their store until Wednesday. I'd call whatever store you were thinking about going to to see what their actual floor date is.[/QUOTE]

umm... the 21st is wednesday. most companies (gamestop, walmart, toys r us) already have their first shipment in stock, but it's street dated for the 21st, so nobody is selling it until then. the big confusion with the 19th is coming from nintendo themselves. their flagship store in NYC is gonna start selling it on monday, the 19th, because they can. but it'll be everywhere (actually available, not shipping) on wednesday, the 21st. you might get lucky finding someone that'll break the date on it, but aside from that slim chance, there's no point in looking anywhere until wednesday.
[quote name='DocRamon']umm... the 21st is wednesday. most companies (gamestop, walmart, toys r us) already have their first shipment in stock, but it's street dated for the 21st, so nobody is selling it until then. the big confusion with the 19th is coming from nintendo themselves. their flagship store in NYC is gonna start selling it on monday, the 19th, because they can. but it'll be everywhere (actually available, not shipping) on wednesday, the 21st. you might get lucky finding someone that'll break the date on it, but aside from that slim chance, there's no point in looking anywhere until wednesday.[/quote]
That's what I meant.
[quote name='Bezerker']Ppl are making a killing on ebay with Wii Fit pre-orders. The last 6 to end in the last few hours are $203, $143, $202, $203, $198, and $204

I'm sorry, but thats about the cost of a yearly membership at a gym. Though im sure this game is going to get re-called pretty soon. All the mothers with their "special little guys" who are 11 years old and 200lbs are going to take offense to a game calling their kid fat and raise up a shit-storm. They're not fat, they're just big boned...[/QUOTE]

Which is one of the reasons it measure body mass index, I think. Regardless of whether or not that may be a more actually useful measure, it's also not something most people are use to looking at, so it has no relative meaning to them, and it's a low number. BMI of 30? That seems like a small number. It's also considered "obese".

Regarding the cost relative to a gym membership, well, I certainly wouldn't pay more than retail for Wii Fit, but on the other hand, I'd probably be a lot more likely to consistently play Wii Fit than to consistently go to a gym. Also it's a one-time fee. Having said that, I'd play DDR much more consistently. I do play DDR pretty consistently. DDR is fun, and *happens to be* good exercise as well (though of course it doesn't do much for strength or the upper body). That's what makes it work for the type of people who don't like doing exercise. People like me. I'm less sure about Wii Fit, though I'd give it a try if I could (sadly, I don't yet have a Wii). Still, I really can't imagine that doing push-ups on the balance board is going to make push-ups fun. They're still push-ups. Ditto for any other exercises it has you do. What it might be good at, though, is acting as a motivator and a kind of virtual trainer. It won't make the exercise fun, but it can push you to do exercise and help you see progress. And if you factor in the cost of a trainer at a gym, well then you might as well pay the Wii Fit ebay tax if you have to, because it's a huge savings compared to a gym+trainer.
I plan on getting the Wii Fit and use it as just a guide and tool to help get fit. Me and my g.f are planning to do a little "Biggest Loser" competition. I'll probably lose weight faster then her (due to me being over weight and her closer to fit). But we don't plan on just using the wii fit but also run, bike and do stuff out side (everyone for them selfs, got to lose weight!)

I know I could just go buy a scale and some paper and keep track of everything...but wheres the fun!
My local gamestop called me letting me know they were getting some extra of these in and asked me if I wanted one so Wednesday I pick mine up :).
Part of me is starting to want this just because its the thing to have. I know I should wait though. Even if its hard to find later, it should be more available by the time something worth playing comes out.
bread's done