Wii Shop Channel Thread - 12/29 StarTropics II, Maboshi's Arcade, Cue Sports: Pool

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[quote name='lilboo']They need to make like a Dr Mario spinoff. Dr Peach, OB/GYN[/QUOTE]

She'd just make Toad do all the hard and/or gross stuff, and take all the credit.
I was just looking through a couple of previews of Dr. Mario and they all say May 12th? I'm beginning to think that the listing is highly suspect, but I guess we won't really know until Monday.

I never want to play Dr. Mario because of this. What happens if I loose? If I don't play does that mean the hospitals are understaffed?
[quote name='Doomed']
I never want to play Dr. Mario because of this. What happens if I loose? If I don't play does that mean the hospitals are understaffed?[/quote]
yeah but it's only Luigi, so it's okay
[quote name='blueweltall']No Earthbound? Whats the latest news?[/QUOTE]

Might come out next week.

It was never slated for this Monday, and the general prediction was that Wiiware launch = no VC games.

I said up there that I think releasing it next week is still suicide for the title. NoA seriously wants it to die in a fire and take all the fans with it, preferably as painfully as possible.
NoA's hate for Earthbound makes no sense.. Hopefully it comes out next week, though.
I'm a little confused about the storage issue guys. I'm afraid I dont' know much about this. So if I move a VC title to my memory card, I can't play it from there, right? But I can move it back to the Wii when I want to play it?
anyone know if FFCC:MLAAK is a real rpg or is it something different. I read that its a simulation city builder title and you dont actually do any battles.
[quote name='utopianmachine']I'm a little confused about the storage issue guys. I'm afraid I dont' know much about this. So if I move a VC title to my memory card, I can't play it from there, right? But I can move it back to the Wii when I want to play it?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. You move it to the SD card (which takes forever to copy), which should remove it from your channels (hence freeing up space). Then if you want to play it, you need to copy it back to the internal memory.

This is a really ridiculous way of handling it because homebrew hackers have already figured out a way to run software directly from the SD card at full speed. If Nintendo allowed that, none of us would have space issues.
[quote name='Strell']
Oh, and releasing Earthbound one week after Wiiware - which I'm guessing will also have at least one Wiiware title - is suicide for the title.


no. earthbound will sell like hot cakes. everyone on the internet is going to buy 2.
[quote name='decrot']anyone know if FFCC:MLAAK is a real rpg or is it something different. I read that its a simulation city builder title and you dont actually do any battles.[/quote]

The tittle MLAAK is exactly what the game is, you are the king and send people to do battles for you, in return you get resources to build bigger better towns and more army personnel. Thats whats been said about the game anyways
If Earthbound does get released, someone should gift me the game as I've never heard of the damn game until I came here. And I don't want to spend 800 points for a game I may not like and I just have to see what the damn crying is over.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']no. earthbound will sell like hot cakes. everyone on the internet is going to buy 2.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to buy it multiple times. I'm hoping for at least a dozen. Case in point:

[quote name='KingofOldSchool']If Earthbound does get released, someone should gift me the game as I've never heard of the damn game until I came here. And I don't want to spend 800 points for a game I may not like and I just have to see what the damn crying is over.[/QUOTE]


Hmmm. "Crying?" Shape up or the deal is over.

I also move to rescind your title of "King of Old School," given this glaring omission from your supposed pedigree.
[quote name='Strell']I'm going to buy it multiple times. I'm hoping for at least a dozen. Case in point:


Hmmm. "Crying?" Shape up or the deal is over.

I also move to rescind your title of "King of Old School," given this glaring omission from your supposed pedigree.[/quote]

My name expands beyond the World of video games.
Anyone know the size of these WiiWare games? I have 33 blocks left and well I want to prepare for tomorrow. fuck you Nintendo. :bomb:

Yay for WiiWare though, still fuck you for the storage issue.
I have 1600 Wii points right now and you can be damn sure they are all going to EarthBound. Nintendo clearly wants this to fail, but I won't let it happen! lilboo should join in too, since he has so many Wii points.
[quote name='Strell']Might come out next week.

It was never slated for this Monday, and the general prediction was that Wiiware launch = no VC games.

I said up there that I think releasing it next week is still suicide for the title. NoA seriously wants it to die in a fire and take all the fans with it, preferably as painfully as possible.[/quote]Oh come on, the worst thing they could do is not release it at all. All the EB fans will buy it no matter when it comes out. The rest of the world wouldn't no matter when it comes out.
You know, of all the times I've ever heard anyone talk about Mother/Earthbound and how it's the greatest game ever and Nintendo obviously hates it and everyone who likes it, I've NEVER heard anyone explain what it is or what it's about, or even why it's good. It just is. I finally looked it up on wikipedia and youtube and it looks like just another painfully drawn out RPG that just replaces all the usual knights and monsters with kids and aliens. :/
That's funny. That sounds exactly like all the people who ask why Earthbound is good, and then all they do is look up movies and complain about the graphics and wonder why everyone could possibly like the game so much.
[quote name='utopianmachine'] I bought 4000 Wii Points a month or so ago just for Wiiware. I'm ready![/quote]

Same! and its so close!!!
[quote name='VioletArrows']You know, of all the times I've ever heard anyone talk about Mother/Earthbound and how it's the greatest game ever and Nintendo obviously hates it and everyone who likes it, I've NEVER heard anyone explain what it is or what it's about, or even why it's good. It just is. I finally looked it up on wikipedia and youtube and it looks like just another painfully drawn out RPG that just replaces all the usual knights and monsters with kids and aliens. :/[/quote]
Why do you hate on games without ever having played them?

Earthbound does suck though (and not for the reasons you stated), but don't make yourself look silly by stating think so from from just looking at Wiki.

Well, I don't actually think it sucks that much, it's just a normal RPG with a little more cuteness than usual. I'd happily play the third one if it was ever brought over officially. But I can safely pass on this one.
I don't think anyone can really appreciate this game if the blind bought it now though, you probably had to be there and play it during the SNES era.

I'm stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil waiting on Uniracers (which got the stupid ESRB rating near launch I think) and Crash n The Boys.

As for WiiWare. I'd like to try a couple of them. But will wait until Nintendo solves the space issue. I'm not going through the hassle of deleting, copying, anything.
I didn't just read the wiki, I watched through the first hour of the playthrough on youtube. It looks like every other RPG. No one has ever explained to me why it's good, just insulted me for not seeing it's brilliance. Strell.
Since I don't have a job until June and since I've got a lot of time to kill tomorrow, I'm planning on getting FF:CC:MLAAK (that's one hell of an abbreviation :shock:) early and playing it for a few hours. I'll be back with impressions when I feel like I've played enough to know if I can recommend the game or not.

I should probably mention ahead of time that I haven't actually played a Final Fantasy title unless we're going to count Kingdom Hearts, and that I pretty much don't know anything about the Crystal Chronicles games. That said, I'm a fan of management and strategy games, so that and the lack of any other compelling launch titles mean I'm going for it. :)
Despite the fact that dallow has shitty taste in everything, he's more or less right. I imagine that once the game finally comes out and all the message boards around the 'net are lit up with dozens of people praising the game, new people will get it. Which means there's going to be a huge backlash from people who won't play the game more than a few hours because the battle system isn't spectacular, the game can be brutally hard, and everyone has experienced RPG games with a lot more flash and strategic elements.

Above all, however, you have the play the game in order to enjoy it. It is that simple. I can count dozens of games where this same posit holds true.

The first hour of any RPG would look boring, by the way. Especially a Square RPG, since the first hour is usually reserved for nonsense explanation. That's book-cover-judgement in the video game world. The only exceptions I know of might be Chrono Trigger and FF6, since the former gets going very quick and the latter starts you off with obliterating a small militia.
[quote name='dallow']
Earthbound does suck though (and not for the reasons you stated), but don't make yourself look silly by stating think so from from just looking at Wiki.

Well, I don't actually think it sucks that much, it's just a normal RPG with a little more cuteness than usual. I'd happily play the third one if it was ever brought over officially. But I can safely pass on this one.
I don't think anyone can really appreciate this game if the blind bought it now though, you probably had to be there and play it during the SNES era.
I'm glad someone finally threw this out there. It's pretty much dead-on. I thought the game was great at the time when I saw it played at friends' houses. I went back about two years ago and tried playing it myself and was bored out of my mind. The pacing is slow, the jokes are terrible and it's really generic for the most part.

I do understand the fanaticism surrounding the game completely, and it's rarity only escalates that, but if you haven't played Earthbound, don't assume it will be the Holy Grail of RPGs.
Is anyone planning on getting some of the not quite as promising launch titles? I'm planning to stay as far away from things like the blackjack and game show titles as I can, but if anyone does buy them impressions would be great so I know if I'm wrong and I actually am missing out on something good. :)

[quote name='yukine']Did I miss something?

Why does everyone think Earthbound is going to be released soon? Was there a leak of information or something?[/QUOTE]

It popped up on the ESRB website not too long ago, and that usually indicates an impending Virtual Console release - after all, there isn't much other reason to go back and rate a game that's close to 15 years old.

[quote name='jbuck138']ign now says that Dr. Mario will be released on the 19th. It better be, because I am one unhappy CAG.[/QUOTE]

I hope so - that was the one title I was looking forward to the most at launch.

I'd rather not spend $20 on Wii points two weeks in a row, but if that means Final Fantasy, Dr. Mario, and (hopefully) Earthbound...so be it. :)
[quote name='mephitical']I do understand the fanaticism surrounding the game completely, and it's rarity only escalates that, but if you haven't played Earthbound, don't assume it will be the Holy Grail of RPGs.[/QUOTE]

I agree to an extent. I played it back in the day and loved it , and although I still like the game now it's fun and has charm but is far from the holy grail of rpgs. Besides , we all know that honor goes to Chrono Trigger.;)
Well if nothing else, I have another week or three to trade for the 200 pokemon I don't have. Though I have a feeling this summer and fall I'm never going to get to even think about my games, let alone play them.
[quote name='StarKnightX']I agree to an extent. I played it back in the day and loved it , and although I still like the game now it's fun and has charm but is far from the holy grail of rpgs. Besides , we all know that honor goes to Chrono Trigger.;)[/quote]
I am also much more excited for Chrono Trigger. However, I have not gone back to it like I did with Earthbound due to the amount of time I invested in it originally. But this and Shining Force II have been at the top of my list.

[quote name='LeafPanda']I only have 1000 Wii Points what should I get before I get FF: CC MLAAK or should I save for it using the 1000[/quote]
Dr. Mario.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']
It popped up on the ESRB website not too long ago, and that usually indicates an impending Virtual Console release - after all, there isn't much other reason to go back and rate a game that's close to 15 years old.[/quote]

If this is the best we've got, then don't hold your breath. Plenty of games have been rated by the ESRB for the VC that haven't seen the light of day yet. Super Mario RPG anyone?
[quote name='spmahn']If this is the best we've got, then don't hold your breath. Plenty of games have been rated by the ESRB for the VC that haven't seen the light of day yet. Super Mario RPG anyone?[/QUOTE]

I believe that disappeared from the site at some point, but I wouldn't know how to go about proving that either way.

ESRB is by no means a confirmation. As of now, it is a small glimmer of hope. But as many have said, most of us think Nintendo would just as soon burn down our houses than release Earthbound.
[quote name='yukine']I could of sworn Earthbound has been rated on the ESRB for the VC for ages? Or was that Chrono Trigger?[/QUOTE]

It was Mario RPG. Supposed it was on the site before the Wii launched.

And then shortly after it was removed.

That's what I remember anyway. Earthbound was rumored to be a title forever, but we never had any confirmation outside of the wet dreams of forum-goers.

Chrono Trigger has never been a possibility given the information we know, especially when Square's president thinks digital distribution is bullshit. Plus, they can remake stuff forever on the DS/PSP. There's a small chance Wiiware might change his mind (as botticus pointed out a while ago, their game sold pretty well in Japan), and they have released a few VC titles in Japan, but the future is bleak at best. Kind of like the future in Chrono Trigger, actually, where the sad citizens of Arris Dome also do not have Chrono Trigger on their VCs.
And it's such a stupid stance by Square. Release the original on the VC and then a few months later release the "remixed" version on the PSP or what have you.

Having multiple releases of the Final Fantasy games haven't slowed down sales for those particular titles. I don't think Chrono Trigger would be any different.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Is anyone planning on getting some of the not quite as promising launch titles? I'm planning to stay as far away from things like the blackjack and game show titles as I can, but if anyone does buy them impressions would be great so I know if I'm wrong and I actually am missing out on something good. :)

It popped up on the ESRB website not too long ago, and that usually indicates an impending Virtual Console release - after all, there isn't much other reason to go back and rate a game that's close to 15 years old.

I hope so - that was the one title I was looking forward to the most at launch.

I'd rather not spend $20 on Wii points two weeks in a row, but if that means Final Fantasy, Dr. Mario, and (hopefully) Earthbound...so be it. :)[/quote]

If not mistaken Pro Wrestling has been rated by the ESRB for quite some time now and hasn't been released. I know for a fact those bastards at Nintendo are going to wait to release it because I really want to play that one. Same with the SNES Starfox, Pilotwings and Pilotwings 64. I swear every game I want to play badly is being held hostage by Nintendo, except for super metroid, lol.
Well I'm not buying wiiware games until a storage issue is resolved. I know in the bigger picture nintendo's not losing any money, but it saves me money for Rock Band DLC since the mcdonalds promo of 99 cent songs is where my money is going ;)

I hope in July during E3 Reggie pulls out a sd card or hard-drive, thumb drive to show hey, nintendo fans we do need external storage, sorry to piss on the hardcore gamers. :lol:

Maybe instead he'll just pull out a gold wiimote and shove it in ass while introducing the rumored kid ircus game!
So will there be an update to the channel/wii?
I say that, because even in the Nintendo Channel video for this..on the main menu of the Wii Shop Channel they have Wii Ware in the middle. It's next to Virtual Console and something else (Channels?)

Even in the WiiWare section on Nintendo.com has it.


^ see?
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