Wii Shop Channel Thread - 12/29 StarTropics II, Maboshi's Arcade, Cue Sports: Pool

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[quote name='lilboo']So will there be an update to the channel/wii?
I say that, because even in the Nintendo Channel video for this..on the main menu of the Wii Shop Channel they have Wii Ware in the middle. It's next to Virtual Console and something else (Channels?)[/quote]

No update. I just went into the shop channel and it was already there.
I'm surprised they put them up so early.

A few notes:
- The smallest game is Pop at 110 blocks. TV Show King is at 290 blocks
- FFCC is 287 blocks here. In Japan it was 303, but the DLC was already there (disc, code trickery is not here maybe)
- LostWinds uses Wiimote and Nunchuck
- WiiWare Titles are not popular, despite having its' own list (as of 8:10am this morning)
Downloading all 6 games will cost you nearly 1300 blocks of space (You start with like...2400 or something). With all the channels (minus Mario Kart), it's impossible to get all 6 if your Wii is blank (no game saves either).
There are currently no demos up. Dr. Mario Online RX in Japan had a multiplayer demo thingie, but that's as close as we get.

I got LostWinds, and it's interesting. It's like Zelda II but more straightforward.

liboo, you don't have enough for both if you have 490 blocks I'm afraid.
I refuse to get rid of my largest game--Sin & Punishment. I just refuse.
This is maddening. This space issue can NOT be "a low percentage of Wii users"

I was thinking about Pop too.. but I guess I can't now :lol:
I have plenty of points!! Just no where to put these fuckin games!!:bomb:
I've finally encountered the storage problem - didn;t have enough room to download Lost Winds (from memory it was about 260 blocks) so I'm now putting things onto SD.
I picked up Lost Winds and played for maybe 10 minutes this morning.

It looks very nice, and should prove to be a very interesting platformer. I like its use of the Wiimote, so I can't wait until I get off work and am able to play it.
[quote name='KingBroly']There are currently no demos up.[/QUOTE]That's what I figured, but I thought I'd ask. I'll probably download a game this week (to show support for the concept), but from now on it's likely that MS will get more of my money simply because I can actually sit down and try those games before playing them. 3rd party development houses, be advised!
Everyone that has had to put stuff to the SD card or delete items to fit should email Nintendo to show that it affects more than they think.
[quote name='dallow']Everyone that has had to put stuff to the SD card or delete items to fit should email Nintendo to show that it affects more than they think.[/QUOTE]

I'm one of those dudes, but I'm not bothered by the concept. Just the speed. I swear it took over 10-12 minutes for Sin and Punishment to be copied over to my SD card. That's fucking absurdly slow.

It's a minor inconvenience to "take out" games you aren't planning on using immediately; it's a PAIN IN MY ASS that it took almost an hour to do just that very thing.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm one of those dudes, but I'm not bothered by the concept. Just the speed. I swear it took over 10-12 minutes for Sin and Punishment to be copied over to my SD card. That's fucking absurdly slow.[/QUOTE]Wow. Based on that, I'd venture that it would be faster to just delete the game and re-download it down the line.
[quote name='MisterHand']Wow. Based on that, I'd venture that it would be faster to just delete the game and re-download it down the line.[/QUOTE]

I think you're right. It took at least 10 minutes to transfer Paper Mario. My only concern was that what happens if a "really" wanna play one of those games and the Wii Shop is down, or my internet is out. Granted that chances of either thing happening are slim but it was enough to make me bite the bullet and save to SD.

Yeah with the sloooow speeds the SD card doesn't appear to be a practical storage solution - if I want to play Paper Mario now it'll be the same as kicking it old school with the C64 tape drive.
[quote name='vherub']lost winds looks good, probably will pick that up[/QUOTE]

I've only played up until the first save point but so far it is everything I hoped it would be.

Beautiful art direction, soothing music and creative gameplay - what more can you ask for?
I downloaded LostWinds this morning but probably won't play it until later tonight. Only 230 blocks left on my Wii. Damn it, Nintendo!

On a side-note, I did notice new DS demos in the Nintendo channel. They removed some of the other ones though. I wish they would just create a list of every DS demo that has come out since the DS was released and we could just pick whatever one we want.
What did they add?
Also, for those who are downloading games..do they come with different saved files?
I'm interested in Lost Winds. I'm sure my BF would be too. Hate sharing 1 game with 1 file :whistle2:/
I have the space, but the only games I wanted were the ones that were promised, but were no-shows. Probably end up getting DYC or Lost Winds just for the hell of it.
[quote name='lilboo']What did they add?
Also, for those who are downloading games..do they come with different saved files?
I'm interested in Lost Winds. I'm sure my BF would be too. Hate sharing 1 game with 1 file :whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

Yep, Lost Winds has three slots - can't speak to the others though.
[quote name='lilboo']What did they add?[/quote]

Brain Age 1
Spiderwhick Chronicles
Apollo Justice
Word Coach
Iron Man
Eco Creatures
I'll most likely pick up LostWinds right now, but I have my doubts about the Final Fantasy game. And $15.00 is not very cheap. Better wait for reviews at least.

FFCC: My Life as King: 287 blocks
Black Jack: 207 blocks
Defend your Castle: 121 blocks
LostWinds: 259 blocks
Pop: 110 blocks
TV Quiz: 290 blocks
[quote name='BlueLobstah']FYI

FFCC: My Life as King: 287 blocks
Black Jack: 207 blocks
Defend your Castle: 121 blocks
LostWinds: 259 blocks
Pop: 110 blocks
TV Quiz: 290 blocks[/quote]
This is good to know - thank you! Has anyone tried Pop yet?

Maybe it's 64 games that take so long to copy, or could it be the media you're using? I use a 1GB SD card and I'd say the games I've transferred (SNES and TG16 games) take less than 30 seconds to copy. It's a big part of the reason why I've never understood all the whining about additional storage. It's a hassle, but not a huge one for me. But if it really is taking some of you 10 minutes to copy a game I understand a little more why there are so many complaints.
Yikes, so I'd definitely have to delete some stuff to even download *one* WiiWare game. Oh well. :cry:

I agree with the discussion above... the transfer speed is WAY too slow for N64 games, which is a problem since those are the ones that likely need to be moved/deleted in order to free up space effectively.
I'm a little surprised no one's posted about FF:CC yet, but I figured I'd be a guinea pig anyway. Lost Winds sounds great, but I'll wait on that one for a bit.

I haven't started playing yet (I will in a moment), but I think it's worth mentioning that the DLC for the game is actually already up. You purchase it in the game itself (not through the Wii's store), and the content available and the prices for it are up on Wikipedia. Haven't bought any yet; the three races pack sounds like the most useful, but I'll wait and make sure I like the game enough to justify it first.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm one of those dudes, but I'm not bothered by the concept. Just the speed. I swear it took over 10-12 minutes for Sin and Punishment to be copied over to my SD card. That's fucking absurdly slow.

It's a minor inconvenience to "take out" games you aren't planning on using immediately; it's a PAIN IN MY ASS that it took almost an hour to do just that very thing.[/QUOTE]

I did it last night as I had a PIP up, so I could watch something on TV and transfer stuff. I imagine if I hadn't done that, I would have been annoyed as hell by it.

Oh a related note - the homebrew guys can get stuff to run from the SD slot at good speeds, right? So why can't Nintendo?

We need one of those guys here telling us everything they can safely tell.
The homebrew stuff is small though isn't it?
I imagine it's just the writing to the card that is slow. But light reading from the card seems fine.

It's just the giant N64 games that take a while.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']I'm a little surprised no one's posted about FF:CC yet, but I figured I'd be a guinea pig anyway. Lost Winds sounds great, but I'll wait on that one for a bit.

I haven't started playing yet (I will in a moment), but I think it's worth mentioning that the DLC for the game is actually already up. You purchase it in the game itself (not through the Wii's store), and the content available and the prices for it are up on Wikipedia. Haven't bought any yet; the three races pack sounds like the most useful, but I'll wait and make sure I like the game enough to justify it first.[/quote]

Please post your thoughts after playing. I look forward to hearing them.
Can't they run the emulator and the game from it though? There's got to be some trickery they are doing that streams it well enough to make it possible.

I don't keep up with the modded scene because I don't have the time and don't know how to solder (which I need to learn how to do), but it seems like the buzz is that they run it entirely from the card. But again, I'd need someone with the pure experience to come in here and tell me what's what.

I guess, really, I don't buy the slow transfer speed as a problem so much as I see it as lazy programming, perhaps even as a deterrent from encouraging people to assume we could run stuff directly from the card. There's something suspicious about it to me.
Man, I'm a huge FF fan, but I had no idea how piecemeal everything in "My Life as a King" is.

I'm not paying $15 for it, to find out that I can buy *release day* DLC for a grand total of $15 or so.

At that point, put that shit on a disc and sell it to me for $50. By the time they add all the DLC, it will easily be that much or more.
dr. mah-ree-oh was the only reason i actually bought a points card for.

:whistle2:k ... this sucks.
[quote name='mykevermin']Man, I'm a huge FF fan, but I had no idea how piecemeal everything in "My Life as a King" is.

I'm not paying $15 for it, to find out that I can buy *release day* DLC for a grand total of $15 or so.

At that point, put that shit on a disc and sell it to me for $50. By the time they add all the DLC, it will easily be that much or more.[/quote]
lol @ that, that is pretty shitty.
Yes, everything runs from the card strell.

Speeds could be limited by the Wii.
In the way the USB ports are limited to 1.1 speeds though they are 2.0 ports.
Just recently I believe they got some homebrew to run off flash sticks.
im hoping someone will put out uno/skip-bo w/ online on wiiware. it might sound lame but i think something like that would be awesome.

xbox has uno on live and its the number 1 selling game, so someones gotta do it.
How is Lostwinds? Has anyone heard how long it is? How deep? Wow... this is getting sexual. lol But this is the only WiiWare title out today that I'm interested in. Haven't seen any reviews really.
[quote name='RynoZebz']How is Lostwinds? Has anyone heard how long it is? How deep? Wow... this is getting sexual. lol But this is the only WiiWare title out today that I'm interested in. Haven't seen any reviews really.[/QUOTE]

I'm so into you.

I'm going to suggest Lost Winds to anyone and everyone. It's quite beautiful for what it is, and the music is pretty amazing. It's just charming.

I'd say get that before the FF game. There's a "support the little guy" slant going on here, because Square has enough money. Plus I really do hate the DLC thing already going on overdrive on the first fucking day.

I can't wait to play it some more.
[quote name='mykevermin']Man, I'm a huge FF fan, but I had no idea how piecemeal everything in "My Life as a King" is.

I'm not paying $15 for it, to find out that I can buy *release day* DLC for a grand total of $15 or so.

At that point, put that shit on a disc and sell it to me for $50. By the time they add all the DLC, it will easily be that much or more.[/quote]

I am hating this idea too...

Three Races Pack (800 Points):
Sacred Shrine (200 Points):

Added Later

11 Dungeons Pack (300 Points):
Tower of Eternity (300 Points):
Library (200 Points):

New Dungeons 100 Points later

So 1500 to play the game... another 1000 points to expand this further, then another 800 later in the Summer to add more content.

I'm NOT counting clothes... clothes aren't content!!!!!

Plus then afterwards, 100 points per dungeon, and I bet they can whip them out like hotcakes.

FF:CC:MLAAK is like the only title I'm somewhat interested...

but if it's going to be a priced per choice buffet grande, then gah... I might as well pass.......
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