Wii Shop Channel Thread - 12/29 StarTropics II, Maboshi's Arcade, Cue Sports: Pool

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I wanna get that game for attractive people but my wiispace is hurting. I was thinking of getting it on PC (will it be on steam?) but it would be more fun on Wii.
So I just bought Pop, LostWinds and TV Show King. I only played Pop.
I played for about 20 minutes.
I can say "Yes" for 700 points with this game. It's strictly a high score game. It has online leaderboards, you can send your scores to your Wii message board.. OR your friends message boards (and you can even choose who gets them).
It supports up to 4 players, and I have a feeling multiplayer is bad ass. I'll def post 2 player impressions later when this gay guy in my apartment wakes up :bomb:

Off to try LostWinds now, and will play TV Show King once that homo gets up. :)
Anyone try the VIP Casino? :lol: I would have downloaded that instantly if it was Mii supported..but it looks like it's just 'real' people. :(
[quote name='JoeB1233']People have compared it to Kirby's Canvas Curse, which should be all the convincing one would ever need.[/quote]


*stays the fuck away from it*
i'll add another "get lostwinds" vote... awesome game. could have been, and probably should have been, a full disc game. i know after it's over, i'm gonna want more. f-ing phenomenal.

also got tv show king. it's about what you'd expect... a trivia game. it's like smarty pants, only cheaper. worth $10? depends on how you use your wii. if you frequently have people over to play the game with, it's just as much fun as a trivial pursuit kinda game. if you're sitting around playing games by yourself, i'm not sure how much fun you'd get out of answering trivia. that'd be like reading the trivial pursuit cards for fun. i mean sure, you're learning something, but it's also kinda lame, and you need to get out and find a friend to play wii with.

also wanted to get pop, but of course, didn't have the blocks. i cleared out all the stuff (save data, vc games) that i don't regularly play and only had enough room for the 2 games. i have 5 blocks left now. still want pop, and don't know what i'm gonna do when dr. mario comes out.
Here's the real storage problem.
I am now down to 8, yes, EIGHT virtual console games on my system.
8 VC games, 3 WiiWare games, and 2 optional channels (Mario Kart, Nintendo) and right now I have 223 blocks open. I still can't download My Life as a King. I could, once I get rid of maybe 2-3 games. My 2 biggest games still on my console are Sin & Punishment and Pokemon Snap. S&P is 287, which I think is exactly the same as FF. What happens when I get rid of these VC games..and I can't even get rid of something ELSE?

I refuse to delete saves BECAUSE THEY WON'T TRANSFER. I go to a save, hit COPY..and it says 'the file cannot be copied".. :whistle2:\

This is getting BEYOND ridiculous now. If these WiiWare games were smaller, it'd be sorta ok..but they aren't so it's not ok AT ALL.
Not sure if I'm confused or what but is the Nintendo Channel where they're supposed to have downloads for your DS? Is anything there yet or will it come later?

I finally connected my router to get online (for some reason, my Wii wouldn't work with my brother's router even though the PS3, 360, 2x Windows laptops, a PC, a Macbook, and PSP all work without issues...) so I'm a little behind.

Already bought LostWinds because that's what I've been wanting for a while now but have yet to play it.
Really enjoyed Lost Winds. Would love to see them expand on the wind idea.

I hate how they pulled the "To be continued" move. I was under the impression this was a complete game
[quote name='lilboo']
I refuse to delete saves BECAUSE THEY WON'T TRANSFER. I go to a save, hit COPY..and it says 'the file cannot be copied".. :whistle2:\.[/quote]
What are you transferring? Brawl, Elebits, and a few more can't be copied.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']Ugh, I can't believe I'm already stuck in lost winds. :([/quote]
me too. Game needs a map too.
[quote name='Okari']Really enjoyed Lost Winds. Would love to see them expand on the wind idea.

I hate how they pulled the "To be continued" move. I was under the impression this was a complete game
you're kiding me
[quote name='Doomed']What are you transferring? Brawl, Elebits, and a few more can't be copied.[/QUOTE]

VC game saves won't transfer either for me. Some SNES game saves are 4 points. If I don't have the VC game on my Wii, I'd like to put the save on storage as well.. ya know?
Certain games - usually first party - cannot transfer game save information.

Nintendo's reasoning on this - and boy are you guys going to love this - is that the information is considered copyright.

Remember when you were a kid in elementary school, and inevitably you had to do a project where you cut out words from magazines that described yourself, and then made a big collage out of them? Imagine their owners busting your ass in the middle of your presentation in front of the class, where you showed them you cut out the words "massive" and "crowd pleasing."

I'd never been so mad at Sports Illustrated in my life.
I picked up Lost Winds today, and I really enjoyed it. It also reminded me of Kirby Canvas Curse, which I really enjoyed. So far I've played it for less then a hour, but I think the 1000 points was money well spent.

I now have 1300 points left, I'm not sure if I'm going to get anything else.
Ok, OP updated. I am awaiting a new banner so I can put the channels in their own section.. so they are fine where they are for the time being :)
[quote name='DocRamon']still want pop, and don't know what i'm gonna do when dr. mario comes out.[/quote]

A 1 gig SD card is super cheap, especially since the Wii takes the older, larger format.

Does anyone know, though, if you move a game to the SD card, do you lose your save file or high scores, or does it all transer?

[quote name='dallow']Any reasoning on why third party DS demos only last a week?[/quote]

I'm wondering if the rapid change in titles has anything to do with several of them being older demos, especially Ninja Gaidan, which I swear I downloaded from a Gamestop months ago.

In regards to my own Wiiware purchases, I'm at a hotel in Virginia right now and haven't hooked up my Wii yet. My Life as King and Lost Winds are the only ones I care about.
yeah, i have a 2GB SD card... but if i'm gonna go through the trouble of transferring from cards over and over again, i'll just delete and redownload when i want to play, unless there's save data i want.

the point is, though, i shouldn't have to deal with any of this re-organization every time i want to give nintendo money. i should be able to keep them on a hard drive or SD card permanently.
[quote name='utopianmachine']

Does anyone know, though, if you move a game to the SD card, do you lose your save file or high scores, or does it all transer?
VC (and most likely Wiiware) save files are separate from the games, look in you save file directory and you'll see them. Most are only 1 block, so there's no need to move or delete them.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I am addicted the the FF game so far. I just can't figure out how to change jobs.[/QUOTE]

You need buildings for those - there are temples for white and black mages, and it's the Gaming Hall for thieves.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']You need buildings for those - there are temples for white and black mages, and it's the Gaming Hall for thieves.[/QUOTE]

Muchos Gracias. :D
[quote name='Strell']
Nintendo's reasoning on this - and boy are you guys going to love this - is that the information is considered copyright.[/quote]
Seriously? Why the fuck do they let you transfer VC games and Wii game saves, but not the VC saves and I was told I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to 11 and they took my stapler... fuck Nintendo.
uh oh, so FF is an addicting game? Not good. I'll probably get it now.

So we just played a 6 round game of TV Show King. It's fun! It's not OMG PARTY GAME OF TEH YEARZ..but it's good. If your someone who has company over a lot, this IS a great game to play. Not all the questions are easy, :lol: :oops: But it's fun..and I love that your audience is basically your Mii Plaza..it's really funny. Since it's 4 players, and only me and him played..it picked 2 Miis from the audience to play. Rosie O'Donnel & JFD played with us.. :lol:

so overall, yes, I would recommend TV Show King if you enjoy playing your Wii with other people and you do it often.
Pop is addicting. I thought "700 points? I'm wasting mah pointz!1"..but I'm wrong. It's really good, IMO.

Now I want Defend Your Castle AND My Life as a King :(
[quote name='Doomed']Seriously? Why the fuck do they let you transfer VC games and Wii game saves, but not the VC saves and I was told I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to 11 and they took my stapler... fuck Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

There was salt on the glass!


Quick suggestion for the Wiiware section. You have a note Free unless otherwise noted" It might be clearer to separate out the Free stuff into a sub section since going forward most of the content will now have a cost to it and remove the note...
the final fantasy game is very addicting... it's easy but the whole thing is just pure awesome... I only wish that you could hop into battle sometimes... like for bosses or something...

anyways, ... this is more like a building simulation with economy in a fully customized kingom.

It's definately worth the 1500 + 1600 points.... for the DLC, even though I hardly even got to the DLC content yet....

one could easily put in 60+ hours into it.... and have fun.
[quote name='xycury']the final fantasy game is very addicting... it's easy but the whole thing is just pure awesome... I only wish that you could hop into battle sometimes... like for bosses or something...

anyways, ... this is more like a building simulation with economy in a fully customized kingom.

It's definately worth the 1500 + 1600 points.... for the DLC, even though I hardly even got to the DLC content yet....

one could easily put in 60+ hours into it.... and have fun.[/QUOTE]

Is it like Sims meets Final Fantasy? I ask because my GF is looking for a Sims fix... I got her Animal Crossing for the DS, but the Wii Sims outings have been crap lacking in substance, but flush with fiber.
[quote name='foltzie']Is it like Sims meets Final Fantasy? I ask because my GF is looking for a Sims fix... I got her Animal Crossing for the DS, but the Wii Sims outings have been crap lacking in substance, but flush with fiber.[/QUOTE]

If she's into the Sims and Animal Crossing, she'll probably enjoy this. I've played the hell out of both of those games, and I sunk most of today into FF:CC:MLAAK. :lol:

It's more management oriented than those. Most of the gameplay revolves around sending out your adventurers to conquer dungeons (and helping them do that by building things like equipment shops and temples for training) or making your town grow (via adding houses). And so far, it's been a blast.
Restarting Lost Winds, cause I think i screwed up the order and now its stuck.
edit: not restarting but still lost

also, is there gonna be a thread per game, or do we keep talking about them in here
Ok since I'm the craziest and I probably bought the most, I'll give a quick (very quick) recap of what I bought today.

TV Show King is very cheesy, and looks like one of them $10 PC games you pick up at Target. However, the Mii integration is awesome. Your audience is basically (almost) everyone in your Mii plaza, so it's funny when the camera is focused on 2 people and yet you see a bunch of your Miis (Like Hitler, Jesus and your mom in the audience). It's def worth the $10 if you ALWAYS have someone to play this with. If you frequently have guests, if you requently have parties (Wii parties), or if you know people who would come over to play..then yes. If you don't..then find someone who will buy it. I can not recommend this game for a solo play. I only played it with 1 other person and we had a good time. The questions are pretty simple to kinda "WTF?!", so that's a good thing. I'd give this a 7.5/10 based on the time I played today with ONE person.

LostWinds is pretty unique. This is probably the game I played the LEAST of today, but that doesn't mean it was bad. The music, to me, is kinda boring..but I understand that tone. It's not really like some dramatic adventure. It's just some chill boy, in a chill village. The use of the wiimote to control the wind is really cool, and it's ALMOST like Kirby Canvas Curse..just not as fast paced. It looks like a game where you might have to collect a lot of shit, but that's usually a good thing. The graphics are good, the sound is good..and it seems pretty original to me. I'm not gonna give it a rating because I think I may have only played this for 45 minutes today, however, I don't think my 1000 points went to waste.

Pop was the game I thought "LOL!1 you asshole, why did you waste 700 points on THIS?! and I was VERY wrong. This game is fuckin addicting. I still haven't played this with another person, but I will. If you are old school and you get boners about high scores and beating your old high score or beating your friends score..this game will be your slut. It's awesome. It looks good. It feels good. It sounds good and it's so damn simple. This is the first game that uses Nintendo wifi, but only to send your scores to your wii friends. You can choose who gets a message everytime you play, and you can opt to have your score sent to your message board. Even though it's a simple thing to do, it's not a very easy game IMO. I still can't make it further then wave 9, :lol: 700 points, totally worth it. Great alone, and I'm sure it's great with 3 other people. I'm gonna say this is an 8/10 game.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles My Life as a King was a last minute descison. Let's just say this.. the last hour and 1/2 went by so fast.
This game is great. It's ADDICTING. It looks fantastic. It is right up there with Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3. Even though the DLC prices look pricey, once you play the game and understand what the DLC actually does..you'll realize it's not all that bad. Some of the DLC you won't need until later in the game (like 40+ hours later!)..and it's only 200-300 points. You don't NEED to buy the DLC to enjoy the game fully, so that's a huge plus. Hell, I purchased the King's Outfit and he wears an eye patch. The King of Punani is a bad ass 10 year old! :)
I am most likely wasting this weekend away to this game. I will most likely be getting MOST of the DLC for this.
So far, I'm saying this game is a 9/10. :applause:

Now all I need to do is somehow fit Dr Mario and Pokemon Ranch onto my Wii and I'll be set! :lol:
[quote name='UltimoRey']Restarting Lost Winds, cause I think i screwed up the order and now its stuck.
edit: not restarting but still lost

also, is there gonna be a thread per game, or do we keep talking about them in here[/QUOTE]

Are you stuck where a certain guy tells you to go west?
[quote name='BlueLobstah']Are you stuck where a certain guy tells you to go west?[/quote]
i though i went to the temple early, but then realized it was something else

edit:found that temple
[quote name='UltimoRey']also, is there gonna be a thread per game, or do we keep talking about them in here[/QUOTE]

I don't know. I'd keep most of the discussion in here, but FF:CC:MLAAK is a much bigger game than the others, which is probably why it's warranted its own thread.

Of the other releases, I'd say that maybe Lost Winds might be worth a thread given the amount of discussion here, but the others probably don't need one.

Lost Winds looks great, but I'm going to wait on it for a while due to lack of funding. I'm still hoping for some of the titles that didn't show up this week (Dr. Mario, Critter Round Up, and Pokémon Ranch), and there's always that slim glimmer of hope that Earthbound might pop up on the Virtual Console.

...Nintendo's going to be getting a lot of my money at this rate. Thank god my summer job pays well. :lol:
[quote name='UltimoRey']yes,
i though i went to the temple early, but then realized it was something else

edit:found that temple[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I got stuck looking for it a while, because the wind spirit mentioned it was west of where you started (inside the cave) and I was looking all through that cave and never found anything.

If anyone else is having this same issue, exit the cave where you started and try to go below it. It's a completely different path.
[quote name='lilboo']
Pop was the game I thought "LOL!1 you asshole, why did you waste 700 points on THIS?! and I was VERY wrong. This game is fuckin addicting. I still haven't played this with another person, but I will. If you are old school and you get boners about high scores and beating your old high score or beating your friends score..this game will be your slut. It's awesome. It looks good. It feels good. It sounds good and it's so damn simple. This is the first game that uses Nintendo wifi, but only to send your scores to your wii friends. You can choose who gets a message everytime you play, and you can opt to have your score sent to your message board. Even though it's a simple thing to do, it's not a very easy game IMO. I still can't make it further then wave 9, :lol: 700 points, totally worth it. Great alone, and I'm sure it's great with 3 other people. I'm gonna say this is an 8/10 game.
Thank you for validating my purchase of Poop. It is lovable, and is definitely my scat slut. This and Boom Blox are satisfying the hypersexual two-year-old in me to no end. Maybe one day we will be Wii friends and can send each other high scores.

Also, I see no problem with a new thread for each game if someone really wants to. It's not like the Wii board is overcrowded here. If a game warrrants a lot of discussion, it will stay on top. If it sucks and no one cares, it will drop off and not take up any more precious digitial real estate.
[quote name='UltimoRey']2 1/2 hours of Lost Winds...my left hand hurts. They need to make bigger nunchucks.[/quote]
Haha! I know that "nunchuck" is Internet slang for penis. You wish you had a bigger penis. Then you could get that "Big Guy" tattoo on it that you always wanted and then when you play "Lost Winds" again you can see the whole tattoo.

I think I might download that "game" right now. Strell likes it.
[quote name='mephitical']Haha! I know that "nunchuck" is Internet slang for penis. You wish you had a bigger penis. Then you could get that "Big Guy" tattoo on it that you always wanted and then when you play "Lost Winds" again you can see the whole tattoo.

I think I might download that "game" right now. Strell likes it.[/quote]
1. Why would nintendo makes penises?
2. Why would I do that? The only "big guy" I know comes with "2 scoops of candy-coated kaboom"
If anyone gets that reference, I'll be amazed
[quote name='UltimoRey']1. Why would nintendo makes penises?
2. Why would I do that? The only "big guy" I know comes with "2 scoops of candy-coated kaboom"
If anyone gets that reference, I'll be amazed
3. What STD is the cutest?[/quote]
1. Because they can. If I could, I would.
2. Elf porn
3. Pubic lice
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