Wii Shop Channel Thread - 12/29 StarTropics II, Maboshi's Arcade, Cue Sports: Pool

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[quote name='UltimoRey']
2. Why would I do that? The only "big guy" I know comes with "2 scoops of candy-coated kaboom"
If anyone gets that reference, I'll be amazed

I originally thought of another possibility, but after searching for it
check the bottom of my want list in my TL in the DVDs section
Got FF:CC today, played it for 20 mins, still on the tutorial bullshit (then SMT: Nocturne was calling me, lol). After reading about how this is sort of like Sim City and was good I picked it up without hesitation because I love Sim City.

Edit: Got past the tutorial bullshit, now I am starting to feel an addiction to this fucker. It's like sim city but instead of sitting there and watching cash run in you are doing something other than building. If I didn't have to do some yard work tomorrow I would play this for at least another hour.

I will get Lost Winds sometime. It is just with these rumors of Earthbound coming out and FF:CC DLC, I may not have enough points for Earthbound if it does come out on Monday so I am waiting for news of next weeks VC games to buy Lost Winds.
Argh, must...resist...urge...to...buy...Final Fantasy....gaaaahhh....

Can I justify it by saying I should buy now in case squeenix decides to raise the price?!?

I'm not surprised they're going to make a LostWinds sequel.
Beat it and you'll understand too

The storage situation has always been bad. I beat LostWinds, and since I could not foresee myself playing it again for a while at least, I put it on an SD card, and deleted it. But I'm still sub 300 blocks.

OFF-TOPIC: due to a lot of saves not being transferable to SD cards, it raises questions if Nintendo's next system will be backwards compatable.
[quote name='KingBroly']
OFF-TOPIC: due to a lot of saves not being transferable to SD cards, it raises questions if Nintendo's next system will be backwards compatable.[/QUOTE]

If anything, nintendo can change that via firmware update.
I just picked up FF and LostWinds. Haven't got to play them yet. Hopefully tomorrow, though I'm saying that about a lot of games today ;)

Was left with 54 blocks... until I deleted some stuff, now have 276 left.

I wonder where complaints should be directed? Lack of hard drive is going to be a much bigger issue now. It was one thing before, when those of us who bought a *lot* of VC games were running out of space... but now it's going to come down to people with a few wiiware games running out of space, and that isn't good for business. Certianly they have to come up with a solution now, if only to make themselves more money?

This TV SHow King game is calling to me... there go my newly emptied blocks ;) For those who got it, are the questions, on average, harder than the ones shown in the video on the Nintendo Channel? The ones in that seemed kind of sad :p
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm not surprised they're going to make a LostWinds sequel.
Beat it and you'll understand too

The storage situation has always been bad. I beat LostWinds, and since I could not foresee myself playing it again for a while at least, I put it on an SD card, and deleted it. But I'm still sub 300 blocks.

OFF-TOPIC: due to a lot of saves not being transferable to SD cards, it raises questions if Nintendo's next system will be backwards compatable.[/QUOTE]

That's one of my biggest problems. With me only having 6 or 7 VC games, 4 WiiWare games and 2 channels..I still have less than 100 blocks. Things like Smash Bros having 120-somethin blocks, and the Nintendo channel being 120 something and the save file being 120 something.. It's getting ridiculous. There's several VC games data saves I still have on my Wii and they are 2-4 blocks each. I have the game stored, but the data still here. Point is, all of them 2-4 games add up (sadly)

I really don't want to start storing WiiWare games. I'll get rid of the MK Channel once I feel like I've gotten my Mario Kart fix.
Yeah I'm pretty sure we are getting Dr Mario, the new R-Type game, Pokemon Ranch, and Toki Tori next week. (as in next Monday)

Luckily I only want Dr Mario & Pokemon Ranch.
I want to go back home and play MLAAK!!!! :(

EDIT: Anyone else pick up Pop? If you did, add me to your Wii list (system code) and let's be annoying and set each other up on the Pop high score thing. If you ARE friends with me, let me know you have it and I'll add you to my 'send scores to' list. :)
Short preview of Lost Winds. If you haven't picked it up already, I highly recommend it.

Since people were looking for Defend Your Castle impressions, and I have it....

It's fairly similar to the flash game. I'm only on level 25 of normal difficulty, and it's getting a tad frantic, but still manageable- but, there's a higher difficulty that I'm sure would be utter chaos. I love the whole style of it- most of the sound effects sound like they're some guy making sounds, not using any props or anything- and it is just comically fun to fling stick figure guys around. There's tons of NES games on the VC that are worse for the same price. There's some with more staying power, but most rational people would have those already, so I can recommend picking it up.
[quote name='lilboo']
EDIT: Anyone else pick up Pop? If you did, add me to your Wii list (system code) and let's be annoying and set each other up on the Pop high score thing. If you ARE friends with me, let me know you have it and I'll add you to my 'send scores to' list. :)[/quote]
I played a LOT last night. I realized afterwards that I should have used one of my gun shells, because clicking either button so much while holding the naked remote kind of hurts your hand after a while. As soon as I get a chance to get my Friend Code I'll send it to you.

I'll probably get Defend Your Castle either tonight or whenever the next time I get to play is.
I'm loving Pop, it is very addicting. The only complaint I have so far is multiplayer advance mode. Every time we've played it we're too busy stunning or shrinking each other to add time to the board. We get to around wave 5 or 6, then the next thing I know everyone is fighting for power-ups only.
for those still looking for impressions or trailers, I would like to suggest Gonintendo.com. It has tons of the stuf plus tons of other nintendo news.
Can anyone help me with Lost Winds...
where the hell do I find the first shrine? It says west of some falls, but i can't seem to find anything anywhere.
[quote name='Dingleberry']Can anyone help me with Lost Winds...
where the hell do I find the first shrine? It says west of some falls, but i can't seem to find anything anywhere.

Me too.

I think someone may have mentioned it earlier in this thread last night.

edit: there's a few spoilers on a page back (96 for me) that help you out on that part. I don't know how to put in the spoiler icon so go back a page and read those posts.
I picked up Defend your castle, and it is pretty sweet. Might pick up lost winds have to see what comes out next week.

Started reading and looks like people want to know a bit about it. The game is very Flashesq since it was a flash game. Everything is handdrawn so you aren't going to get very amazing graphics, but the game isn't about that. Pretty much the game will go on forever and even until the baddies take over your castle. I played on normal and things didn't get interesting for until about level 20(35-40 mins in, however i am sure hard mode gets harder a lot faster). So pretty much a bunch of enemies with different abilities come running at your castle, and you just point and click and throw them around to kill them. Every enemy you kill you get points for. These points can do various things including fortifying your castle, repairing, and the most important which is upgrading. The upgrades all use "converted enemies". You first have to buy the ability to do this, and in game there is a paint bucket that you can drop the baddies in and it will convert them (over 30 seconds or so) to an ally that you can use. The different upgrades come in very handy including archers, masons(repair), wizards(cool abilities with D-Pad), and bombers(blow stuff up). I have only played single player, however from what I have read people can just drop in and out. The sound effects are really cool, but there isn't really any music which is kind of annoying (1 track would have atleast been cool). But the art style is really cool and it is a pretty fun game. It does get very repetitive, but most flash games do. So far I have really enjoyed it, and for only $5 I am pretty happy with my purchase.

Hope that helps some people out.
i bought defend your castle. i think it's pretty good..there isn't all that much there, but better than you would get for $5 on xbla. my 4 year old daughter loves it too, it's pretty easy for children to play it, so that's a great feature.
i'm thinking about lost winds, but i want to save my money for dr. mario and (possibly) toki tori.
[quote name='MotzCTG']Everything is handdrawn so you aren't going to get very amazing graphics[/quote]

Just want to point out that you can have handdrawn visuals and still have amazing graphics. See Odin Sphere.
[quote name='lilboo']Yeah I'm pretty sure we are getting Dr Mario, the new R-Type game, Pokemon Ranch, and Toki Tori next week. (as in next Monday)[/quote]

:drool: *makes plans to rob the Wii point vault at Nintendo*

I am so screwed... $ wise and storage wise

Has there been much out on Dr. Mario? They know their lives depend on them keeping the classic music... right? RIGHT!?
Fine, I bought FFCC... I had 4600 points, so it wasn't a huge commitment. Down to 317 blocks, but the data management screen wasn't working for me to fill out your poll, lilboo.
[quote name='PleasantOne']
Has there been much out on Dr. Mario? They know their lives depend on them keeping the classic music... right? RIGHT!?[/quote]
They know. The Japanese version has Fever and Chill and more. But you really only need Fever.
Oh shit, FFCC is good. I only played an hour and a half, but I made myself stop before I got yelled at again by my wife to turn American Idol on. I've only got my best adventurer up to level 4 and unlocked dungeons up to level 5 or 6, so I've got a ways to go.

I'm thinking I won't be digging into DLC the first time through - if I want to play through it a second time, I can certainly see the need to pick it up.
[quote name='lakers310']will pokemon stadium ever come out for the VC? i loved that game.[/quote]

I was wondering about that as well. Was it a good stand alone game (I never played it)?

Everything I read made it sound like the real value from the game is in connecting your gba to the system and bringing in your handheld pokemon. Might not work as well with the vc.
[quote name='lakers310']will pokemon stadium ever come out for the VC? i loved that game.[/quote]

most likely not, since the real enjoyment came from importing your pokemon from red/yellow/blue back in the N64 days.
[quote name='EXStrike']Just want to point out that you can have handdrawn visuals and still have amazing graphics. See Odin Sphere.[/QUOTE]

Yes you are correct, sorry if it sounded like it made it seem like I was against hand drawn graphics, as it has been proved that there can be beautiful games. However DYC's developer's went for bad hand graphics, and I love their style, I just ment to be expecting super high res 3d graphics.
OK, I got suckered into buying Lost Winds and Defend Your Castle (already got Poop).

Defend Your Castle is boring. Really boring. It looks nice, but after almost an hour playing I was completely unsatisfied and bored numb. Any claims made about "strategy" as this game progresses are false. I feel like I should have spent my $5 on the copay for perscription muscle relaxants. At least those are addictive.

I only got Lost Winds so I could badmouth it since everyone else was so taken with it. I hated Canvas Curse, so I assumed I would hate this. But I can't hate it - it's very shiny and well-executed. There are some very nice details in this game. People need to stop comparing it to Okami though. Not every game with a resurrected demon, small sidekick, plant growing, cherry blossoms and wind powers can be Okami. OK, I guess it's a little like Okami. Anyway, this one impressed me.

I think I'm done for this week - I don't really care about Final Fantasy and TV Trivia isn't my thing. Dr. Mario, here I come!
Finally put in some quality time with Lost Winds. I like it more and more.

I really dig the music - it's just so serene and ambient. It exerts itself just strongly enough that I take it in, but isn't overpowering or boring.

The character designs and setting reminds me of Emperor's New Groove, so sort of a South American cliff city motif. I dig this also. It's all kind of minimalist and simple, but it's still fairly unique and interesting.

I love killing the little blob dudes. Flinging them up and then bitch slapping them down into the ground is immensely satisfying. The little voices crack me up too, in a Raving Rabbids kind of way, with their little "Ich!" "Yech!" sounds.

It is a simple game in terms of grandeur so far. I mean when you open up
the mine to find the first chest of Deo's memories
, you pretty much walk straight up to where you need to go. There's not a whole lot of searching around or maze stuff. I know some people complained that the game needs a map, but I'm not getting lost and it all seems pretty straightforward.

I'm impressed with the amount of unique gameplay elements they've already shown me, even within the first hour of gaming. There's just enough new stuff to do here and there that it keeps the game fresh, but never so much that it is overwhelming.

It's just an exceedingly soothing atmosphere for a game. I hope the developer can crank out the next episodes quickly, because I know I'm going to go into withdrawal when I finish it.
[quote name='Strell']
I love killing the little blob dudes. Flinging them up and then bitch slapping them down into the ground is immensely satisfying. The little voices crack me up too, in a Raving Rabbids kind of way, with their little "Ich!" "Yech!" sounds.
You must sleep even less than I do.

Anyway, I love lighting them on fire. Moving the fire is satisfying enough on it's own, but lighting the blobs on fire is divine.
Well after 30 minutes of transferring and deleting VC games....I purchased Lost Winds and Final Fantasy.

I played a fair amount of Lost Winds and absolutely loved it.
[quote name='Strell']It's just an exceedingly soothing atmosphere for a game. I hope the developer can crank out the next episodes quickly, because I know I'm going to go into withdrawal when I finish it.[/QUOTE]

I recall seeing reports that Lost Winds was developed in only three months time. Given that the framework is already there and the engine is "complete" I expect we'll see the sequel in the next month or two.

The next iteration really does need a map however, and better descriptions of the various skills (the menu is not very helpful), but those are my only complaints. Otherwise I feel this is a fantastic game for only $10 and hope that this is only the start of similar caliber games for WiiWare.
I got TV game show last night and oh man does that game suck. I really do enjoy trivia games and I watch jeopardy from time to time but this game is bad. The one section that gives you the chance to spin the wheel is the worst idea ever. You can get screwed over so badly during the wheel and it gives or takes a disproportionate amount of cash that defeats the purpose of the trivia section. The game does not depend on trivia knowledge and its totally up to chance.
[quote name='yukine']Is LostWinds 16:9 and 480p? What about the other WiiWare? Not sure where I would find that info at.[/quote]
The three that I bought all are (LostWinds, Defend Your Castle, Poop) and I know Dr. Mario and Ping Pong are on the Japanese versions. Weird thing though, some of them have a stretched safety screen and some have the 16:9 safety screen.
I almost bought TV Show King for whatever horrid reason, I think I'm going to save my Wii points for Dr. Mario since I'm running out of blocks (like everyone else out there buying WiiWare games).
[quote name='botticus']http://youtube.com/watch?v=gs6GYBPNrrU&feature=related[/quote]

Can't Capt. Falcon do anything right? It's bad enough he friggin sucks...

And lilboo, I was wrong, Ranch won't be that big. The download is about 121 blocks, despite the number of pokemon and Miis that can be in the game.

Also, you can't trade or move pokemon to other people's games. That cut the usefulness of this game down to almost none.
I had 500 points left so I decided to give Defend Your Castle a shot. Loved the graphics and sound effects, and it was fun for a while...but then my wrist started to hurt like hell after an hour.

My verdict: good for short periods of time. :)
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