Wii U poor sales confirmed BY NINTENDO! Blasterman poor troll confirmed BY BLASTERMAN

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[quote name='crunchewy']I hope that either there is a $100 price drop by Xmas, or that they change their mind and decide to go the Sega/software only route. Truthfully I'd rather they went software-only.

This is not a prediction. I have no idea what's going to happen.[/QUOTE]

Only way they go software only is if their handhelds bomb.
[quote name='Deader2818']Only way they go software only is if their handhelds bomb.[/QUOTE]

The way portable gaming is going towards phones I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last serious generation of handheld consoles.
[quote name='Javery']Fixed that for ya! :D[/QUOTE]

Well, companies do go out of business, even strong ones eventually go under. I think it's fair to say that ALL companies will eventually go bankrupt. That said, Nintendo is in a strong position. Nintendo's handhelds are hurt by smartphones but kids are their bread and butter and they'll still want handheld consoles. I have no desire to own one but as a kid I loved my Gameboy (original) since I could use it in the car during long boring drives. As an adult I do the driving so I could care less.

Even if the Wii U is a complete and utter failure, Nintendo has enough money to make it through to at least one more generation of consoles. They have extremely low expenses compared to the other two and they have a lot of money in the bank (3 times what Sony has). They won't be going software only any time soon.

This generation they slipped up with the gamepad.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']The way portable gaming is going towards phones I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last serious generation of handheld consoles.[/QUOTE]
Didn't everyone say that this generation of handhelds would be a complete failure because of phones? You might be right but I'd guess the market for handhelds will just get smaller, not disappear completely.

No surprise to see a Pokemon game with toys you can buy. Seems like a big money maker.
[quote name='rlse9']Didn't everyone say that this generation of handhelds would be a complete failure because of phones? You might be right but I'd guess the market for handhelds will just get smaller, not disappear completely.

No surprise to see a Pokemon game with toys you can buy. Seems like a big money maker.[/QUOTE]

Here's the thing, I agree that the worst case scenario would be the handheld market becoming really niche. When the first gameboy came out it wasn't selling as many as the DS did. There's no doubt that there can be a market for a smaller sales product but the question is how would Nintendo fare? As I previously mentioned, they have a lot of cash and they're not going anywhere right now. The only real problem is that company's typically try to grow sales. A lot of company's have problems managing declining sales, especially without other revenue streams. If the handhold market dies, Nintendo WILL release software on other platforms. They would have to.
I don't really see the gaming market ever crashing again, but i think you will start to see it scale back and it won't be as big as it was this last gen.

Video gaming used to be a niche market but then it got huge and main stream. Companies saw this and think "I need a piece of that" and got in on it. Now a lot of those companies are moving onto apps, etc because they think the money is there.

I read awhile ago that Nintendo could lose profit every year and it would take till like 2045 or something for them to go through their bank account and then till 2080 something if they tapped into other revenue to stay alive.

Point is, people think Nintendo is in bad shape but they have billions and could pay off all their debt right now and still be in the billions.
[quote name='Deader2818']I don't really see the gaming market ever crashing again, but i think you will start to see it scale back and it won't be as big as it was this last gen.

Video gaming used to be a niche market but then it got huge and main stream. Companies saw this and think "I need a piece of that" and got in on it. Now a lot of those companies are moving onto apps, etc because they think the money is there.[/QUOTE]

This is why I hate fanboyism so much. Why do we have to wish death on Sony or Nintendo? Why can't we all just hate on "casual gaming." ;)
Oh I agree. I enjoy gaming as a whole.

Of the 3 I enjoy xbox the least, not because its bad system or anything, im just not interested in Halo or Gears.
[quote name='Blaster man']
Me: "I don't want to get my kid a 3DS because she's under 7 and it's bad for her".[/QUOTE]

The thing you don't seem to understand is that this is by no means a proven statement. That is what we are arguing. It is not at all like many of those other things being mentioned that are actually bad for kids.

If you want to be cautious about it, then that's great. But you seem to be back to implying that it IS 100% PROVEN BAD FOR EVERY KID UNDER 7 and that is just not the case.

And once again I've delved into this thread when I said I wouldn't #-o.
[quote name='io']The thing you don't seem to understand is that this is by no means a proven statement. That is what we are arguing. It is not at all like many of those other things being mentioned that are actually bad for kids.

If you want to be cautious about it, then that's great. But you seem to be back to implying that it IS 100% PROVEN BAD FOR EVERY KID UNDER 7 and that is just not the case.

And once again I've delved into this thread when I said I wouldn't #-o.[/QUOTE]

I would honestly call any parent that buys their child a 3ds instead of a nexus 7 or ipad mini irresponsible. Not only are the games cheaper, and hundreds of thousands more of them, but the device can be used for education, movies, music and much more.
[quote name='blitz6speed']I would honestly call any parent that buys their child a 3ds instead of a nexus 7 or ipad mini irresponsible. Not only are the games cheaper, and hundreds of thousands more of them, but the device can be used for education, movies, music and much more.[/QUOTE]

This has got to be one of the stupidest statement I've read, in reality all of the above are no good for a child to try and obtain an active social behavior environment.

If you really want to continue the argument the 3DS is mainly trying to do one thing while the other has an array of things it can accomplish. pSSSSS.... The DS has some educational games too.
havent been in the thread for a little bit... I came to discuss recycled AAA titles at a lower MSRP (like batman and AC and.... I see the trolls are out in full force!

"buying a 3ds over a nexus 7 is irresponsible parenting" -- ohhhhh internet, you never let me down
[quote name='confoosious']havent been in the thread for a little bit... I came to discuss recycled AAA titles at a lower MSRP (like batman and AC and.... I see the trolls are out in full force!

"buying a 3ds over a nexus 7 is irresponsible parenting" -- ohhhhh internet, you never let me down[/QUOTE]

Well to be fair, the Nexus 7 is a far better device than the 3DS (I'm typing on one right now). Given the similar price points, getting a Nexus 7 is obviously a better deal. Unless people are into the 3D gimmick of course!
I think as long as Nintendo continues to churn out Mario and Pokemon titles for their handhelds they will be fine, but they do need to make the games come out faster at launch instead of making us wait 2 years to get decent games on all their platforms even if it means they have to delay the launch of the system so the games are more ready. But really all companies who release hardware could be doing better on this front.

Again I am not sure on the value of this system, the games cost more but all the games can be played without wifi, if you have a tablet many of the best games will not start without an Internet connection which kind of kills the gaming anywhere concept. Free wifi is not nationwide yet and most of us don't have hundreds a month to give to the phone companies for a paltry data connection. Also again the games do cost more but it seems like most of the titles or at least the ones I want to buy are flippable on eBay for close to the same price I paid per game or more which kind of negates the value of cheap apps.

Even if every kid did get an iPad or tablet there is no guarantee they are learning from it as the parents might confiscate it for themselves or just not install the educational apps. According to the link I posted earlier kids over 2 aren't supposed to have more than 1-2 hours of screen time a day and no screen time for those under 2. But again I think this rates pretty low on the list of bad things you could do to harm your child.
[quote name='Deader2818']I don't really see the gaming market ever crashing again, but i think you will start to see it scale back and it won't be as big as it was this last gen.

Video gaming used to be a niche market but then it got huge and main stream. Companies saw this and think "I need a piece of that" and got in on it. Now a lot of those companies are moving onto apps, etc because they think the money is there.

I read awhile ago that Nintendo could lose profit every year and it would take till like 2045 or something for them to go through their bank account and then till 2080 something if they tapped into other revenue to stay alive.

Point is, people think Nintendo is in bad shape but they have billions and could pay off all their debt right now and still be in the billions.[/QUOTE]

This prompted me to look closer at Nintendo's financials.
Here's what Nintendo has:
12 Billion cash
3 Million debt
Over the last year they spend $1.0422 for every $1 they made. This generated a loss. Typically they expect to make a profit of 3 cents per dollar generated.
Revenue is 8.06 billion dollars.

What you read about them surviving till some random date is very specifically related to some particular loss amount. In other words, they generate 8.06 billion revenue a year, if this dropped to 4 billion one year, they'd last only a couple more years before they were ruined.

As it is they have a p/e of 56.43 which seems like a huge over-valuation so that implies the stock price should fall by about 50% or that the company is expecting big growth. For comparison, AAPL has a p/e of 10.06.

Nintendo is far from a dire situation but they do need to figure out how to sell more Wii U's or just abort the product like they did Virtual Boy and move to something more conventional.
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Um... you assume that if they drop to 4B a year, they don't reduce expenses.

It's not like nintendo is going to keep spending $8 B on $4B revenue. They're not stupid.

By the way, I love the thread title.
[quote name='confoosious']Um... you assume that if they drop to 4B a year, they don't reduce expenses.

It's not like nintendo is going to keep spending $8 B on $4B revenue. They're not stupid.

By the way, I love the thread title.[/QUOTE]

The problem with cost reduction is this: the biggest expense for most company's are it's employees. Nintendo has only 5,000 employees. That's a huge problem.

Considering how lean the company already is and the state of the Wii U software right now, they can ill afford to lay off staff that's probably currently developing games. I'd assume they use contract labor as well since most studios do but again, given the low number of games out, they can't really get rid of people.

I never claimed "Nintendo is stupid". If you go back and read it, you'll see that. That said, it doesn't mean its a "stupid comapny"(a company isn't a living being....) if its losing money. They have tons of games in development (we all assume). That means they're sinking money into it but currently receiving no return. So depending on the place they're at in the development cycle of their games, Nintendo may not have a choice but to take additional losses though they made a claim that they would make money this next fiscal year. I'm not sure how they plan on doing it unless they stop taking hardware losses On Wii U soon. Maybe they have plans for a 3DS hardware revision that will be cheaper to make and result in a better bottom line.
[quote name='chimpmeister']Well to be fair, the Nexus 7 is a far better device than the 3DS (I'm typing on one right now). Given the similar price points, getting a Nexus 7 is obviously a better deal. Unless people are into the 3D gimmick of course![/QUOTE]

Or, maybe, you know, you might like the games the 3DS has (along with the standard control scheme). Touchscreen is fine for some stuff, but not for a lot of games.
Yeah, I really hate touch controls.

Also, the Nexus doesnt exactly play the games id want since I dont think you can run 3ds games on a tablet, lol.
[quote name='Deader2818']I would think all those will be out sometime during 2014.

Pikmin, Bayonetta will be some time in 2013. 3D Mario and Mario Kart will be playable at E3 so chance of a holiday release.

Wind Waker HD will be out Aug 2013. Zelda HD has a target date of 2014. Same as Smash Bros.

Should have a more clear date at E3 when they show the games and see how far along they are.

What we know of that they are currently working on:

Pikmin 3
Bayonetta 2
Wonderful 101
Game and Wario
Wii Fit U
Yoshi Island
Xenoblade 2
3D Mario
Mario Kart
Wind Waker HD
Zelda HD
Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem
Smash Bros.

Its a pretty decent list. As far as first party goes. We know it will get some 3rd party games. Injustice, Walking Dead, Assassin's Creed IV, Watch_Dogs, Lego Marvel, Rayman, Resident Evil Revelations, likely to get the next Call of Duty.

By the end of this year it should have a pretty good library.[/QUOTE]

nintendo has screwed it self over with the wii u. there has been zero games for it since launch and when all the good games are coming out people will have moved on to the ps4 and next xbox. Unlike hte wii the wii u has nothing that is making people run out to get. I said on this webiste when wii u launched that it wil be able to be found all the time unlike hte wii and people said nope that was incorrect well guess what ever since alunch every story i go in has had one. After this system i really see nintendo being a hand held only company and possible on home systems become a software publisher.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB'] I said on this webiste when wii u launched that it wil be able to be found all the time unlike hte wii and people said nope that was incorrect well guess what ever since alunch every story i go in has had one. [/QUOTE]

If Nintendo drops the price of the Wii U in the next couple of months, Iwata might as well tenure his resignation right then and there, along with a few head R&D guys who made the chipset of Wii U so highly customized (and therefore expensive to manufacture; tbh, they probably need to go anyway). Why? Because doing so would cause the Wii U to sell at an even greater loss than it's selling at currently, meaning they'd get nowhere near the company's financial goal for the upcoming fiscal year (I don't know the number off-hand). And that's WITH Monster Hunter 4 in Japan, Pokemon X/Y worldwide and Pokemon Rumble U.

But at the same time, if they don't drop the price, they run the risk of retailers dropping the unit, as well as software from shelves. And dropping the price isn't going to magically make consumers rush out to buy or developers jump onto porting games to it to minimize those losses.
You can say he's ridiculous for suggesting that a price drop is needed but that's a commonly held opinion among gamers who aren't serious Nintendo fans. Not saying it's going to happen anytime soon but there's definitely people who agree with that point of view.
[quote name='Deader2818']I'm sure people will want a price drop for the 720 and ps4 as well no matter how bad or good they are since people want cheap shit.[/QUOTE]

The funny thing is that I am more likely to wait for price drops on those systems than I was for the Wii U. I have tons of 360/PS3 games to get through still and don't need a new one of those any time soon (especially since both most likely won't play those older games). On the other hand, I was chomping at the bit for an HD console from Nintendo (especially since it could replace my Wii and still be backwards compatible).
[quote name='rlse9']You can say he's ridiculous for suggesting that a price drop is needed but that's a commonly held opinion among gamers who aren't serious Nintendo fans. Not saying it's going to happen anytime soon but there's definitely people who agree with that point of view.[/QUOTE]

I'm not saying that at all. I'm just stating the situation as is. If Iwata, as the CEO of the company wants to make the financial goal he set for the upcoming fiscal year, won't drop the price of the Wii U. He faces the consequence of retailers discontinuing the Wii U being on shelves though.

Either way, he's probably going to have to resign because he's either oblivious to the worldwide market (which he says 'we're struggling overseas' but is doing nothing to change a currently failing strategy) or he doesn't care about the worldwide market, in which case he's going to lose a lot of money anyway by contracting.

If all Nintendo has this holiday for Wii U is Super Mario, Yarn Yoshi, Wind Waker HD and Mario Kart, I honestly think you can call Wii U a failure that point. Why? Because it means that once again Nintendo will have failed to generate excitement about the system on a global scale for 3 years running. These are known quantities at this point, and by not announcing anything new (and I just mean new software) you fail to generate hype about the system, which makes investors, developers, retailers and consumers lose hope about the system's future.
[quote name='KingBroly']

If all Nintendo has this holiday for Wii U is Super Mario, Yarn Yoshi, Wind Waker HD and Mario Kart, I honestly think you can call Wii U a failure that point. Why? Because it means that once again Nintendo will have failed to generate excitement about the system on a global scale for 3 years running. These are known quantities at this point, and by not announcing anything new (and I just mean new software) you fail to generate hype about the system, which makes investors, developers, retailers and consumers lose hope about the system's future.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that exactly what they'll have at that time?
[quote name='renique46']Isn't that exactly what they'll have at that time?[/QUOTE]

MS and Sony usually have surprises at E3 for upcoming holiday releases. It's possible Nintendo will do that though they're well known for telegraphing their moves so far in advance as to render themselves less competitive (see Wii U announcement 18 months before launch).
[quote name='rlse9']You can say he's ridiculous for suggesting that a price drop is needed but that's a commonly held opinion among gamers who aren't serious Nintendo fans. Not saying it's going to happen anytime soon but there's definitely people who agree with that point of view.[/QUOTE]

Yes. I too will take a price drop on everything. Thanks.
I guarantee you in 2-3 years we will all be wanting a Wii U system unless something drastic happens. I don't remember a system personally that had a steady stream of good games come out in the 3-8 month period after launch. My guess is that they will have a couple killer titles out by the holiday season, but we have a long way till the holiday season.
[quote name='SaraAB']I guarantee you in 2-3 years we will all be wanting a Wii U system unless something drastic happens. I don't remember a system personally that had a steady stream of good games come out in the 3-8 month period after launch. My guess is that they will have a couple killer titles out by the holiday season, but we have a long way till the holiday season.[/QUOTE]

AT this point for me owning a nintendo system is only worth having for 1st party games. But with that said it's why i always have evey system every company makes decent 1st party games.
[quote name='KingBroly']
Either way, he's probably going to have to resign because he's either oblivious to the worldwide market (which he says 'we're struggling overseas' but is doing nothing to change a currently failing strategy) or he doesn't care about the worldwide market, in which case he's going to lose a lot of money anyway by contracting.[/QUOTE]

Broly, totally not trying to troll you here, but I don't think this is true in Japan. I'm pretty sure workers in Japanese companies are generally there till retirement and there isn't even close to the attrition rate you see in American companies. I think its rare to actually be fired or "downsized out" in Japan. Now he may choose to voluntarily resign out of shame (publicly or not), Although it doesn't change my opinion that a change up top may be needed.

Primarily because where is the marketing for this thing? I still remember the Wiiiiiii would like to play commercials. Wii U marketing is nonexistent.
I think Iwata's going to have to resign as CEO if the company fails to meet their financial goals again. It was implied that he would if that happened. Cutting the price of the Wii U goes a long to make sure that they won't, and so does getting Wii U not getting stocked on shelves. They're really stuck between a rock and a hard place on the Wii U pricing front at the moment, and for all we know the next Xbox might be $299, which would make Wii U look even more overpriced than it is perceived to be right now.
[quote name='io']The funny thing is that I am more likely to wait for price drops on those systems than I was for the Wii U. I have tons of 360/PS3 games to get through still and don't need a new one of those any time soon (especially since both most likely won't play those older games). On the other hand, I was chomping at the bit for an HD console from Nintendo (especially since it could replace my Wii and still be backwards compatible).[/QUOTE]

This is why I think all the console makers are going to have a challenge on their hands in selling their new consoles. It just happens that Nintendo is first out of the gate. While last time they tried to price at a premium and people didn't buy, now they are going to lowball and try to make it up on volume. I don't know if that's going to work when there aren't that many compelling reasons to upgrade. As you say, Nintendo users at least have a strong reason to upgrade, without losing their considerable library. Well, they would with a stronger game lineup.

Course, many thought that Sony Vita was going to eat Nintendo's lunch once it came out, and Nintendo managed to stay on top. Not exactly the same thing with the Wii U, of course. That being said, I wouldn't expect a price drop until sometime after the others reveal a price point for their consoles, mostly because it wouldn't have that much of an effect without titles. Sony announcement was somewhat underwhelming and lacking in details. Microsoft has yet to unveil their console.

[quote name='Blaster man']MS and Sony usually have surprises at E3 for upcoming holiday releases. It's possible Nintendo will do that though they're well known for telegraphing their moves so far in advance as to render themselves less competitive (see Wii U announcement 18 months before launch).[/QUOTE]

To be honest, E3 hasn't been all that interesting for any of the console makers the past few years, so it is kinda hard to get excited about any E3 announcements.
You would think Nintendo would not price at a premium after pricing the original 3DS at $250 then having to knock the price down drastically just a few months later to garner any sales because their systems don't sell at a premium price. If they continue this cycle of price high at launch then lower it 4-6 months later by a lot then people will start to distrust them, and they won't buy their next product at launch because they know a price drop is coming shortly. They will also gain a reputation for deliberately ripping off launch buyers just because they want it first.

The Wii U is also a bit gimped on the hardware side of things, the system is slow, controller battery life is extremely low for a video game system, system is laggy and requires huge updates. It also has low storage, and some games are now requiring that you have an external hard drive in order to buy them digitally, so now if you want to buy games digitally you pretty much have to pay extra for an external hard drive, and it must be a powered one so it will take up an extra outlet, and the Wii U already takes up 2 outlets as it is. I would rather not deal with all of this and stick with my Wii if I want to play Nintendo stuff for now.

Nintendo systems are definitely not worth a premium price at least at launch, they simply don't have enough to them and the lineup of games to make the system worth it at a premium price.

If they fixed some of this by making the controller charge via USB through the system, give the system more storage, put downloaded games from the Wii directly on the main menu instead of having to go into the Wii menu, and give the controller a better battery I would consider. I don't have any input ports left on my TV anyways so this would have to be hooked up via my Wii component cables and the Wii would have to be moved to my other room.
Can't really use the storage thing since that was something that was known way before the system launched. It was known that if you were heavy on the digital download, you would need an HDD. the HDD was small so each person can get enough space that works for them while keeping the cost of the system down.
You can charge the controller via the system if you wish. It's about $7 for a USB cable at amazon. The hard drives can also be charged via 2 of the console's 4 USB ports. If you only have one outlet, you can make it work.

The OS is slow, but not harrowing, "lemme run in the other room while this loads" slow.

I have mixed feelings about Wii mode. On one hand, it takes like five button presses and extra time, but it's not a Wii. The Gamecube compatibility in Wii had a similar strangeness to it (can't start GC game without wiimote) , but it was completely functional. This is the same. Nobody forced me to migrate my data to WiiU, and most of my save games are on the SD Card, and can be used in my Wii whenever. No one's out there arguing that "if you want to play wii games, buy a wii" like when PS3 cut BC for the most popular console to date.

Wii mode works great, it's just unnecessarily tedious.
[quote name='Blaster man']Your comments are some of the dumbest shit I've seen on here. I'm not worried about some random unknown kid. I'm worried about MY OWN KID. My kid isn't fat and doesn't overeat. My kid isn't ANY of that shit you described. I take care of my kids. What dumbass thinks "if that's the worst you have to worry about"? I'm sorry, I worry about ANYTHING that can hurt my kid that has absolutely no value if used. I can get hurt by driving a car but it provides a valuable service, it takes me to work. I worry about my kid getting fucked up from a 3DS, it provides no valuable service. [/QUOTE]
So you don't let your kids watch T.V., play video games, have pets, go on field trips, eat any food before they have had an allergy test, And when they get older you will only allows them to play sports like golf or tennis?

[quote name='Blaster man']
Again, your statement begins with: "With the numbers of kids the in the U.S." WTF do I care about "the number of kids in the us" that have various issues? Get a fucking brain. You just don't get it. I have kids. I don't worry about some stupid statics. Go read what you wrote and please tell me how those dumbass generalities at all relate to me personally. Personal issues trump societal "worried" any day of the week for everyone (with half a brain).

I guess anytime I worry about my kids, I should stop and think, "Well shit, this is the least of my concerns because SOCIETY IS OBESE!". You either have zero reading comprehension or (more likely) posted without reading the discussion and thought you were throwing in some kind of illuminated conversation about societies woes.[/QUOTE]
Um go read the what I wrote and tell me how I was directing those issues at you personally.
It is a simple point: every parent allows their children to do things which are a million times worse than playing a 3DS.
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension, or are books to dangerous with the risk of paper cuts or possible falling on someone during and an earth quake?

[quote name='Blaster man']
Me: "I don't want to get my kid a 3DS because she's under 7 and it's bad for her".
Random poster that hates me: "That's just a warning label. You can let her use it."
Me: "I'd rather not risk it."
Eye doctors: Well it's fine in moderation and may even help detect eye problems.
Blaster man:NOOOO! Their is a warning label! There is no way it can be safe, it will fry here eyes any parent that would let their kid play a 3DS is the worst parent ever!
Me: I'd think I'd rather let a kid play a 3DS than be raised you.
I'd like Nintendo to go software only, at least for consoles. But if they do this I really hope they'd announce it well before next Xmas so I don't have to buy a Wii U. That would save me money. Mind you, I have no idea if this makes sense, but it is something I'd like to see happen.
[quote name='crunchewy']I'd like Nintendo to go software only, at least for consoles. But if they do this I really hope they'd announce it well before next Xmas so I don't have to buy a Wii U. That would save me money. Mind you, I have no idea if this makes sense, but it is something I'd like to see happen.[/QUOTE]

So you're basically asking them to bow out of the console race for...3+ years while they get their shit together for PS4/720?

I don't think that'll happen.
Not for 3+ years, for good. Sega route. Probably won't happen, I'm just saying it would save me money. :) Plus I'd really like to see what they would come up with for Kinect.
[quote name='crunchewy']Not for 3+ years, for good. Sega route. Probably won't happen, I'm just saying it would save me money. :) Plus I'd really like to see what they would come up with for Kinect.[/QUOTE]

Considering Nintendo hasn't made 1 real HD game yet, how long do you honestly think it's going to take them to go from struggling to make PS3/360 capable stuff to PS4/720 capable stuff? Not to mention the actual getting of SDK's, signing contracts/paying out licensing fees, etc.

And again, Sega didn't turn out so well after dropping Dreamcast. Plus, a lot of Nintendo franchises would cease to exist because the licensing fees that come with making games outside of their eco-system would mean they're no longer viable. So, if that happens, prepare to see more Mario, more Zelda, more Pokemon and less DK, Metroid, Fire Emblem and Smash Bros.
New hardware sales figures are out from Media Create.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows (week of 3/11-3/17):

3DS LL – 47,985
Vita – 36,028
3DS – 21,454
PS3 – 20,676
PSP – 12,721
Wii U – 9,539
Wii – 1,323
Xbox 360 – 543

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

Vita – 63,581
3DS LL – 39,801
3DS – 21,207
PS3 – 19,567
PSP – 18,023
Wii U – 9,454
Wii – 1,363
Xbox 360 – 738

Source: http://n4g.com/news/1213686/media-create-hardware-sales-3-11-3-17

I don't think Nintendo is going to hit their target of 4 million units sold (Wii U) for the fiscal year ending 3/31/13, which means a larger loss than originally estimated. They need to get rid of Iwata ASAP in my opinion, he's presided over two huge blunders (3DS and Wii U), and seems to have no clue what the gaming public wants.
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