XBL Deals: 10/7 Terraria, Zeno Clash, More 50% off (Gold) | FREE Gold Games: 10/1 Clash of Heroes, 10/16 Halo 3 | Activision Sale | RCR 33% off | MORE

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Here is a list of all the current and upcoming Xbox Live Marketplace Sales for the USA. This includes the Deal of the Week, KINECT Central sale item(s), and any other 3rd-party sales or promotions. We have also included the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade releases in the 2nd post. Most sales are for one week. Feel free to post if you see anything not listed here.

Please note:

  • You cannot currently buy anything on xbox.com using your account balance, you can only use an active credit card or Paypal. To use your balance, you must make purchases on your console.
  • All known sales and information on sales are in the OP. Major Nelson usually updates us with new sales information every other Tuesday. When offers are validated by Moderators, it will be added to the OP as time permits.
  • ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! No information within this thread can or should be construed as accurate (or still valid), therefore ...
  • Always verify Xbox Live Marketplace prices before your purchase!
  • Some sales are intended for GOLD MEMBERS ONLY, as noted within each section.
  • Spend wisely, have fun, and enjoy!
XBOX Live (Gold) Deal of the Week
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the sale price. You must
either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary GOLD trial" account.


10/1 - 10/7 ... XBLA Games:

XBox "Games with Gold" Promotion
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the FREE price or access
to the sales. You must either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary
GOLD trial" account.

Free Games:

Sales Related to the Free Games:

Sales & Specials: Open to Everyone
NOTE ... if the start & end dates are not well-defined, ACT FAST! since these
"sales" could end anytime. However, they may also be permanent markdowns.


10/1 - 10/7 ... Activision Publisher Sale:

[*]Full Game - Vigilante 8: Arcade Full Version - $2.49 - 50% off - xbldb
[*]Full Game - The Walking Dead - Free - 100% off - xbldb
[*]Angry Birds Trilogy - $29.99 - 25% off - xbldb
[*]Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - $49.99 - 17% off - xbldb
[*]Crash Mind Over Mutant - $19.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Crash Of The Titans - $9.99 - 50% off - xbldb
[*]Deadpool - $39.99 - 20% off - xbldb

[*]Family Guy: Back To The Multiverse - $29.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Gun - $9.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]NASCAR Inside Line - $29.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*][PROTOTYPE] - $9.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man™:Dimensions - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man™: Edge of Time - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man™: Friend or Foe - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man 3 - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Transformers: War for Cybertron - $9.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Transformers 2 - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]X-Men™: Destiny - $19.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]X-Men Origins: Wolverine - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

9/24 - 10/22 ... Retro City Rampage Extended Sale:

Weekly Rocksmith DLC Markdowns:

Other Unannounced Markdowns:

Monthly Marketplace Markdowns
Announced ... as confirmed on the Xbox 360's own dashboard, or corroborated from other sources (PSN, dev/pub, etc).
Unannounced ... from Xbox.com scrapes. *These may or may not be permanent, so judge accordingly.

Announced Price Drops for August:

Unannounced Price Drops for August:

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Is there any way we can tell the status of our points garnered through Bing? I heard someone mention they go away after 1 year and another said that the new update will decrease the time to 1 week. Can anyone confirm?
I keep hearing from few friends bing points expire after week or two after you redeem them if have the new dashboard. :(

You can always go to MS billing site and check the status of your redeemed points.

Just checked my account. Nothing listed talking about an expiration date listed for Bing points. I heard someone on here mention they're just redeeming their points, throwing them into a spreadsheet, and activating them when a deal caught their eye.
It is better to get Amazon gift card and then use that to buy points.. No expiration issues or other problems.

Ya looks like everything is live already.  I should be able to update most of the OP tomorrow morning, but I might wait until later in the day or Wednesday to update the Halo avatar sale, since I really don't have much free time tomorrow.

I highly recommend the MGS2/3 bundle for $10. I had already played MGS2 back on the original Xbox, but still bought the physical bundle on sale for ~$20 awhile ago and it was worth it just for MGS3. Both are great games, and definitely worth $10 even if you have already played one of the games in the collection (or if it's been several years since you've played both). They hold up rather well; my biggest complaint were the achievements but I ended up saying screw it and just played them for fun. Great stealth/action games. However, Peace Walker was rather weak in comparison IMO.

Also, ended up biting on Deus Ex a couple days ago, such a great game! I kind of regret paying 1200 points, but most were bing/discounted points so it wasn't too bad. I really dig the time period/setting.  Quite an interesting take of our potential future as humans lol.

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$7.50 and eligible for FSSS from two different third party sellers.
So it's free shipping IF you buy a bunch of other stuff. Yea not the same thing as if I just want the game. So what exactly was your point? I put the game in my cart and that's how much it cost. You have no argument.

So it's free shipping IF you buy a bunch of other stuff. Yea not the same thing as if I just want the game. So what exactly was your point? I put the game in my cart and that's how much it cost. You have no argument.
Try this one:

$7.00 Brand New (Amazon 3rd party) absolutely free shipping, 9 left in stock.


If CAG breaks the custom seller's link, then scroll down past featured sellers to the first new copy available, seller is The Hidden Treasure Emporium.

You're welcome, arsehole.

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What are your thoughts about those Silent Hill games? Metacritic's score is almost the same for both of them, but, Downpour or Homecoming?

For what I've seen as of now, it seems that Downpour is a kind of remake, since it feels like playing the original trilogy. On the other hand, I watched some years ago a friend playing Homecoming and the story was interesting.

What are your thoughts about those Silent Hill games? Metacritic's score is almost the same for both of them, but, Downpour or Homecoming?

For what I've seen as of now, it seems that Downpour is a kind of remake, since it feels like playing the original trilogy. On the other hand, I watched some years ago a friend playing Homecoming and the story was interesting.
they are pretty close in my opinion. Not sure what you meant by Downpour being remake. I'd probably recommendations Homecoming. Downpour had some serious bugs. They are both worth playing in my opinion

they are pretty close in my opinion. Not sure what you meant by Downpour being remake. I'd probably recommendations Homecoming. Downpour had some serious bugs. They are both worth playing in my opinion
Hmmm, ok, thanks. Yeah, I used the word remake lightly there. I meant that it has the feeling of the first one (that's what the people that played it says).

Anyways, by now I guess that they already released a patch to get rid of those bugs in Downpour (some of them at least).

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The 360/XB1 need humble bundle sales. Stat.
That is apparently what Microsoft was working towards with the XB1. All digital with several restrictions much like the PC which would lead (down the road) to more money going to developers (less used game possibilities for gamers) and the possibility of a marketplace like steam where these kinds of sales could happen. I'm just generalizing the whole thing but that was the basic intent. Everyone went apeshit and Microsoft backed down. I, for one, was excited at the possibilities the XB1 was presenting. Oh well, maybe one day. Steam wasn't well received at first either.
So it's free shipping IF you buy a bunch of other stuff. Yea not the same thing as if I just want the game. So what exactly was your point? I put the game in my cart and that's how much it cost. You have no argument.
You'e right if the game is the only thing you want. I just came to the realization that not everyone has a wish list/cart full of stuff to help reach the $25 free shipping threshold. Fortunately Kerig came through with that $7 Otomedius Excellent.

That is apparently what Microsoft was working towards with the XB1. All digital with several restrictions much like the PC which would lead (down the road) to more money going to developers (less used game possibilities for gamers) and the possibility of a marketplace like steam where these kinds of sales could happen. I'm just generalizing the whole thing but that was the basic intent. Everyone went apeshit and Microsoft backed down. I, for one, was excited at the possibilities the XB1 was presenting. Oh well, maybe one day. Steam wasn't well received at first either.
That's a bit of a stretch to say that that was the basic intent of that policy. No one at Microsoft ever even hinted at the idea of Steam sales. In fact when Major Nelson was confronted at E3 with questions in this regard all he did was tow the party line of saying that digital sales on the marketplace would continue to be as great as what they are. But regardless of that I still don't get your point. Digital sales by Microsoft today are exactly the same as what digital sales would have been had the original policy stayed in place (with the only difference being the current lack of family sharing). They never planned on you being able to trade or sell digital content. So if your argument is that the restrictions Microsoft was putting in place would have allowed for cheaper digital products then there is no reason why they couldn't still sell the product using the same strategies that Steam does for instance. I for one refuse to believe their bullshit that the change in policy makes that difficult or impossible - it has no bearing on the situation. Digital content sales have less overhead than brick and mortar sales. Furthermore there is zero way for digital purchases to be traded or re-sold, therefore allowing developers and the distributor (Microsoft in this case) to make more money from more initial sales. Look at what 505 Games/Overkill is doing with Payday 2, making the digital copy $20 cheaper to purchase on Steam than at a retail store. If that's the case then what is PSN or the XBLM doing charging retail price for a digital copy at this point and time? It was nice to see Microsoft experiment with XBLA bundles recently but they were poorly advertised, poorly priced in some cases, and they disappeared almost as quickly as they arrived and without any notice. EA and Deep Silver's recent humble bundles demonstrate that AAA companies can sell some of their older titles for next to nothing and receive a huge deal of profit (or in the case of the EA sale not being about ptofit - not go out of business). If that's the case then Steam-like or Humble Bundle-like sales should be possible on XBLM and there's zero reason why Microsoft, or Sony for that matter, couldn't do them from time to time. Well other than greed or fear that is.

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Well I had a bit of a brain fart and just realized that the sale on Zone of the Enders gets you both games for $15 (on PSN they are separate products). Now I'm pretty tempted. I never played the originals, but am a fan of Kojima (well, I love Metal Gear). Anyone think these are worth it for a newcomer?  

Well I had a bit of a brain fart and just realized that the sale on Zone of the Enders gets you both games for $15 (on PSN they are separate products). Now I'm pretty tempted. I never played the originals, but am a fan of Kojima (well, I love Metal Gear). Anyone think these are worth it for a newcomer?
A newcomer? I don't understand what do you mean by that, because there you have the first and the second one. So you can start and finish the 'saga'.

Don't think that you had to play the originals in order to enjoy these ones in 'HD', I never played the original ones back in PS2 (though I own the second), but I plan to play them on Xbox360, so I bought them. 1280MSP is a no brainer for them imo.

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i searched and didnt find an answer so Im asking...

Anyone know which MGS title comes with the OG NES titles? Im assuming that its Metal Gear Solid 2+3, but maybe someone knows for sure

A newcomer? I don't understand what do you mean by that, because there you have the first and the second one. So you can start and finish the 'saga'.

Don't think that you had to play the originals in order to enjoy these ones in 'HD', I never played the original ones back in PS2 (though I own the second), but I plan to play them on Xbox360, so I bought them. 1280MSP is a no brainer for them imo.
My guess is his question is more along the lines of whether the games have aged well.

I have the silent hill HD collection already, and played some of 2 on it. I was just wondering if silent hill 3 was as bad as 2 in it. I found Silent hill 2's enemy design and layout made them really easily exploitable due to the new way they did fog, so i was never really too tense. I was wondering if this was the case with 3 as I have never played it. The negative reviews only mention the fog, and audio problems in 2, so i was wondering if it was worth giving 3 a shot.

And to anyone thinking about buying homecoming, i would just suggest not playing on the hardest difficulty because it mostly just makes the enemys have more health and the melee combat on hard just ruins the pacing when your probably just going to mash x and stun lock the everything anyway. Your guy still feels pretty overpowered, so it just makes the fights last really long and it already gets boring fast as it is. 

i searched and didnt find an answer so Im asking...

Anyone know which MGS title comes with the OG NES titles? Im assuming that its Metal Gear Solid 2+3, but maybe someone knows for sure
MGS2&3 since those are ports (albeit missing some features) of Substance and Subsistence respectively.

i searched and didnt find an answer so Im asking...

Anyone know which MGS title comes with the OG NES titles? Im assuming that its Metal Gear Solid 2+3, but maybe someone knows for sure
Metal Gear Solid 3. Though they are the MSX versions of the original two titles, not the NES port.

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i searched and didnt find an answer so Im asking...

Anyone know which MGS title comes with the OG NES titles? Im assuming that its Metal Gear Solid 2+3, but maybe someone knows for sure
Actually those are the MSX versions, which are different from the NES versions
(especially the second game).

Yeah, that's what I was getting at.
Ah, ok. AFAIK the cinematics are new, but I have no idea about the overall. People seems to be happy with the controls and their problem is that apparently the game is short (that's a plus for me).

Also, similar with the Silent Hill Collection, there is a patch only for PS3, so expect to find bugs in the 360 version.

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Can I buy Otomedius Excellent with a US gamertag and download it to a UK 360, or do I have to be using a US 360 as well? It's not on the UK marketplace.

You'd think in this day and age the ability to download games would bring an end to this region locking and unavailablity rubbish.

If I want to spend my money downloading a terrible Japanese visual novel dating sim then the option should be available to me.

Can I buy Otomedius Excellent with a US gamertag and download it to a UK 360, or do I have to be using a US 360 as well? It's not on the UK marketplace.

You'd think in this day and age the ability to download games would bring an end to this region locking and unavailablity rubbish.

If I want to spend my money downloading a terrible Japanese visual novel dating sim then the option should be available to me.
Region-locks are not meant to protect the consumer. They're there to control where, when and how you buy things. Mostly to benefit the publisher, local retailers and governments.

That is apparently what Microsoft was working towards with the XB1. All digital with several restrictions much like the PC which would lead (down the road) to more money going to developers (less used game possibilities for gamers) and the possibility of a marketplace like steam where these kinds of sales could happen. I'm just generalizing the whole thing but that was the basic intent. Everyone went apeshit and Microsoft backed down. I, for one, was excited at the possibilities the XB1 was presenting. Oh well, maybe one day. Steam wasn't well received at first either.
If this was actually true, then MS shouldn't have done such a horrible job of explaining it to the customers. They should have spent the first half of their E3 press conference clarifying how these measures would benefit consumers. If they had just eased everyone into the idea by saying something like "We realize this is a big change for all of you. But in the long run, it will allow you to save money and vastly improve your gaming library." they wouldn't have received the reaction they did. How much sense does it make to backpedal and completely redo your entire infrastructure rather than just explaining it more clearly? It doesn't. I completely agree. A Steam like system SHOULD be the objective for the future (ie. when you cut out the cost of production/distribution, that savings needs to be passed on to consumers). But MS never plainly stated that that was their intent.

^+1 to what n8rockerasu said

I really think that a Steam kind of sales never was their intention. They just wanted to have total control over the consumers and put the prices they already use to their digital games: full retail price, and do the sales and price drops whenever they want without worrying if people would buy the retail one because is cheaper (since that option would be already erased).

edit: f*ck, no Otomedius and no Homecoming in my region. That's just... perfect :( less money to MS and less backlog for me, I guess (have to see the good points, isn't it?).

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In for the Zone of the Enders Collection. I liked the PS2 demo for the first game and $7.50 seems like a good blind buy to try out the second.

Alsopicking up Peacewalker for $10. I wish I waited a month on the MGS HD Collection and could have saved 800 points. I thought it was a good deal at $20 so $5 a game is a steal. Then again, I remember preordering Metal Gear Sold at Babbages for $60 back in the 90's so what do I know?

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Those of you picking up the HD collections for ZOE or Silent Hill should send a volley of angry emails to Konami so that they'll finally patch the 360 versions of those releases.

Just saying...

am I going insane? went to go get Peace Walker HD for 800 and its at 804

is Microsoft suddenly applying tax to purchases done via points? in the US, for the record.
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I'm having problems too. I heard it could be due to the beta testing which I'm not a part of but it may be effecting non-beta users. 

I tried purchasing MGS HD on my laptop using MS points but kept getting an error stating try again later. MS rep asked me to try on my 360. It gave me the option to change my payment but it only pulled up my other cc and not my MS points. I kept trying and the next thing you know it charged my cc without going through a verification screen like it usually does (I had the MS rep on the phone the entire time). She asked me to try again on another game so I tried MGS PW and the same thing happened. I chose purchase and it automatically charged my cc without giving me the option to change. She transferred me to the billing dept who gave me a refund on both games, at least she stated she processed the refund. I informed her she could take the 800 pts out of my acct for MGS HD but told me I could do it on my end if I still wanted the game.

I'm not in beta and it still doesn't show my MS pts. Strange thing is, my MS pts showed up as an option in the avatar store but not when buying games.

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