XBLA - Magic: The Gathering - 800pts

[quote name='MSUHitman']Yes I got mine as well yesterday.[/QUOTE]

Damn, haven't gotten mine yet. Hopefully it comes in the next few days. I'll probably end up ebaying it, but still. In other news, I was going through stuff in my old bedroom at my parents house and found a box of magic cards. Mostly just basic lands (probably still have 10,000). But there were two rares as well. A Stifle and a Birds of Paradise :D
[quote name='zewone']Only good? I can shit on an elf deck with the red so easy.[/QUOTE]

Yea - as long as you keep the elves down to a minimum that deck can't get started. I actually liked the red too. I used it to get the 5 ranked matches achievement.

I still haven't received my bonus card... I think I ordered it 3 weeks ago.
Quitting before the match is over is fucking lame. I've left a few people negative feedback for that.

If you're playing a three or four player match and you lose before the game is over, does quitting screw things up for the other players in the game? I hope not, because when I'm the first down, I don't see much point in just watching for another fifteen minutes.

[quote name='Scrubsy']Had to post this.

Here was my line up

there was the aftermath

damn it was fun. After each card hit 30 damage, the computer didn't even lay any cards down, he just kept drawing and discarding.[/QUOTE]

You got the AI to give up? :lol:

[quote name='MSUHitman']Yes I got mine as well yesterday.[/QUOTE]

I forgot to send out for mine.
Got my card in the mail today as well, as soon as I saw the logo of Magic the Gathering/ reading this thread today I knew exactly what it was lol. I added it to my collection, don't know if I'll sell it or just store it with all my other archived cards.
[quote name='SynGamer']Sounds like someone has had their ass kicked a couple times by said deck? :) Just received my Garruk Wildspeaker card. Has a nice little 360 icon on it.[/QUOTE]

Ha, yeah right. Elf players are so fucking dumb, they don't realize Elvish champion reads ALL elves. They also don't notice that coat of arms applies to ALL creature types and ALL creatures, not just the ones they control. The only time I play an elf deck, is against another elf deck so they can help me kill them off.
[quote name='zewone']It only screws it up if you're hosting.[/QUOTE]

Not so. I've the opposite to be true. If I host a match, even 4 player, it will work fine. But if I'm not hosting, I only trust 3 player matches at most for fear of glitching/timing out.
Had an awesome four player game last night: nobody dropped, it lasted for an hour, and I learned that you can lose by running out of cards in your deck. Thanks, Memory Erosion! :lol:
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Had an awesome four player game last night: nobody dropped, it lasted for an hour, and I learned that you can lose by running out of cards in your deck. Thanks, Memory Erosion! :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's called "decking out". I decked myself out playing the blue deck in a marathon 4 player game. Funny thing was, I had over 115 life but still drew myself out accidentally.
I just got my promo card in the mail with in the past week. I noticed on ebay that their is a card like this for the other colors as well. Are they in the game on xbl also? I'm also wondering how they would be played I have not played magic other then the one you can download on xbla in almost 10 years and was not really big into it back then. What I'm wondering is what the +1, -1 and -4 are and how do they work.
I really wish there was a way to punish people who drop out early. I had a four player match today where all three of my opponents quit before the end. Two of them were at least semi-justifiable, but the third fucker just quit as soon as I played my "nuclear option" (a Final Revels that would've killed all of our crappy creatures off but one, and left me with Hollowborn Barghest and two Underworld Dreams to sap his 20+ health away).

I marked him as an avoided player, but that doesn't seem to do much. :whistle2:(
[quote name='Kaijufan']I got my promo card in the mail, and as someone who stopped playing years ago how exactly does the card work?[/QUOTE]

I had to look it up a while back too, but I guess he comes in to play with 3 counters on him. You can add/remove a counter(s) to do the corresponding ability. If he has 0 counters on him, he dies.


Everytime I see this thread bumped I hope that they announced a patch to fix the freezing and announced the DLC. They better hurry up before the Fall releases start hitting.
Did they ever bring the DLC for the other tables back? Also do all of the cards like the promo have only 3 because the black one has a -10 on it.
The freezes and disconnects seem worse the more I play. Freezes aren't too much of an issue unless they occur mid-match, but disconnects are a huge pain in the ass. I had a few last night, including somebody who quit because his blue deck was afraid of a handful of 2/2 Elves I had attack at once. He completely ignored the fact that it would've taken two or three turns for me to kill him, and that I would've been defenseless the next turn.

If they do plan to add more DLC in the form of decks or anything else, they'd better fix the online issues if they hope to see any more of my money. I like the game, but it's frustrating when you can play for an hour and not actually finish a match.
Got this in e-mail:

"On October 21, Magic: The Gathering and video game fans worldwide can play with new decks, experience never before seen challenges, and battle new adversaries, on Xbox LIVE Arcade with the first expansion for Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers.

Duel Magic’s iconic dragon Planeswalker Nicol Bolas with the brand new downloadable content featuring:
· Three new playable decks; including Tezzeret’s “Relics of Doom” Planeswalker deck
· Three new unlockable cards for each of the eight original decks
· New Two-Headed Giant co-op levels
· Three new puzzling challenge levels

Players can also put their spell-slinging skills to the test to defeat the new single-player campaign and unlock Sarkhan Vol and Jace Beleren’s new Planeswalker decks.

The Duels of the Planeswalkers expansion is priced at 400 Microsoft Points. ESRB Rating: TEEN with Mild Blood, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violent References

For more information, check out duelsoftheplaneswalkers.com."
The three new challenges with the DLC are cool. Not quite as difficult as the last couple from the main game, but still fun. The last one takes a bit of creativity to win, lol.

Also, the new achievements are bugged right now (new achievements only appear in the detailed game list; they don't pop up in the summary or on live.xbox.com and, oddly enough, don't yet add to your total score). If you care about that, you might wanna wait a couple days for this to get ironed out.

Haven't tried the new campaign (5 duals) or gotten the new decks/cards just yet.
I haven't played magic in about 7 years and just dl'ed the demo and got slightly addicted.
If anyone wants to play just send me a friend invite. xbox tag = bobo2k4
If there's one game I wish I could get a refund on, its' this game. It just isn't the same as playing with real cards in front of real people...
Is the campaign and co-op content worth 5 bux? I don't play online but I have a battle buddy who sits next to me while we play games. We enjoyed the co-op matches in the original game.
[quote name='Callandor']For those who care, the achievements have been fixed and now properly unlock.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if this is the issue you're referring to, but I'm having a problem w/ my Magic achievements. I finished "Life Preserver" and ""Master of Artifice" and the icons show up, but they don't have a date by them and I don't seem to have received credit for them -- I've completed all the achievements and it shows "15 of 15 unlocked" on one screen, but then only 13 of 15 on the menu screen and only 220/250 points. Is there a known fix for this?
[quote name='dfo']I don't know if this is the issue you're referring to, but I'm having a problem w/ my Magic achievements. I finished "Life Preserver" and ""Master of Artifice" and the icons show up, but they don't have a date by them and I don't seem to have received credit for them -- I've completed all the achievements and it shows "15 of 15 unlocked" on one screen, but then only 13 of 15 on the menu screen and only 220/250 points. Is there a known fix for this?[/QUOTE]

You unlocked them before they were uploaded to Live's servers or something.

I don't think those are the two you're missing, though, as they were original achievements and should be fine. You're only missing Puzzling Grandmaster and Overkill, according to your gamertag infor.

What you'll need to do is recover your gamertag. This will clear out the glitched achievements and the you'll have to re-earn them. I had to do this to reunlock Puzzling Grandmaster.
[quote name='Spybreak8']New more "awesome" (some would say cheap) powerful cards was one of the main reasons I stopped playing Magic lol.[/QUOTE]

May I ask when you stopped playing?

As in which block or set
[quote name='Callandor']You unlocked them before they were uploaded to Live's servers or something.

I don't think those are the two you're missing, though, as they were original achievements and should be fine. You're only missing Puzzling Grandmaster and Overkill, according to your gamertag infor.

What you'll need to do is recover your gamertag. This will clear out the glitched achievements and the you'll have to re-earn them. I had to do this to reunlock Puzzling Grandmaster.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, that did the trick!
[quote name='SynGamer']If there's one game I wish I could get a refund on, its' this game. It just isn't the same as playing with real cards in front of real people...[/QUOTE]

Very true. Digital CCG's can be fine, I used to play a ton of the WoW TCG online (forget the name of the program used for it tho..) and it wasn't bad. Something about the interface/mechanics of this one just REALLY turned me off..
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']The new U/W deck, Mind of Void, is quite possibly the nastiest deck in the entire game. A base deck of four Memory Erosions, four Persuasions, and two Traumatizes!?!? This deck will certainly bump up the percentage of people who quit out.[/QUOTE]

You can unlock more Traumatize cards, too. And I can confirm that people "concede" to that deck. A lot. :lol:

Thing is, it isn't that hard to beat if you play intelligently. It doesn't have many creatures - and almost no cheap creatures - so it's vulnerable to the quick start decks, anything that can overwhelm it with sheer numbers, or any decks with powerful creatures. It's also possible to take advantage of players who are too dumb to save mana for countering. It's still very vulnerable to that fucking Elf deck, too.

I was a little surprised at how bad the Black/Blue deck was when I first unlocked it. Without the extra cards, it can't put up much of a fight at all.
didn't even know this was out. I guess I will have to spend the points on it. halfbent, that program that you used was it apprentice? I remember using it for another CCG a long time ago. It is made for magic: The Gathering but people have changed files in the past for it to work with other CCG/TCGs.
I remember using Apprentice to play MTG as well, can't remember what the one we used was tho.. I'll have to do some digging through some old discs to find it.
[quote name='SynGamer']If there's one game I wish I could get a refund on, its' this game. It just isn't the same as playing with real cards in front of real people...[/QUOTE]

The killer for me was the lack of deck customization. You can't build your own decks, and you can't even edit existing decks except for adding the unlockable cards to the deck, which dilutes the mana curve.

My friend picked this up and wanted me to get it so we could play. We both used to play MTG but hadn't played in years. I was excited until I leanred that you can't make decks. That's a deal breaker for me.
[quote name='SynGamer']If there's one game I wish I could get a refund on, its' this game. It just isn't the same as playing with real cards in front of real people...[/QUOTE]

My fiance and I have played this game together on a friend's Xbox. We'll sit side by side and play the co-op battles, or he'll play for a bit while I play my DS. A game like this does benefit from human interaction, so if you have a human you can bring into the room to play with you, I advise it.

If humans are unavailable, substitutions may be allowed.

[quote name='Gothic Walrus']You can unlock more Traumatize cards, too. And I can confirm that people "concede" to that deck. A lot. :lol:

Thing is, it isn't that hard to beat if you play intelligently. It doesn't have many creatures - and almost no cheap creatures - so it's vulnerable to the quick start decks, anything that can overwhelm it with sheer numbers, or any decks with powerful creatures. It's also possible to take advantage of players who are too dumb to save mana for countering. It's still very vulnerable to that fucking Elf deck, too.[/QUOTE]

That deck style is exactly what I've been trying to build with my own MTG cards, but because I don't put a lot of money into my collection, I don't really have the cards to make the deck effective. I have my Mind Funerals, Memory Erosion, and Tome Scours in an artifact deck, and the deck struggles too much trying to do two things at once. I just don't have the real cards to make a milling deck effective.

But you're totally right about what that deck is weak to. Last week, my fiance played at Friday Night Magic, and two of his opponents were trying milling decks against his dragon deck. Because of the red direct-damage cards and his big flyers, he was actually able to win against two opponents, even in one match where he only had 2 cards left in his library.

[quote name='Puffa469']The killer for me was the lack of deck customization. You can't build your own decks, and you can't even edit existing decks except for adding the unlockable cards to the deck, which dilutes the mana curve.[/QUOTE]

It is strange that you can't edit the decks hardly at all. There's a big customization feature there that is just passed over. Perhaps there will be another MTG game, if this one does well enough, and they'll add more deck customization options. I don't see how it would be too hard to just include all the cards that are tournament-legal at the time of release.
Funny that playing the demo for this got me interested in trying the physical card game. Seemed a bit similar to Pokemon which is the only other card game I have played.
[quote name='utopianmachine']It is strange that you can't edit the decks hardly at all. There's a big customization feature there that is just passed over. Perhaps there will be another MTG game, if this one does well enough, and they'll add more deck customization options. I don't see how it would be too hard to just include all the cards that are tournament-legal at the time of release.[/QUOTE]

I don't think they'll ever have full deck customization in the Xbox Live M:TG game. Two reasons: first, they don't want it to be a cheap replacement for the actual game (see Magic Online, where you've got to buy individual boosters) and second, it's designed mainly to introduce people to Magic and they want a (relatively) controlled environment online, rather than newbies just getting destroyed by the one or two optimal decks that could be constructed from the available card mix. As-is, I find there's already a very distinct advantage over people who don't seem to realize that they can remove the crappier unlockable cards to keep their decks a bit slimmer.
I havent played this game for a long time simply because my xbox always freezed at the 2vs2 loading screen

did they patch this in the new DLC?
Is the campaign and co-op content worth 5 bux? I don't play online but I have a battle buddy who sits next to me while we play games. We enjoyed the co-op matches in the original game.
[quote name='NTolerance']Is the campaign and co-op content worth 5 bux? I don't play online but I have a battle buddy who sits next to me while we play games. We enjoyed the co-op matches in the original game.[/QUOTE]

I would say yes considering the content is focused on the campaign, Two Headed Giant campaign, 3 new challenges, and 3 new decks to use in single player/online.
[quote name='dfo']I don't think they'll ever have full deck customization in the Xbox Live M:TG game. Two reasons: first, they don't want it to be a cheap replacement for the actual game (see Magic Online, where you've got to buy individual boosters) and second, it's designed mainly to introduce people to Magic and they want a (relatively) controlled environment online, rather than newbies just getting destroyed by the one or two optimal decks that could be constructed from the available card mix. As-is, I find there's already a very distinct advantage over people who don't seem to realize that they can remove the crappier unlockable cards to keep their decks a bit slimmer.[/QUOTE]

I entirely understand what you're saying. I don't even consider the MTG online game, as the idea of playing soley with virtual products I'm paying real-world money for is a bit hard for me to grasp. (Although I suppose the argument could be made that that's what all video games are...)

I'm glad you told me about the ability to trim decks. I know when you unlock cards, your deck gets fatter, and from my experience playing MTG, the tighter your deck, the better.

My fiance and I got a 360 as an early wedding present, so we downloaded the Magic game and are playing it over again on our own console, unlocking decks and cards and so on. I'm thinking of jumping online with my hardly unlocked decks anyway, for the fun of it.
[quote name='dfo']I don't think they'll ever have full deck customization in the Xbox Live M:TG game. Two reasons: first, they don't want it to be a cheap replacement for the actual game (see Magic Online, where you've got to buy individual boosters) and second, it's designed mainly to introduce people to Magic and they want a (relatively) controlled environment online, rather than newbies just getting destroyed by the one or two optimal decks that could be constructed from the available card mix. As-is, I find there's already a very distinct advantage over people who don't seem to realize that they can remove the crappier unlockable cards to keep their decks a bit slimmer.[/QUOTE]

Even if they don't have full blown deck creation at the very least they should allow you to remove cards from the prebuilt decks. Half the unlocked cards are great for most of the decks, but in reality you'd replace 10 or so cards from the original deck. Since you can't add mana it really lessens their effectiveness.

I don't think that's too much to ask for.
I used to play magic when I was younger and gave it up years ago but I've been having a lot of fun with this. My only gripe is how cheap the AI is and how crappy the "shuffling is" I'm either drawing mana 8 turns in a row or stuck with the mana I had in my draw hand for most of the game.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']I used to play magic when I was younger and gave it up years ago but I've been having a lot of fun with this. My only gripe is how cheap the AI is and how crappy the "shuffling is" I'm either drawing mana 8 turns in a row or stuck with the mana I had in my draw hand for most of the game.[/QUOTE]

I've noticed that too. I've had games where both me and the AI go on land runs 7, 8, 9 turns in a row.
bread's done