XBLA - Watchmen: The End is Nigh - 1600pts

The problem is more in line with the $20 price point, something we used to spend on proven hits of games over the last 2 console generations. The dilemma is as follows: why spend $20 on a gamble that you have to keep even if you don't like it, when $20 used to get you an almost guaranteed high quality title brand new. Even if you hated it, chances are it was only 2 bucks cheaper used at GameStop, so you could probably sell it online and basically equate it with a rental. I loved Braid and Castle Crashers, but it was hard as hell putting down 1200 space bucks on each, even if I got them at a discount. I'm still not budging on the Penny Arcade games until they get put on a disc or at least the first episode starts matching the pricing for PC and PS3.

1600 Space bucks isn't a lot if you get a lot of enjoyment out of it, but personally, I'm not even sure I'd drop half that. I'm also not interested in the movie. $15 got me the entire trade paperback, and that was one hell of a deal that these licensed products are not competing with.
I'm guessing Microsoft did away with any kind of file limit they ever had, because Watchmen is 1.35GB.

I'm downloading the demo now, but I'm sure it will be awhile, possibly even an hour or two before it's even done (my connection is only 3MB).

If it's any good, I just bought points the other day, and will pick it up. I just wish it had online co-op, that would have sold me right there on it, no matter the price.
[quote name='gareman']Also how is "virtual ownership" like renting something?[/QUOTE]

Because you are buying the license to download and play the game, but not to actually own the game. You'll find that out if you download a game, have a 360 red ring, then try to play it on another offline.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']I'm guessing Microsoft did away with any kind of file limit they ever had, because Watchmen is 1.35GB.

I'm downloading the demo now, but I'm sure it will be awhile, possibly even an hour or two before it's even done (my connection is only 3MB).

If it's any good, I just bought points the other day, and will pick it up. I just wish it had online co-op, that would have sold me right there on it, no matter the price.[/QUOTE]

They upped it a few months back when Street Fighter HD was being developed.

This game is ok, not worth the money its at now. Its your average beat em up. Some cool finishers. Kind of reminds me of Manhunt 2 a little bit.

The main thing I dont like about this game, and one of the quickest ways to make me not like a game is by adding that damn time limit. I wont even think of purchasing this because of that. Oh well. Lets hope Peggle or something comes out next week to give me something to blow my points on:)
Don't know a thing about Watchmen other then the trailer for the movie, but the game looked good in screens so i tried out the demo this morning. First off, this game has EPIC tearing. Makes Resident Evil 5 look like it has v-sync on. The graphics are actually pretty decent. The hit detection is pretty crappy, and the camera isnt as gracious as it should be, but its workable. The controls feel ok for a beat em up and i think once you unlock a ton of combos, it will be very fun. I got the counter attack and that added a lot to the battle system, so im sure later on in the game it gets a lot better. No way id pay 20 bucks for this tho. I bet once all the episodes are on Live/PSN, they'll release them on a single disc along with the movie.
I may end up buying this, it's much better than I expected. I'm usually a fan of beat-em-up's though, so that's probably why. After you get into the demo a bit more, you start unlocking more moves and the like, so actually beat the demo before making a judgment on the game (for anyone that tries it for 5 seconds and gives up).

If this was 800 points, I'd buy it without hesitation, but since it's 1,600.. I'm thinking long and hard on if I think it will be worth that. If it had online co-op, certainly, but I don't know how much I'll get out of this for $20.

Edit: I caved and bought it, I got a 1,600 points card with GS credit the other day, incase I did want to buy this (got $176.05 in credit with their tiered trade deal).

[quote name='musha666']They upped it a few months back when Street Fighter HD was being developed.

This game is ok, not worth the money its at now. Its your average beat em up. Some cool finishers. Kind of reminds me of Manhunt 2 a little bit.

The main thing I dont like about this game, and one of the quickest ways to make me not like a game is by adding that damn time limit. I wont even think of purchasing this because of that. Oh well. Lets hope Peggle or something comes out next week to give me something to blow my points on:)[/QUOTE]

There is no time limit in the actual game, only in the trial. The time limit disappears the second you unlock the game.
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No way I'd pay $20 for this, but it's mildly entertaining. Graphics are awesome.

Once I earned the throw ability, though, all I did was throw enemies left and right over a railing. Took the challenge out of the game altogether. 7 enemies ran at me, 7 enemies went flying. Didn't take a hit at all.

For 800, I'd bite, but definitely not 1600.
[quote name='gareman']Also how is "virtual ownership" like renting something?[/QUOTE]

You pay for something and someone else decides how long you use it, not you. Pretty simple.

If this game was on a disc it would probably be even more laughable though.
I really wanted to get this, but for $20, and the fact that The Dishwasher might come out anyday now, I'll wait till this becomes and Xbox Deal of the Week.
[quote name='Scorch']No way I'd pay $20 for this, but it's mildly entertaining. Graphics are awesome.

Once I earned the throw ability, though, all I did was throw enemies left and right over a railing. Took the challenge out of the game altogether. 7 enemies ran at me, 7 enemies went flying. Didn't take a hit at all.

For 800, I'd bite, but definitely not 1600.[/QUOTE]

That stops quickly, the enemies get progressively tougher in each stage, and in-order to throw them, you have to first combo them or stun them. Otherwise, they break right free from your throw.
Did not even find the demo even slightly enjoyable. Very Generic. Best part was watching the Digital Comic book cut scene.
Not that bad, but not that great, definitely wouldn't pay the 1600 for it, maybe 800. I just don't know if I would buy it at all since there doesn't seem like there's much to it. It's the kind of game I would quickly sell after beating, so I wouldn't want to get it and not be able to sell it.
Reminded me of Fighting Force for some reason, except with the Bully fighting system. Not bad, but the co-op portions feel forced and the environments feel dead.
Wanted to like this game and there are some good things about it but for the price I can't justify spending that much on it. I mean, I just bought Lost and Damned and when you compare the two with the amount of content, Lost and Damned is like three times the game that watchmen is.
I guess The End is Nigh is an appropriate subtitle for a 3 hour game - as soon as you start it, the end is just around the corner.
Tried out the demo and didn't have a great time. Beat up the first guy at the beginning before helping out Nite Owl and my characters was somehow warped up high into the air and dropped to the ground about 20 feet away, which was odd and hopefully isn't a sign of this being a buggy game. Then after I got to the part of the prison that was on fire, my throw animation took long enough to happen that it was able to drag me into the fire long enough to kill me. It offered to let me go back to the lack checkpoint, which was at the beginning of the level, so I turned it off.

Is the timer permanent or does it reset each time you play the demo?
Was kind of bias because I want KOF to come out soon, but this game is too generic. For $20, the animation is pretty stiff and all you're paying for is the license. When you put that $20 price up, those expectations go through the ROOF.
I feel sorry for the people who bought it. It doesn't look like anyone here bought it, which is a good thing.
Tried the demo, was very unimpressed, no way is this worth $20.

It amazes me that with the 360 specs and 1.3 gigs of space someone can't produce a scrolling fighter thats even half as good as Streets of Rage 2.
I'm as cautiously optimistic about this game as I am about the movie. I'll try the demo when I get home but I'm not expecting much
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Is the timer permanent or does it reset each time you play the demo?[/quote]

I don't think you don't even have to exit the demo, it just resets every time you start a game. It only took me like 15 mins to beat it, so I dunno why they give you 30. I was hoping when I started it that they would just let you play through for 30 mins, but nope, it stops at a predetermined point.
The fact that I own a 20GB hard drive and the price aren't worth it for me. I'll pick it up if the game drops in price though.
Glad I didn't waste my points on this. Hopefully, this will be part of a sale somewhere down the road. I want to play, because it is Watchmen, but this is too much to pay, considering the lackluster feedback.
[quote name='blueweltall']I thought the demo was okay. Maybe because I thought it was going to be crap to begin with.[/quote]

They should use this quote for their advertising campaign.
I am sorry, but the same people here would be complaining about it being $20 if it was a hard copy too. We all know how much we can get for $20 if you pay attention to this website.

It is a 3 hour game made only to capitalize off of a movie release, not because it wants to excel with this franchise on a new medium. Even the most diehard of Watchmen fans won't kid themselves into thinking this is a Braid type game being released. It is what it is, a quick cash grab. Whether that grab is downloaded, or in retail, I believe most CAGs would have a hard time shelling out 20 bucks for it.
[quote name='blueweltall']I thought the demo was okay. Maybe because I thought it was going to be crap to begin with.[/quote]

You do make an interesting point considering that most XBLA games based on comics, movies and the like don't do very well.. But considering it is an XBLA game the graphics were a lot better looking than i expected them to be.. Overall gameplay was short and highly repetative.. But i liked it.. Now would i pay 1600 points for it.. I think NOT!! Make it cheaper and maybe i would.. Thats just my 2 cents on the topic

GT : Elkron sK
I'm sure its already been mentioned but the big thing with this game I don't understand is that its entirely a co-op experience yet there is no online co-op mode, just local.

edit: I keep forgetting this game was on the cover of EGM, hilarious.
[quote name='freshzen']I keep forgetting this game was on the cover of EGM, hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Ha, I came in here to post the same thing, as I just remembered it. What a fucking bust!!
Played the demo and enjoyed it. I might have to buy it with the 1600 points card I got at BB with the movie tickets.
[quote name='sotc1988']At least the game and film were consistent with each other; they were both disappointing.[/quote]

I wouldn't call the film completely dissapointing...parts of it were great, though overall, yeah it was kind of dissapointing.

BTW, see it in Imax, blew me away
[quote name='blueweltall']I thought the demo was okay. Maybe because I thought it was going to be crap to begin with.[/quote]
Same. Mildly entertaining, but I wouldn't pay $20 for it. There would need to much more content to keep me playing, though.
I did the BB deal and got a 1600 point XBLA card with the free Watchmen tickets, expecting to use it on this. But after 10 minutes with demo it's no-sale for me. However the movie was awesome, I loved it.
Both episodes will be available for $29.99...weird how retail ends up being cheaper than digital media:

bread's done