Xbox 360 slim - $299 -- Old Arcade $150, Elite $250 -- READ OP


shipping to retailers this week, and available to buy this week. not yet on any websites.

Hey guys, i just picked up my xbox 360 250gb S console. I have been trying it out and will give a few impressions, including how hot this thing gets. First off, the wireless adapter works great, very easy to find my network. The console itself is beautiful, loving the buttons where they are touch sensitive. I cannot hear the console when on dashboard, but i can while playing games and the disc is spinning (still not nearly as loud as old models). There is one big issue that i AM having with this however: The thing is whisper silent, but it is also Flaming Hot. Look at the picture. See the big vent on the side? That's where all the heat is at. It's not on the back like the previous console, it doesn't seem like the fan is pushing out the heat very well. This could just be me, but i had someone else touch it to verify that they indeed thought it was outrageously HOT. Let this be a warning to buyers! .. Also i do understand this may not be a problem at all. My Wii does get hot with wii connect 24 (But not as hot as the 360..). My Mac also get's rather hot (still not as hot as the 360..). I'm just throwing this out there.

Fix: Make your 360 sit horizontally. It will help the 360 ventilate better, and won't get nearly as hot!

360 Arcade will drop to $150
360 Elite will drop to $250
New 360 250GB "slim" is $300


250gb hdd, built in wireless n adapter

Built in transfer software, so if you want to upgrade, no worries!
includes wireless controller, headset, and composite cables
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I'm wondering what the deal was not including an HDMI cable in the bundle. Will the HDMI cable that worked with the "old" 360 work with the new 360S?
[quote name='HydroX']I'm wondering what the deal was not including an HDMI cable in the bundle. Will the HDMI cable that worked with the "old" 360 work with the new 360S?[/QUOTE]

I'm more PO'd that they didn't include a component cable. I had my 360 connected via composite ever since I got my PS3, but it was nice to have the option. At least now with an HDMI port, I'll be able to display the 360 on my PC monitor. My old 360 was one of the older ones with no HDMI port.
The kids at my local Gamestop said to come in tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then Wednesday for the new Xbox.

but the Kotaku article says According to an insider Target memo: earliest is Friday, latest is Sunday...

but then again they get Magic cards like 2 weeks after everyone else.
It just made my morning to find that the $60 in video game credit I had on my amazon account from ordering Split/Second, Tiger Woods and Green Day Rock Band worked toward the new console. I would have figured that they would only work toward games!
[quote name='IronsideGrunt']THANKS a million for that brother.

Damn... I may just fuck it and get one.

Only thing holding me back now is the cooling system and whether its really a marked improvement over the last model....actually one other thing...

...what I dont get (since it didnt specify) is whether or not THIS "250GB internal, swappable hard drive for even more storage" means its like a PS3 and we can now drop a 500GB or a 1TB HDD in there. If so I am on this new 360 the moment it hits the stores.[/QUOTE]

Awesome, so it sounds like it's going to be like the Playstation 3 and just use normal drives that are officially user swapable? Very cool if true.

There aren't any 1TB drives though. Largest so far is 640GB for a slower drive (though that may not be too relevant since the built in drive is probably only 5400RPM too).
[quote name='kurrptsenate']lol

its an HDMI cable. buy a vowel[/QUOTE]

If you're replying to my post, no, a composite cable is not an HDMI cable.
Hmm...besides that, I wish there was a white one, wish the power supply was integrated, and don't want WiFi...

Oh well, I do think it looks nice.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Hmm...besides that, I wish there was a white one, wish the power supply was integrated, and don't want WiFi...

Oh well, I do think it looks nice.[/QUOTE]

There's an "arcade" version coming out "this summer" for $199. I wonder if that will be the white version.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']I was referring to this[/QUOTE]

Ah, see, after doing some research I realize what you meant. I thought Microsoft had come up with their own HDMI cable for the 360, since they come up with their own "branded" USB flash drives and wireless headset and charge you out the ass for everything else.. I figured their plan was to ship the 1988-style S-Video cables and make you buy their own branded HDMI cable.
[quote name='HydroX']There's an "arcade" version coming out "this summer" for $199. I wonder if that will be the white version.[/QUOTE]

Good point...could be. I hope it comes with a standard hard drive too, but from my perspective I don't care-I'd gladly just buy the system and slap in my own drive :whistle2:D

Dang...I'll probably do that if there's a white one...

EDIT: Oh, I like that they bumped up the USB ports from 3 to 5...although I suppose they kind of HAVE to because they dropped the memory cards. Hmm...Okay, hopefully the spacing is decent so you can plug in at least two memory cards and one controller...
[quote name='Wolfpup']Awesome, so it sounds like it's going to be like the Playstation 3 and just use normal drives that are officially user swapable? Very cool if true.

There aren't any 1TB drives though. Largest so far is 640GB for a slower drive (though that may not be too relevant since the built in drive is probably only 5400RPM too).[/QUOTE]

Engadget said they didn't think it was a standard drive, but then they could be wrong. We'll find out soon enough I'm sure.
[quote name='kataztrophik']$60 for the core unit with a wireless controller[/QUOTE]

Soooooooooooooooooo glad I was able to get rid of mine yesterday. That's a full $20 drop.
[quote name='HydroX']Ah, see, after doing some research I realize what you meant. I thought Microsoft had come up with their own HDMI cable for the 360, since they come up with their own "branded" USB flash drives and wireless headset and charge you out the ass for everything else.. I figured their plan was to ship the 1988-style S-Video cables and make you buy their own branded HDMI cable.[/QUOTE]

Actually they *do* have their own HDMI cable. Rather, it's a standard HDMI cable bundled with a gizmo that lets you also get the 5.1, or whatever it is, digital audio, from the video (non-hdmi) port. However, I think maybe this new xbox has a separate 5.1 digital audio out? I'm not really sure. In any case, if you have a current Xbox, you need that adapter thingy in order to get the 5.1 audio when using an HDMI cable.
I'm sorry if this was already stated but Best Buy has already changed their prices to reflect the price cuts. Good luck trying to PM Target's GC!

The new 360 isn't listed yet so I'm guessing it'll arrive instores on Friday like the Target memo said.
I'm kind of tempted to call Gamestop and see if any have arrived, unless anybody hear knows if any store around them has them yet?
[quote name='Wolfpup']

EDIT: Oh, I like that they bumped up the USB ports from 3 to 5...although I suppose they kind of HAVE to because they dropped the memory cards. Hmm...Okay, hopefully the spacing is decent so you can plug in at least two memory cards and one controller...[/QUOTE]

widely spaced....not so much, but you would likely be able to fit two fat thumb drives in the top and bottom one...and there are still two in the front as well
I want the new 360, but I must be the only one that doesnt give a damn about the Kinect. I never liked the motion control of the Wii. I know the Kinect is more involved and maybe more accurate, but motion control sucks. Normal controllers FTW!
I will probably get the new Xbox and Kinect but this time I am going to wait about six months to a year to make sure there are no red ring issues with it...
Gamestop has the Kinect for preorder and it is at the $150 price point as well and it looks like it has a release date of 11/4.

I called my local GS and they did indeed say it looks like they will get it midweek and quite possibly tomorrow, but definitely not today as it is not in their shipment logs. I asked about the TIV and of course it is a drastic $20 price drop from yesterday as it is now $60 for the system and $24 for a 120GB hard drive. I know they still have a $25 extra bonus for trading in your hardware until June 27th, but I am not shelling out $200 out of pocket for a new 360.

They said that it can be any time during the day or as soon as the system is out that they will more than likely offer some sort of trade up bonus like they did with the white Wii for the black one. My issue is if that they will probably require the hard drive as part of the package? I will be in a dilemma because I will need to have both the old hard drive to transfer to the new system as I have a ton of stuff saved.

Maybe I can persuade my store to allow me to open the new system up in store to do the data transfer or loan me my old hard drive just long enough to do it at home. LOL

If not, this will make a sweet transition and upgrade a little more difficult to do.
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Cool...well hopefully two memory sticks plus a controller in front will all fit.

Speaking of which, I need to buy a memory stick some point here!

I've had good luck with this drive:

Using it to boot PCs and whatnot. I see that Sony's got a 32GB one that I'd probably buy...except for the 16GB limit. I wonder if that's ever going to be raised, so that I should be buying a larger one?

(I should buy one for my Blu Ray player too...I wonder what size I need. 16GB is probably overkill?)
[quote name='Wolfpup']Hmm...besides that, I wish there was a white one, wish the power supply was integrated, and don't want WiFi...

Oh well, I do think it looks nice.[/QUOTE]

you should get a wii. seriously, no wifi? get with the times man

[quote name='kurrptsenate']I was referring to this[/QUOTE]

the MS hdmi cable for the 360 ONLY worked with the 360. it wasnt a generic hdmi cable. so those who have one, are worried they wont work w/ the new 360s (although a new hdmi cable is only 5$ anyway)
I'm really surprised at the willingness of people to fork over $300 for what should have been a free upgrade to every 360 owner on the planet.
[quote name='Jodou']I'm really surprised at the willingness of people to fork over $300 for what should have been a free upgrade to every 360 owner on the planet.[/QUOTE]

Meh, I'm not upgrading, since I don't have a 360 currently.

Also, I have $479 in GS credit, so... ;)
Walmart Kinect is sold out!
I just ordered Kinect @ Gamestop, but I'll be sure to cancel once Amazon notifies me it's available for pre-order (Gamestop charged $10 tax! pftttt).
[quote name='addicted2games']I want the new 360, but I must be the only one that doesnt give a damn about the Kinect. I never liked the motion control of the Wii. I know the Kinect is more involved and maybe more accurate, but motion control sucks. Normal controllers FTW![/QUOTE]

Honestly I'm guessing/hoping most people don't give a damn about it. IMO touch and Wii controls are objectively a complete failure. 6 years in and only a small number of real games have used them with any success, and then usually only as a supplemental thing.

While I'm vaguely interested in this in that you can still use it with a real controller at the same time, I have no idea what it would be good for. Head tracking has been suggested, but as of Sunday the Giant Bomb guys said they'd seen no evidence it could do that with any real precision.

Lack of precision is really what makes all these schemes failures. If your new thing is less precise than the controls it's supposedly replacing, you have a real problem.
[quote name='confoosious']You know how friggin big the thing would be if the power supply was integrated?[/QUOTE]

Size of the current 360? or Perhaps the PS3
That thing is fugly. I don't see why people are so eager to spend $300 on something from MS which is unproven. I learned my lesson. I will wait until my current 360 dies. I hope it doesn't RR and doesn't sound like a jet engine.
[quote name='foltzie']Size of the current 360? or Perhaps the PS3[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and that's fine with me. Takes up less space that way. For some reason people don't seem to get that the power supply is part of the size of the system, only having it separate actually makes the whole thing take up MORE space in a lot of setups.

It's kind of like people who only care about getting a good price on a cell phone and don't seem to get that that's irrelevant compared to the price of the plan... Break something up and Americans don't seem to notice it's much bigger than it looks at first glance :lol:
[quote name='Jodou']I'm really surprised at the willingness of people to fork over $300 for what should have been a free upgrade to every 360 owner on the planet.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. I like being able to pop my HDD off and put it on any 360 in the house. I guess data transfer to the 720 is all but dead.:roll:
[quote name='foltzie']Size of the current 360? or Perhaps the PS3[/QUOTE]

And if they made it the size of the current 360, where would the NEW come from? shiny black?
So has there been any trade-in announcements yet?

Also, I highly doubt this new model will suffer from RROD - there's just no way Microsoft would go through that again. It's probably naive of me to think so but I would guess they waited until the new design worked perfectly before releasing it.
[quote name='genfuyung']I cant even see a reason to waste time pressing most of those games to a disc. I guess the sports and work out game would be too big to download but that river rafting junk looks like an old xbla game. Totemball anyone? I am seriously worried as to the future of gaming and I know tomorrow all we are going to hear from Nintendo is 3D bs and more vitality garbage and then Sony will try to shove more motion control and 3d games down our throat.

How about just putting out a quality game without the gimmicks? Crazy concept.[/QUOTE]

You act as though the more 'traditional' games arent *also* coming out. Yes, MS took a lot of time talking about Kinect, but every man and his momma knew they would. It's their new toy and they want (need) to get it in front of eyes. Sure, some of the games were lackluster (Kinect Adventures) or ripoffs (Kinect Sports), but they even did come up with something interesting (Dance Central).

But dont act like traditional games have been totally eschewed. B/W MS, EA & Ubi, you have:
Crysis 2
Halo Reach (space battles FTW)
Gears 3
Fable 3
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Metal Gear Rising
Dead Space 2
Medal of Honor
NFS: Hot Pursuit
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Ghost Recon
That's twelve legit 'traditional' games, a whole year of gaming, and I've not mentioned the EA sports games or even the new Rayman and new Rabbids games. Hell, that's more than the total number of all the rumored Kinect launch titles.

So begrudge them showing of Your Shape or Child of Eden (which looks fucking great). The traditional games arent going anywhere.
bread's done