Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Corvin, ever bought anything on a sale on the 360?!

" but history simply doesn't support the belief that it is inevitable." - Well that's your problem there, you're not thinking about the future, you're thinking about the past. The future is unknown and just look at the Steam sharing thing, which will in fact influence Sony and Microsoft's policies down the line because even though the Xbox is a closed system it still shares the system of the games industry.

XBOX live and PSN sales haven't come close to Steams sales in terms of the number of games at huge discounts.

When/if they do, then I'd embrace going fully digital.  But I will never buy a fully digital console until it's been proven that those kind of sales happen regularly as I don't trust any of the three console makers to get to those kind of sales with the closed-market place system.

Honestly, I'm just starting to give more thought to skipping consoles and getting a gaming PC to hook up to the big screen when I'm done with my PS3 backlog.  Main sticking point is cost and not wanting to miss console exclusives.

steam sales have got better thanks to tons of companys now selling digital games that will never happen on psn/live seeing no one else cna sell gams digital

See, but that's the thing:  Microsoft's model would have been competing with the current model. If it started losing, MS would have had to alter the pricing model or be destroyed in the marketplace.

Microsoft in all likelihood would not have stood around doing nothing while their console fell into the sea.  They would have had to take on an aggressive pricing mentality, to the point where they were actually risking severing ties with retailers, who apply a lot of pressure to Sony/MS/Nintendo so that digital sales won't undercut brick-and-mortar store purchases.

People would not have kept throwing money at MS if there had been other cheaper alternatives available.  Microsoft would have been forced to adapt or die.  Now that the plan has been pretty much destroyed, there will be no similar pressure applied - they can allow retail to dictate game pricing, as they've done for the last seven generations.

I'm sure prices would have came eventually down relative to current prices.

But not to steam sale levels, and that's what it would take for me to buy into a digital model since that pricing scheme already exists on PC.
Also take into consideration that Amazon was matching crazy digital sales too. That's also gotta hurt the retailers, there's a new sheriff in town.

As for DR3, I like that Rockstar has made a huge f'n map but I KNOW Rockstar populated it with interesting stuff since I played RDR.

Couldn't have said it better myself, from a comment by smoothop_85 on IGN.

So Xbox One has DR3, Forza 5, Killer Instinct, Ryse and Crimson Dragon, that's a decent launch line up of exclusive games there. Titanfall, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Project Spark and Halo 5 is not a bad start to 2014 either.
I said it during  E3, if you compare the AAA lineups, MS seems to have a better one at this point. Though Sunset Overdrive is so early we don't even really know what it is,(similar things could be said of Quantum Overdrive though it seems a little further along). Project Spark seems to be a toolset rather than an actual game and I know the diehards will show up, but I've been pretty bored of Halo since 3, so for me personally that dampens it just a tad. But I think it seems like a stronger line-up Strong enough to make me pay that difference or buy the console first? We'll have to see.

I'm also worried about long-term first party support though. Just look at the last several years of the 360-Games from Microsoft have been few and far between and many are half-hearted efforts (I'm looking at you GOW: J). When the system first came out the were all in on development and securing a lot of diverse original titles. Then as they got their foothold they seemed to not care so much anymore and were content to let third parties do most of the work and a lot wasn't exclusive. Maybe it's because they had to fight harder but the last few years is where we've seen Sony's most amazing titles for the PS3.

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I said it during E3, if you compare the AAA lineups, MS seems to have a better one at this point. Though Sunset Overdrive is so early we don't even really know what it is,(similar things could be said of Quantum Overdrive though it seems a little further along). Project Spark seems to be a toolset rather than an actual game and I know the diehards will show up, but I've been pretty bored of Halo since 3, so for me personally that dampens it just a tad. But I think it seems like a stronger line-up Strong enough to make me pay that difference or buy the console first? We'll have to see.

I'm also worried about long-term first party support though. Just look at the last several years of the 360-Games from Microsoft have been few and far between and many are half-hearted efforts (I'm looking at you GOW: J). When the system first came out the were all in on development and securing a lot of diverse original titles. Then as they got their foothold they seemed to not care so much anymore and were content to let third parties do most of the work and a lot wasn't exclusive. Maybe it's because they had to fight harder but the last few years is where we've seen Sony's most amazing titles for the PS3.
who really cares what happens 2-3 years down the road by then a true gamer will have both x1/ps4.

If being a "real gamer" means that you have to buy every single system that comes out then you can call me a "casual" now.

Timbo, you have an Atari Jaguar and a 3DO?
who really cares what happens 2-3 years down the road by then a true gamer will have both x1/ps4.
You mean guys like us who have too much income to blow.

Then again I don't smoke or drink. One of my co-workers spends $3000+ year in CIGS.

I'll get myself a PS4 down the road if the exclusives prove interesting enough.

Also Dead Rising 3 is shaping up nice. They got rid of the faults in DR2

- The timed rescue missions

- Load times

- Meh controls

- Co-Op characters only carried over money and experience, in DR3 all your co-op experiences count towards your single player progression.

- Guns that take 7+ shots just to kill non-Zombies, what do they have? Master Chief's armor?

Don't get me wrong. DR2 is a great game, just has some glaring flaws keeping it from the 9's it could have gotten.

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You mean guys like us who have too much income to blow.

Then again I don't smoke or drink. One of my co-workers spends $3000+ year in CIGS.

I'll get myself a PS4 down the road if the exclusives prove interesting enough.

Also Dead Rising 3 is shaping up nice. They got rid of the faults in DR2

- The timed rescue missions

- Load times

- Meh controls

- Co-Op characters only carried over money and experience, in DR3 all your co-op experiences count towards your single player progression.

- Guns that take 7+ shots just to kill non-Zombies, what do they have? Master Chief's armor?

Don't get me wrong. DR2 is a great game, just has some glaring flaws keeping it from the 9's it could have gotten.
I know some people feel that removing the timed rescue missions makes it less "Dead Rising", but even so, I don't care. I hated that time mechanic and didn't add anything but frustration from the previous games.

I know some people feel that removing the timed rescue missions makes it less "Dead Rising", but even so, I don't care. I hated that time mechanic and didn't add anything but frustration from the previous games.
I personally thought DR2:OTR got it right - have the sandbox mode for non-story play, and regular timed mode for the story. By having sandbox mode PP count toward story mode level, it was the best of both worlds IMO.

A true gamer doesn't force their ideals on others lol geez, game on whatever you want to game.

DR3 will have two modes, from the wiki:

Unlike the first two games in the series, Dead Rising 3 does not feature a time limit.[8] Players will also be allowed to save their progress anywhere, as opposed to limiting saves to bathrooms.[8] The game will include a "Nightmare Mode" for those who prefer the traditional time limit and save options.[9] The game will not have load times.[10]


That sounds awesome for Dead Rising. If rescuing people, do you still have to take them AAAAALLLLLLLL the way back to the safehouse? That would be the only thing left that bugged me to no end about those games. Would rather have just dropped them off at a vent and have them go back themselves.

Think I heard that was an option in the second downloadable thing they did for the game, but never played it.

Why would a true gamer have both?
in a system life span alot of times they have great system only games wii u will have amazing wii u only games,ps4 will have amazing ps4 only games, xbox one will have amazing x1 only games. I could not see my self never not having all systems out including gaming pc for a full system life span.

I'll never have more than one console again as I just don't have the time/interest to even keep up with all the games I want to play on one platform.  Having multiple systems this gen just led to a backlog I'm still working on--even with selling off a bunch of stuff I realistically will never play.

So next gen will be one console only, and I'm strictly sticking to a policy of only having at most two games going at a time (one single player and maybe one multiplayer) and only buying games when I need a new one to play right then.

But I wouldn't call myself a "true gamer" nor a hardcore gamer given the above.  I love games, but it's not my top hobby and I'm lucky to get through 10 a year over the past decade.  And have some years I've gotten through 5 or less.

I'll never have more than one console again as I just don't have the time/interest to even keep up with all the games I want to play on one platform. Having multiple systems this gen just led to a backlog I'm still working on--even with selling off a bunch of stuff I realistically will never play.

So next gen will be one console only, and I'm strictly sticking to a policy of only having at most two games going at a time (one single player and maybe one multiplayer) and only buying games when I need a new one to play right then.

But I wouldn't call myself a "true gamer" nor a hardcore gamer given the above. I love games, but it's not my top hobby and I'm lucky to get through 10 a year over the past decade. And have some years I've gotten through 5 or less.
there is less, and less exclusives now a. alot of the major aaa hype title games will be on both platform anyway.

there is less, and less exclusives now a. alot of the major aaa hype title games will be on both platform anyway.
That definitely helps. There's really not a lot of reason to have both a Sony and MS system anymore unless you game a ton and really must have both of their first party franchises. I loved Gears and Halo, but those series are pretty stale so I can live without them. Never cared for much of any of MS's other current exclusive series (not counting stuff they had exclusive at one point like Mass Effect and Bioshock 1 that are now totally multiplatform).

Makes more sense to own one of those and a Nintendo console if you do game enough to need to consoles IMO since Nintendo's games are great (as long as you're into them) and only on one platform. I just choose to go with a 3DS instead of Wii U as it's cheaper and can just be easily stuck in a drawer in game droughts, rather than gather dust in the TV stand.

I am definitely the type who wants to own everything but usually can't justify the cost on things that only have a couple worthwhile exclusive titles I want-I.E. I've been trying to justify getting a Vita even before the price drop because it's a cool system in itself, but the only title I have any real interest is is Persona 4 and the memory cards are ridiculous. I'll probably own an Xbox One at some point though, if Fable Legends is any good, my wife will pester me until we get one, she is a diehard fan of that series.

I am definitely the type who wants to own everything but usually can't justify the cost on things that only have a couple worthwhile exclusive titles I want-I.E. I've been trying to justify getting a Vita even before the price drop because it's a cool system in itself, but the only title I have any real interest is is Persona 4 and the memory cards are ridiculous.
Same here regarding Vita.

Vita TV is appealing to me though since I could play most of the Vita games that interest me on it (P4G is one of the supported games), have another streaming box, and stream PS4 to another TV in the house once I get one.

Same here regarding Vita.

Vita TV is appealing to me though since I could play most of the Vita games that interest me on it (P4G is one of the supported games), have another streaming box, and stream PS4 to another TV in the house once I get one.
vita tv looks awsome and hope it works like it sounds it might and sounds like it might be cheap

Xbox One Playable At Select Locations Before Launch

The Xbox community team is hosting hands-on demos across the country prior to launch.
by Mike Mahardy
September 12, 2013

The Xbox One launches November 22, but the Xbox community team will be hosting hands-on events to show off the upcoming console and two launch games to the public.

Beginning in Boston, Mass on September 19, Xbox Live's Larry Hryb and the Xbox community team will host free, open-to-the-public events at certain Microsoft retail stores.

The events, part of the Xbox One  Tour: Road to Launch, will have playable demos of Forza 5 Motorsport and Killer Instinct, allowing players to get their hands on the new Xbox One controller, Hryb writes on his blog.

"During the [Burlington] Microsoft Store Opening, members of the Xbox team and I will be there to watch you play some of the amazing Xbox One games launching with Xbox One this November 22," he says.


The events will also feature giveaways, and will likely be crowded, so plan on arriving early, Hryb says. Check below for a full list of confirmed event locations, and check Hryb's Twitter account for future announced locations.

  • Burlington Mall, Burlington, Mass - September 19, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Shops at Prudential Center, Boston, Mass. - September 20, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Mall at Millennia, Orlando, FL - October 23, 7:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
  • West Edmonton, Edmonton, Canada - October 27, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Scottsdale Fashion Sq, Scottsdale, AZ - December 6, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Xbox One Playable At Select Locations Before Launch The Xbox community team is hosting hands-on demos across the country prior to launch.
by Mike Mahardy
September 12, 2013

The Xbox One launches November 22, but the Xbox community team will be hosting hands-on events to show off the upcoming console and two launch games to the public.

Beginning in Boston, Mass on September 19, Xbox Live's Larry Hryb and the Xbox community team will host free, open-to-the-public events at certain Microsoft retail stores.

The events, part of the Xbox One Tour: Road to Launch, will have playable demos of Forza 5 Motorsport and Killer Instinct, allowing players to get their hands on the new Xbox One controller, Hryb writes on his blog.

"During the [Burlington] Microsoft Store Opening, members of the Xbox team and I will be there to watch you play some of the amazing Xbox One games launching with Xbox One this November 22," he says.

The events will also feature giveaways, and will likely be crowded, so plan on arriving early, Hryb says. Check below for a full list of confirmed event locations, and check Hryb's Twitter account for future announced locations.

  • Burlington Mall, Burlington, Mass - September 19, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Shops at Prudential Center, Boston, Mass. - September 20, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Mall at Millennia, Orlando, FL - October 23, 7:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
  • West Edmonton, Edmonton, Canada - October 27, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Scottsdale Fashion Sq, Scottsdale, AZ - December 6, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Awesome, hopefully can get the time off to go to the one in Orlando!

Weren't there rumors that Microsoft were planning a lite console, priced at $99 that would essentially act as a backwards compatibility box/streaming media micro system too?

I hadn't thought of the Tuesday releases until I was checking out Need for Speed Rivals this week.  Yeah, I expect we'll see most titles, especially non-microsoft published games, on shelves on Tuesday. 

I'm fairly positive most recent launches have had games in stores a few days before the system actually comes out.

Same here regarding Vita.

Vita TV is appealing to me though since I could play most of the Vita games that interest me on it (P4G is one of the supported games), have another streaming box, and stream PS4 to another TV in the house once I get one.
I'm right there with ya buddy. I'm sticking to one console this gen and that will be a PS4. I dropped my preorder just like you did and the earliest I'll get one will be next holiday. The only way I'd switch that out and get an Xbox One is if I had to get one for the kids for some reason. If the Kinect has some kind of "must have" catalog of kids games then yeah I might end up getting it in a couple of years but fankly, the one on the 360 seems good enough, how many dance games do we really need? In terms of the Vita TV, I'm pretty excited about that. I've never played a Persona game and would love to give P4G a try since I've heard great things about it. Also, it would allow me to play my PS4 (whenever I get it) on my secondary TV. I wouldn't hook it up to my main TV so that it would have that added benefit. The only games I'd miss on the Xbox One would be Fable, Gears, and Alan Wake. Alan Wake I can get on PC at least.

I got rid of so many games without playing them over the last year or two that it's absolutely ridiculous to even consider buying anything that I don't know absolutely for sure that I will play. There are too many games that people say are "must have" games. Also there's the PSN and XBL game sales which I bought way too many games through and I can't resell. Talk about buyers remorse. This is the reason I don't want to go all digital. I'm at the point now where I don't open anything until I'm ready to play it (or watch it for a movie) because I find that I buy shit I shouldn't be buying.

Unrelated to the current discussion:

Developer complaints confirm the unfinished state of the Xbox One

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Please stick to the topic of the thread. Coming in to try to dissuade people to not buy the Xbox One and push a PS4 agenda is called "thread crapping". This isn't coming from a fan boy as I'm getting both at launch, just someone who came to find info as stated in the topic. I would say the same on the PS4 thread. Thank you!
I dont think that is "thread crapping" lol.

Speaking of which, where has Matsui been?
I don't even think what I put was trying to "convince" anyone since I don't care what people do with their money. It was just me and my situation. Maybe he thought the link I posted was thread crapping? We can't post bad news I guess....

Well Blaster Man, hanging out in a Xbox One thread and telling us over and over again that you're going to get a PS4 is I think pissing in the wind, or trying to crap standing up. Take your pick.

One of the guys on Weekend Confirmed was pretty negative on Kinect 2.0 and specifically Fantasia, he said it wasn't responsive and he couldn't really tell much difference between 2.0 and the current one. He did also say it was probably an early version though. Also was fairly critical of Ryse, calling the combat "dumb".

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One of the guys on Weekend Confirmed was pretty negative on Kinect 2.0 and specifically Fantasia, he said it wasn't responsive and he couldn't really tell much difference between 2.0 and the current one. He did also say it was probably an early version though. Also was fairly critical of Ryse, calling the combat "dumb".
and ps eye is any better? i remember ps move and how rage i would get at that thing at how many times the thing would not fine the remote and un synce none stop.

Please stick to the topic of the thread. Coming in to try to dissuade people to not buy the Xbox One and push a PS4 agenda is called "thread crapping". This isn't coming from a fan boy as I'm getting both at launch, just someone who came to find info as stated in the topic. I would say the same on the PS4 thread. Thank you!
this website is mostly a ps/nintendo website you should know that by now.

Well Blaster Man, hanging out in a Xbox One thread and telling us over and over again that you're going to get a PS4 is I think pissing in the wind, or trying to crap standing up. Take your pick.
DING DING DING You, sir win the post of the weekend! Nice work.

lol the combat looks better and better with each video...not sure what that guy expects from the combat
I think Ryse is looking damn good! The visuals look next-gen, the environments look interesting and the combat looks like it'll be just like that in the Arkham games, which was freaking fantastic. Throw on an intriguing co-op mode and I have no idea what the hell people are expecting from this game. Preordered and prepaid along with $20 in MS credit for Killer Instinct.

bread's done