Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Yay, another PS4/Xbox One pissing contest!

Though, it is quite amusing reading for all the COD resolution discussion, the frame rate is (allegedly) smoother on the Xbox One.
There's a difference between a pissing match and a discussion about the launch of both consoles in the video game industry. Chill out duuuuude.

For the record, GT and Forza may be in the same genre but they're pretty different. GT is a lot more simulation and Forza is more racing game. GT got tied up in development turmoil and sorry but Forza passed it.

Interesting that X1 is focusing on NFL

and the PS4 has MLB and NHL.

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I didn't give a shit about GoW:J cause I hated Baird. Worst choice of a main character ever. If it had been anyone else I might have played it. They would have made a fortune if they had just made one about Cole.
If it helps, the Baird in Judgment really isn't much like the annoying Baird in the Gears of War trilogy. The writers had to make changes to him to make him more likeable as a leading character. He's much less annoying and whiny in Judgment. Cole has some changes to him as well. He's slightly more reserved and not as loud and obnoxious.

Dead Rising was an exclusive launch title for Xbox 360.

Dead Rising 2 was multi-platform for 360, PS3 and PC.

Dead Rising 3 is an exclusive for Xbox One right now.
Dead Rising wasn't a launch title. It was released nine months after launch.

Dead Rising 3 is published by Microsoft. It will never be on another system. Depending on the contract, it may not rule out a 3.5 on the PS4.

people don't buy systems for new ips.
I do, but yeah, I'm probably in the minority.

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Ah thanks Corvin, a mix up there but yeah so saying Dead Rising will never go to a PS because it's published by Microsoft doesn't have any weight. Now and days when you hear that a game is exclusive to a platform there's a high chance it'll be going to another one as well in the future. For example the Mass Effect series was exclusive on the 360 until they did finally bring it on over to PS3 with ME2 and the Genesis comic (which later made its way to 360 too).

There's a difference between a pissing match and a discussion about the launch of both consoles in the video game industry. Chill out duuuuude.
I'm actually totally chill. Just tired of reading the endless back and forth, and sorry, some of that WAS borderline pissing match territory.

Thankfully, now that we're closer to the launch, people will have more to talk about than E3 and the same crap from the last six months -- like games!

Ah thanks Corvin, a mix up there but yeah so saying Dead Rising will never go to a PS because it's published by Microsoft doesn't have any weight. Now and days when you hear that a game is exclusive to a platform there's a high chance it'll be going to another one as well in the future. For example the Mass Effect series was exclusive on the 360 until they did finally bring it on over to PS3 with ME2 and the Genesis comic (which later made its way to 360 too).
If any company in the world has enough money to pay off Capcom and EA to keep their games exclusive it would be Microsoft. Whether Dead Rising is worth the price for eternal exclusivity is doubtful. After a year or so it becomes completely irrelevant to have it exclusive because it's not really selling any more units and i'm sure Capcom wouldn't mind a second wind of sales for basically nothing.

Ah thanks Corvin, a mix up there but yeah so saying Dead Rising will never go to a PS because it's published by Microsoft doesn't have any weight. Now and days when you hear that a game is exclusive to a platform there's a high chance it'll be going to another one as well in the future. For example the Mass Effect series was exclusive on the 360 until they did finally bring it on over to PS3 with ME2 and the Genesis comic (which later made its way to 360 too).
"Published" holds more weight than you think. I can't think of a single game published by a platform holder that ended up being multiplatform. Anyone? Mass Effect, maybe? Last gen games published by Sony | MS | Nintendo

It just doesn't happen. Plus MS invested and assisted in the development. Capcom has basically said the game would not exist without MS. In other words, don't hold your breath.

I think the only way PS4 fans get to play it is in an "Off the Record" type rerelease.

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"Published" holds more weight than you think. I can't think of a single game published by a platform holder that ended up being multiplatform. Anyone?

Plus MS invested and assisted in the development. Capcom has basically said the game would not exist without MS. In other words, don't hold your breath.

I think the only way PS4 fans get to play it is in an "Off the Record" type rerelease.
Mass Effect. Nintendo Published Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge.

"Published" holds more weight than you think. I can't think of a single game published by a platform holder that ended up being multiplatform. Anyone? Mass Effect, maybe?

Plus MS invested and assisted in the development. Capcom has basically said the game would not exist without MS. In other words, don't hold your breath.

I think the only way PS4 fans get to play it is in an "Off the Record" type rerelease.
I'm not holding my breath if it comes out on ps4 eventually great. If not I'll buy it the bargain bin when I pick up my xbox one. If the game only exists because Microsoft paid for it completely than it's only fair that it stays an xbox one exclusive. The thing is it's kind of starting to be Microsoft's thing to pay publishers that usually publish games multiplatform to publish their games as at least timed exclusives rather than developing in house. All I'm saying is that I'm skeptical when a publisher that has traditionally published games on every platform is all of a sudden willing to turn down money that selling on another platform would provide. It's basically free money once the game is old enough to re-release it. And at that point microsoft doesn't really have any vested interest in it.

Exactly.  I would because I loved the other ones, but yeah, according to vgchartz (grain of salt) between the 4 versions (DR2 + OTR for 360 & PS3) they barely pushed over a million copies.  This franchise was probably dead in the water at Capcom until MS came along.

That's the great thing about new consoles though.  Clean slate with a smaller instlall base.  Wasn't Killzone DOA before the PS3 revived it?

Wow, just wow.

So the reviews are up for the PS4 system and games. What I like is how NO ONE is talking about the DualShock 4's 8 hour battery life. I hope the X1 controller will not share a similar fate. The system looks great, but what about the games?

It's all in Microsoft's hands now. I hope Forza gets atleast a 90 metacritic and Ryse ends up somehow being a surprise hit. If both console launch lineups are weak... well I will be disappointed.

Wow, just wow.

So the reviews are up for the PS4 system and games. What I like is how NO ONE is talking about the DualShock 4's 8 hour battery life. I hope the X1 controller will not share a similar fate. The system looks great, but what about the games?

It's all in Microsoft's hands now. I hope Forza gets atleast a 90 metacritic and Ryse ends up somehow being a surprise hit. If both console launch lineups are weak... well I will be disappointed.
8 hours wow. I could go a month playing 2 hours a night ps3 and the controller would still have juice. Not too big of a deal since I don't play 8 hours in a row usually and bought 15 foot usb cable so I could play comfortably and charge at same time but still. I wish it used double a batteries like the xbone because i have about 15 eneloops in use throughout the house and they rule.

Wow, just wow.

So the reviews are up for the PS4 system and games. What I like is how NO ONE is talking about the DualShock 4's 8 hour battery life. I hope the X1 controller will not share a similar fate. The system looks great, but what about the games?

It's all in Microsoft's hands now. I hope Forza gets atleast a 90 metacritic and Ryse ends up somehow being a surprise hit. If both console launch lineups are weak... well I will be disappointed.
Polygon mentions it:

I wish it used double a batteries like the xbone because i have about 15 eneloops in use throughout the house and they rule.
Agreed. I have a bunch and find it more convenient to swap those out than deal with long USB cables. So that's definitely a big +1 for the 360/x1 controllers over the ps3/4 controllers for me.

8 hours isn't awful though as I never game that long, and would probably have 2 controllers so I could just swap if I forgot to charge. But still lame to have that much of a drop off from the PS3 ones. And probably due to the light bar and touchpad which I both see as pretty useless (especially the light bar as I'd never get the camera).

The funny thing is if the Xbox One controller had/has 8-hour battery life, the internet would be going absolutely crazy.

But that just shows the importance of getting PR right. MS was riding high in the US with the 360, but the DRM, 180s and all the other PR missteps built up a ton of ire with the online gaming demographic so every little perceived flaw is going to get hammered.

Sony bungled the PS3 launch and lost all the good will they had from the PS1 and 2 and had to fight all this gen to recover and be in a good position to get back on top with PS4 potentially. They've nailed most of the PR stuff with the online gaming demographic, thus flaws like 8 hour controller battery life, no 3D Bluray playback at launch aren't going to get hammered as much.

These companies have to remember that gamers are a fickle market and they need to watch their PR and messaging or a majority will flip loyalites very quickly (fanboys aside). Sony got arrogant after the PS2 and blew a huge lead. MS got arrogant after the 360 and bungled this reveal. Going back further, Nintendo got arrogant and bungled a huge NES/SNES lead by shunning Sony and sticking with carts for the N64.

I'm actually totally chill. Just tired of reading the endless back and forth, and sorry, some of that WAS borderline pissing match territory.

Thankfully, now that we're closer to the launch, people will have more to talk about than E3 and the same crap from the last six months -- like games!
Um well you haven't been paying attention because a lot has changed since E3. It's almost remarkable how similar both systems are now and how much both sides, Sony and Microsoft, have changed.

I think it's because DR2 underperformed, hence taking the moneyhat. No incentive for Capcom to do DR3 alone.
This is a special case as Capcom let people sample what they'd get with DR2 with their stand alone DR2: Case Zero game and they were hoping it would wet their whistle. It did the opposite in fact and many people were like oh ok I got my fix, why would I go and pick up DR2 now for $60. This was talked about on Vidjagame Apocalypse.

Yeah seeing scores for Knack and how much Sony hyped up the game I really really am hoping I will not see that once Ryse is released. If that does happen haha, well they'll (Knack & Ryse) both fall in a shameful category of overhyped launch duds.

The funny thing is if the Xbox One controller had/has 8-hour battery life, the internet would be going absolutely crazy.
this right here is why im happy x1 don't have built in battery. It's fantastic to be able to use AA recharge batteries and never have to worry about plug in my controller. Sony has built in battery but gives you a short cable that can't even reach most people sitting area.

this right here is why im happy x1 don't have built in battery. It's fantastic to be able to use AA recharge batteries and never have to worry about plug in my controller. Sony has built in battery but gives you a short cable that can't even reach most people sitting area.
i do have one of these which will probably work but still worse than just swapping batteries

I don't even think about controller battery life. I ordered the nyko charging cradle like I have for the 360. That thing works beautifully, worth every penny of the $25 to $30.
Wicked excited for Watch Dogs, CoD for next gen, and I think I'm just excited overall for the new graphics and technology.

Wow, just wow.

So the reviews are up for the PS4 system and games. What I like is how NO ONE is talking about the DualShock 4's 8 hour battery life. I hope the X1 controller will not share a similar fate. The system looks great, but what about the games?
Launch lineups are generally shit, you buy a system at launch because potential/hype. And Joystiq talked at length about the disappointing battery life, but I think 8 hours will be fine for most.

Launch lineups are generally shit, you buy a system at launch because potential/hype. And Joystiq talked at length about the disappointing battery life, but I think 8 hours will be fine for most.
Launch lineups are generally shit? That seems like a very dumb generalization to make sorry. Why would someone invest so much in a console if the games for it are not up to par (plus they really need to wow people to persuade the shift to next-gen hardware)? I know a few people that did that with the Wii U and they're still waiting for the killer games plus there are tons that have not invested in that system due to a lousy launch lineup - while Nintendo also being in their own lala land (maybe it's 3D LaLa Land next to 3D Mario Land lol). I think the people buying a system at launch are the ones that will enjoy having the new fresh new tech and software via the feeling of awe and exclusivity. There's been quite some time in between console launches so there are many who are really ready for the switch or maybe the inclusion of a next-gen console to their existing gaming setup.

Launch games for the Xbox One that I think will be received well would be:

Forza 5

Battlefield 4

Need For Speed: Rivals

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

NBA 2K14

hopefully Dead Rising 3, (no loading screens and an alternate sandbox mode will help)

maybe Ryse, still unsure on that one (we'll see if the gameplay is varied enough to keep one's attention).

I think launch lineups are generally shit personally. Hence why I've very rarely bought consoles anywhere near launch. But I have gotten sucked in by launch hype a couple of times over the years and have always regretted buying day one in hindsight.

You buy the console at the highest price it will ever be, and when all the games are all full price. It's rare that there's more than one or two launch games I really want to play, so I end up buying and wasting time on mediocre games I'd never buy mid-generation just to have something to play in the inevitable post launch drought after I beat the one or two AAA launch games that personally appealed to me.

With the ps4 and x1 there's literally not a single launch game that's a must play for me. Killzone comes closest I guess, and is probably the only one I'd actually pick up on the cheap when I take the next gen plunge.

But that's just me. For people in to military shooters like CoD/BF, racing games, sports games etc. the launch is probably worthwhile.

For someone like me, I'm fine continuing to have a blast with my 3DS., the Wii U I just got, and my ps3 backlog and getting a next gen system way down the road when more games are out and prices have dropped (or retailer sales have started occurring).
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I think the launch games of this next generation seem decent, though also disappointing because it's mostly sequels.  But I'm more interested in the games for the launch of the PS4 and Xbox One than I was for any previous system launches, I think.

Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts are sequels to games that people essentially know what to expect with them.  While they're available on current systems, the new systems offer upgrades and seem like a sort of soft introduction to next generation, allowing you a familiar experience the welcome you to the new systems.  Instead of grasping at any new game, if you liked the previous titles in those franchises you can also play them at the start of next generation on your console of choice.  Regardless of resolution and framerates, they're games that buyers know and have experienced last generation.  Similarly with Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 and Killzone Shadow Fall, where the gaming audience has seen the previous entries for those games on their respective consoles (and Dead Rising 2 on the PS3 even), buyers know what to expect. 

The biggest problem I really see at launch is no real interest in new games.  I know people will point out something like Knack or Ryse, but it seems underwhelming that there are really so few new games, and instead just sequels to sequels.  I assume that's a strategy both Sony and Microsoft actually are doing intentionally, as the risk of new games means people might not be as inclinded to go to a new system as they are with familiar titles, but I was hoping for more.

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Launch lineups are generally shit? That seems like a very dumb generalization to make sorry. Why would someone invest so much in a console if the games for it are not up to par (plus they really need to wow people to persuade the shift to next-gen hardware)? I know a few people that did that with the Wii U and they're still waiting for the killer games plus there are tons that have not invested in that system due to a lousy launch lineup - while Nintendo also being in their own lala land (maybe it's 3D LaLa Land next to 3D Mario Land lol). I think the people buying a system at launch are the ones that will enjoy having the new fresh new tech and software via the feeling of awe and exclusivity. There's been quite some time in between console launches so there are many who are really ready for the switch or maybe the inclusion of a next-gen console to their existing gaming setup.

Launch games for the Xbox One that I think will be received well would be:

Forza 5

Battlefield 4

Need For Speed: Rivals

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

NBA 2K14

hopefully Dead Rising 3, (no loading screens and an alternate sandbox mode will help)

maybe Ryse, still unsure on that one (we'll see if the gameplay is varied enough to keep one's attention).
Dude, generally speaking, launch line-ups are TERRIBLE. Not saying the Xbox One won't break this trend, but usually you have a bunch of unecessary ports, games that don't live up to the hype and are just plain shit, and if you are really lucky you have one standout title, a small miracle is having two. Look at the 360, I'm pretty sure Call of Duty 2 & Condemned were the only decent games at launch. The PS3 didn't have one memorable game at launch. Same goes for PS2, that thing only sold because it played dvds which at the time was huge.

What's up with Amazon? Bought 2k14 on Monday and this rep is saying that anyone who bought it before 11/9 will have theirs on launch day. Anyone else is going to have to wait to see if there are leftovers. Oh Amazon, I just want my game. 

And I say this as someone is who camping out for a PS4 tomorrow because my schedule happens to work so I can do that. I fully admit I'm getting it with the knowledge I may not have a truly worthwhile game til February when Infamous hits.

And I say this as someone is who camping out for a PS4 tomorrow because my schedule happens to work so I can do that. I fully admit I'm getting it with the knowledge I may not have a truly worthwhile game til February when Infamous hits.
Why not wait, then? I'd think there could be a chance of some retailer bundling Infamous with a console, or having some sort of sale or coupon or credit offering, while Microsft and Sony battle for the victory of the first year of release.

I'd apply the same statement of logic to someone only interested in Titanfall. Why spend money early when there could be an offering later for a game of choice. I don't understand the point of buying a very expensive paper weight that will be available later when none of the software immediately available draws your interest.

Number of reasons, 1. Never done a campout for a release before, this'll probably be my last chance as I'm 34 and married and will probably have kids by the time the next round rolls out. 2. I have the ability to get it now, I may not in the near future for any number of reasons (i.e. something expensive breaks). 3 Something (like Killzone) may surprise me. And finally, what if we do face bad console shortages for months? I doubt it will be like the Wii, where it was hard to get for like 2 years, but I could see it being hard for the first 6 months if it sells like people seem to be expecting it to.

Yeah, that's why I decided to cancel my PS4 preorder, and ended up picking up a Wii U. There's a bunch out, or coming soon, on Wii U I want. And Nintendo's games are better for playing a half hour here or there (which is about all the gaming I get in lately), than the story driven games I play on Sony/MS consoles.

There's nothing coming out on PS4 (or X1) anytime soon that's a definite must play for me. I'm not even sure on Infamous as the first two are still in my PS3 backlog. :D So it just doesn't make sense for me to pay day one prices for either of these consoles when there's just nothing I for sure want coming anytime soon, and I've got too much to play on the platforms I already own.

I'm going to do my best to at least clear the PS3 and 3DS backlog, and be caught up on Wii U, before taking the next gen plunge. But odds are there will be a couple killer games on one platform or the other that make me take the plunge sooner than I'd like--maybe Destiny if my buddy I played BL2 with ends up getting a console and playing that game.
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Launch lineups are generally shit? That seems like a very dumb generalization to make sorry. Why would someone invest so much in a console if the games for it are not up to par (plus they really need to wow people to persuade the shift to next-gen hardware)? I know a few people that did that with the Wii U and they're still waiting for the killer games plus there are tons that have not invested in that system due to a lousy launch lineup - while Nintendo also being in their own lala land (maybe it's 3D LaLa Land next to 3D Mario Land lol). I think the people buying a system at launch are the ones that will enjoy having the new fresh new tech and software via the feeling of awe and exclusivity. There's been quite some time in between console launches so there are many who are really ready for the switch or maybe the inclusion of a next-gen console to their existing gaming setup.

Launch games for the Xbox One that I think will be received well would be:

Forza 5

Battlefield 4

Need For Speed: Rivals

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

NBA 2K14

hopefully Dead Rising 3, (no loading screens and an alternate sandbox mode will help)

maybe Ryse, still unsure on that one (we'll see if the gameplay is varied enough to keep one's attention).
:lol: Lambasting the WiiU launch lineup and proceeding to praise the X1 lineup with a list of ports and multiplatform games. Apples to oranges. If you're counting ports and multiplat titles than the WiiU launch (BLOPS2, Mass Effect, Batman, Darksiders, ACIII, etc) is just as solid, if not better than the X1 and PS4.

Selective memory I guess. In terms of actual exclusives, the X1 & PS4 aren't faring much better than the WiiU. NSMBU, NintendoLand, & ZombieU in Nintendo's corner. That's one more than PS4 (Knack & Killzone) and one less than X1 (Forza, DR, Ryse, Zoo Tycoon). All three companies are/were in the same boat.

So yeah, I agree with Erad, launch lineups are generally shit. That doesn't stop me from being there for launch. :lol:

Number of reasons, 1. Never done a campout for a release before, this'll probably be my last chance as I'm 34 and married and will probably have kids by the time the next round rolls out. 2. I have the ability to get it now, I may not in the near future for any number of reasons (i.e. something expensive breaks). 3 Something (like Killzone) may surprise me. And finally, what if we do face bad console shortages for months? I doubt it will be like the Wii, where it was hard to get for like 2 years, but I could see it being hard for the first 6 months if it sells like people seem to be expecting it to.
Wow. The exact reasons I would never get in a line. I did it for PS2 when preorders weren't even a thing.
Yeah, that's why I decided to cancel my PS4 preorder, and ended up picking up a Wii U. There's a bunch out, or coming soon, on Wii U I want. And Nintendo's games are better for playing a half hour here or there (which is about all the gaming I get in lately), than the story driven games I play on Sony/MS consoles.

There's nothing coming out on PS4 (or X1) anytime soon that's a definite must play for me. I'm not even sure on Infamous as the first two are still in my PS3 backlog. :D So it just doesn't make sense for me to pay day one prices for either of these consoles when there's just nothing I for sure want coming anytime soon, and I've got too much to play on the platforms I already own.

I'm going to do my best to at least clear the PS3 and 3DS backlog, and be caught up on Wii U, before taking the next gen plunge. But odds are there will be a couple killer games on one platform or the other that make me take the plunge sooner than I'd like--maybe Destiny if my buddy I played BL2 with ends up getting a console and playing that game.
True but I want to play fifa, call of duty, battlefield, etc and since the price of the games are exactly the same as current gen systems and there isn't much room to cut price on the ps4 I'd rather have the ps4 now. Afterall $400 now and an extra year ownership is a better value for me than $400 a year from now. I did sell my vita though to help pay for the ps4 which was basically a paperweight.

Has anyone seen or heard of how digital purchases are planned to work at launch?  Wondering if they'll include pre-order exclusives, like the Free Fall Map for Ghosts (I know this is a current offer on X360), Black Police GTR on NFS Rivals, Day One exclusives on DR3, Forza 5...etc.?

Has anyone seen or heard of how digital purchases are planned to work at launch? Wondering if they'll include pre-order exclusives, like the Free Fall Map for Ghosts (I know this is a current offer on X360), Black Police GTR on NFS Rivals, Day One exclusives on DR3, Forza 5...etc.?
If you buy digitally within the first two weeks, you receive the bonuses. Microsoft only confirmed the Day One bonuses so far, so i'm not sure if it works for everything else

Thanks for that.   Now I'm wondering about the rest of the games.  I want to pick up Battlefield 4, Ghosts, and Rivals...and if the sharing feature works within 2 consoles as previously announced I want to get them digitally.

:lol: Lambasting the WiiU launch lineup and proceeding to praise the X1 lineup with a list of ports and multiplatform games. Apples to oranges. If you're counting ports and multiplat titles than the WiiU launch (BLOPS2, Mass Effect, Batman, Darksiders, ACIII, etc) is just as solid, if not better than the X1 and PS4.

Selective memory I guess. In terms of actual exclusives, the X1 & PS4 aren't faring much better than the WiiU. NSMBU, NintendoLand, & ZombieU in Nintendo's corner. That's one more than PS4 (Knack & Killzone) and one less than X1 (Forza, DR, Ryse, Zoo Tycoon). All three companies are/were in the same boat.

So yeah, I agree with Erad, launch lineups are generally shit. That doesn't stop me from being there for launch. :lol:
Sorry and I know I sound like an ass here but the multiplatform games on Wii U are not desired because of what Nintendo is doing with the Wii U (9 times out of 10 someones going to get the game for PS4/X1 if they had to decide). There's no solid online infrastructure, graphically they have to be downgraded from their PS4/Xbox One counterparts - or worse you find frame rate problems due to lack of care in this department of development - and Nintendo doesn't even have a solid universal gaming account.

The Wii U is trying to catch up with next-gen where there's a strong debate on whether or not that system deserves to be called next-gen (some outlets aren't even mentioning it with this next-gen race) as many point out that it's just caught up to 360/PS3. So no I don't have a selective memory. I love how you say the X1's exclusives aren't fairing much better, the system isn't even out yet buddy. Number of exclusives isn't the mark either.

ZombieU was a dud, later confirmed by Yousif, the President of Ubisoft himself. I know you're trying to validate your purchase of your system but counting exclusives instead of the exclusive good games is short sighted. The best games on Wii U came later like Zelda: Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3.

Nintendo really knows how to make 1st party games and better yet how to show off what their systems can do (Wii, Wii U & 3DS). Unfortunately getting the support of the 3rd party devs/publishers - which was a constant question/concern at E3 - is that they need to show that they can hold their own with the big boys, Microsoft & Sony, but they don't have the same features at all - which was fine before because they were targeting a different market with the Wii but now they're in hot water (the new confusing name doesn't help either).

It's cool, I grew up with Nintendo and I still play some of their games on their 3DS (really looking forward to Zelda: A Link Between Worlds & I need to pick up DKCR 3D) but that's about it as they're still stuck in the 90s - with text dialog based games and what not. I respect your preference of Nintendo hardware but don't use numbers without mentioning their quality. So far Nintendo had 2 good exclusive launch titles (NSMBU & NintendoLand) and Sony has 1 (Killzone: Shadow Fall, maybe Resogun yet that's a PSN title). The X1's exclusives are still up in the air but yeah it really looks like Microsoft wants to break that crappy games launch pattern.

True but I want to play fifa, call of duty, battlefield, etc and since the price of the games are exactly the same as current gen systems and there isn't much room to cut price on the ps4 I'd rather have the ps4 now. Afterall $400 now and an extra year ownership is a better value for me than $400 a year from now. I did sell my vita though to help pay for the ps4 which was basically a paperweight.
Of course. As I said above it's a lot more worthwhile for people who are into military shooters, sports games, racers etc. as they can get the next gen versions of all those yearly franchises and have plenty to play alongside the couple good exclusives in either platform.

Moot for someone like me who is long sick of CoD/BF type games, hasn't liked sports games since the 16-bit era and isn't big into racers or fighting games.

Makes perfect sense for you to buy at launch. Would be dumb for me to buy either given the total lack of games on either platform that are personal must plays for me, on top of having a year or two worth of games to play on the platforms I already own.
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Sorry and I know I sound like an ass here but the multiplatform games on Wii U are not desired because of what Nintendo is doing with the Wii U (9 times out of 10 someones going to get the game for PS4/X1 if they had to decide). There's no solid online infrastructure, graphically they have to be downgraded from their PS4/Xbox One counterparts - or worse you find frame rate problems due to lack of care in this department of development - and Nintendo doesn't even have a solid universal gaming account.

The Wii U is trying to catch up with next-gen where there's a strong debate on whether or not that system deserves to be called next-gen (some outlets aren't even mentioning it with this next-gen race) as many point out that it's just caught up to 360/PS3. So no I don't have a selective memory. I love how you say the X1's exclusives aren't fairing much better, the system isn't even out yet buddy. Number of exclusives isn't the mark either.

ZombieU was a dud, later confirmed by Yousif, the President of Ubisoft himself. I know you're trying to validate your purchase of your system but counting exclusives instead of the exclusive good games is short sighted. The best games on Wii U came later like Zelda: Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3.

Nintendo really knows how to make 1st party games and better yet how to show off what their systems can do (Wii, Wii U & 3DS). Unfortunately getting the support of the 3rd party devs/publishers - which was a constant question/concern at E3 - is that they need to show that they can hold their own with the big boys, Microsoft & Sony, but they don't have the same features at all - which was fine before because they were targeting a different market with the Wii but now they're in hot water (the new confusing name doesn't help either).

It's cool, I grew up with Nintendo and I still play some of their games on their 3DS (really looking forward to Zelda: A Link Between Worlds & I need to pick up DKCR 3D) but that's about it as they're still stuck in the 90s - with text dialog based games and what not. I respect your preference of Nintendo hardware but don't use numbers without mentioning their quality. So far Nintendo had 2 good exclusive launch titles (NSMBU & NintendoLand) and Sony has 1 (Killzone: Shadow Fall, maybe Resogun yet that's a PSN title). The X1's exclusives are still up in the air but yeah it really looks like Microsoft wants to break that crappy games launch pattern.
Nobody is trying to validate anything, I haven't even played ZombieU. You aren't comparing apples to apples. You're comparing pre-launch perception to post launch reception. 1-2 weeks before launch ZombieU is still an unknown property just like Knack and Ryse. It's easy to look back now and downgrade it but prior to launch, it's no different than anticipating what PS4 or X1 offerings.

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I didn't preorder an Xbox one but I plan to get one next year, I want Battlefield 4, Destiny, Titanfall, and Battlefront so I don't need a console day one since bf4 is the only game I want that's out day one. I'm excited to hear what ppl think of the console once it's out! I'm ready to finish up some 360 games and upgrade.
Nobody is trying to validate anything, I haven't even played ZombieU. You aren't comparing apples to apples. You're comparing pre-launch perception to post launch reception. 1-2 weeks before launch ZombieU is still an unknown property just like Knack and Ryse. It's easy to look back now and downgrade it but prior to launch, it's no different than anticipating what PS4 or X1 offerings.
I don't follow. ZombieU for the Wii U is out. Knack for the PS4 is also out. Both had unanimous negative critic reception following the games bad design. Ryse is still up in the air but it hasn't launched yet so it could be any factor, good or bad.

I don't follow. ZombieU for the Wii U is out. Knack for the PS4 is also out. Both had unanimous negative critic reception following the games bad design. Ryse is still up in the air but it hasn't launched yet so it could be any factor, good or bad.
I don't know which reviews you were reading, but Zombie U got a fairly solid critical reception. Perhaps you were thinking about Red Steel? I can also confirm from first-hand experience that Zombie U is a fine game and very much worth playing. It's going to be on clearance a lot this Black Friday, pick up a copy if you already have a Wii U. The atmosphere and tension in the game are wonderful.

I would say Zombie U was an exceptional launch title. In retrospect it is still a decent game, and still worth playing, but as a launch title in particular it was very good. It provided an experience that wasn't typical for Nintendo systems, while taking advantage of the unique hardware features of its platform.

It's looking like the PS4's first-party offerings might end up being a little weak, which is unfortunate. Ryse will almost certainly also disappoint, but I was never expecting much from that game. Forza is going to be one of the stand-outs for the XBox One, and Dead Rising 3 will likely trail it.

It's looking like the PS4's first-party offerings might end up being a little weak, which is unfortunate. Ryse will almost certainly also disappoint, but I was never expecting much from that game. Forza is going to be one of the stand-outs for the XBox One, and Dead Rising 3 will likely trail it.
I think the one element Ryse will have going for it is that it'll show off the system's graphic capabilities probably far better than, say, Knack is going to for the PS4. Granted, Ryse might be repetitive and dull, but I'd imagine it'll get enough interested people to at least try it out just to see how it looks (I'm kind of on the fence about it; if Amazon does a promo next week as they did for Sony, I'd be tempted to go for it). Beyond that, it definitely seems with Forza & DR3 that Xbox One's 1st party software line-up is much stronger than the PS4 at least as far as the launch goes.

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