Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Oh wow, this is just like, wow. PS4s are blinking red, which means they're overheating.

HAHAHA, ok ok wait, now I can see some faulty units because anything that uses a supply line will have that. HOWEVER, how the hell did they not catch overheating systems during testing. Did they not watch what happened last gen, see how much Microsoft had to pay out to fix the RRoD controversy?! Jesus, I hate to say it but that's the typical Sony I know, promising you one thing and then tripping over themselves smashing their face into the ground in execution. We'll have to see with Xbox One's launch but so far with hardware failures and an "overtaxed" PSN, (seriously you're gonna tell me they didn't see that one coming - they were boasting about pre-order numbers since like E3! - and it's just part of the typical launch day code) all the Xbox One needs to do is come out swinging with Microsoft's inflated server infrastructure with Xbox Live.

I just looked on my dashboard and Contrast, that big indie title Sony had been pushing for their PS4, is available on my 360. I had the previous notion that it was an exclusive along with all the other indie titles that Sony hyped on the PS4.

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The ps4 is so small it was bound to happen. People are complaining Xbox One is big but it seems they were going to make the system run cool no matter what.

Who knows. If Xbox One's launch is as bad as Sony's seems to be they are going to get blasted way harder. They need a relatively problem free launch next week.
I remember reading about the size of the Xbox One, and how there's a point where electronics can be too small, causing heat to not vent properly (like what this seems like).  But there's also an issue where they can be too large, and so the heat also can't vent adequately, either.  It sounds weird, to me at least, but apparently having too big of a shell actually allows heat to get trapped as well.  I recall reading that Microsoft worked at trying to figure to best frame size to avoid this, but I can't recall where (magazine or online). 

I take no pleasure in hearing about the PS4 issues, though.  It actually makes me more concerned about the Xbox One release, as I really hoped these systems weren't rushed.  We saw what happened with rushing designs with the initial Xbox 360 design.  I'd hope Microsoft would seriously learn from that, but I'd be amazed if Sony really made a mistake that huge.  Last generation was different, as Microsoft launched a year ahead of both the Wii and PS3, and they were able to deny the Red Lights of Death issue since internet social media was no where near as strong as it is now, 8 years later.  Now any issue is broadcast on video and stream sites, or posted on forums. 

This is troublesome...

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So I cancled my X1 DAY ONE EDITION preorder a few days ago because I was unsure of some finance stuff. Today I find out that stuff is good and day ones are gone, gone, gone. Hope I can find some other saps Day One and pick it up before them. 

The ps4 is so small it was bound to happen. People are complaining Xbox One is big but it seems they were going to make the system run cool no matter what.
Who knows. If Xbox One's launch is as bad as Sony's seems to be they are going to get blasted way harder. They need a relatively problem free launch next week.
lets face it this was/is bound to happen. we are excited about the new shiny piece of hardware before us that we are salivating as we break the seal. (admit it, its true, ill be guilty of it too). some of us will call of work for the next day or two just to "break it in". and during this time we push the initial limits of our new hardware until what?? RR/RLOD. im not saying we should baby our new toy to the point coddling but if you were to buy a brand new car, you shouldn't go hot rodding it right of the lot, you could completely blow the engine in no time.

Lastly it seams the initial purpose of this forum has lost its way a long time ago..

Back on topic:
So i think the X1 is going to be a powerful system with a crap ton of possibilities.. looking forward to DR3 and Titanfall <- no brainer

for all us day one adopters good luck, happy gaming and fell free to friend me

GT: Phunk Doctah D
I like the spirit of your post, Blue! Good luck to us early adopters, indeed. In general, I'm just a tiny bit concerned about quality issues, but not very. I think Microsoft learned a thing or two about system failures in the last gen.
Definitely sucks for those having issues with their PS4s.  Seems like some/most are just HDMI port issues (maybe just a piece of bent metal blocking some pins that's easy to fix), but still sucks.  Yet another reason why I'm glad I just decided to get a Wii U for now and ride out the PS4/X1 launches for a year+.

Definitely sucks for those having issues with their PS4s. Seems like some/most are just HDMI port issues (maybe just a piece of bent metal blocking some pins that's easy to fix), but still sucks. Yet another reason why I'm glad I just decided to get a Wii U for now and ride out the PS4/X1 launches for a year+.
Not making an excuse for ANY companies issues when they have a product launch, but early adapters should know what they are getting into. I am buy the Xbox One at launch and I fully expect issues.

I like the spirit of your post, Blue! Good luck to us early adopters, indeed. In general, I'm just a tiny bit concerned about quality issues, but not very. I think Microsoft learned a thing or two about system failures in the last gen.
one can only hope, seeing as they are boasting the new design choices to assist in cooling and the ability to stay in standby for a long time.

Not making an excuse for ANY companies issues when they have a product launch, but early adapters should know what they are getting into. I am buy the Xbox One at launch and I fully expect issues.
I fully expect to see issues in the launch window, but ultimately hope i don't have any. besides what better QA is there than the general public? there no way they could test the consoles to the same limits as the normal consumer. some of us secretly try to break the system with excess.

so lets grab a "pack" of our favorite Libation and hold on for the rollercoaster ride into the future

That looks amazing. Also I bought a controller w/ charge kit today and the day one live card. Apparently the Shadow Jango skin is set to evolve in to it's own character over time. It starts with a different voice and some other things and goes from there. 

I watched some vids of Shadow Jago on youtube and was impressed. He seems like a cool character than can evolve.  I got the Day One Live card w/ $20 MS points from best buy, making the year of XBL $40.  I was tempted to sell the Jago code, but after watching the vids, decided to keep it.

Also, I'll chime in on the controller battery topic.  I'm getting the Nyko charging base.  I have it for my 360 controllers and absolutely love the thing!  $30 well spent.

Yeah, no luck on the gift card. Unfortunate, but not too upset. Just hope I can still get an Xbox sometime soon. GameStop told me Id have to be in line from noon since I dont have a reserve. I told them I have a job. 

Now i'm mentioning this here as this was talked about extensively on this thread. Looking at one system you look at the competing system on the market. Here we've got:

Sony PS4's BLOD

What's worse, rather than making a gesture in good faith to consumers, Sony reps are also apparently taking the opportunity to up-sell users on a 2 year extended warranty. For $39, in reality, it's probably cheap insurance and peace of mind. But Sony ought to know better and offer it for free in exchange for the inconvenience of a defective product, or at the very least offer a steep discount.
Now I can sympathize with gamers who have to wait for their PS4's repaired and shipped back wait (seriously that sucks - with all your friends playing games and chatting up their new system) but jesus christ (and I'm religious) if you tack on $40 for a 2yr warranty and pick up the camera for $60, that's 500 dollars (the same price of an Xbox One?!).

I'm sorry I think the launch line up for the Xbox One looks way better and it might be a reoccurring pattern of last gen where the PS console gets the games later on but now Sony's caught up to having a serious error for their system being referred to by an acronym! Welcome to the party!!!! /rant

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As funny as the PS4 fails are and as much as Sony fanboys deserved it what is being said above is true. We need to hold our tongues until we are in the clear. 

5 more days

To this day it still makes me laugh how people feel the need to "win" and say "their" console is better than the one they aren't buying.

is it bad that I'm considering preordering Forza even though I plan to cancel my X1 preorder?  I know that when I do get one I'd pick up Forza and the Day One cars are a pretty sweet incentive.

I just loaded up KI SNES tonight, man i can't remember at all how to do combos XD  HOpefully this new one is easier. 

Anyway I'm going to that Microsoft Store midngith release hopefully I can just win one there i heard they're doing giveaways.  If not at least I get to play some new KI.

Here is some news about the maker of the 3D chip for the Kinect being bought by Apple. Not sure how this will affect MS and the Xbox One, but I could imagine that it would lead to a Kinect-less SKU in 2014 if they had to move away from PrimeSense, or if Apple forced them away from it.
While this is an interesting development, there is nothing to fear in regards to the XBox One's Kinect. Microsoft already learned their lesson about licensing tech with the original XBox. Since the 360 they have been careful to own all of the components that go into their video game systems. Even if Apple owns the designers of some of the Kinect's chips, Microsoft owns the chips themselves. There will be no legal way for Apple to prevent Microsoft from producing or selling the Kinect.

What's really interesting about this development is what it could mean for Apple's game development efforts. It could be their planning on developing their own Kinect-like interface.

While we have yet to see the reviews for the system itself hit, the embargoes for several of the games have ended. At the moment, it appears the XBox One's launch will be about on par with the PS4's launch. While a few stand-out titles look pretty solid, (Dead Rising 3) there are some expected hits that are falling short. (Crimson Dragon) Just the nature of launches, I suppose.

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Even though embargoes are up and reviews are out I think it's a bit early to call the kettle black.
Oh, I'm still expecting the XBox One to have an overall better selection of exclusives at launch. While Killer Instinct is garnering some criticism, most of it surrounds the incomplete nature of the game. The actual controls seem to be pretty tight, which will serve as a good foundation for the game going forward. And it's quasi-free-to-play nature is going to give it a bit of a free pass. Forza is almost certain to be solid, and Dead Rising 3 is reviewing well. (if not spectacularly) And Zoo Tycoon might be a dark horse for the XBox One's launch, with a positive response from critics. The PS4's much smaller exclusive library is topped by Resogun. When it comes to critically acclaimed exclusive titles, the XBox One is still looking more solid.

But it is important to note that launch-itis can affect every system. Several of the titles that many XBox fans were excited for aren't going to deliver, largely due to simply being launch titles. (and dealing with the difficulties that come along with that) Loco Cycle and Crimson Dragon seem like they could have used more time in the oven. Crimson Dragon in particular sounds like it might be a casualty of micro-transaction fueled design mistakes. Ryse will likely be very pretty, but fail to live up to expectations on the gameplay side of things.

The more I think about it, the more impressed I am with Microsoft's audacity with Killer Instinct's design. Approaching a fighting game in this fashion could work out well for them, as well as the game itself. Most fighting games adapt and adjust over several iterations. Designing Killer Instinct as more of an on-line service as opposed to a boxed product could work out well. It may seem unfinished at the moment, but in two or three years it could be a go-to standard for the fighting game community.

I have two friends with a PS4 and neither are having any hardware issues. Sample of 2. Ha ha! Still that's better than taking people complaining on the internet as an indication of how wide spread the problems are.
Does everyone's Day One from Amazon state "Day One"?  Mine doesn't but I pre-ordered back in June, I emailed them a couple weeks back and they verified it would be Day One...just kinda worried since it doesn't say it on the order.

Does everyone's Day One from Amazon state "Day One"? Mine doesn't but I pre-ordered back in June, I emailed them a couple weeks back and they verified it would be Day One...just kinda worried since it doesn't say it on the order.
Yeah, my is a Day One Edition and I ordered in June too.

Does any one know if Shadow Jago is included with the Killer Instinct Pin Ultimate Edition?

Don't think so :( Does everyone's pin edition say on back order?
Well. I'm one of the winners for the Upload Outreach video competition. I'll have a shiny new Xbox One console, year subscription of Xbox Live and launch games on my doorstep this Friday! Super awesome.

I stood in line for the PS4 and ended up with a lemon. Wouldn't power on after the first day. Had to take it back to Best Buy. So until they get more stock in, I'll have fun with the Xbox One system. I just need my Next Gen Battlefield 4 fix and I'll be good!

Congrats on the win, sorry to hear about the misfortune with your PS4. You might not have been able to play BF4 over the weekend either, EA's servers were hit by DDOS but EA's saying it's the PS4's 1.5 firmware update (while later retracting the accusation).

I'm scratching my head with Crimson Dragon though; I mean a lot of reviewers are reviewing that game with expectations from Orta and Saga? I've read some reviews, some hate it, some love it.

Congrats on the win, sorry to hear about the misfortune with your PS4. You might not have been able to play BF4 over the weekend either, EA's servers were hit by DDOS but EA's saying it's the PS4's 1.5 firmware update (while later retracting the accusation).

I'm scratching my head with Crimson Dragon though; I mean a lot of reviewers are reviewing that game with expectations from Orta and Saga? I've read some reviews, some hate it, some love it.

Yeah, sucks but what can you do.... As much as I would like a company to have their sh!t together I'm alright with it. I actually got a chance to play BF4 for part of Friday and Part of Saturday before my PS4 unit turned into a brick. It worked fine for the most part. Was having issues joining 64 player servers. But other than that, it worked pretty well. Super fun game and it looked amazing!

I forgot all about Crimson Dragon! I don't think it's a game that I would overly enjoy. Could be cool to fly around some environments. I'm eagerly awaiting Quantum Break when that's released. I would have bought an Xbox One just to play that game! But luckily I won one. So, all I have to do now is wait for the release.

Just got my NBA 2k14 copy for the X1 in. I prefer the design a little more than the copy I have for the PS4. The case has a nice gray side with the name of the game and more edgy than the PS4 case. The disc being on the left is weird but, I'll get used to it.

Congrats on the win, sorry to hear about the misfortune with your PS4. You might not have been able to play BF4 over the weekend either, EA's servers were hit by DDOS but EA's saying it's the PS4's 1.5 firmware update (while later retracting the accusation).

I'm scratching my head with Crimson Dragon though; I mean a lot of reviewers are reviewing that game with expectations from Orta and Saga? I've read some reviews, some hate it, some love it.
Well they've been pushing it as a spiritual successor to the Panzer Dragoon series, this is not just people assuming it would be like that, you push a product like that, people are going in expecting certain things.

bread's done