Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Thank you! That's what I saw from some Comcast Threads when I Googled it going to call later and ask. Loving the X1 so far, the UI is fast and slick and Forza 5 is a freaking TON of fun.
Wait what? 12 hours ago you were complaining about the system and wanting to return it. Now you love it?

Wait what? 12 hours ago you were complaining about the system and wanting to return it. Now you love it?
I was complaining about the fact that I get home to set my new system up and Microsoft's server weren't letting me or anybody else set our consoles up. Don't get me wrong now that I've gotten to use the OS and play some games it's sooooo fun, but it's still ridiculous that nobody could set their systems up because of their mistake. I understand things happen early in launch but not even being able to get past the set up menu is frustrating beyond belief. Fortunately I was able to finally update it, but I had to go through the steps of downloading the offline recovery update, and the whole process took about 30 minutes.

Any who my Xbox Live ID is Blackdragon7070(Soon to be changed.) I would appreciate it if anyone adds me because I haven't been on Xbox in years so my friends list is at 0.... :whistle2:(

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Serious question here. How come they don't open the Xbox One Displays for play? I noticed that at all my local stores (Bestbuy, Gamestop, Walmart,) All of the units are enclosed? My guess was that they can't really show off kinect in a retail environment but I wasn't sure.


Alright, who's got 10 grand for this?

My Best Buy had a ton on one's on the floor right by the entrance when i walked in. i'd say a good 40-50 stacked up. Didn't realize theyre still hard to find

My Best Buy had a ton on one's on the floor right by the entrance when i walked in. i'd say a good 40-50 stacked up. Didn't realize theyre still hard to find
Amazon and Best Buy seem to be getting a lot of stock. I'd imagine MS is going to keep the market well stocked. If they are pushing stock out this fast though why wouldn't they launch in some of the other countries that they left out. I understand the Christmas angle but after that MS basically has nothing coming out until Titanfall.

Amazon and Best Buy seem to be getting a lot of stock. I'd imagine MS is going to keep the market well stocked. If they are pushing stock out this fast though why wouldn't they launch in some of the other countries that they left out. I understand the Christmas angle but after that MS basically has nothing coming out until Titanfall.
Accents, the voice recognition doesn't work well with accents and they're still trying to tweak the algorithms for the Kinect.

Well once again, I made the switch. Couple years back, I sold all my xbox stuff and bought a PS3. Had fun for a while and then it got boring. Went back to xbox and life was good. Then the PS4 was on my mind. Gave my son my 360 and sold all my PS3 stuff to cover the cost of the PS4. Enjoyed it for a while and then the same thing happened. Got boring. The PSN community lacks communication and it's frustrating as hell when playing team based games. So in the blink of an eye, I called Gamestop to see what the trade in value was for a PS4 towards a xboxone. Hauled my PS4, extra controller, and 6 games to Gamestop. Got $614 credit and picked up a xboxone, DR3, AC: Black Flag, and a rechargeable battery pack. I feel at home once again and cannot wait to get back into the lively community that surrounds the xbox.

Feel free to add me as a friend. DONNIE IS 2FAST is my GT. 

Well once again, I made the switch. Couple years back, I sold all my xbox stuff and bought a PS3. Had fun for a while and then it got boring. Went back to xbox and life was good. Then the PS4 was on my mind. Gave my son my 360 and sold all my PS3 stuff to cover the cost of the PS4. Enjoyed it for a while and then the same thing happened. Got boring. The PSN community lacks communication and it's frustrating as hell when playing team based games. So in the blink of an eye, I called Gamestop to see what the trade in value was for a PS4 towards a xboxone. Hauled my PS4, extra controller, and 6 games to Gamestop. Got $614 credit and picked up a xboxone, DR3, AC: Black Flag, and a rechargeable battery pack. I feel at home once again and cannot wait to get back into the lively community that surrounds the xbox.

Feel free to add me as a friend. DONNIE IS 2FAST is my GT.
welcome back :)

The return to game feature is really awesome. I'm not sure if the PS4 has something like it (Thought it might). But it's really cool turning my Xbox off in the night waking up in the morning and going "Xbox On", "Xbox Play Dead Rising 3" and seeing the game start up exactly where I left off.

Well once again, I made the switch. Couple years back, I sold all my xbox stuff and bought a PS3. Had fun for a while and then it got boring. Went back to xbox and life was good. Then the PS4 was on my mind. Gave my son my 360 and sold all my PS3 stuff to cover the cost of the PS4. Enjoyed it for a while and then the same thing happened. Got boring. The PSN community lacks communication and it's frustrating as hell when playing team based games. So in the blink of an eye, I called Gamestop to see what the trade in value was for a PS4 towards a xboxone. Hauled my PS4, extra controller, and 6 games to Gamestop. Got $614 credit and picked up a xboxone, DR3, AC: Black Flag, and a rechargeable battery pack. I feel at home once again and cannot wait to get back into the lively community that surrounds the xbox.

Feel free to add me as a friend. DONNIE IS 2FAST is my GT.
So what's it like on the other side? Haha no, that's crazy man, glad you're finally in gaming nirvana again.

So what's it like on the other side? Haha no, that's crazy man, glad you're finally in gaming nirvana again.
haha. I really liked the PS4, it's just he online community is so bland. For example, I was playing some Ghosts yesterday. I ended up on a team of 5 clan members and not one of them had a mic. I'm like really? How the hell do you guys form a clan and no one communicates! IMO, xbox has always had a more active community and it's something I have grown to miss.

haha. I really liked the PS4, it's just he online community is so bland. For example, I was playing some Ghosts yesterday. I ended up on a team of 5 clan members and not one of them had a mic. I'm like really? How the hell do you guys form a clan and no one communicates! IMO, xbox has always had a more active community and it's something I have grown to miss.
They could have possibly just been in party chat. Makes more sense for them to be chatting privately together.

Is there anyway to mute the volume of live TV when it's snapped?

They could have possibly just been in party chat. Makes more sense for them to be chatting privately together.
I was about to say the same thing, I mostly use party chat when I play online on the 360 and X1. I also notice a lot less people talking in online matches when I'm not in one. Party chat definitely made live a less social experience IMO.
Is there anyway to mute the volume of live TV when it's snapped?

I was about to say the same thing, I mostly use party chat when I play online on the 360 and X1. I also notice a lot less people talking in online matches when I'm not in one. Party chat definitely made live a less social experience IMO.
No way to mute TV as of yet. From what I've read they're aware of the need for it, but you can't mute individual snapped apps.

So, who else thinks that the Xbox One will have a $100 price drop sometime next year?  It may be a SKU without a Kinect or a price drop with the Kinect included, I don't know but I'm sure that they'll have a 399.99 console next year.  Now that the console is in stock in almost every store B&M and Online (and has been for a couple of weeks) while PS4 remains sold out does anyone actually think they'll keep the price up?  I guess it just goes to show that buying at launch is always a mistake.  Hell, Sony may even lower the price of the PS4 $50 to keep under the X1's price!

It not a matter of people buying PS4's over Ones, it's a matter of supply. Amazon was continually getting Xbox Ones and selling out, I see the alerts. PS4 hasn't had a Amazon in stock alert since a couple days after launch that I've seen.

They're making basically nothing on the system now, I don't see any quick price drop happening.

And how is buying at launch a mistake? If you have a product that you are using for even 8 months before the price drops $100, you are paying about $10 a month to have that item when it's first available. Pretty solid value if you ask me.
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I wouldn't bother replying to Blaster man if I were you. He's been trolling the Wii U thread with the same crap for about a year now. Next he'll start up with "well I want to buy the Xbox one but they aren't giving me any reason to" then it'll be "well I'll buy one when they drop the price" in either case it will be because "I've always been a fan of Microsoft."

It's just his tired idea of a gimmick.
Yeah I figured. Actually on the subject of price, if you look at it realistically. A harmony universal remote I believe costs you $100 still on the base model. Xbox One being a universal remote is worth the $100 difference right there, not even including Kinect and all the other great things about the machine you don't get with the PS4.
And how is buying at launch a mistake? If you have a product that you are using for even 8 months before the price drops $100, you are paying about $10 a month to have that item when it's first available. Pretty solid value if you ask me.
The biggest issue with purchasing at launch is that you are basically serving as a guinea pig for the company in question to refine it's product with. You have to suffer through the possibility of unstable hardware, and then have to put up with the on-line services and interface getting built up around your ears. The same thing happened with the 360. (and by extension, the PS3) The eventual state that the 360 reached is far different from where it started out. The interface didn't go through one or two major revisions, but more like seven or eight. Early 360 adopters served as beta testers while Microsoft went about refining the product.

Now, your point still holds water. If you are getting a year's worth of utility out of your system, than it is much easier to justify paying a little extra to have it early. And I think that with the XBox One there is ample reason to think that you could get a year's worth of use out of it. If nothing else, it is now capable of playing Blu Ray discs. And it's other media capabilities could have people using it every day.

I wouldn't compare it to a Harmony remote, though. The interface for the Harmony is considerably more flexible, and in many ways more versatile. The XBox One won't stand up very well in that comparison.

The biggest issue with purchasing at launch is that you are basically serving as a guinea pig for the company in question to refine it's product with. You have to suffer through the possibility of unstable hardware, and then have to put up with the on-line services and interface getting built up around your ears. The same thing happened with the 360. (and by extension, the PS3) The eventual state that the 360 reached is far different from where it started out. The interface didn't go through one or two major revisions, but more like seven or eight. Early 360 adopters served as beta testers while Microsoft went about refining the product.

Now, your point still holds water. If you are getting a year's worth of utility out of your system, than it is much easier to justify paying a little extra to have it early. And I think that with the XBox One there is ample reason to think that you could get a year's worth of use out of it. If nothing else, it is now capable of playing Blu Ray discs. And it's other media capabilities could have people using it every day.

I wouldn't compare it to a Harmony remote, though. The interface for the Harmony is considerably more flexible, and in many ways more versatile. The XBox One won't stand up very well in that comparison.
I didn't grab my Xbox 360 until Gears of War about launched so that's what I'm gonna do with the Xbox One with Titanfall. I believe by then things will be ironed out lol. You're always paying more but compared to the person who waits a year later you're also experiencing a great piece of tech every day.

I wouldn't bother replying to Blaster man if I were you. He's been trolling the Wii U thread with the same crap for about a year now. Next he'll start up with "well I want to buy the Xbox one but they aren't giving me any reason to" then it'll be "well I'll buy one when they drop the price" in either case it will be because "I've always been a fan of Microsoft."

It's just his tired idea of a gimmick.
Hey, I bought a Zelda Wind Waker bundle on Black Friday for $225. I was right before with the Wii U and I'll be right with this. I'm sure when they lower the price of the XbOne by $100 next year you'll be making the claim that you also predicted it.

The biggest issue with purchasing at launch is that you are basically serving as a guinea pig for the company in question to refine it's product with. You have to suffer through the possibility of unstable hardware, and then have to put up with the on-line services and interface getting built up around your ears. The same thing happened with the 360. (and by extension, the PS3) The eventual state that the 360 reached is far different from where it started out. The interface didn't go through one or two major revisions, but more like seven or eight. Early 360 adopters served as beta testers while Microsoft went about refining the product.

Now, your point still holds water. If you are getting a year's worth of utility out of your system, than it is much easier to justify paying a little extra to have it early. And I think that with the XBox One there is ample reason to think that you could get a year's worth of use out of it. If nothing else, it is now capable of playing Blu Ray discs. And it's other media capabilities could have people using it every day.

I wouldn't compare it to a Harmony remote, though. The interface for the Harmony is considerably more flexible, and in many ways more versatile. The XBox One won't stand up very well in that comparison.
The PS4 and Xbox One are little better than machines being beta tested at this point as was the Wii U at launch. I do agree with you that it would have made sense if people could get a year's worth of use but for most people I don't believe that is the case. I've got a bunch of great games from last gen to play still. I guess anyone buying an XbOne or PS4 is going to play those exclusively over the next year? More likely, months will go by without them using the console because not a ton of games they want will be out.

I didn't grab my Xbox 360 until Gears of War about launched so that's what I'm gonna do with the Xbox One with Titanfall. I believe by then things will be ironed out lol. You're always paying more but compared to the person who waits a year later you're also experiencing a great piece of tech every day.
I experienced a great piece of technology "every day" when I bought my HD-DVD player at launch. Does that somehow make it a good purchase?

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The PS4 and Xbox One are little better than machines being beta tested at this point as was the Wii U at launch. I do agree with you that it would have made sense if people could get a year's worth of use but for most people I don't believe that is the case. I've got a bunch of great games from last gen to play still. I guess anyone buying an XbOne or PS4 is going to play those exclusively over the next year? More likely, months will go by without them using the console because not a ton of games they want will be out.
Yes, they are a little better. Both Sony and Microsoft have managed to get enough experience at this console thing that they aren't royally screwing the pooch this time around. I'm not expecting another red-ring-of-death scenario with either the XBox One or the PS4. But it is still true that early adopters are essentially purchasing unfinished products. Both the 360 and PS3 saw not one, but two major hardware revisions over their lifetime. And the regular changes to their firmware, interfaces, and on-line services were drastic. The same is going to hold true for the XBox One and PS4. Those consumers who are willing to wait will acquire a more complete product the longer they hold out for it.

The reason why early adoption isn't necessarily bad is because this is becoming the case with most products. At some point, you must ship. We have reached that point. While you can look at it as the glass being half empty, you can also see it as an evolving product/service combination that will steadily improve with time. If you have the disposable income to get one, why not now?

Also, questioning the utility based purely on the time they are used is a slippery slope that I dare not tread. My collection of games is extensive, and if I applied that logic to it, I would still be playing the Playstation 1.

Hey, I bought a Zelda Wind Waker bundle on Black Friday for $225. I was right before with the Wii U and I'll be right with this. I'm sure when they lower the price of the XbOne by $100 next year you'll be making the claim that you also predicted it.

The PS4 and Xbox One are little better than machines being beta tested at this point as was the Wii U at launch. I do agree with you that it would have made sense if people could get a year's worth of use but for most people I don't believe that is the case. I've got a bunch of great games from last gen to play still. I guess anyone buying an XbOne or PS4 is going to play those exclusively over the next year? More likely, months will go by without them using the console because not a ton of games they want will be out.

I experienced a great piece of technology "every day" when I bought my HD-DVD player at launch. Does that somehow make it a good purchase?
By definition it does mean it was a good purchase. If you feel that you got your money's worth out of that HD-DVD player who am I to argue? The value of a system varies by what somebody will use it for and how much use they will get. Some will need to use their Xbox every day to justify that extra $100 (if there is a price drop). Some will just play Ryse a few hours a week and think it was worth it. Others won't think it is worth it at all. That in itself is why there are price drops.. People have different entry points they are willing to come in at when buying any piece of technology. And to get a year's worth of use out of a system does not necessarily mean they need to use it every day.

The PS4 and Xbox One are little better than machines being beta tested at this point as was the Wii U at launch. I do agree with you that it would have made sense if people could get a year's worth of use but for most people I don't believe that is the case. I've got a bunch of great games from last gen to play still. I guess anyone buying an XbOne or PS4 is going to play those exclusively over the next year? More likely, months will go by without them using the console because not a ton of games they want will be out.
I've had my xbox one for 29 days and I've used it every single day even though I haven't played a game on it every day.
Anyone picking up Max: Curse of Brotherhood? I think it looks good and I'm itching for a new X1 game.
Wow, I didn't realize it was releasing today! I'm going to need to go pick up a MS $ card for this game. I just used up the last of the pile of 1600 point cards I got last BF at Target on the first episode of the second season of TWD.

I played Max: Curse of Brotherhood at last year's PAX East, and it was a lot of fun. Definitely going to grab this as soon as I can pick up a card.

Just hooked up my X1 for the first time.  Had a few questions for those that have had some time to learn about it.  Is there a way to set it to auto sign me in without the kinect or do I have to sign in myself manually everytime?  Is there a place in the store to view all games instead of searching for individual ones, just the top rated ones, etc?  Is there one place to see everything on your hard drive or even how much free space you have?

Anyone have problems with specific Kinect commands? I'm not sure if it's just because I tend to have pronunciation problems, but sometimes when I say "Xbox go home" it mistakes it as "One Guide" which is annoying since it's not even hooked up to my cable box. Additionally sometimes when I say "Xbox Record That" it mistakes it as "Xbox Go Back".

It not a matter of people buying PS4's over Ones, it's a matter of supply. Amazon was continually getting Xbox Ones and selling out, I see the alerts. PS4 hasn't had a Amazon in stock alert since a couple days after launch that I've seen.
I thought you knew what you were talking about then this morning I remembered that Amazon publicly shows the best sellers. So I looked and as it turns out, the PS4 has sold more than the Xbox One this year on Amazon. MS is going to lower the price $100 next year. I am very confident. I am also confident you'll come back and make the claim that you predicted it too or at least some other bullshit comment to ease the pain to your ego.

So....yeah....more sales this year AND sold out vs less sales this year AND in stock.

Oh shit, the more I look at this the worse it gets for MS! So looking closer, the PS4 that's #8 is the standard version while the standard Xbox One is #25, they haven't even passed the sales of the Day 1 version yet!

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Doesn't really matter tho. For being priced $100 more and not as powerful as the PS4, the XB1 is doing just fine. As long as it sells really well for MS I doubt they will care as much in terms of sale postion. They won't break $100 cheaper unless the outcry for a Kinect-less sku is that huge, and you have to factor in profitability especially with a newer CEO coming in. Balmer was behind the Xbox regardless of profit/loss, not sure the new CEO will be the same way. Hell not sure if there will be another Xbox after this one as it is.

I can guarantee one thing: It's going to outsell the Wii U forever and will pass the Wii U late March at earliest World Wide.

What people really need to worry about is the last few years of the X1 system life.

2013 we only had Gears of War Judgement and BattleBlock Theater as exclusives

2012 Dance Central and Forza Horizon and lots of timed exclusives, mainly arcade that went to PC.

2011 Gears 3, Forza 4, Halo CE Anniversary, Gunstringer,  certainly a better year along with more timed arcade exclusives.

Sony and even Nintendo seem to have done a better job in the systems later life in terms of exclusives. I think MS is really stronger in 2014 and probably 2015 with the XB1, but what is after that remains to be seen. I know when the 360 first came out they had exclusives up the wazoo including a really strong JRPG effort, hell I'd say the JRPGS (Lost Odyssey mainly) they had rivaled the PS3s before they just gave up on Japan (not that I really blame them.).

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I thought you knew what you were talking about then this morning I remembered that Amazon publicly shows the best sellers. So I looked and as it turns out, the PS4 has sold more than the Xbox One this year on Amazon. MS is going to lower the price $100 next year. I am very confident. I am also confident you'll come back and make the claim that you predicted it too or at least some other bullshit comment to ease the pain to your ego.

So....yeah....more sales this year AND sold out vs less sales this year AND in stock.

Oh shit, the more I look at this the worse it gets for MS! So looking closer, the PS4 that's #8 is the standard version while the standard Xbox One is #25, they haven't even passed the sales of the Day 1 version yet!
I really don't care about this enough to come back and claim I predicted anything.

My only prediction is that Xbox One is going to be successful, even if the PS4 outsells it.

And the machine is awesome so anyone buying the PS4 cause it's $100 cheaper, their loss.
Most people are not like Blaster and feel the need to reinforce their opinions and go back and claim small victories like that.  In fact, he's the only person I've seen actually do it.  Pretty sad really.

I don't see why everyone has to try to make things into wars.  Just enjoy what you like, and stop trying to make everything a competition.  I'm glad I grew out of that shit back in 6th grade when the Genesis came out.

Most people are not like Blaster and feel the need to reinforce their opinions and go back and claim small victories like that. In fact, he's the only person I've seen actually do it. Pretty sad really.

I don't see why everyone has to try to make things into wars. Just enjoy what you like, and stop trying to make everything a competition. I'm glad I grew out of that shit back in 6th grade when the Genesis came out.
^^^^^^THIS! Well said.

bread's done