Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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Agree 100% with that.

There was really no need for a next generation right now.  I'd have been more than happy to keep playing 360 and PS3 games for another 3-5 years.

The new graphics etc. will be nice, but it looks to be the smallest "next gen" leap we've gotten so I'm not super excited about it compared to previous gens (NES was my first real console).

Basically what it really shows is that we truly didn't need a next generation. If you want to be upset at MS and Sony be upset a out that!
The SNES was a more powerful system that worked the same as the NES.

The PS2 was a more powerful system that worked the same as the PS1.

The Xbox One is a more powerful system that works the same as the Xbox 360.

I fail to see why I wouldn't want a more powerful system.

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Basically what it really shows is that we truly didn't need a next generation. If you want to be upset at MS and Sony be upset a out that!
in my mind i think ms and sony did not plan to bring out new system till late 2014 or even 2015 but seems like hte higher ups were freaking out that the other company was going to come out with a system and sony figured they had to pull the trigger. It shows this that most of the bigger games will not be ready till 2014 or later. another thing is that most of the bigger games are coming out for current gen and pc also.

Basically what it really shows is that we truly didn't need a next generation. If you want to be upset at MS and Sony be upset a out that!
The SNES was a more powerful system that worked the same as the NES.

The PS2 was a more system that worked the same as the PS1.

The Xbox One is a more powerful system that works the same as the Xbox 360.

I fail to see why I wouldn't want a more powerful system.
this gen jump is not that big as it was from ps2/xbox to ps3/ this is really the first launch i can ever remember that most of the games people want to play are not just on next gen systems so alot of people are saying why buy at launch when i can get the games i want to play on current gen and pc.

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Basically what it really shows is that we truly didn't need a next generation. If you want to be upset at MS and Sony be upset a out that!
The SNES was a more powerful system that worked the same as the NES.

The PS2 was a more system that worked the same as the PS1.

The Xbox One is a more powerful system that works the same as the Xbox 360.

I fail to see why I wouldn't want a more powerful system.
I think the difference is that it seems like the power/graphics this leap is no where near on par with previous generational advancements.

From what I've seen so far it's nothing like the jumps we got from:

NES/Master System to SNES/Genesis

SNES/Genesis to N64/PS1/Saturn

N64/PS1/Saturn to Dreamcast/GameCube/PS2/Xbox

Dreamcast/GameCube/PS2/Xbox to PS3/360 (Wii doesn't count as it was basically just GC with waggle).

I just don't see those kind of jumps on Wii U or X1 or PS4. Games do luck better, but don't have the huge wow factor as those past generational jumps.

my pc already more powerfull then these systems coming out so it's not like you can't get these kind of looking games already for not much more then these systems cost.

Basically what it really shows is that we truly didn't need a next generation. If you want to be upset at MS and Sony be upset a out that!
The SNES was a more powerful system that worked the same as the NES.

The PS2 was a more system that worked the same as the PS1.

The Xbox One is a more powerful system that works the same as the Xbox 360.

I fail to see why I wouldn't want a more powerful system.
I think the difference is that it seems like the power/graphics this leap is no where near on par with previous generational advancements.

From what I've seen so far it's nothing like the jumps we got from:

NES/Master System to SNES/Genesis

SNES/Genesis to N64/PS1/Saturn

N64/PS1/Saturn to Dreamcast/GameCube/PS2/Xbox

Dreamcast/GameCube/PS2/Xbox to PS3/360 (Wii doesn't count as it was basically just GC with waggle).

I just don't see those kind of jumps on Wii U or X1 or PS4. Games do luck better, but don't have the huge wow factor as those past generational jumps.
I can't think of anything at the launch of the 4th, 6th, or 7th generation that was a great new idea that wasn't possible on the previous generation, it was just better looking games (PS1 and N64 were completely different, however). The new ideas come later, after the developers are familiar with the system.

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I can't think of anything at the launch of the 4th, 6th, or 7th generation that was a great new idea that wasn't possible on the previous generation, it was just better looking games. The new ideas come later, after the developers are familiar with the system.
I was only talking graphics.

From what I've seen so far, the graphics leap isn't nearly as big as it was in prior generations.

People seriously don't want a new gen? i've been waiting for new consoles for the past 2 years. The original xbox came out in 2001 and then the 360 came out in 2005. Now the X1 will be out in 2013.

I can't think of anything at the launch of the 4th, 6th, or 7th generation that was a great new idea that wasn't possible on the previous generation, it was just better looking games. The new ideas come later, after the developers are familiar with the system.
I was only talking graphics.

From what I've seen so far, the graphics leap isn't nearly as big as it was in prior generations.
That doesn't mean it won't be. Since this generation was so fucking long developers got used to developing for these systems so they haven't really tried to do a lot more than what current gen is capable of.

Are you people really so poor that you can't afford a new system every 8 years?

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People seriously don't want a new gen? i've been waiting for new consoles for the past 2 years. The original xbox came out in 2001 and then the 360 came out in 2005. Now the X1 will be out in 2013.
alot of the better games on this gen has come out last two years thankfully if you don't want to buy a new system all the games people want to play will be out on current gen. The last of us is in the running for the best looking and gameplay for ps3 and the system has been out for 7 years already

I agree - I personally didn't need a next gen xbox right now.

Graphics in general (games and movies) - to me anyway - seem to be seeing diminishing returns as of late. Seems companies are going to things like 3d or that cool Occulus Rift device or kinect to expand our experience in some way.

I can't think of anything at the launch of the 4th, 6th, or 7th generation that was a great new idea that wasn't possible on the previous generation, it was just better looking games. The new ideas come later, after the developers are familiar with the system.
I was only talking graphics.

From what I've seen so far, the graphics leap isn't nearly as big as it was in prior generations.
That doesn't mean it won't be. Since this generation was so fucking long developers got used to developing for these systems so they haven't really tried to do a lot more than what current gen is capable of.

Are you people really so poor that you can't afford a new system every 8 years?
seeing alot of the bigger titles are coming for both gens you will not see that much dif things then what you see now seeing they will put out same game on both gens just better looking on next gen

the economy is much worse then it was when 360 and ps3 came out lol people don't save money for 8 years for game system they hope come out that is just a dumb statment

People seriously don't want a new gen? i've been waiting for new consoles for the past 2 years. The original xbox came out in 2001 and then the 360 came out in 2005. Now the X1 will be out in 2013.
alot of the better games on this gen has come out last two years thankfully if you don't want to buy a new system all the games people want to play will be out on current gen. The last of us is in the running for the best looking and gameplay for ps3 and the system has been out for 7 years already
But it's by no means a big leap over Uncharted 2 (which came out in 2009) and it isn't action heavy so it's easier to make it look good. The system's capabilities have plateaued.

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That doesn't mean it won't be. Since this generation was so fucking long developers got used to developing for these systems so they haven't really tried to do a lot more than what current gen is capable of.

Are you people really so poor that you can't afford a new system every 8 years?
I was just talking based on launch games, but fair point.

And no, I do quite well for myself so buying a new console isn't the slightest financial burden. I just like to feel it's a big step forward to justify it, especially when I'm still enjoying 360 and PS3 games and don't feel like they're dated unlike games late in prior generations.

I'll probably keep my PS4 preorder anyway, just so I can keep up with AAA games as they come out and not deal with a backlog situation from buying down the road when there's too much to catch up on with just gaming 5-10 hours a week.

when you have kids to feed and house payments to make 700-800 dollers for gaming system with other stuff can be alot thankfully thier are credit cards you are allowed to pay things off slowly

you have to remember yeah ps4 is only 400 and x1 is 500 but after you buy games and other things that can add 200-300 more bucks.
Buying more games on PS3 and 360 would also add up to 200-300 more bucks. The games aren't increasing in price so the only added expense is the new console (and possibly an extra controller or two).

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Are you people really so poor that you can't afford a new system every 8 years?
Now that's just straight up trolling...
It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
or people have a gaming pc that is more powerfull then this new gen or people just want to play games and don't care what they look like and seeing most games coming out till at least mid or late 2014 are coming out for both gens so people that don't care how games look will just keep their 360/ps3. I for one don't care about how games look and games will play the same on next gen as the same game on this current gen.

you have to remember yeah ps4 is only 400 and x1 is 500 but after you buy games and other things that can add 200-300 more bucks.
Buying more games on PS3 and 360 would also add up to 200-300 more bucks. The games aren't increasing in price so the only added expense is the new console (and possibly an extra controller or two).
in this country economy 400-500 bucks for a new game system can be alot for alot of people

It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
It's also the hassle/clutter of needing new machines to play the new AAA releases now that systems aren't backwards compatible anymore.

I won't be able to ditch my PS3 for probably at least a year more since I've got a decent backlog to get through. I'd be more on board for the next gen if I could just play those on the PS4.

360 I don't care about as I've only got a couple DLCs to get through and I'm done with that console's exclusives/games I own already since it was my main platform. So I'll just sell that off and free up the slot in my tv stand for the PS4 (stand is full with 360 and PS3 on top shelf, bluray player and dvr on second shelf, and receiver on bottom).

im not fully sold if im getting a ps4 or x1 at launch i just paid 1200 bucks for a more powerfull gaming pc which will play all 3rd party games coming out for those systems. It's not about price for me it's about do i need that system seeing non of my xbox live friends/ psn friends are getting them at launch. 

It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
Because getting a new system usually results in brand new experiences, whether it is vastly improved graphics or exciting new gameplay. Aside from Kinect, neither Microsoft nor Sony have given anything like that. The fact that many of these games will also be available for current systems heightens that. Why buy a brand new machine if there's nothing new? It's like having a nice HDTV that is working just fine with no problems but junking that for the exact same TV with motion controls.
Are you people really so poor that you can't afford a new system every 8 years?
Now that's just straight up trolling...
It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
or people have a gaming pc that is more powerfull then this new gen or people just want to play games and don't care what they look like and seeing most games coming out till at least mid or late 2014 are coming out for both gens so people that don't care how games look will just keep their 360/ps3. I for one don't care about how games look and games will play the same on next gen as the same game on this current gen.
The people who have gaming PCs will get the added benefit of games being developed for more powerful consoles and thus able to take advantage of more powerful PCs.

The people who don't care about graphics can buy cross-generational games on their 360/PS3 and they'll only have to upgrade when new games come out that take advantage of the new systems for more than just graphics.

you have to remember yeah ps4 is only 400 and x1 is 500 but after you buy games and other things that can add 200-300 more bucks.
Buying more games on PS3 and 360 would also add up to 200-300 more bucks. The games aren't increasing in price so the only added expense is the new console (and possibly an extra controller or two).
Actually the games will increase in price in terms of the fact you're unlikely to get deals on Xbone and PS4 games for the first few months, where as only a mug pay $60 for a PS3/360 game.

Are you people really so poor that you can't afford a new system every 8 years?
Now that's just straight up trolling...
It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
Your wording is what's so troll-ish - "so poor" is just trolling - now if you'd phrased it in a different way saying something like "have you old (married/kids/home-owning/etc) fogeys taken your finacial priorities away from gaming and focused them on crazy stuff like house payments and savings accounts?" then maybe it'd be more fair!

Are you people really so poor that you can't afford a new system every 8 years?
Now that's just straight up trolling...
It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
or people have a gaming pc that is more powerfull then this new gen or people just want to play games and don't care what they look like and seeing most games coming out till at least mid or late 2014 are coming out for both gens so people that don't care how games look will just keep their 360/ps3. I for one don't care about how games look and games will play the same on next gen as the same game on this current gen.
The people who have gaming PCs will get the added benefit of games being developed for more powerful consoles and thus able to take advantage of more powerful PCs.

The people who don't care about graphics can buy cross-generational games on their 360/PS3 and they'll only have to upgrade when new games come out that take advantage of the new systems for more than just graphics.
that will not happen till at least late 2014 or 2015 by then most people will be ready if no new games are coming out on current gen

the time system sales might go up is come next spring during tax season which is when im thinking i might buy both of my systems

that will not happen till at least late 2014 or 2015 by then most people will be ready if no new games are coming out on current gen
So they'll buy the systems then, what's the problem?

Sorry to cut out the rest of the conversation, it reached the limit of quoted blocks.

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that will not happen till at least late 2014 or 2015 by then most people will be ready if no new games are coming out on current gen
So they'll buy the systems then, what's the problem?

Sorry to cut out the rest of the conversation, it reached the limit of quoted blocks.
diff is the systems might be cheaper in deals and possible price drops who knows. And more games might start being only for next gen unlike it will be at launch and first half of 2014

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It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
Because getting a new system usually results in brand new experiences, whether it is vastly improved graphics or exciting new gameplay. Aside from Kinect, neither Microsoft nor Sony have given anything like that. The fact that many of these games will also be available for current systems heightens that. Why buy a brand new machine if there's nothing new? It's like having a nice HDTV that is working just fine with no problems but junking that for the exact same TV with motion controls.
lol X1 is alot of new experiences. Kinect 2, smartglass, streaming to twitch, game dvr, live tv, etc.

But if you wanna talk just gameplay....bf4 will be on 360 and x1. But bf4 on the x1 runs at 60 FPS and has 64 player matches.

that will not happen till at least late 2014 or 2015 by then most people will be ready if no new games are coming out on current gen
So they'll buy the systems then, what's the problem?

Sorry to cut out the rest of the conversation, it reached the limit of quoted blocks.
diff is the systems might be cheaper in deals and possible price drops who knows.
People were complaining that a new generation was happening... no one is forcing them to buy it right away, so it doesn't make any sense that they want new systems to wait until 2015 or 2016 instead. If we didn't get a huge technology leap in 8 years (as people are stating) then we won't in 10-11 either... do people want this generation to go on forever?

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It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
Because getting a new system usually results in brand new experiences, whether it is vastly improved graphics or exciting new gameplay. Aside from Kinect, neither Microsoft nor Sony have given anything like that. The fact that many of these games will also be available for current systems heightens that. Why buy a brand new machine if there's nothing new? It's like having a nice HDTV that is working just fine with no problems but junking that for the exact same TV with motion controls.
lol X1 is alot of new experiences. Kinect 2, smartglass, streaming to twitch, game dvr, live tv, etc.

But if you wanna talk just gameplay....bf4 will be on 360 and x1. But bf4 on the x1 runs at 60 FPS and has 64 player matches.
i have smartglass on xbox 360 i can play kinect games on 360, i can stream my 360 games on twitch already with a pvr and call of duty has built in streaming on twitch for 360 so it's very possible on 360. alot of games have their own dvr on 360. i can watch live tv on my cable box. I can play bf3 with 64 players and 90 fps on my pc. all that stuff you listed already can be done on 360 and other things i already have. plus if you have verizon fios tv you can already do all that tv stuff on x1 on the 360.

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It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
Because getting a new system usually results in brand new experiences, whether it is vastly improved graphics or exciting new gameplay. Aside from Kinect, neither Microsoft nor Sony have given anything like that. The fact that many of these games will also be available for current systems heightens that. Why buy a brand new machine if there's nothing new? It's like having a nice HDTV that is working just fine with no problems but junking that for the exact same TV with motion controls.
lol X1 is alot of new experiences. Kinect 2, smartglass, streaming to twitch, game dvr, live tv, etc.

But if you wanna talk just gameplay....bf4 will be on 360 and x1. But bf4 on the x1 runs at 60 FPS and has 64 player matches.
i have smartglass on xbox 360 i can play kinect games on 360, i can stream my 360 games on twitch already with a pvr and call of duty has built in streaming on twitch for 360 so it's very possible on 360. alot of games have their own dvr on 360. i can watch live tv on my cable box. I can play bf3 with 64 players and 90 fps on my pc. all that stuff you listed already can be done on 360 and other things i already have. plus if you have verizon fios tv you can already do all that tv stuff on x1 on the 360.
You brought up Battlefield 4 on PC. Why shouldn't consoles keep up with PC?

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It seems like the only reason people would not want a new generation is the expense, so it's a fair point.
Because getting a new system usually results in brand new experiences, whether it is vastly improved graphics or exciting new gameplay. Aside from Kinect, neither Microsoft nor Sony have given anything like that. The fact that many of these games will also be available for current systems heightens that. Why buy a brand new machine if there's nothing new? It's like having a nice HDTV that is working just fine with no problems but junking that for the exact same TV with motion controls.
lol X1 is alot of new experiences. Kinect 2, smartglass, streaming to twitch, game dvr, live tv, etc.

But if you wanna talk just gameplay....bf4 will be on 360 and x1. But bf4 on the x1 runs at 60 FPS and has 64 player matches.
i have smartglass on xbox 360 i can play kinect games on 360, i can stream my 360 games on twitch already with a pvr and call of duty has built in streaming on twitch for 360 so it's very possible on 360. alot of games have their own dvr on 360. i can watch live tv on my cable box. I can play bf3 with 64 players and 90 fps on my pc. all that stuff you listed already can be done on 360 and other things i already have. plus if you have verizon fios tv you can already do all that tv stuff on x1 on the 360.
You brought up Battlefield 4 on PC. Why shouldn't consoles keep up with PC?
i never said they should not but these system are not really kept up to pc. these systems compared to pc are already outdated. i can't wait till system players can get the 64 players in game on bf4 they will see how amazing it is and once and for all toss out the garbage call of duty

If you're that into cutting edge graphics etc., then why the concern about being able to play old games?

I know few graphics whores who care at all about playing old games....

If you're that into cutting edge graphics etc., then why the concern about being able to play old games?

I know few graphics whores who care at all about playing old games....
the best games ever made are back from when graphics were all not great which i never get why some people are more worried about how a game looks over if the game play is good or not.

i never said they should not but these system are not really kept up to pc. these systems compared to pc are already outdated. i can't wait till system players can get the 64 players in game on bf4 they will see how amazing it is and once and for all toss out the garbage call of duty
No console release has ever been better than a top-of-the-line PC, but that doesn't mean consoles shouldn't advance.

Console games and PC games will better support each other if there is more parity between the two. Currently most games are designed for to be able to run on consoles, so they can't take full advantage of powerful PCs. PC games can't be more advanced as long as consoles are holding them back.

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No console release has ever been better than a top-of-the-line PC, but that doesn't mean consoles shouldn't advance.

Console games and PC games will better support each other if there is more parity between the two. Currently most games are designed for to be able to run on consoles, so they can't take full advantage of powerful PCs. PC games can't be more advanced as long as consoles are holding them back.
that i can agree 100 percent with and will help that these systems use pc type software

Are you people really so poor that you can't afford a new system every 8 years?

Now that's just straight up trolling...

Basically what it really shows is that we truly didn't need a next generation. If you want to be upset at MS and Sony be upset a out that!
I totally agree with this which is why I'm not getting either at launch. I think one thing MS really failed in was explaining how always-on and cloud gaming would truly change gameplay itself (not talking about lending/sharing, actual gameplay) and from what I've seen and what every podcast has talked about even the stuff they claimed was possible was unproven pie in the sky ideas at best. We can do dynamic changing events now, they have persistent changing online worlds now. This isn't new.

i never said they should not but these system are not really kept up to pc. these systems compared to pc are already outdated. i can't wait till system players can get the 64 players in game on bf4 they will see how amazing it is and once and for all toss out the garbage call of duty
No console release has ever been better than a top-of-the-line PC, but that doesn't mean consoles shouldn't advance.

Console games and PC games will better support each other if there is more parity between the two. Currently most games are designed for to be able to run on consoles, so they can't take full advantage of powerful PCs. PC games can't be more advanced as long as consoles are holding them back.
How should consoles "advance"? It's a static hardware by nature, and cannot possibly keep up with the dynamic nature of PCs. Unless they introduce swappable parts, in which case, it will become a PC. I hear this argument a lot, but what exactly do you PC gamers propose?
i never said they should not but these system are not really kept up to pc. these systems compared to pc are already outdated. i can't wait till system players can get the 64 players in game on bf4 they will see how amazing it is and once and for all toss out the garbage call of duty
No console release has ever been better than a top-of-the-line PC, but that doesn't mean consoles shouldn't advance.

Console games and PC games will better support each other if there is more parity between the two. Currently most games are designed for to be able to run on consoles, so they can't take full advantage of powerful PCs. PC games can't be more advanced as long as consoles are holding them back.
How should consoles "advance"? It's a static hardware by nature, and cannot possibly keep up with the dynamic nature of PCs. Unless they introduce swappable parts, in which case, it will become a PC. I hear this argument a lot, but what exactly do you PC gamers propose?
Consoles advance by introducing new ones, that's why we need a new generation of consoles. It would have made more sense if you saw the whole conversation. I'm not a PC gamer, most PC games use DRM.

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i never said they should not but these system are not really kept up to pc. these systems compared to pc are already outdated. i can't wait till system players can get the 64 players in game on bf4 they will see how amazing it is and once and for all toss out the garbage call of duty
No console release has ever been better than a top-of-the-line PC, but that doesn't mean consoles shouldn't advance.

Console games and PC games will better support each other if there is more parity between the two. Currently most games are designed for to be able to run on consoles, so they can't take full advantage of powerful PCs. PC games can't be more advanced as long as consoles are holding them back.
How should consoles "advance"? It's a static hardware by nature, and cannot possibly keep up with the dynamic nature of PCs. Unless they introduce swappable parts, in which case, it will become a PC. I hear this argument a lot, but what exactly do you PC gamers propose?
Consoles advance by introducing new ones, that's why we need a new generation of consoles. It would have made more sense if you saw the whole conversation. I'm not a PC gamer, most PC games use DRM.
Okay, it's my lunch break anyway, dialing back to read the whole conversation.

So I am guessing that there are CAGs who think there shouldn't be a new generation because of their huge three digit backlog. Which I would say, having a new generation would benefit you, current gen games would drop even more and you can add more games to the backlog!

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Considering the Xbox 360 and PS3 launched between 2005-2006, I think it is time for a new generation of consoles. So much has changed over the past 7-8 years. We already have 7 iterations of the iphone, 4 iterations of the iPad, and 3 iterations of Windows during that time. $399.99-$499.99 is a good starting price considering console prices don't really depreciate much over the course of a generation. PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles are still sitting at retail for $249.99-$299.99(excluding the 4gb xbox 360). For the entry price of $399.99-$499.99, you will get at least 10 years of support from Sony/Microsoft on games plus additional features they add in firmware updates. I don't think you can say the same for a PC that you purchased back in 2005-2006 that you never upgraded.

The timing is more than fine for a new generation as past generations tended to only be five years or so.  The issue is graphic's tech has just been moving slowly so the jump still isn't as great as in past iterations.  Especially when going from 2D to 3D, standard def to HD etc.

I'll probably keep my PS4 preorder as I said, but mainly to just make an effort to keep up with AAA games and not build a backlog this time around, rather than really being excited for it.

But that's not set in stone as the main reason I preordered was to buy day 1 to reward them for not following MS with the DRM stuff.  Now that consumers have won that battle for this generation, that incentive is diminished.

People seriously don't want a new gen? i've been waiting for new consoles for the past 2 years. The original xbox came out in 2001 and then the 360 came out in 2005. Now the X1 will be out in 2013.
People seriously want to spend money on a new system when the current gen is capping out TV specs?

Surprised no one posted it. So, do we believe the anon. pastebin or two different executives?

Completely agree with the article as well, as I've said before. Clear choice was taken away, and we've hit a road with no progress, no innovation, virtually nothing new. While the X1 still has a few of its bell's and whistle's (TV Switching, Snap, etc) it also lost more then a few.

Oh well, done with the DRM discussion. Some of us are fine with it, and dont have little tinfoil hats on. Other's arent. To each their own. Neither side is going to convince the other, and it's obvious those who are against DRM won't concede any points, so the discussion should just stop in my opinion. You cant have a debate when one side wont budge... which is odd since it echo's what's going on in the US right now :p

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