Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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This is very disturbing news. I had just seen that Xbox One allowed used games. While I wasn't thrilled with Xbox event, I was interested enough to get me through E3, where they would finally show a bunch of games. This puts a huge damper on my interest. I don't know why they would try to pull these shenanigans. Makes no sense from a customer satisfaction standpoint.
[quote name='whoknows']You over-exaggerate the affect this will have on anyone.[/QUOTE]

Really? So now my nephews have to buy COD or Halo AND the other one needs to pay a fee to play with their gamertag. That sounds like a big deal to me.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Dont give a shit about a bluray drive I don't need my gaming system lens burning out even faster[/QUOTE]

bluray drive = better games. you enjoy have a game have five disc on 360?
[quote name='Calinks']I don't know about these used game reports. This also means that if you rent or borrow any game you just have to pay 5 bucks to own it. Couldn't that hurt devs? If gamers start sharing all of their new purchases, all you have to do is set up a group of like 3 friends and buy 1/3 the games because you just share all games and pay 5 bucks a pop as opposed to $30-$60.

If you can still rent then you never have to pay more than 5 bucks for a relatively new game again. Just rent a game the first week its out, pay your 5 bucks, and you are good. Seems like a huge double edged sword.[/QUOTE]

Good point. That would be a huge loophole.
[quote name='cancerman1120']Really? So now my nephews have to buy COD or Halo AND the other one needs to pay a fee to play with their gamertag. That sounds like a big deal to me.[/QUOTE]

Your nephews shouldn't be playing those games to begin with. They're rated M for a reason.
Also just saw that Kinect is required to be connected to make Xbox One function. I hate the idea of having Kinect "watching" me while I watch tv.
[quote name='cancerman1120']Not sure why it would not tie the game to the entire system like before. That is just plain stupid. I like the fact you do not need the disk anymore but I have not idea what this means for used games. I guess the fee will determine this. Either way if PS4 does not do this I am out on Xbox even though I liked what I saw today.[/QUOTE]

Well they did specify gamer tag to Wired. If its good for the whole system then there's a good chance I still get the Xbox. If its really gamer tag specific as they said then I'm not buying it.
[quote name='cancerman1120']Really? So now my nephews have to buy COD or Halo AND the other one needs to pay a fee to play with their gamertag. That sounds like a big deal to me.[/QUOTE]

Your nephews shouldn't be playing those games anyways. They're rated M for a reason.
from reading on xbox website. the one uses hdmi pass thur which means you will connect your cable box to the xbox and then hdmi out from your xbox to your tv so pretty much if you have a cable box with any tv provider it will work. Its the same thing i use on my home surround sound system with att uverse and works well.
[quote name='ColFantastic']Also just saw that Kinect is required to be connected to make Xbox One function. I hate the idea of having Kinect "watching" me while I watch tv.[/QUOTE]

Tape a piece of cardboard over the lens.
[quote name='M3wThr33']To build on that, from that article, we now know:

No backwards compatibility
You HAVE TO install games before you play
Used games have to pay a fee before they work
If you get banned/hacked, all your discs are now worthless piles of junk

The one plus:
You don't need a disc to play since it all installs on the hard drive.

Whoopee? Also, how is it going to authenticate the discs? You HAVE TO BE ONLINE the first time you play a game. That's the only logical way this works.[/QUOTE]

If this is true, the only alternative is the PS4. If this is true for the both the xbox one and PS4, then I'm spending my money on a supped up gaming PC for real games/MMO's and hacking all my old systems, maybe a Wii U donw the line.

The only reason anyone ever buys a console is that it works right out of the box and you can share your games. If stuff ever absolutely needs installing as a requirement, people would just go PC and later on hack everything b/c its the damn PC and they can. ==> gaming crash.
[quote name='whoknows']Your nephews shouldn't be playing those games anyways. They're rated M for a reason.[/QUOTE]

He might be 30 and his nephews might be 18...what's it to you?
[quote name='whoknows']Your nephews shouldn't be playing those games anyways. They're rated M for a reason.[/QUOTE]

Now you're fighting just to fight.
I'm not well versed when it comes to multiple OS's and how they affect a computer, but since XboxOne seems to have 3 of them, would that slow down each function if used in tandem?

So if I were playing a game and opened up a screen to talk on skype, would my game take a noticeable hit?
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']at least they change their name and not name their systems 1,2,3,4[/QUOTE]
You know what's worse than naming your 4th console 4? Naming your 3rd console 1.
The only way they could have fucked up the name more would be to have named it "The original Xbox"
[quote name='4thHorseman']I'm not well versed when it comes to multiple OS's and how they affect a computer, but since XboxOne seems to have 3 of them, would that slow down each function if used in tandem?

So if I were playing a game and opened up a screen to talk on skype, would my game take a noticeable hit?[/QUOTE]

it has a 8 core cpu and 8 gb ram should not slow down at all. 360 has only 1 gb of ram
[quote name='bardockkun']I Feel your sig of kittens is more so to stop you from literally exploding with rage.[/QUOTE]

What Rage? You mean the fact that Microshit didn't have for foresight to include either HDMI or Wifi with the launch consoles, or to make an HDD STANDARD in every system, thus pissing off consumers and developers alike??

I mean, to their credit, Nintendo has done some stupid things over the years, but at least they had the foresight to include Wifi with every Wii System, then again with Wii U and HDMI. Sure, they didn't bother to include an actual ethernet port, but with many people using Wifi it was a non issue.
[quote name='tokyostomp']i feel the 500GB HDD is going to issue with these mandatory installs[/QUOTE]

i install every single game i have for 360 and have 250 gb hd and have close to 100 gb left 500 gb is plenty
[quote name='screwkick']Xbox One Will Not Function Without Kinect Attached

Xbox's UK marketing director has said that without Kinect connected, Xbox One will not function.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, that doesn't sound good. I really don't like having my Kinect on now as it is. Just the idea of being recorded is my mind. Even if that isn't the case, it just feels weird.

I don't know what to believe with these announcements from people that work for Microsoft though. The supposed always on requirement as been debunked.
[quote name='chatgirl4']What Rage? You mean the fact that Microshit didn't have for foresight to include either HDMI or Wifi with the launch consoles, or to make an HDD STANDARD in every system, thus pissing off consumers and developers alike??

I mean, to their credit, Nintendo has done some stupid things over the years, but at least they had the foresight to include Wifi with every Wii System, then again with Wii U and HDMI. Sure, they didn't bother to include an actual ethernet port, but with many people using Wifi it was a non issue.[/QUOTE]

360 was a rushed out system at launch everyone knows that
[quote name='tokyostomp']i feel the 500GB HDD is going to issue with these mandatory installs[/QUOTE]

MGS 4 was close to 50 GB back when it was released. After the OS, you couldn't install 10 MGS 4 games on that HDD. That is a big point.
[quote name='Blaster man']Now you're fighting just to fight.[/QUOTE]

....I smell a fanboi troll in here....

ANd what will gamestop do? For their employees borrowing new games
[quote name='CodeTrader']Hmmm, that doesn't sound good. I really don't like having my Kinect on now as it is. Just the idea of being recorded is my mind. Even if that isn't the case, it just feels weird.

I don't know what to believe with these announcements from people that work for Microsoft though. The supposed always on requirement as been debunked.[/QUOTE]

until all this stuff comes out of microsofts main people at press conf's i will not think that much about the stuff we already was today today that always online stuff is false.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']i install every single game i have for 360 and have 250 gb hd and have close to 100 gb left 500 gb is plenty[/QUOTE]

Except next gen games will most likely be much larger.
[quote name='4thHorseman']I'm not well versed when it comes to multiple OS's and how they affect a computer, but since XboxOne seems to have 3 of them, would that slow down each function if used in tandem?

So if I were playing a game and opened up a screen to talk on skype, would my game take a noticeable hit?[/QUOTE]

The way I understand it is that each of the OS will have dedicated system resources assigned to them so none will take a hit. OS running at once so you can switch from games to entertainment on the fly without any delay.
So Microsoft is releasing a media machine. I guess we can consider the "gaming console" a dead label. I get they're trying to reach a broader audience, but the gaming restrictions being discussed in this thread make me sick (used games requiring a fee, games required to be installed, Kinect always needing to be connected, etc).

Also, these "deals" struck with EA and NFL don't seem to bring anything new to the table. As a sports fan, that EA trailer was a joke. Microsoft had their hand up Roger Goodell's ass (he's a puppet anyway) explaining just how INNOVATIVE Microsoft has been lately.

Lastly, the speaker needs to be replaced. Something about him makes me want to punt a baby.


HOWEVER, the console/controller looked pretty sweet... :cool:
The thing with hard drive space and games lol, games increase in size over time so yeah 5GB DVD, 25 - 50 GB Bluray, prob 100GB a game at some point.
My 250 GB HDD on my 360 is full and it's mostly arcade games. I can't even imagine if my full game collection had to be on the HDD. 500 seems too low.
I didn't really mind the reveal. The Xbox One is exactly what I wanted it to be, a modern day console. My main fault with current gen consoles is how slow they are and just seeing how fast the Xbox One and PS4 are has me excited. I'm not worried about the games because honestly this is Microsoft not Nintendo. Microsoft wont allow the Xbox One to be like the Wii U and have inferior ports of last gen games at launch or go months without a single game release.

Microsoft doesn't really need to talk about games now because we know they are coming. The next Mass Effect, Battlefield 4, Dragon Age 3, Destiny, Watch Dogs, etc are all coming as well as the 15 1st party exclusives Microsoft mentioned. It doesn't matter to me if they show them now or at E3 or months before the console launches.
[quote name='whoknows']Your nephews shouldn't be playing those games anyways. They're rated M for a reason.[/QUOTE]

They are 16 and 17, I think they can handle a M rated game. Stupid reasoning also.
[quote name='ColFantastic']Also just saw that Kinect is required to be connected to make Xbox One function. I hate the idea of having Kinect "watching" me while I watch tv.[/QUOTE]

yea we all want to watch porn in peace at our own homes
[quote name='whoknows']I really don't see the problem with this. Steam has been doing it for years with PC gaming and no one seems to care.[/QUOTE]

Steam games cost much less than a console copy and with many titles, it is ridiculously cheaper.
[quote name='4thHorseman']@Timbo and Spoo - Thanks for the clarification. That stuff is beyond most of my little understanding.

Anyways, according to Joystiq, Xbox One doesn't have always-on, but an internet connection IS required. Which, after being answered, was promptly removed[/QUOTE]

yeah i knew that would never happen the back bone of the internet in u.s is god awful and i know for me their are times im without internet for a day or two thanks to cable company issues. Why do you think things like onlive never took off internet bakc bone sucks in u.s and could not handle online always game system.
[quote name='chatgirl4']What Rage? You mean the fact that Microshit didn't have for foresight to include either HDMI or Wifi with the launch consoles, or to make an HDD STANDARD in every system, thus pissing off consumers and developers alike??

I mean, to their credit, Nintendo has done some stupid things over the years, but at least they had the foresight to include Wifi with every Wii System, then again with Wii U and HDMI. Sure, they didn't bother to include an actual ethernet port, but with many people using Wifi it was a non issue.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that rage.
[quote name='ColFantastic']Steam games cost much less than a console copy and with many titles, it is ridiculously cheaper.[/QUOTE]

Some do. Some are just as much and people still buy brand new releases on Steam.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']bluray drive = better games. you enjoy have a game have five disc on 360?[/QUOTE]

360 is not bluray but its killing in sales, it doesn't really matter in the end because as long as the game itself is fun no one cares how many discs.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']i install every single game i have for 360 and have 250 gb hd and have close to 100 gb left 500 gb is plenty[/QUOTE]

360 disc maximum size was 9.4gb because of DVD limitations, with the new games being blu ray they can be as big as 50gb, here let me math it up for ya

9.4gb game/250gb HDD= maximum of 3.76% of your HDD per disc

50gb game/500gb HDD=maximum of 10% of your HDD per disc

Now do you understand where the problem comes from?
[quote name='whoknows']I really don't see the problem with this. Steam has been doing it for years with PC gaming and no one seems to care.[/QUOTE]

Even before they introduced DRM, PC games had a relatively small used market. Plus there were always alternatives... people do care that Steam has DRM, so they buy console games. Now console games are getting DRM as well.

It's not just about the money either. When you put in DRM that means that the game can become unavailable at any time. Up until now every single-player game that had a retail release on console (not download only) could be played without any involvement from the content provider. 20 years from now if you want to play a PS3 or Xbox 360 game (or any previous generation's game) you can with no worries. If you want to play an Xbox One game you better hope that Microsoft is still supporting the system.
They seem so close to having what I want but there are just a few weird choices that I cannot understand. It really makes me wonder about Sony and the used games market. I really think Sony is going to be doing the same thing. It would make no sense if they did not. Maybe the publishers have decided to allow a split market to see if restricting used sales really will cause that big of an issue.
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