XBOX360 General Questions - Setups/Hrdwr/Accessories/XBOX Live...etc.

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Couldn't find a better place to put it.

I'm just curious what people think about this bundle rumor. I finally gathered the funds to get a 360, and I do wanna get it soon, but if this seems legit enough I can hold out another week. (Next week's gonna be crazy with classes anyway.) Don't really care about Marvel (or Forza, honestly), but free games are free games. I understand the hardware is squared away enough that I don't really need to worry; that correct?
[quote name='whoknows']Contact either or Microsoft or both. Those are your best options I'm guessing.[/QUOTE]

After digging around a bit, I emailed Live customer support. I received an email this morning saying my account had been activated.

It's funny, no one asked me for the code or anything. Excellant customer service, I missed the 1st CAG Halo 3 night, but they had me up and running this morning.
I exchanged my premium today for an elite. The box said it comes with a 1 month gold subscription. Theres no card in with the booklets or anything. Does it only apply to new live memberships or something?
[quote name='opterasis']I exchanged my premium today for an elite. The box said it comes with a 1 month gold subscription. Theres no card in with the booklets or anything. Does it only apply to new live memberships or something?[/QUOTE]
Right, a new gamertag created on that box will have the first month of Live free.
[quote name='toper']Well, if you're asking this question, then I better mention that you'll also need your old harddrive (which you mentioned trading) in order to transfer the data to the new one. :)[/QUOTE]
I know. I don't want to use it because its obvious I can't. I only asked because I want to sell it but I don't know if it would be inoperative since my friend used it once and Microsoft insists it only works once.
ok here are my questions

1) how do you check the status of the battery?

2) any good charge and play kits?

3) what happens if i buy another hdd to add more stuff. Will i be able to interchage them with no problem

4) and good software to use with 360 and mac?

5) can you hook up an external hard drive and play stuff or move stuff from there ?
[quote name='shadylane']ok here are my questions

1) how do you check the status of the battery?

2) any good charge and play kits?

3) what happens if i buy another hdd to add more stuff. Will i be able to interchage them with no problem

4) and good software to use with 360 and mac?

5) can you hook up an external hard drive and play stuff or move stuff from there ?[/QUOTE]

1) hit the X center button and look at the top of the blade

2) I got the Niko one, its about 4-5 dollars cheaper then MS..its ok, does it's job.

3) dunno, have the 20..

4) don't have a mac, but the 360/xp home is a bitch for me to set up...Vista users have no problems :(

5) play more as in more videos and music? I think so...but

I have only tested it on a usb flash drive.

Now here is my question, why is it that the system disconnects from XBL to tell me that there is an update for an older game then reconnected to live??? that is getting annoying :(
[quote name='ITDEFX']Now here is my question, why is it that the system disconnects from XBL to tell me that there is an update for an older game then reconnected to live??? that is getting annoying :([/QUOTE]

i wonder that also....that gets really annoying too.
When the wireless headsets were launched I heard there were lots of problems with them.

Have they been fixed yet? Also is the Halo 3 edition wireless headset different in any way than the current standard white headset? (batter life, connections, speaker quality, mic quality)?
[quote name='shadylane']ok here are my questions

1) how do you check the status of the battery?

2) any good charge and play kits?

3) what happens if i buy another hdd to add more stuff. Will i be able to interchage them with no problem

4) and good software to use with 360 and mac?

5) can you hook up an external hard drive and play stuff or move stuff from there ?[/QUOTE]
1) XBox Guide button (that glowing X). Upper left corner of the display. Only shows up if you're using a wireless controller (not if you're plugged in).

2) Have had -no- problems with the Microsoft version. Also works to charge your controller off of your Mac.

3) No idea.

4) To stream music from a Mac to a 360 via wireless, you'll need a program called Connect360. It's not hard to find, and it tricks your 360 into recognizing your Mac OS as a Windows OS, allowing you to stream things from iTunes to your 360.

5) Don't think it's possible to use an external with the 360, at least not with a little hacking.
Has anyone had problems with their 360 freezing when doing things on Live?

Today I tried to delete someone from my friend list while downloading and it froze up. Like I guess the program or something. I had to hard reset.
[quote name='NamelessMC']Has anyone had problems with their 360 freezing when doing things on Live?

Today I tried to delete someone from my friend list while downloading and it froze up. Like I guess the program or something. I had to hard reset.[/QUOTE]
I've experienced stuff like that, but it's usually just laggy. Probably related to the deluge of Halo 3 players on Live.
i hope they can speed up some of the dashboard/xbox guide probs in the next update..

that freeze up is sometimes annoying.. it never really freezes but just takes longer than is hould when opening the guide and going through marketplace
[quote name='guyver2077']i hope they can speed up some of the dashboard/xbox guide probs in the next update..

that freeze up is sometimes annoying.. it never really freezes but just takes longer than is hould when opening the guide and going through marketplace[/QUOTE]

agreed....... but from what I heard some people got their system's bricked by some update awhile back. although I got that nice 2 year unlimited exchange thru microcenter a few weeks back, they might not let me do it as they will say it's Microsoft's fault and I need to send it back to them. :(
Do you guys think they'll ever sell HD-DVD full purchases on Live instead of rentals? I really want to watch hd-dvd's but don't want to buy the add-on and the quality of the downloads is really good. It sucks that they have the media rights thing and all that.

I mean really they could charge triple the MS points for a lifelong download right and people would scoop them up like madmen.
This should be added to general information:
When using a 360 VGA cable, be sure to turn off the screen saver option in Console Settings and manage the power yourself.

The 360's screen saver setting caused my monitor to lock up into a "dim after power on" mode where it would suddenly dim as soon as you turn it on. When I turned off the screen saver on my 360, it stopped doing it.

I'm guessing 360's screen saver is a power saving script that uses your monitor instead of its video chip to dim.
[quote name='NamelessMC']This should be added to general information:
When using a 360 VGA cable, be sure to turn off the screen saver option in Console Settings and manage the power yourself.

The 360's screen saver setting caused my monitor to lock up into a "dim after power on" mode where it would suddenly dim as soon as you turn it on. When I turned off the screen saver on my 360, it stopped doing it.

I'm guessing 360's screen saver is a power saving script that uses your monitor instead of its video chip to dim.[/QUOTE]

really? my Gateway 22 inch has two inputs, DVI and VGA... the VGA is for the 360, and the DVI is for the computer. When I need to look up something on the pc, I tap 3 buttons and I am switched over.
[quote name='shadylane']so does anyone know about interchanging harddrives on a 360? what will happen? will it work?[/QUOTE]

it is possible but from I recall it is a real pain in the ass VS the PS3 hard drive swap.
hey guys

after living under a rock for the past few years, i'm thinking of picking up a console and the 360 is at the top contender. the ps3 is a VERY distant 2nd, only because i'm not a big wii fan..

anyways my question is can the 360 be hacked? if yes where do i find more info about that? i plan to buy the odd GOOD game every now and then, but lets face it $50-60/game gets pricey.. i'm not made of money :cry:
forgive my ignorance i'm a n00b.. there will henceforth be no more modding questions.

LOL 4 flames and 1 neutral answer... a simple "that question is inappropriate" would suffice, no?

anyways, thanks jjsp for responding maturely.
Hey, after my roommates and I played Halo 3 for 6-7 hours, I noticed upon ejecting discs, I would hear a grinding sound and when the tray came out, there was a LOT of grinding while it was spinning. Looks like the edge of the disc is catching against something. My 360 is horizontal and it's never been like this before - it happens everytime I eject from now though.

No red rings...
[quote name='invinceable104']Hey, after my roommates and I played Halo 3 for 6-7 hours, I noticed upon ejecting discs, I would hear a grinding sound and when the tray came out, there was a LOT of grinding while it was spinning. Looks like the edge of the disc is catching against something. My 360 is horizontal and it's never been like this before - it happens everytime I eject from now though.

No red rings...[/QUOTE]

my system did that... then last night, after 28 days, I got an E79 error and RRoD!


now that's bad.
[quote name='ITDEFX']my system did that... then last night, after 28 days, I got an E79 error and RRoD!


now that's bad.[/quote]

Hmmm, how do you figure I should go about getting that RRoD...just continue playing as normal? Or do you think that my one RRoD when I plugged in VGA cables months ago would be sufficient for a RMA?
[quote name='invinceable104']Hmmm, how do you figure I should go about getting that RRoD...just continue playing as normal? Or do you think that my one RRoD when I plugged in VGA cables months ago would be sufficient for a RMA?[/QUOTE]

I don't want to give you advice on how to get a RRoD. I had no real warning that my system was failing unless you count the creeking and cracking sounds coming from the system when it's idle :( Heck I don't remember hearing the fans turn on during the RRoD. I have no idea what caused the hard drive to fry. No warnings on that either.

Thank god it let me finish halo 3. But I lost a lot of nice action movies that I wanted to take some more screenies.
I previously was having problems with my Xbox displaying all kinds of wierd shit and then when i turn it off then back on I would have the single red light....turns out its the fucking hard drive. Anyone else had this problem or know of a fix? Or do I need to suck it up and buy a new harddrive?
[quote name='Malik112099']I previously was having problems with my Xbox displaying all kinds of wierd shit and then when i turn it off then back on I would have the single red light....turns out its the fucking hard drive. Anyone else had this problem or know of a fix? Or do I need to suck it up and buy a new harddrive?[/QUOTE]

That happened to me roughly 24 hours ago. Fired up Halo 3's theater section to review a fight for some screenies and BAM! the system locked up. Shut down, waited a few mins restarted and got that E 79 error. Took out the drive, waited a few mins then booted... system locked up after xbox 360 logo. shut down again and restarted mins later and got the RRoD.

The hard drive is dead :(

you have to send it back.

It could be the first sign leading to a full RRoD.
[quote name='ITDEFX']That happened to me roughly 24 hours ago. Fired up Halo 3's theater section to review a fight for some screenies and BAM! the system locked up. Shut down, waited a few mins restarted and got that E 79 error. Took out the drive, waited a few mins then booted... system locked up after xbox 360 logo. shut down again and restarted mins later and got the RRoD.

The hard drive is dead :(

you have to send it back.

It could be the first sign leading to a full RRoD.[/quote]

yeah, but mine will work just fine for minutes to days before the screen gets glitchy again
[quote name='Malik112099']yeah, but mine will work just fine for minutes to days before the screen gets glitchy again[/QUOTE]

doesn't matter it shouldn't glitch at all... It's gonna die.. PERIOD. Your lucky your getting the warning signs..mine I got NO WARNING.
I got a weird issue. Does anyone else have this weird thing that happens when playing games? With my first 360 (before it red ringed), I don't ever remember it doing this...

When playing a game such as Gears of War sometimes all the bump mapping and detail will disappear until I guess it finishes loading or something and then everything appears the way it should be. It kind of would make sense if I was in a big open space and as I got closer to an object the detail would get better, but it happens in small rooms too. The first time it happened I was like wtf! It also happened in Halo 3 a couple of times today too. Is my 360 all wonky or maybe I just never noticed it before? It definitely happens in places where it really shouldn't...

My 360 I got back from Microsoft is amazingly alot cooler than my RROD one though hah.
Wewt, my second system died today. Had the replacement for a little over a year, not bad I guess considering the quality of others. The first time I got the replacement, I didn't run into this problem, but since then, I've bought some XBLA games thanks to assorted free points. I have heard that if I get a different console back, my XBLA games will not work offline, correct? I tried to get the CSR to get me a code or points to get those games back, but he kept insiting that I wait to get my console back to see if it will happen. When/If I call again, will it be easy to convince them to get my points back this time around? Or will I most likley get some excuse again.
[quote name='moojuice']Wewt, my second system died today. Had the replacement for a little over a year, not bad I guess considering the quality of others. The first time I got the replacement, I didn't run into this problem, but since then, I've bought some XBLA games thanks to assorted free points. I have heard that if I get a different console back, my XBLA games will not work offline, correct? I tried to get the CSR to get me a code or points to get those games back, but he kept insiting that I wait to get my console back to see if it will happen. When/If I call again, will it be easy to convince them to get my points back this time around? Or will I most likley get some excuse again.[/quote]
XBLM (including games and themes) are tied to your gamertag as well as the console. You should be able to download them again free of charge, but you'll only be able to play XBLA games when signed in to Live. Shouldn't be too much of a hassle to get the points credited back to your account since your gamertag keeps track of everything you've downloaded.
[quote name='JJSP']XBLM (including games and themes) are tied to your gamertag as well as the console. You should be able to download them again free of charge, but you'll only be able to play XBLA games when signed in to Live. Shouldn't be too much of a hassle to get the points credited back to your account since your gamertag keeps track of everything you've downloaded.[/QUOTE]

it's true. My CSR told me I had to rebuy them. fuck that I redownloaded them anyways and wasn't charged. It was bad that I lost all my saves to halo 3 but thankfully my achievements are tied to my gamertag so that wasn't so bad.
I recently got an Xbox 360 from a friend, which came with what are almost definitely HDTV cables. I know this because one of the TVs in my house has those cables, and it worked on that TV. I digress; it seems I can't work those cables on my normal television sets. The sound comes through perfectly if I just put the red and white cables in, but no video in either of the two on which I tried this experiment. Do I need to buy new cables? Help!
Does the non HD set have component in on it? If so you need to turn off the higher resolutions (480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p) from the 360 menu, and flip the switch on the AV cable off of HD.
Hmm, I will check in on that. Presently I can't, but he would most definitely have had it set at an HD setting, since he himself had one.
[quote name='Moses144']Hmm, I will check in on that. Presently I can't, but he would most definitely have had it set at an HD setting, since he himself had one.[/quote]

Just make sure the switch on the cables, the part that actually connects to the 360, is set to SD and not HD. Also, only use the Red, White, and Yellow RCA connectors and the corresponding RCA jacks on your SDTV.


One thing you might want to look into is picking up a set of the S-Video cables from TRU. They're clearanced out at around $6 at most TRU's, so if you pick up a set of those cables, you could use them on your SD TV's and not worry about the HD/composite cable.
Just plug in the R/W audio cables and the yellow video-cable.

These three cables should be slightly seperated from the three Green/Red/Blue video cables.

The Green, Red and Blue cables are for COMPONENT VIDEO.

The Yellow cable is COMPOSITE VIDEO (RCA).

The Red/White audio cables are STEREO RCA AUDIO connectors.

Plug in the RCA cables and make sure the switch on the part that goes into your 360 is set to "TV", not "HDTV".

As long as that switch is set to "TV", you shouldn't have to change anything in the dashboard.

Even if your non-HD TV has component video inputs, you still need to set your cable's switch to "TV".
Has anyone found a place online that sells the screwdriver needed to take apart the wireless controllers for cheap? I ordered a set of bits on ebay and then realized that they probably won't work because the screws are so recessed in the handle.

It needs to be a Torx Screwdriver, size T8 with the security notch in the bit to fit over the nub in the screws on the controller.
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