Yet More Craigslist Stupidity!

There was yet another "craigslist related murder" that occurred here in a pretty ghetto/barrio area of L.A. over the weekend, not sure if it made the national news but it was/is well covered here.

Story thus far is that a man was responding to a craigslist ad offering a cell phone for sale, which he intended to purchase for his teenage son who accompanied him.  They went to the home/neighborhood they were directed to, knocked on some door and were told to go away.  They went back to their vehicle at which point they were approached by a pair of men who brandished a handgun and attempted to rob the man and son.  Man had 3 slugs put in his chest, son slightly wounded.

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I never have luck selling anything on craigslist so I rarely bother with buying anything from it. Some of the posts I read here on the craigslist posts are very similar to some I've seen in my area. 

Damn. How many games/systems did it take to get this much? :shock:

"Hello, I have 4 Game Stop Gift Cards totaling $2470. We are offering a 7% discount on each card. The individual amounts are as follows:

Value of Card-----------Asking Price


Please call us at _____ if you are interested. Thank you."

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Ok guys, hold on to your hats for this one! I'll post screenshots since I am sure these will be flagged and deleted soon...

So I see an ad that says :

"SUPER RARE! Flintstones: Surprise at Dino's Peak & 3 Other NES GAMES - $225"
"I have for sale 4 Nintendo NES Games. I recently found them in a box in my garage with a Nintendo console. The games all work properly and have been tested. The reason I am asking so much is that I was doing some research online, eBay in particular and found that the "Flintstones: Surprise at Dino's Peak" sales from anywhere from $600.00 to $700.00. The reason I haven't sold it online is that I am an older lady that doesn't know much about eBay or the internet period for that matter. As my niece is writing this listing for me right now. I will take a better offer if interested, email me!"

now here are the two pictures posted along with it:



Notice anything weird? Take a closer look at the "the flintstones" logo in each picture

So I email and ask "um why do the 2 pictures have different labels?" and she responds with "oh its just the lighting" and I write back with "the lighting would make the letter on the label move around!?" and she says "listen, its tested and working, its the real deal!"

So I go ahead and post a "this is fake, don't buy this" on there to warn everyone else, and I get this email in response (I had to censor some of it)

does it hurt you that its fake.i mean damn you must had been interested you sure looked at the goddamn pictures good didn't you..why waste your time we ni*gers dont care if its fake.nobodys going to make that f*cking Much for a f*cking nintendo piss off .craigslist Police"

Okay now if this all wasn't bad enough....this pops up on craigslist the next day:[/size]

"I have for sale "Little Samson" for the Nintendo Gaming System. The game works properly and has been tested. I will take a better offer if interested, email me!"[/size]

lol I don't even know what to say! She flat out just printed out a fake lable and glued it onto an NES cart!

UPDATE: I posted another "beware, fake game" post for the little samson, and not 10 minutes later did I get this email:

"wtf who cares..FLAGGED byebye .people like you have Nothing better to do.WHO cares about those fucking nintendo games..nobody is u fucking retarded fucker...FLAGGED U OFF BYEBYE idiot keep posting"
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Ok guys, hold on to your hats for this one! I'll post screenshots since I am sure these will be flagged and deleted soon...

So I see an ad that says :

"SUPER RARE! Flintstones: Surprise at Dino's Peak & 3 Other NES GAMES - $225"

"I have for sale 4 Nintendo NES Games. I recently found them in a box in my garage with a Nintendo console. The games all work properly and have been tested. The reason I am asking so much is that I was doing some research online, eBay in particular and found that the "Flintstones: Surprise at Dino's Peak" sales from anywhere from $600.00 to $700.00. The reason I haven't sold it online is that I am an older lady that doesn't know much about eBay or the internet period for that matter. As my niece is writing this listing for me right now. I will take a better offer if interested, email me!"

now here are the two pictures posted along with it:



Notice anything weird? Take a closer look at the "the flintstones" logo in each picture

So I email and ask "um why do the 2 pictures have different labels?" and she responds with "oh its just the lighting" and I write back with "the lighting would make the letter on the label move around!?" and she says "listen, its tested and working, its the real deal!"

So I go ahead and post a "this is fake, don't buy this" on there to warn everyone else, and I get this email in response (I had to censor some of it)

does it hurt you that its fake.i mean damn you must had been interested you sure looked at the goddamn pictures good didn't you..why waste your time we ni*gers dont care if its fake.nobodys going to make that f*cking Much for a f*cking nintendo piss off .craigslist Police"

Okay now if this all wasn't bad enough....this pops up on craigslist the next day:[/size]


"I have for sale "Little Samson" for the Nintendo Gaming System. The game works properly and has been tested. I will take a better offer if interested, email me!"[/size]


lol I don't even know what to say! She flat out just printed out a fake lable and glued it onto an NES cart!

UPDATE: I posted another "beware, fake game" post for the little samson, and not 10 minutes later did I get this email:

"wtf who cares..FLAGGED byebye .people like you have Nothing better to do.WHO cares about those fucking nintendo games..nobody is u fucking retarded fucker...FLAGGED U OFF BYEBYE idiot keep posting"
I've been seeing a few little samsons posted here in milwaukee too. Probably the same scam. If you don't outright agree to buy it or catch on that its a fake, they probably rob you for whatever cash you have. Bad stuff.

Craigslist is becoming more and more a place for crazy and angry people. I really hope this bubble bursts shortly like a few of you others have said. Anyway I hope the rest of you stay safe and away from crazy people like this guy.
if you ever are in doubt about this, go read the "rants and raves" section

It begins.

I wonder how hard it would be to paypal some reseller $700 for a PS4, get it shipped to some random address (consider it taking from the evil and giving to the good), then dispute the charge with your credit card as not having recieved it and get a chargeback on him. Why do people risk that for making like $350 after paypal fees?

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I don't know if this is the right topic or not, but

Anybody know what a good price for a DSi with Nintendogs and a Pikachu charge stand to sell on craigslist?

I don't want to to sound like the crazy people this topic centers around.

Not from craigslist, but a small local website just like CL....anyways, managed to catch a screen cap of this gem before the ad was deleted. If this is the condition of something you post online to interest someone else to buy, I'd sure as hell hate to see what your dirty ass house looks like..Can only imagine how close this thing is to YLOD'ing

caution: gross as fuck


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That is the dustest console pic I've ever seen. I would die of allergies in that person's house.

Can't believe they didn't bother to at least wipe it down.

They couldn't even take a towel and wipe the dust off real quick....

...why would anyone spend money on a console that has obviously not been taken care of in the least?

I don't believe I have posted in here at all, but I was randomly searching CL and came across this ad and instantly thought of this topic:

A one-of-a-kind Wii for $325. What is it? A red anniversary Wii. what makes it one-of-a-kind or special? It external HDD attached to it, for playing and ripping games!

I know modded consoles and pirated games and whatnot pop up on CL, but just seeing him advertising it as being one-of-a-kind and then jacking the price up accordingly was too absurd. I clicked expecting a promotional giveaway console or something and that is what I got.

Also came across this, a Dreamcast display unit with 40 games:

If I was in the states I would buy this right away. I think it could be loaded into my new car, but I don't want to send my wife to the city to get it. And I don't know that she would anyway, once I said "What is it you are getting for me? Ummm, well...just some video games is all." I don't think them being games, or the fact that it would be my umpteenth backup Dreamcast, or the size of the display unit would be appreciated.

Grandparents just bought it for obvious retail price and nobody has the serial?  No box or receipt?  And if she only makes $300 a month, I think a PS3 should be at the bottom of her need list.  

And what kind of five year old needs a 500GB PS3? How about a PS2 or PS1?  A five year old would be happy with a cheap gameboy or just about anything.

Grandparents just bought it for obvious retail price and nobody has the serial? No box or receipt? And if she only makes $300 a month, I think a PS3 should be at the bottom of her need list.

And what kind of five year old needs a 500GB PS3? How about a PS2 or PS1? A five year old would be happy with a cheap gameboy or just about anything.
yup, this is where my brain went too. a five year old is going to lose their shit over a ps3 when a ps1 or 2 would garner their attention just as much. i almost want to email them and say that i have a ps1 they can have...

if you make 300 bucks a month, you probably just should have sold the ps3 anyway
I had advertised these before but someone told me to get them appraised. So I did. I could get way more if I do ebay or amazon but that takes too much time and too much energy. So I am offering these games up again for sale. The more famous ones are going to be selling for $25 & 30 and the others are going at $15. I have the duck hunt gun for sale for $15 and the controllers I have 3 are $10 a piece I have the system and a bunch of cords so not sure if that works but its for sale for $10 and thats the system and all the cords and adapters to it.

The $25 games are
Super Mario2

The $30 GAmes
Dr. Mario
Silver Surfer
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 

The $15 Games
Super Jeopardy 
Championship Bowling
Rock n Bowl
Rad Racer
Pro AM racing

He could get way more online 
. Check out those prices.

That's actually not unrealistic, since the game doesn't come out for a few more days. When the first Mass Effect came out, my local Kmart broke the street date by two weeks. I ended up throwing a copy up on Ebay and it sold for around $225 BIN within minutes.

Some people will pay a premium to play/beat a game before anyone else.

Yeah, people will pay an assload of money to play a game even a day before it comes out.  I've made a decent amount of money off of review copies of games I didn't feel like keeping.

This isn't gaming related, but this has got to be one of the sketchiest CL posts I've ever seen.

"I have a bunch of yard sale things for sale.everything is in tubs in my basement if you would like to come take a look.send me an email letting me know when you would like to stop by and look.the only thing that I ask is if you come before 5 I would prefer that you are not male because I am a female home with my child and don't feel comfortable letting men in.if you are male and would like to stop by it will have to be after 5 when my husband is home.thanks.I have tons of clothes for sale teens/women,men's,kids,different,baby stuff,odds and ends,books,these are just some things off the top of my head.I will give address upon request.thanks"

Question, how many reports does it take to take down a post?

I marked spam on a somewhat shaddy post for a PS4 preorder, and it went down. They reposted it a few hours later, with a little editing adding that he was confused why it got taken down lol. 

Just for the hell of it I clicked spam again and it went down. Whoops LOL.

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I once had a Resident Evil 6 Press Kit(that I bought off an ebay auction(not well described) for $60) and only made $30 on it, and they are now going for over $150 and it's hard to find them on ebay.

I thought review copies weren't meant to be resold especially ahead of launch?
I was always told that I was free to do whatever I wanted with them as long as I didn't break the embargo (if there was one in place). Review copies, in most cases, are exactly the same as what is on store shelves. I can only think of one game I ever received that differed from normal retail copies (albeit very little), which is also the only game I wasn't allowed to keep.

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I had to post this:

Nintendo 64 Complete Collection - $75 (manhassett)

The following torrent is one that I created with my collection of Nintendo 64 ROMS in n64 and z64 formats. It also includes my favorite N64 emulator for PC: Project64 1.7 (latest version as of 2013) Project64 is the most up-to-date and compatible N64 emulator out there and I personally have never found a game that didn't work with it! Check out the list above to see what games are included![/size]

This willl work on any computer and includes 400+ games for the N64. please contact Donovan @ 314-744-9550. Price is negotiable. Thank you.

  • Location: manhassett
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interest
Just $75 for a torrent with some roms? And the price is negotiable? What a steal! :roll:

I was always told that I was free to do whatever I wanted with them as long as I didn't break the embargo (if there was one in place). Review copies, in most cases, are exactly the same as what is on store shelves. I can only think of one game I ever received that differed from normal retail copies (albeit very little), which is also the only game I wasn't allowed to keep.
Interesting. Do you review for a big company or just a smaller independent type of review? I've seen videos of review copies with banners on the case art that says REVIEW COPY on it, so I'm not really sure.

Interesting. Do you review for a big company or just a smaller independent type of review? I've seen videos of review copies with banners on the case art that says REVIEW COPY on it, so I'm not really sure.
I don't do it anymore, but when I did, it was for a smaller now-defunct web site. Many of the big sites have dev units that allow them to download the games, so I'm not sure how many of them actually get physical copies. But from what I've seen when speaking to other journalists and bloggers, it seems like most of them receive normal store copies like I always did. They would sometimes have "Review copy" (or similar) stickers slapped on them, but that's about it.

I don't do it anymore, but when I did, it was for a smaller now-defunct web site. Many of the big sites have dev units that allow them to download the games, so I'm not sure how many of them actually get physical copies. But from what I've seen when speaking to other journalists and bloggers, it seems like most of them receive normal store copies like I always did. They would sometimes have "Review copy" (or similar) stickers slapped on them, but that's about it.
Sounds like a cool job. The dev units make sense nowadays, with everything going digital

bread's done