Your biggest let-down this gen?

I think my two biggest let downs were THUG 2 and NCAA Football 06, simply because of how much I enjoyed their predecessors.
3. FFX-2
2. Xenosaga
1. PSP and upcoming PS3

I loved my Playstation and PS2 and I was going to get a PSP. But after finding out that their wasnt much must have titles I bought a DS lite and played that more.
In all honesty, I can't really think of one, except maybe the THPS series, but even then I liked it up to 4, and plan on picking up THUG and THUG 2 for really cheap.

EDIT: Nevermind, I thought of a few:

1. Halo 2's ending- Wow, that was awful. What made it even worse was that I absolutely loved the game.

2. Sega's downfall- For a while there after the DC, it looked like Sega was prime to become THE go-to publisher for awesome hardcore games. Gunvalkyrie, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Shenmue 2, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Rez, Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, Jet Set Radio Future, Super Monkey Ball, Otogi, etc. But now? We get Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Riders. *dies a little*

3. Star Fox- Seriously, would it really be that difficult to take make a huge-ass Star Fox game styled after SF 64?
1) New type of gamers - I would explain but that'd make this post longer then it should.

2) Half Life 2 - How the hell did they screw that up.

3) People ignoring good, small titles (Kind of linked to #1).

4) Sega becoming a third party.

5) Cancellation of Sam & Max then announcing steam games, kind of makes me think this is FP split into episodes so more will use that dumb program (IMO) and they'll make more cash just like those stupid HL2 episode games.

6) (linked to #1 and #3), the growth of closed gamers that almost worship a company. (ex. DS vs. PSP)

7)Not sure if these two count as they're recent and mostly part of the new consoles but the delay/transfer of various gamecube games(Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Paper Mario) because the Wii Launch line-up sucks (IMO) and Sony shutting down Lik-Sang, their way of fucking up perfectly good things because they are inadequate.
1) Halo 2: The single player game didn't really seem any different than the first game. The multiplayer didn't have a server browser or ability to run servers.

2) Civilization IV: The franchise has started to add too many features for its own good. And the 3d graphics have only gotten in the way. You can't see as much of the map now and the short delay after each move gets annoying. Performance also sucks on most machines.

3) FEAR: A letdown overall. The story part just got annoying and the combat was great, but got repetitive. The levels and variety of enemies also were very repetitive. Really a 3d space invaders.

4) RTS genre. PLayed one, played 'em all. It's not that the games aren't improving in some aspects. But it's that I don't want to pay $50 for slight improvements. Also 3d graphics haven't helped this genre much. They've only set it back 3 or 4 years. Multipalyer rts only for me. SP rts has always pretty much sucked.

5) Oblivion: Technical PoS on the pc. A ton of crashes. Also a very unpolished game. Has the ugliest npcs. Crappiest pc interface ever. The ability to pick up every bit of useless crap in the world isn't a plus in my book either. Neither is the 3 hour long character editor. The game adds everything and the kitchen sink, but doesn't do any one thing particularly well. Also has a ton of mediocore fantasy drivel for story lines.
1. The Tony Hawk series -- More of the same over and over and over again
2. The Madden series -- More of the same over and over and over again.
3. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within/Devil May Cry 2 -- The worst case of taking great franchises and changing it to cater to Generation Y.
4. People not buying Psychonauts or Beyond Good & Evil -- I mean, seriously, what the fuck are you guys playing?
5. Every game becoming a GTA clone -- GTA in the Wild West, GTA in NYC, GTA on the moon, etc.
6. 12 year olds playing Halo on Live -- Do parents even give a damn what their kids do anymore? If I hear another racist rant on Live and find out it's a pre-teen I'm gonna pay some a thousand bucks to track the kid down and beat the loving shit out of him.
Mario Kart Double Dash, worst game in the series IMO. They turned it into a racing game with weapons to a weapon game with some racing. I also hated the 2 characters per cart.

Thankfully, Mario Kart DS was an awesome game and almost made up for how bad Double Dash was.
Final Fantasy XI. This game had no business being a numbered Final Fantasy game. It should have been a spin off like Final Fantasy Tactics. The game was so unaccessible to people since you had to buy the game with HDD and a network adapter. Plus you had to pay monthly costs just to play it. This game was so far from a normal Final Fantasy it didn't deserve the XI.
[quote name='MadFlava']Final Fantasy XI. This game had no business being a numbered Final Fantasy game. It should have been a spin off like Final Fantasy Tactics. The game was so unaccessible to people since you had to buy the game with HDD and a network adapter. Plus you had to pay monthly costs just to play it. This game was so far from a normal Final Fantasy it didn't deserve the XI.[/quote]'

I gotta go with Pariah. I fell in love with the game before it was released. But it had one of the worst online multi-player that I've ever played. It just didn't feel right.

Plus, the map editor, which I was most excited about, was really kind of lame.
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