Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

[quote name='wiggyx']LOL! Yeah, R-Type isn't exactly a cakewalk. I've been pwned by pretty much every title in the series a number of times. It's not even like it's a crazy, hectic bulletstorm of a SHMUP. I often wonder why it's so damned tough. All I know is that it's not to be trifled with :)[/QUOTE]

Having the speed ups and power-ups are critical on that first boss :drool: R-type is decent but I'm more of a Gradius person with the spinny orange balls.
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']Having the speed ups and power-ups are critical on that first boss :drool: R-type is decent but I'm more of a Gradius person with the spinny orange balls.[/QUOTE]

Personally I like the ones that follow you.
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']Having the speed ups and power-ups are critical on that first boss :drool: R-type is decent but I'm more of a Gradius person with the spinny orange balls.[/QUOTE]

I'm WAY more of a Gradius person as well :)

I've still gotta sell my stupid Jeep first. I fixed the power steering pump, now I just need a set of cheap-ass used tires.
I have a bid in on a condo. If I get it, I will have about 700 sq ft in a finished basement dedicated to my gaming collection. I am not getting my hopes up, but if I get it, I will make some posts.
[quote name='Squarehard']Personally I like the ones that follow you.[/QUOTE]

Those are good to park in a bosses' line of fire when your ship is elsewhere, to keep on doing damage that would be impossible to do otherwise. I like the cycling though since it acts something like a shield while giving you fairly concentrated fire with lasers. It helps big time with any annoying wall enemies too.

(I think in Gradius 5 you can actually switch between the cycling and the balls that follow you--while in combat. It's a great feature :D )
I freakin' wish.

No time at all this weekend. Yesterday went to Target with the wife for, well, I don't even remember, then Home Depot for all sorts of crap, then to the computer store for a VGA to DVI adapter that I had to return today because it didn't work, the the grocery store, then the grocery store again today because we forgot some stuff, then I spent the rest of today sorting through this mess for the 3rd Sunday in a row.


Helping a friend with her LS2 into a Miata swap. She pulled the entire harness out months ago thinking I'd be wiring everything from scratch and that there would be a LOT less to do in order to make the car run.

So it's my job to sort through the entire thing, remove what we don't need, then make the magic happen. Like 200 feet of wire loom and a dozen rolls of tape later and we still have a bunch to do.

I love and hate it at the same time.
[quote name='wiggyx']I freakin' wish.

No time at all this weekend. Yesterday went to Target with the wife for, well, I don't even remember, then Home Depot for all sorts of crap, then to the computer store for a VGA to DVI adapter that I had to return today because it didn't work, the the grocery store, then the grocery store again today because we forgot some stuff, then I spent the rest of today sorting through this mess for the 3rd Sunday in a row.


Helping a friend with her LS2 into a Miata swap. She pulled the entire harness out months ago thinking I'd be wiring everything from scratch and that there would be a LOT less to do in order to make the car run.

So it's my job to sort through the entire thing, remove what we don't need, then make the magic happen. Like 200 feet of wire loom and a dozen rolls of tape later and we still have a bunch to do.

I love and hate it at the same time.[/QUOTE]

LS2 in a miata is no joke. Good luck just remain patient. I swapped my sbc to a carb and skipped the wiring step hahah
Man, I wish she were going with a carb setup at this point :p

It's about 85% sorted out at this point. Now just the easy shit, which is just measuring, cutting wire, soldering wire, zip ties :D

OK, so I just got these in today and I can't help but show it off in here. Hell, it becomes part of my collection, so it's entirely appropriate ;)




I powder coated the housing and had custom faceplates made. Only orange GBA micro that I've ever seen ;)
Wiggy, I thought you were a talented modder before but now it's clear you're a mad scientist. Brilliant work on those micros:shock:
[quote name='Squarehard']You would put your logo on them.[/QUOTE]

Hell yeah I did! Gotta promote myself ;)

I'm gonna be selling them. I will probably offer a line of various colors and styles, plus I can do custom to order. I will most likely do a group buy for the custom faceplates. It's cost prohibitive to do them on a one by one basis.

[quote name='OrangeArmy']Wiggy, I thought you were a talented modder before but now it's clear you're a mad scientist. Brilliant work on those micros:shock:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Obiwan456']Awesome Zelda collection. What's the third N64 game? I know one is OoT, one is MM, but the other...?[/QUOTE]

I could be wrong but it looks like both the regular and collector's edition of Ocarina of Time.
Bad news my bid for the condo was turned down, so no pics. Good news, I started to get my collection together. I have 16 N64s, not counting the boxed or different color systems. I think I have 8 or 9 PS2s, 12-15 NESes, and I haven't gotten all of them out yet. I'm looking for a game I know I have to trade into amazon, but I can't find it so the search will continue.
[quote name='Vinny']Well... if you actually finished the damn shelves and showed us, we'd leave you alone. See, we're motivating you.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='slowdive21']Bad news my bid for the condo was turned down, so no pics. Good news, I started to get my collection together. I have 16 N64s, not counting the boxed or different color systems. I think I have 8 or 9 PS2s, 12-15 NESes, and I haven't gotten all of them out yet. I'm looking for a game I know I have to trade into amazon, but I can't find it so the search will continue.[/QUOTE]

That's a whole mess o' systems! Why so many?
[quote name='slowdive21']Bad news my bid for the condo was turned down, so no pics. Good news, I started to get my collection together. I have 16 N64s, not counting the boxed or different color systems. I think I have 8 or 9 PS2s, 12-15 NESes, and I haven't gotten all of them out yet. I'm looking for a game I know I have to trade into amazon, but I can't find it so the search will continue.[/QUOTE]

ok first off there are two versions of OOT???? i did not know this

secondly why in the hell do you have that many copies of systems???
[quote name='wiggyx']Haha!

That's a whole mess o' systems! Why so many?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kayne2000']ok first off there are two versions of OOT???? i did not know this

secondly why in the hell do you have that many copies of systems???[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Olengie']People usually have multiple systems due to cheapness, variations, limited editions, sell/trade, parts, etc.[/QUOTE]

Two words: Garage sales. :lol:

I buy any game related stuff if I get it cheap. 90% of my collection is from garage sales.

I wanted to mod the NESes, but never got around to it. Since I have never soldered before or anything, I want to make sure I can do it.

I'm basically going through what I bought the last 5 years or so. I did just find another box and it had the game I was looking for inside it!

(BTW: I got your pm Wiggy, it has been a crazy week and one of my former GFs is visiting, so I have been busier than usual).
[quote name='slowdive21']Two words: Garage sales. :lol:

I buy any game related stuff if I get it cheap. 90% of my collection is from garage sales.

I wanted to mod the NESes, but never got around to it. Since I have never soldered before or anything, I want to make sure I can do it.

I'm basically going through what I bought the last 5 years or so. I did just find another box and it had the game I was looking for inside it!

(BTW: I got your pm Wiggy, it has been a crazy week and one of my former GFs is visiting, so I have been busier than usual).[/QUOTE]

i can understand a back up or two of older systems or perhaps a few more for soldering experiments(ive done the same and failed and lost many systems that way lol)....but your number of extras is quite crazy lol
[quote name='slowdive21']Two words: Garage sales. :lol:

I buy any game related stuff if I get it cheap. 90% of my collection is from garage sales.

I wanted to mod the NESes, but never got around to it. Since I have never soldered before or anything, I want to make sure I can do it.

I'm basically going through what I bought the last 5 years or so. I did just find another box and it had the game I was looking for inside it!

(BTW: I got your pm Wiggy, it has been a crazy week and one of my former GFs is visiting, so I have been busier than usual).[/QUOTE]

That's pretty sweet! If you're ever itching to unload any, then let me know. I've been modding them for friends, and I think it's about time that I mod them for $$$ :cool:

No worries about the pm. I'm like the slowest person on the planet with PMs, so I know how it goes ;)
[quote name='Obiwan456']Awesome Zelda collection. What's the third N64 game? I know one is OoT, one is MM, but the other...?[/QUOTE]

OoT Collector's Edition. It came with a gold cart and glossy front.
All the ones in the picture I've had before they announced the discontinuation, so I don't specifically intend to buy Bandai titles because of it, but doesn't mean I won't buy them if the right price comes up. ^__^
I used to have a truly massive collection, hundreds of complete nes, snes, sega genesis games etc. I've sold a lot of it off over the years. Here is a pic of a couple of things I have held on to. 4 of them are sealed other 3 are just complete.

[quote name='Lexicon']I used to have a truly massive collection, hundreds of complete nes, snes, sega genesis games etc. I've sold a lot of it off over the years. Here is a pic of a couple of things I have held on to. 4 of them are sealed other 3 are just complete.


For anyone who doesn't know what those are, they're the Dead Space Ultra Limited Editions (only 1000 made). New copies sell for about $1000-1200 each.

And I have to ask, how did you manage to get so many of them?
[quote name='Vinny']For anyone who doesn't know what those are, they're the Dead Space Ultra Limited Editions (only 1000 made). New copies sell for about $1000-1200 each.

And I have to ask, how did you manage to get so many of them?[/QUOTE]

I bought a couple when they first came out, then starting picking up a few here and there as I found someone willing to sell, became kind of a game to see how many I could end up with.

I used to have some other crazy stuff like a sealed SNES Extertainment Mountain Bike Rally/Speed Racer, a couple of Sealed Panzer Dragoon Sagas, Magic Knight Rayearths, Shining Force III's for the Saturn, Keio Flying Squadron for the Sega Cd, and 3 Flintstones Surprise at Dinosaur Peaks (1 with the box, other two just loose).

Oh yeah had a Powerlords prototype for the Odyssey 2, wasn't worth a lot when I sold it (not a lot of Odyssey 2 collectors out there) but bought it at a flea market for $3 so it was worth it.

Started selling everything down 3 or 4 years ago so don't have hardly any of it left became too big of an obsession had to back it off a bit.
I looked at completed listings on eBay for shits and giggles. Seems like the market for these has died down a bit.

I remember buying one off eBay for $750 in December 2010, grading it, and flipping it for $1,750 two months later. Good times. (That was only an 85+, yet there's currently a seller who can't get $1,400 for a 90+.)

Very nice stash, nonetheless.
[quote name='Lexicon']I bought a couple when they first came out, then starting picking up a few here and there as I found someone willing to sell, became kind of a game to see how many I could end up with.

I used to have some other crazy stuff like a sealed SNES Extertainment Mountain Bike Rally/Speed Racer, a couple of Sealed Panzer Dragoon Sagas, Magic Knight Rayearths, Shining Force III's for the Saturn, Keio Flying Squadron for the Sega Cd, and 3 Flintstones Surprise at Dinosaur Peaks (1 with the box, other two just loose).

Oh yeah had a Powerlords prototype for the Odyssey 2, wasn't worth a lot when I sold it (not a lot of Odyssey 2 collectors out there) but bought it at a flea market for $3 so it was worth it.

Started selling everything down 3 or 4 years ago so don't have hardly any of it left became too big of an obsession had to back it off a bit.[/QUOTE]

Didn't these sell out like, literally within hours of being available online? I'm amazed that you were able to get more than 1.

So did you just buy all those rarities in the aftermarket after they increased in value or did you have them beforehand? Because if you had them before they spiked, I don't see the problem since you likely benefited from them when you sold them.

[quote name='lmz00']I looked at completed listings on eBay for shits and giggles. Seems like the market for these has died down a bit.

I remember buying one off eBay for $750 in December 2010, grading it, and flipping it for $1,750 two months later. Good times. (That was only an 85+, yet there's currently a seller who can't get $1,400 for a 90+.)

Very nice stash, nonetheless.[/QUOTE]

I don't have anything nearly as rare but I've thought about getting some of my stuff graded since it can help the re-sale value so much. I don't get why people pay so much for items graded by the The VGA, since they have been proven to be incompetent in the past.
[quote name='Vinny']Didn't these sell out like, literally within hours of being available online? I'm amazed that you were able to get more than 1.

So did you just buy all those rarities in the aftermarket after they increased in value or did you have them beforehand? Because if you had them before they spiked, I don't see the problem since you likely benefited from them when you sold them.

I definitely benefited when I sold them. For one ridiculous example: The exertainment game I got from a buddy who worked at Nintendo at the time. He got it for $5 from what I remember when they did one of their warehouse sales and he traded it to me for a copy of Dead or Alive Beachvolleyball of all things (was right when it came out).

The Shining Force III's were from a caseload found in a warehouse in Texas bought a few of them for $40 a piece same guy sold me 3 Magic Knight Rayearths sealed for $125 for all 3.

Lots of crazy deals like that. At one point I bought 40 copies of Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Deluxe for $20 each when Working Designs was on the verge of going under. Also got 5 copies of Rhapsody for the PS1 at the same time before it went up to a crazy price when the Disgaea craze started.

The most I've paid for a Dead Space was $500 for one of the sealed ones so I would still come out ahead if I sold them and might when Dead Space 3 comes out. I mean really all they do is sit on my shelf.
[quote name='lmz00']Any specific examples of said incompetence?[/QUOTE]

Easy: they offer (or I should say offered?, not sure if they changed) no credentials. These are the guys who were respected experts in comic books and action figures... and just one day said they were going to grade video games and were therefore somehow the experts on video game grading because they've been grading comics/action figures for so long...

The difference here is (when it comes to new/sealed games, I'm sure they're great for complete games) that re-sealed video games are more prevalent than action figures (which are impossible to re-seal cleanly.. comic books are rarely sealed in the first place) and some people have gotten very good at re-sealing games.

Granted, I guess that's not concrete proof but... just think about it and ask yourself why The VGA is considered experts in the field?

[quote name='Lexicon']I definitely benefited when I sold them. For one ridiculous example: The exertainment game I got from a buddy who worked at Nintendo at the time. He got it for $5 from what I remember when they did one of their warehouse sales and he traded it to me for a copy of Dead or Alive Beachvolleyball of all things (was right when it came out).

The Shining Force III's were from a caseload found in a warehouse in Texas bought a few of them for $40 a piece same guy sold me 3 Magic Knight Rayearths sealed for $125 for all 3.

Lots of crazy deals like that. At one point I bought 40 copies of Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Deluxe for $20 each when Working Designs was on the verge of going under. Also got 5 copies of Rhapsody for the PS1 at the same time before it went up to a crazy price when the Disgaea craze started.

The most I've paid for a Dead Space was $500 for one of the sealed ones so I would still come out ahead if I sold them and might when Dead Space 3 comes out. I mean really all they do is sit on my shelf.[/QUOTE]

Damn... talk about luck...
I really wonder what games my family member has for the Sega Saturn. I knew he had a lot and he said I can have it after he takes out from storage. Here's to me hoping for the best when the time comes.
[quote name='Vinny']Easy: they offer (or I should say offered?, not sure if they changed) no credentials. These are the guys who were respected experts in comic books and action figures... and just one day said they were going to grade video games and were therefore somehow the experts on video game grading because they've been grading comics/action figures for so long...

The difference here is (when it comes to new/sealed games, I'm sure they're great for complete games) that re-sealed video games are more prevalent than action figures (which are impossible to re-seal cleanly.. comic books are rarely sealed in the first place) and some people have gotten very good at re-sealing games.

Granted, I guess that's not concrete proof but... just think about it and ask yourself why The VGA is considered experts in the field?

I'm with this guy.
[quote name='Squarehard']I thought we all agreed you weren't allowed to post anymore until you finished your shelf.[/QUOTE]

now we need a proper punishment
bread's done