Congrats. 'You' named Time's person of 2006


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NEW YORK Dec 17, 2006 (AP)— Congratulations! You are the Time magazine "Person of the Year."

The annual honor for 2006 went to each and every one of us, as Time cited the shift from institutions to individuals citizens of the new digital democracy, as the magazine put it. The winners this year were anyone using or creating content on the World Wide Web.

"If you choose an individual, you have to justify how that person affected millions of people," said Richard Stengel, who took over as Time's managing editor earlier this year. "But if you choose millions of people, you don't have to justify it to anyone."

The magazine did cite 26 "People Who Mattered," from North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il to Pope Benedict XVI to the troika of President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

And Stengel said if the magazine had decided to go with an individual, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the likely choice. "It just felt to me a little off selecting him," Stengel said.

The 2006 "Person of the Year" package hits newsstands Monday. The cover shows a white keyboard with a mirror for a computer screen where buyers can see their reflection.

It was not the first time the magazine went away from naming an actual person for its "Person of the Year." In 1966, the 25-and-under generation was cited; in 1975, American women were named; and in 1982, the computer was chosen.

"I always love it when it's a person and it is a person, not a computer or something like that," Stengel said. "We just felt there wasn't a single person who embodied this phenomenon."

Last year's winners were Bill and Melinda Gates and rock star Bono, who were cited for their charitable work and activism aimed at reducing global poverty and improving world health.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Lame.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it really is. Bush, Kim Jong Ill, Larry Page and Sergey Brin (or Google in general), CheapyD or maybe even the Pope deserved the "distinction" IMO
Seems to me like Time has been coping out lately. I remember how they were going to name Osama bin Laden the person of the year and they changed it at the last minute because of the public outcry. Oh well, whatcha gonna do.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Lame.[/QUOTE]
I was about to post that.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Lame.[/QUOTE]

You said it.

Says something about them not finding someone to pick, anyone at all. Give me a break.
Such a cop out.[quote name='ananag112']And Stengel said if the magazine had decided to go with an individual, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the likely choice. "It just felt to me a little off selecting him," Stengel said.[/QUOTE] I guess he's just no Ayatollah Khomeini. :roll: :lol:
[quote name='Brak']I was about to post that.[/QUOTE]

wait a minute, didn't you once have a sig with a picture of yourself looking in the mirror with it saying TIME person of the year stickered on it?
[quote name='ITDEFX']wait a minute, didn't you once have a sig with a picture of yourself looking in the mirror with it saying TIME person of the year stickered on it?[/quote]

Ahh yes, Brak= Lebowski... :rofl:
[quote name='ITDEFX']wait a minute, didn't you once have a sig with a picture of yourself looking in the mirror with it saying TIME person of the year stickered on it?[/QUOTE]
Yeah. And that was a picture of myself, too.


I am a Lebowski Achiever.
[quote name='Brak']Yeah. And that was a picture of myself, too.


I am a Lebowski Achiever.[/QUOTE]

well in all fairness , I am going to nominate Brak at person of the year so they can put it on there damn cover.
[quote name='ITDEFX']well in all fairness , I am going to nominate Brak at person of the year so they can put it on there damn cover.[/QUOTE]
That's, like, your opinion, man.
[quote name='Strell']I had sex with the person of the year last night!

Who is also your mom![/QUOTE]

That statement would also cover sex with yourself :) are his mom? eeeww, TMI...
[quote name='Brak']Yeah. And that was a picture of myself, too.


I am a Lebowski Achiever.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was Jesus.
[quote name='dtcarson']That statement would also cover sex with yourself :)

Yeah. I'm the best that bitch is ever going to get.
[quote name='guinaevere']Man, for 22 years old, you look horrible.[/QUOTE]
All those White Russians and roaches are catching up to me.
[quote name='guinaevere']Man, for 22 years old, you look horrible.[/quote]
gwen, you're out of your element.
it's a quote from the big lebowski if you didn't know
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I wonder how many people would take me seriously if I put that on my resume.[/quote]

Depends on where you apply.
[quote name='Brak']All those White Russians and roaches are catching up to me.[/quote]I'll give you that. Being a hard drinker since age 6 tends to do that to a man.

[quote name='xmrblondex']gwen, you're out of your element.
it's a quote from the big lebowski if you didn't know[/quote]Very likely. And thank you, I didn't know.
[quote name='guinaevere']Very likely. And thank you, I didn't know.[/quote]

so is "You're out of you're element" I know people who almost exclusively talk in phrases from that movie

Check out "The big lebowski"

It's amazing

bread's done