GGT 256 Don't Care about Indiggle anymore

Spidey, Wolvy, Luke Cage and Black Panther, TaskMaster and MoonKnight should be in it but i doubt it ;(
They can do it without literally everyone in that list except Wolverine. He's the only one that's super necessary to the story since he's the one that fucks up the future with Mrs. Fantastic. Tasky, Moon Knight, Black Panther, and Luke could easily be in it. I don't think they'll be focused on very much even if they are in it, though.

Don't you kind of need Ant Man to do Ultron?

I thought that they would use his movie, which isn't coming until after Avengers 2, to set up Ultron for Avengers 3.
That was the initial plan, but looks like Thanos is going to be held off on so they build him up in GotG. Ant Man will spin out of Avengers 2. I'm really interested to see if they'll actually seriously change the story or not. It didn't seem to be very well received.

Am I the only one who finds it weird that they're already going to a very recent event as source material? I don't know the major Marvel events that well but I guess there's only so much they can do with the cast and medium they have to work with. Marvel needs to work on getting all their IPs back though. Doom needs to get in one of these movies and run shit.

Joel, have you been watching the new Avengers cartoon? Does it stack up to EMH or should I just avoid it.

Am I the only one who finds it weird that they're already going to a very recent event as source material? I don't know the major Marvel events that well but I guess there's only so much they can do with the cast and medium they have to work with. Marvel needs to work on getting all their IPs back though. Doom needs to get in one of these movies and run shit.

Joel, have you been watching the new Avengers cartoon? Does it stack up to EMH or should I just avoid it.
No, you're not. But as more news is coming out it's apparently just under the same name. Doesn't go by the story at all except for Ultron being the main villain and the name. I think Secret Wars would be the best they could do, but they'd need all of the movie studios to play nice for it which would probably be pretty hard. It'd be nice to see them introduce the Venom symbiote that way, though. I'd probably actually jizz all over the movie theater. I want to see Doom with the power of the Beyonder.

I haven't been watching it regularly, but what I've seen has been pretty alright. Not as good as EMH, but it's building towards interesting shit. Biggest problem right now is that Jeph Loeb is reallllly involved with it. Have you watched much Ultimate Spidey? It's actually pretty decent. About as big of a surprise to me as Super Hero Squad was. They do some interesting new stuff with Venom.

Have you seen Young Justice? I watched most of season 2 first and now I'm just watching season 1. It's fucking golden.

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The Green Arrow book started off terrible in the New 52, but once Jeff Lemire became the writer like 3 issues ago, it is tolerable. Nowhere near the amazingness of the current Hawkeye book.
I don't think Jeff Lemire GA and Fraction's Hawkeye can be compared. They are totally different tonally. I'm really enjoying both, having not really enjoyed either characters before (though Green Arrow: Year One is on my to read list).

Arrow is badass. The hallway fight scene in The Undertaking is so good. oops spoilers

I told you to watch that like months ago Indiggle, gawd.

Looking forward to season 2. And Felicity.
I love Arrow. I had such low expectations but the fight scenes are really well done. Could do without the CW-ness but what are you going to do.
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The Flash movie is probably going to be the best of the three.
Agreed, I've been looking forward to a Flash movie for so long that my interest in that is so much higher than the other movies the announced.

Bad decision.

I don't know about ruined.. There's a lot of room for Hawkeye to grow in the movies. I personally prefer Green Arrow. The Arrow show and book are pretty consistently great.
I like both Hawkeye and Green Arrow as well, they both have things I like more than the other :p.

Arrow is badass. The hallway fight scene in The Undertaking is so good. oops spoilers

I told you to watch that like months ago Indiggle, gawd.

Looking forward to season 2. And Felicity.
Yep, Arrows pretty hardcore, also can't wait for season 2!

ah shet

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I've never played UMVC 3 before but I know how to lightning loop like a pro
Maybe I'll have somebody to fight against who is as bad as me!? Indig always crushes me :(

I hate that I missed out on the free FF7 on psplus. The only FF game I liked

I have so many problems with AoU being the second Avengers movie. Blech. It'll sure be interesting to see if they'll do it without Wolverine or Sue Storm, though.
So many problems.....yet it will still be watched by you! :p

I love Arrow. I had such low expectations but the fight scenes are really well done. Could do without the CW-ness but what are you going to do.
I do agree about the CW-ness part, would make the show better :O

No, you're not. But as more news is coming out it's apparently just under the same name. Doesn't go by the story at all except for Ultron being the main villain and the name. I think Secret Wars would be the best they could do, but they'd need all of the movie studios to play nice for it which would probably be pretty hard. It'd be nice to see them introduce the Venom symbiote that way, though. I'd probably actually jizz all over the movie theater. I want to see Doom with the power of the Beyonder.

I haven't been watching it regularly, but what I've seen has been pretty alright. Not as good as EMH, but it's building towards interesting shit. Biggest problem right now is that Jeph Loeb is reallllly involved with it. Have you watched much Ultimate Spidey? It's actually pretty decent. About as big of a surprise to me as Super Hero Squad was. They do some interesting new stuff with Venom.

Have you seen Young Justice? I watched most of season 2 first and now I'm just watching season 1. It's fucking golden.
I want to see them do Secret Invasion. It's one of the few events that I know anything about thanks to EMH and that show did a great job of presenting it (coming from somone who hasn't read the original books, so I wouldn't really know I guess).

I keep hearing how middle of the road Ultimate Spidey is. Lot of needless cutaway jokes ala Family Guy and stuff. Is that just people being salty over Spectacular's cancellation?

I followed Young Justice since it premiered. Show was phenomenal although I don't think it did a good job of showcasing secondary characters in the second season, except for that Blue Beetle push, although that was probably just never a major goal like it was in JLU. Was really sad to see it get cancelled especially since they were setting up Darkseid stuff. I really dig shows that have an overarching narrative and can get serious when needed like YJ and EMH did so I was really disappointed when they got axed. It's also why I really loved Teen Titans and why I don't really dig the new one that much.

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The only common aspect between movie Age of Ultron and comic Age of Ultron is going to be the name. It would be impossible to use the comic as a basis for the movie. It makes sense to pit the Avengers against Ultron before Thanos, especially if Whedon and company is putting an infinity gauntlet spin on all of this. I doubt there is time travel or a world taken over by Ultron's army. It's just the name.

I guess this possibly means that Vin Diesel was at Marvel for possibly being The Vision or Hank Pym. Either way, I am so cool with that.

Maybe I'll have somebody to fight against who is as bad as me!? Indig always crushes me :(


Age of ultron means red hulk, right? Thank you based whedon for confirming red hulk. I hope he kills black widow.

And then they'll make a thunderbolts movie with deadpool and cool venom guy.

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I have so many problems with AoU being the second Avengers movie. Blech. It'll sure be interesting to see if they'll do it without Wolverine or Sue Storm, though.
Is it possible sony said ok to spider man being in this movie if there was a story arc around him so the only thing they could think of was age of ultron?

Diesel could work as the voice for Vision maybe. I don't see him working that Pym role though.

I def need some Vision though. Motherfucker should be in MvC.

Is it possible sony said ok to spider man being in this movie if there was a story arc around him so the only thing they could think of was age of ultron?
Highly doubt it.

The only way I see Spidey showing up in Marvels flicks is if the rights revert back or Sony gets a cut of the profits.

Disney ain't giving up dem profits.

That goes for any character being used up right now.

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Sony gets a cut of the profits.
Well yeah. Spider man is pretty fucking huge even if the first movie was kinda meh

I dunno I just see a lot of parts cut from the comic or this will be the longest super hero movie ever. Is that the other spider man in age of ultron joel? comment? Discuss.

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I want to see them do Secret Invasion. It's one of the few events that I know anything about thanks to EMH and that show did a great job of presenting it (coming from somone who hasn't read the original books, so I wouldn't really know I guess).

I keep hearing how middle of the road Ultimate Spidey is. Lot of needless cutaway jokes ala Family Guy and stuff. Is that just people being salty over Spectacular's cancellation?

I followed Young Justice since it premiered. Show was phenomenal although I don't think it did a good job of showcasing secondary characters in the second season, except for that Blue Beetle push, although that was probably just never a major goal like it was in JLU. Was really sad to see it get cancelled especially since they were setting up Darkseid stuff. I really dig shows that have an overarching narrative and can get serious when needed like YJ and EMH did so I was really disappointed when they got axed. It's also why I really loved Teen Titans and why I don't really dig the new one that much.
Secret Invasion could be done a whole lot better and it would probably be one of the best things ever due to how awesome Joss Whedon is.

Well, Ultimate Spidey does have some really silly cutaway stuff, but it's more Deadpool than Family Guy. I do think most of the hate is people mad over Spectacular's cancellation, but eh, what can you do? For what it is, it's actually pretty great. Feels a lot like the original Teen Titans Go series did in the beginning. I think it's going to get a good bit darker next season.

I agree with the lack of love for secondary characters. I wanted more Impulse, myself. I've been a huge fan of Bart's since I was a kid and everytime I see him in something animated I get soooo happy! You should watch the new TTG show. It's actually pretty funny. They make a looooot of silver age references. It feels a lot like it's built for older audiences like the last seasons of Batman Brave and the Bold did.

Is it possible sony said ok to spider man being in this movie if there was a story arc around him so the only thing they could think of was age of ultron?
Maybe? As I (and Ghostshark) said earlier though, more news came out and the movie isn't based on the book. Just has the same name and villain. I don't think Sony would give up Spidey just because he had his own bit in it. I mean, it was good, but it didn't matter. I think if Sony lets him in it'll be because of the groundwork laid by the studios working together on a complete Marvel skyline between Avengers and TASM. Disney could totally be down with sharing money with Sony, but it'd be on their terms, like the deal they supposedly offered Fox for the X-Men to have a future role in Avengers films if Wolverine and Days of Future Past doesn't bomb. Everything's up in the air right now...

I hope Vin Diesel plays Vision. I'd like that. Or Space Phantom.

Ooooh, I like Batman One Million's costume. Hope it's not hard to unlock.

Is it wrong to not want to have X-Men's fucked up continuinty mix with Marvel's current not so fucked up one?
With how many characters there would be, everybody would get such little screen time. I wouldn't mind seeing it myself personally but it would probably have to be like a long LOTR trilogy style thing in order for the characters to get the time they deserve.

With how many characters there would be, everybody would get such little screen time. I wouldn't mind seeing it myself personally but it would probably have to be like a long LOTR trilogy style thing in order for the characters to get the time they deserve.
Did you quote the wrong person on this?

Cuz it has nothing to do with what I said.

Did you quote the wrong person on this?

Cuz it has nothing to do with what I said. said if X-Men continuity crossed over with the Avengers one, which means the characters from both series would meet up, and that's why I said there would be a lot of characters so they would need to make a longer movie to be able to let everyone get good screen time? So it relates to what you said.

nolan's batman is in a seperate world indigi bro. Im thinkin prolly Armie Hammer as bats or somethin like dat

With how many characters there would be, everybody would get such little screen time. I wouldn't mind seeing it myself personally but it would probably have to be like a long LOTR trilogy style thing in order for the characters to get the time they deserve.
Even with that there would be a lot of characters left out. Days of Future Past is going to have so many characters that it's going to be fuckdiculous.

Is it wrong to not want to have X-Men's fucked up continuinty mix with Marvel's current not so fucked up one?
I'm expectin' shit to get rewritten after Days of Future Past, so it won't be too messy anymore.

Good we'll get luchador bane back. That's like the only mexican in the DC world
Helloo, Blue Beetle 3? There's actually quite a few Mexicans in DC. said if X-Men continuity crossed over with the Avengers one, which means the characters from both series would meet up, and that's why I said there would be a lot of characters so they would need to make a longer movie to be able to let everyone get good screen time? So it relates to what you said.
I'm was talking about how the X-Men film continuity is kind of fucked cuz there's so many contradictions within it, you know, like regular comic books.

Even with that there would be a lot of characters left out. Days of Future Past is going to have so many characters that it's going to be fuckdiculous.
That's true, there are a lot of Xmen/Avengers characters overall, and DoFP alone will have a tough time focusing on the characters lol

I'm was talking about how the X-Men film continuity is kind of fucked cuz there's so many contradictions within it, you know, like regular comic books.
Yeah, that's understandable, I was focusing more on the characters themselves but I see what you mean.

Oh shit, I forgot about Aztek! I want to see him in a movie! Best Mexican superhero ever besides Kyle Rayner!

Also, with DC pushing Vibe so hard, I wouldn't be surprised seeing him in the movies to add a little diversity.

Even with that there would be a lot of characters left out. Days of Future Past is going to have so many characters that it's going to be fuckdiculous.

I'm expectin' shit to get rewritten after Days of Future Past, so it won't be too messy anymore.

Helloo, Blue Beetle 3? There's actually quite a few Mexicans in DC.
I know like 0.2% about anything about DC world. I know batman's name is bruce wayne and his enemy is the joker.

Also, Bane is a fuckin' Cuban.
Don't take bane away from me joel

Oh shit, I forgot about Aztek! I want to see him in a movie! Best Mexican superhero ever besides Kyle Rayner!

Also, with DC pushing Vibe so hard, I wouldn't be surprised seeing him in the movies to add a little diversity.
Vin Diesel can play a great cuban.

bread's done