Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

I actually got hands-on with the XBox One yesterday at PAX Prime. Sadly, the only game I got to play was Ryse, and the only mode I got to play was the multiplayer wave-based co-op mode. The game was a bit on the rough side, but showed some promise. It played less like God of War, and more like the Batman Arkham games. It looked good, but unfortunately the bump up in visual fidelity was hard to appreciate in a fast-paced action game with constantly shifting viewpoints. It did run nice and smooth, though, I wasn't seeing any frame rate hiccups.

Perhaps more significantly, the controller felt really good. The ergonomics were solid, and conformed well to the contours of my hands. The buttons were responsive, and had a nice feel to them. The more rounded nature makes them harder to distinguish, but easier to swap between quickly. New players might not have as easy a time with them, but experienced players will appreciate the change. The analog sticks were a definite improvement, and worked very well with the gameplay. Improving the indentation in the center of each stick is a very welcome change, and makes it much easier to maintain the grip with your thumb. Unfortunately, the game didn't use the d-pad much, so I didn't get to test that extensively. But it did look and feel good.

I haven't seen one article on the PS4 pad, yet numerous about the X1's. and I read game news all day every day.
I've seen more on PS4 than X1, both on sites and podcasts. Probably because it took people by surprise after they were disappointed with the Dual Shock 3.

Don't know what sites you are reading, but there are plenty of articles on the PS4 controller.

Woo, finally they give out a launch date lol. I think we can officially change the title now.


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In all honesty, choosing XBox One over the PS4 was a no brainer for me as my time with my 360 has been....well, its been the best console I have ever owned, BY FAR!! I now watch most of my TV and movies through my 360, and I was one of the naysayers initially about watching TV & movies through a game console. On top of that, I absolutely LOVE XBox live arcade as its nice to play games that don't require such a large investment time wise. Plus there have been some amazing games released on Arcade. Plus you have XBox Live, which I have been a big fan of since day one on the original XBox. I knew I was going with MS's next iteration of the XBox before it was even announced and all of this waiting is driving me crazy. I am really excited to finally get my hands on one. IMO, this is easily the strongest launch line-up in the history of game consoles. I have 9 games pre ordered for day one and again, I cant wait!!

By the way, has anyone heard any news on Fanatec wheel support for Xbox One?

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MS said they are releasing even more Xbox 1 Day 1's for pre order today so who knows. Regardless of when they get into stores people will buy them. Why would they hold them back for black friday? People are going to be shopping anyway and there won't be any deals on the X1 or PS4. Would they use it as a ploy to get more people into their store vs another store? Serious question here. I would think they would want to get rid of the stock as quickly as possible to try to get more X1's.

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I'd be willing to be next year there will be $50 or even $100 giftcard offers with the system, I'm fairly positive I got that kind of deal on my 360 the year after it launched at Christmastime at TRU. I'd probably be willing to bite on that if there are enough titles I like.

Yusef said the X1 has sold more preorders than any Xbox. So how can you guys back up the claims that it was doing so poorly now? :lol:
Were pre-orders that much of a thing 8 years ago? Also the Xbox 360 pre-orders were EXTREMELY limited. They got cut off extremely quickly. My guess is that the pre-orders picked way up after the policy reversals though. They wouldn't have changed anything if the pre-order numbers were through the roof to begin with.

I really think way too many people are doubting the X1. We shall see though. I don't think it will be as much of a Sony show as many think it is going to be.
I haven't seen one article on the PS4 pad, yet numerous about the X1's. and I read game news all day every day.
I was attending PAX with a friend who was very enthusiastic about the XBox One, but didn't really care about the PS4. And since I was only at PAX for one day, I couldn't afford to wait in line to play both. (it was almost an hour long wait, just to play one game) So sadly, I did not get to try out the PS4 controller. Just XBox One impressions for now.

I've heard good things about both controllers, but the PS4 has a bit of an easier time of it. The XBox One controller is a series of minor refinements to an already solid design. The PS4 controller is a complete overhaul of a design that was obsolete almost a decade ago. The PS4's controller is going to look like a big step up just from basic comparison to its predecessor. This doesn't mean its better, just that the change is going to be more pronounced.

As for the launch date, that is right in line with expectations. They are going to be coming in a week after the PS4, but just a week's difference isn't a problem. The important thing is that they are going to be coming in before Black Friday, with enough time to get more units on shelves just before the shopping rush. (7 days is adequate time for at least one, maybe even two additional shipments) No real surprises with that launch date, but no real bad news either.

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Yusef said the X1 has sold more preorders than any Xbox. So how can you guys back up the claims that it was doing so poorly now? :lol:
Dude, honestly, its hot hard to do when most places didn't let you pre-order systems when Xbox and Xbox 360 came out. Amazon wasn't around really during those times.

Only place I even remember letting you pre-order was Gamestop and that bit them in the ass.

MS said they are releasing even more Xbox 1 Day 1's for pre order today so who knows. Regardless of when they get into stores people will buy them. Why would they hold them back for black friday? People are going to be shopping anyway and there won't be any deals on the X1 or PS4. Would they use it as a ploy to get more people into their store vs another store? Serious question here. I would think they would want to get rid of the stock as quickly as possible to try to get more X1's.
I think they will use the X1 and PS4 as the "hot item" this year to bring people in. I am thinking Day 1 will be preorders and extremely limited stock then on BF release more after the media has said this is the hot item. Once the news says something is hot, well it will sell like fucking hotcakes.

I really think way too many people are doubting the X1. We shall see though. I don't think it will be as much of a Sony show as many think it is going to be.
Quite honestly I expect nothing to change with the X1 and PS4 sales wise. No console is clearly better anymore since Microsoft stripped most if not all of the bad stuff away from X1. Only reason I am not buying a X1 at launch is because of Japanese support from small devs.

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Would they use it as a ploy to get more people into their store vs another store? Serious question here.
Yes. They only need a limited number in stock, so they don't need to hold on to too much. It's similar with most electronics. If the demand is high enough, and there's not many (if any) options out there to purchase these systems come Black Friday, you will have customers flock to that store for a chance to pick up 1 of 7 consoles available.

Yes. They only need a limited number in stock, so they don't need to hold on to too much. It's similar with most electronics. If the demand is high enough, and there's not many (if any) options out there to purchase these systems come Black Friday, you will have customers flock to that store for a chance to pick up 1 of 7 consoles available.
Flock and then fight over it :lol: .

Does anyone know if you can Skype someone and game at the same time? If so my life would be so much easier, lol.

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Flock and then fight over it :lol: .

Does anyone know if you can Skype someone and game at the same time? If so my life would be so much easier, lol.

Voice might work. Video I'm pretty sure is a no.
Were pre-orders that much of a thing 8 years ago? Also the Xbox 360 pre-orders were EXTREMELY limited. They got cut off extremely quickly. My guess is that the pre-orders picked way up after the policy reversals though. They wouldn't have changed anything if the pre-order numbers were through the roof to begin with.
That was in fact the real data they used to decide to turn things around.

Does anyone know if you can Skype someone and game at the same time? If so my life would be so much easier, lol.

Voice might work. Video I'm pretty sure is a no.
That was all talked about at the reveal back in May...

"By saying “Xbox Snap Skype,” your voice or video call can move alongside your other Xbox One content, so you can watch a live sports or Xbox One game with a friend, even if you’re in different cities"

I love DirecTV.  I'd probably go without TV before going back to another provider.

Anyway, I don't see the X1 launching a week later than PS4 making any difference one way or the other.  Stock for both will sell out through the holidays if not beyond most likely.  And I've said all along I think the sales race will be neck and neck, at least in the US.  Sony will win world wide given that MS isn't even trying in Asia with them not launching their in the first two waves of launches.

In any case, I decided to sit out the launches and canceled my PS4 preorder yesterday.  The launch line ups for both consoles just don't appeal to me enough to buy a $400-500 console, especially when I'm not gaming much, going to be traveling a ton this fall (so even less gaming time), and still have 10-15 games to get through on PS3.  I'll pick one up in spring or summer if I'm gaming more and mostly done with the PS3 backlog.  I'll be moving in with the fiancee in December as well, so that may mean even less gaming (as I generally prefer doing things with her and she hate games) so that will give me more time to assess whether I even need a next gen machine period.

That was all talked about at the reveal back in May...

"By saying “Xbox Snap Skype,” your voice or video call can move alongside your other Xbox One content, so you can watch a live sports or Xbox One game with a friend, even if you’re in different cities"

He wants to know about the game itself. I believe it isn't possible with a disc game.

Digital content (TV/movies,etc) I can see happening, and digital games, but a disc based game and Skype? Is that possible.
My Theory is, it was Don Mattrick’s idea to put Kinect in every Box. It was Don Mattrick’s idea to convince consumers to pay for it, and he isn’t there anymore.

So I think that the mentality of Microsoft is “we must win”, and I think they will not tolerate being in second place to PlayStation.

I think if Microsoft sees itself way behind, if they’re 30-40% behind Sony, they’re gonna wake up and say “This is not acceptable”.

I did talk with Mattrick back in February about the lifetime value of an Xbox One customer, and he said it’s about 2,000 dollars including all the Xbox Live and all the services they can sell you, all the downloads, and theoretically ultimately charging you for skype, for cable services and whatever else they’re gonna roll out in the next five years.

So what’s a hundred bucks if you don’t sell the device. Better to cut the price by a hundred bucks and sell the device.

But I had a conversation with the three-headed monster that’s running Xbox now, which is Phil Spencer, Mark Whitten and Yusuf Mehdi, the three guys that were on stage at E3. They asked me what kind of things I thought they should do to establish a greater value. I said “Give away Xbox Live for a year for free.” And they looked like I shot them.

Do you know how many people pay for Xbox Live right now? 20 million. Do you know how many Xboxes there are? 77 million. So there are 57 million people with an Xbox 360 who don’t pay for Xbox Live.

If you gave everybody Xbox Live free for a year, don’t you think that the number of paying customers after a year and a day would be more like 40 million?

I wouldn’t rule out Xbox Live being free for three months for everybody with an Xbox One. They gotta do something to make you feel like you’re getting your value. They put a headset in there. I’d bet you that by launch day you’re gonna see three months free of Xbox Live Gold, but they should give you a year.

I’d rather have a console and a hundred bucks than a console. That’s how most people look at it.

Patcher recently did an interview describing why he believes Microsoft will offer a sku without the Kinect later on after launch.

Other interesting things...

  • Lifetime value of a Xbox One customer is estimated to be $2,000.
  • Patcher suggested to the 3 xbox execs to offer a year of Xbox Live free.
  • Only 20 million out of the 77 million Xbox 360 owners pay for Xbox Live Gold.
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Patcher recently did an interview describing why he believes Microsoft will offer a sku without the Kinect later on after launch.

Other interesting things...

  • Lifetime value of a Xbox One customer is estimated to be $2,000.
  • Patcher suggested to the 3 xbox execs to offer a year of Xbox Live free.
  • Only 20 million out of the 77 million Xbox 360 owners pay for Xbox Live Gold.
Definitely interesting to see how it pans out. With canceling my PS4 preorder, I could be swayed back to MS if there's a $400 Kinect-less option by next summer. Would just come down to which platform had more exclusive games I wanted to play at that point.

I'd still lean Sony as I like their first party stuff more, but Kinect out of the picture would at least get me to consider an X1. Whereas there's no way I'll ever buy one if it always includes Kinect.

But I'm very skeptical that Sony will get enough of a lead to get MS to put out a Kinect-less bundle, especially with how hard they're pushing it and how much it's integrated into the OS.

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I have a preorder pick up at BB and Target, does anyone know how long I have to go and pick up the console before they throw it out to the public?

Damn I want free Forza :\

At least we all know the systems are coming, and a week before black friday (Thank God, I work retail)

Okay that Watch Dogs footage does look damn impressive.  It looks very next-gen.  But, I have one huge lingering problem with this game.  For all the cool stuff you can do, and for as huge a sandbox it is......what is the point?  I play games for story and I still can't tell what the story is in this game.  Meaning, why would the lead character do any of this?  What compels Aiden? 

Xbox One's Digital Sharing Will Return "When the Time is Right" - IGN

Okay that Watch Dogs footage does look damn impressive. It looks very next-gen. But, I have one huge lingering problem with this game. For all the cool stuff you can do, and for as huge a sandbox it is......what is the point? I play games for story and I still can't tell what the story is in this game. Meaning, why would the lead character do any of this? What compels Aiden?
You are Aiden Pearce, a man shaped by violence and obsessed with surveillance, who monitors his family 24/7 in secret to protect them from something that happened in the past. Unfortunately, his family will get endangered once again.

Pushed to his limits, he will take justice into his own hands and confront a corrupt system using every weapon available to him. Aiden will become a modern Vigilante Hero – not a hero from the 70's with a cape, but a real human being that will deal with all the repercussions of his actions.
^From Ubisoft.

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Okay that Watch Dogs footage does look damn impressive. It looks very next-gen. But, I have one huge lingering problem with this game. For all the cool stuff you can do, and for as huge a sandbox it is......what is the point? I play games for story and I still can't tell what the story is in this game. Meaning, why would the lead character do any of this? What compels Aiden?
For once I see Ubisoft handling the story spoilers with their gameplay and trailers a lot better. It looks to be one big social commentary really. It looks really good but what's the current/next-gen difference I'm wondering.

bread's done