Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Eh I'm sure the loyal fanbase was will be there, but the last Halo I seriously got into was 2. 3 was just fine, Reach & 4 were both meh. Hope 343 really steps up this time. As far as Reggie, that was an incredibly dumbass statement to make, but as far as exclusive launch titles, the Wii U had several good ones, it was post launch that was a giant wasteland because their execs didn't think to ask anybody how much resources it takes to make HD games. I do agree that both launch line-ups are pretty meh but Reggie is arguably the worst person to comment on it right aside from maybe the Ouya people...
You agreeing with yourself? PS4 launch line up is VERY meh with all 3rd party titles and Killzone its big exclusive then a bunch of smartphone/tablet indie titles to fill the list. The Xbox One has a VERY strong launch lineup with very good exclusives and as well as full/timed exclusive DLC on the 3rd party titles

Just because its an indle game doesnt mean its a tablet game, lol. I have played a lot of indie games that are much better than a lot of triple A games.

If you don't enjoy indie games that is totally fine. But sitting there and mocking them is just silly.

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You agreeing with yourself? PS4 launch line up is VERY meh with all 3rd party titles and Killzone its big exclusive then a bunch of smartphone/tablet indie titles to fill the list. The Xbox One has a VERY strong launch lineup with very good exclusives and as well as full/timed exclusive DLC on the 3rd party titles
At best it's a matter of opinion, but I'm hardly alone in thinking the Xbox One launch lineup is not worth $500.

Im personally not interested in Forza, Dead Rising or Ryse. I get that other people are but they arent for me.

hell, im more excited for the Wii U/3DS line up this holiday than Ps4.

Game industry as a hole is in dead Water at point. Nintendo big thing is he remake of a dang game from GameCube really? Sony and ms wants us to pay 400-500 bucks for a system that has mostly non new ip and can be got for gen 3 and pc
I don't know what you're talking about, both the Xbox One and PS4's launch line up looks very good. Compare it to last gen's lineups and it's no contest. There are more mulitplatform titles now but yeah that's the way the industry evolved and that's a good thing.

I dont know why you keep going on that Wind Waker is their biggest game this holiday.

Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Sonic are all pretty big games for them. Wii U part and Wii Fit U will also help.

Mario is likely their "biggest" game as its the most likely to move units, but really its a whole of its sum that is their strength this holiday.

For launch line ups, Microsoft and Sony have sports games (fifa, nba 2k14, nba live, madden) and Battlefield over nintendo. The other big releases this holiday will also be on Wii U (AC IV, Watchdogs, COD Ghosts) so its really not like they have crap.

When you compare console launch line ups from previous gens, the X1 and PS4 are very impressive! To say otherwise is just uninformed. Even if none of the games truly appeal to you, you need to recognize and appreciate the lineup. Then look at what is coming in the first year with Destiny, Titanfall and DAI. .... Fuggetaboudit!

It's really a matter of personal choice once you get past that. For me, there is a value to being an early adopter, getting that new tech in my hands, and there are three games I'm interested in enough to warrant purchase. For a good friend of mine, he doesn't care about "ooooh new tech" enough and none of the games interest him as much as Batman arkham origins and fable anniversary. So he's okay waiting. To each his own, but it is a good launch lineup all things considered.

One last thing.....I'm a scorned ex Nintendo fanboy, so take my comments for what they're is typical arrogant Nintendo rhetoric to compare an hd remake of a 10 year old game to cutting edge tech of tomorrow. Really? They're going to put wind waker he up against the sea battles of aciv? The raw graphic horsepower of Ryse? That's just silly.
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One last thing.....I'm a scorned ex Nintendo fanboy, so take my comments for what they're is typical arrogant Nintendo rhetoric to compare an hd remake of a 10 year old game to cutting edge tech of tomorrow. Really? They're going to put wind waker he up against the sea battles of aciv? The raw graphic horsepower of Ryse? That's just silly.
In 15 years Zelda will look just as pretty while ACIV will not. The cel shaded look is timeless.

More evidence of a late November launch:

Xbox One “has a targeted launch date of late November,” according to PepsiCo promotion
Xbox One is out in November and while a release date of November 8 has been tossed about and refuted, a new report claims the system will arrive in “late November”.


This is according to a PepsiCo terms and conditions document dug up by NeoGAF which is tied with a Microsoft promotion that gives away “an Xbox One every two minutes” November 5 – January 17.

“Xbox One has targeted launch date of late November 2013,” reads the text. “Therefore, the initial shipments may be slightly delayed; please allow 12-14 weeks for delivery.”

Microsoft has yet to provide an official release date for the console beyond a “November” release.

Meanwhile, Sony’s PlayStation 4 releases in North America on November 15 and in Europe on November 29.

Thanks, CVG.

Also: 12-14 weeks? Holy fuck.

Revamped Xbox live rewards sound potentially interesting:

Microsoft launches revamped Xbox Live Rewards program, details reward tiers
Microsoft has launched its new Xbox Live Rewards program, which was revamped when the firm switched from using Microsoft Point to local currency.


The program re-launched today, with left over Microsoft Points being replaced with Reward Credits which as with the previous scheme, can be earned through Gold subscription actions.

Such activities include participating in surveys completing an apps punchcard, renewing your XBL Gold sub, referring friends and all sorts of things outlined through here.

Credits can also be earned by playing games for a certain amount of time, earning an Achievement an more which will be deposited by default into your Xbox Live Rewards account on the 15th or 30th of the month, unless the user specifies a different date. 1000 credits or more.

Earned credits can then be spent in the Xbox Games Store.

More details are through the link to the Xbox Live Rewards website above, which also provides instruction on how to sign up.

Thanks, OXM.


i think xbox one will be out the week of nov 18th would make since couple days after ps4 and week before black .friday. 

At least i hope its before black friday heck the week of 18th for retail is pushing it we start to set up for black friday two weeks before so will be hard to push the ps4 and xbox one when trying to set things up for black friday.

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Boy. I think anything later than Nov 8th is a huge mistake. Just ship the day one edition consoles and have the rest of the stuff in stores and keep filling orders and console supply week by week.

Call of Duty and other games will be ready, just get what they can out there.

There isn't going to be any consoles available other than preordered ones anyway.
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MS can launch whenever they want. Promotion or not. They can change their mind tomorrow if they want. It hasn't even been announced yet.
TV features are not gated by XBL
I'm still thinking Microsoft will try to get the XB1 with a release date around the 11/8-11/15 timeframe. Doesn't seem smart business wise to have their console release even closer to Black Friday plus give Sony the first one out of the two to let consumers get their hands on their next gen console.
I'm still thinking Microsoft will try to get the XB1 with a release date around the 11/8-11/15 timeframe. Doesn't seem smart business wise to have their console release even closer to Black Friday plus give Sony the first one out of the two to let consumers get their hands on their next gen console.
I really agree with this. If it comes that close, I'd like to think they can ramp up production enough to squeeze one week early to get a step ahead of Sony. In the long run I doubt it matters, but in the short run it generates a lot of talk and momentum. I hope you're right and I'm wrong with my prediction.

I just watched a gameplay video of Lococycle on IGN. I had zero interest in this before, but it looks like it could be typical Twisted Pixel "odd but it works" gameplay. Chalk it up as my first Xbone "wait 'til it's on sale so keep it on the radar" game.

I really agree with this. If it comes that close, I'd like to think they can ramp up production enough to squeeze one week early to get a step ahead of Sony. In the long run I doubt it matters, but in the short run it generates a lot of talk and momentum. I hope you're right and I'm wrong with my prediction.

I just watched a gameplay video of Lococycle on IGN. I had zero interest in this before, but it looks like it could be typical Twisted Pixel "odd but it works" gameplay. Chalk it up as my first Xbone "wait 'til it's on sale so keep it on the radar" game.

Loco is only $20 :)
yeahhhh im not so up for ryse now been hearing pretty bad things about it coming from pax including a friend of mine from seattle that played and says it looks nothing like the videos we have seen and does not even look next gen.

I really think I'm the only person alive that is actually looking forward to Ryse.  You'd think I'd wise up, but I'm really looking forward to it.  It's one of those games I think I can forgive a lot of shortcomings as long as the visuals are beautiful and the gameplay is decent enough. 

I really think I'm the only person alive that is actually looking forward to Ryse. You'd think I'd wise up, but I'm really looking forward to it. It's one of those games I think I can forgive a lot of shortcomings as long as the visuals are beautiful and the gameplay is decent enough.

It's the first game I am going to play on my X1. I'm really looking forward to it!
I was definitely looking forward to Ryse, but my Amazon Day One order got cancelled (because of an error, but they couldn't figure it out) so I may not end up getting an X1 now. Titanfall and Kinect for the GF keep me on the edge. She really hates having to hold a controller to play dance games, etc.

So, its now Pax Prime and STILL no release date?
Here's my total guess on the lack of release day.

I'm pretty sure they would like to release it November 7th, but can't guarantee still that they can make it happen. I think if they realize it's at a drop-dead point where there is no way they can make that date, they then announce the later date.

But this is a total guess like I said. Why else would they be waiting still?

Well, Nintendo announced their release date for the Wii U on September 13th and it launched November 18th so its not too weird to not have it yet. I would expect a date in 2 weeks at least.

But how will the do it? Only big show left is Tokyo Game Show and I highly doubt they will announce it there and they don't do anything like Nintendo Directs do they?

Well, Nintendo announced their release date for the Wii U on September 13th and it launched November 18th so its not too weird to not have it yet. I would expect a date in 2 weeks at least.
But how will the do it? Only big show left is Tokyo Game Show and I highly doubt they will announce it there and they don't do anything like Nintendo Directs do they?
does the release date really matter to those who already preordered ? i doubt it.
On Reddit, we were talking about the the possibility that if they don't release the date now, they might announce it during the first football game on thursday, or even during the sunday night game (cowboys/giants). With the NFL/xbox partnership i'm sure we'll see alot of xbox ads during the games, and it'll be a good time to target the casual audience.

In xbox news:

"So ID@Xbox games support free-to-play, micro-transactions and premium pricing."

"They have full Gamerscore, full Achievements, can take advantage of SmartGlass, Kinect – if you can do it with an Xbox One game, you can do it with anything that comes through the ID@Xbox program"

The indie program is looking real good. Alot of developers have already applied, and even a few of the ones that Sony has been showing off have applied and are excited to bring their games to the Xbox One too.

Indie devs can be creative so it'll be cool to see what they can do with smartglass/kinect integration.

i will say kind of shocked seattle pax had no release date with that said ms has always been a company that told info like that for any of their products on thier own time and not during big events. I would think they are still not sure when this thing is coming out and seeing how many for sure they can push out early nov or can get more late nov.

Lords of the Fallen looks very interesting but I know very little about it.  Anyone know who is developing it?  This seems like it could be the next-gen's Too Human.  That was one game that on-paper sounded like a mix of everything I wanted and it even looked good.  But in reality it just didn't pan out.  Here's to hoping I'm wrong and this is something worth buying, say, between Destiny and Dragon Age Inquisition.

Um. Yeah. Cause I want it.
well, if microsoft announce it will be release in december 2013, people who preordered are still going to buy it anyway. it is not like people, who preordered are going to cancel their preorders. LOL
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