Naughty Dog's The Last of Us - Left Behind Single Player DLC Out Now!

Forgive me for not memorizing the lower end of the missions. I only use each one once so I don't have experience doing downs more than once other than my first playthough. Quickly looking online, I think it is 15 for the low end of the 3rd time picking downs.

What is confusing about planning out what missions to use on the 100% risk missions? You gave a suggestion, I stated that I disagree in it being a solid strategy and suggested what I think is a better plan to ensure the survival of one's clan.

You and I will not have any problems getting 15 downs in 3 days but newer players or lesser skilled players can better ensure their clan's survival by looking at the chart I made and planning out their missions. As opposed to using downs 3 times and executions twice.
Oh, I wasn't questioning your tactics or your strategy.

I was just confused as to why you used 20 in your example since you'd have to pick downs at least 6/7 times in order to needed a minimum of 18/21 downs (not sure if they let you do it that many times) and I'm definitely not suggesting that. I'm just saying using downs or executions 2-3 times for the 100% risk populations isn't that hard, especially since you have three days to do it. I mean, you pretty much have to kill people in every match, right? :)

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you can get steam rolled pretty hard by a competent team. doing downs anything past level 1 or 2 is pointless. just do healing and gifting for the last challenges. you can do a challenge 6 times. the tier 8 healing one is 45 heals. by the end of day 3, i had 100+ heals every time.

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id assume it resets if youre entire clan dies. i never had my entire clan die so i dont know. once you complete week 12 day 7, the challenges reset.

Well shit, that makes things easier.

Does anyone here actually play (or like) Survivor? I still need to win a Survivor match but those matches just take forever, especially if you go down early in a round and have to wait around...

That is all I play. Cause Survivor is SOCOM-esque and I absolutely love SOCOM definitely not for the COD type fan base. Funny story, I need a Supply raid win for my trophy.
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If you can do Survivor, Supply Raid will be easy for you. This might also explain why we have such different views on the MP. :lol:

I would probably like Survivor more if there wasn't so much wait time involved or if it was best of 3 or 5 matches, instead of 7. I have a tendency to die a few times early on before I pick up steam but each round feels like a completely new match for me.
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Well, Supply Raid and Survivor are pretty much the same thing... except that you have a shared pool of lives in one match versus having 1 life in multiple rounds. I haven't played CoD since the original MW, but Supply Raid is nothing like that.

I just got my Survivor match win. It's more fun now that I know what I'm doing. Now to finish 11 weeks of Firefly...
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Yes, but tho it requires a little more caution than COD, the games I have played however felt just like it. No stealth tactics, just literal sprint and gun.
sprint and gun? yeah, you and/or your team is playing supply raid wrong.

supply raid isnt anything like CoD. its not run and gun. its not fast paced. if you play like that, you will get steam rolled.

Finished the game last night so I've been avoiding this thread ever since it came out. 

What most agree on:
Great story.  This game properly uses the zombie/apocalypse plot as the direction of the game instead of some generic backdrop.  A lot of these zombie games just seem forced as a theme with no organic purpose.  This time, the whole world of Last of Us felt really fleshed out and immersive. 

Impressive voice acting.  Troy Baker was great playing Joel.  Sometimes the southern accent can be hard to comprehend when other actors do it but he was sublime.  I never noticed Nolan North's voice in the game until I read the wiki about the game.  Pretty cool there.  I also noticed Annie Wersching (smoky redhead from the TV show 24) as Tess.  Is it just me or does the title preview image of Ellie on your PS3 XMB STILL look like the original design before the Ellen Page PR incident? 

Amazing graphics.  Nothing felt recycled and seeing as how long the campaign is, I was even more impressed with the emphasis on making unique environments and set pieces all throughout.

What many may disagree on:
Gameplay.  Where it becomes variable to the player is the quality of gameplay.  I didn't expect this game to be a stealth action type of game but as a fan of games like Metal Gear, I found the gameplay to be just fine.  I can see people getting annoyed with the gameplay because it's stealth all the way through and not everybody enjoys that type of play.  Unlike Uncharted, this gameplay really is more appropriate to the tone and environment of this game.  Drake can go guns ablazin' in a room but it doesn't make sense for Joel to do the same.


The ending initially felt weird to me since I've become so accustomed to the happy endings/victory in modern movies and games but it makes sense with the tone. Joel explained it himself when he said "you need a purpose" to keep moving on. Tess was the reason to continue on with the job after she got killed but once Ellie saves his life, he becomes so attached to Ellie that he even refers to her as "baby girl" just like his own daughter Sarah. One of the rare moments I felt emotion for a game (earlier was when Sarah dies in Joel's arms - wow what a heartbreaking moment). Remember how he was carrying Sarah in the intro and Ellie in the ending? But he's able to accomplish his job as a dad this time: to protect his daughter. It would be a total cop out if Ellie became the sacrificial lamb. Sure humanity is in trouble but when you're in Joel's shoes, the way it ends only makes sense. Lying about the hospital incident, in a weird sort of a way, becomes irrelevent (to Joel). It's punctuated when he even murders Marlene even though she gave him the option to decide Ellie's fate. Wasn't necessary but to Joel, it didn't matter. Do what you got to do to protect your baby girl.

The game is great, I'd say an 8.5 out of 10.  A bit long for my taste but I'm more of the impatient guy that prefers to devote more time on competitive MP anyways.  MP doesn't suit my style (because neither did Uncharted) so my take is "it's just not for me" type of deal.  SP is the strength and anybody that has a PS3 should give this game a whirl at some point.  I don't think this game was a GOTY for me.  I still feel like that title belongs to Tomb Raider although it's truly unfair to rank these games against each other since they are really different in tone and purpose.

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I got to try out the multiplayer tonight. Its pretty fun though I wish some people would stop going solo. Its so dumb how people think they can just go off on their own and be successful. 

Started playing this gaming using my PX5's. Totally has me engrossed in the game. The clickers sound that much scarier.
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I finished the game a long time ago. I was surprised with a lot of things in the game but one thing that surprised me more was how short the game was if you just go through with the story and not get any of the shiv doors, collectibles, and all the other stuff. I played it again to get all these things, but wasn't able to get all the shiv doors (don't know how I missed it).

This time I am trying it in the hardest difficulty and see how that goes. Multiplayer is fun as hell! Only played Supply Raid so I can get the hang of it (started playing online not to long ago lol)

Overall, it's an amazing game, stunning graphics, heart-breaking story, not a of variety when it comes to enemies but it's understandable and both characters are just awesome. Love the game 10/10.

yeah I tried on Normal the 1st time and got all the doors and alot of the collectibles, did not want to try for everything. I read somewhere that you can't silencely kill any of the clickers with a shiv if you are trying for all of the doors in the highest difficulty, which is insane to me, I can't go around all of the clickers and makes the shiv duration upgrade skill completely useless since you need full shivs.  

On the lower difficulties you can shiv and 1 hit kill people left and right.

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1.03 update coming out soon, contains multiplayer tweaks and a new mode called Interrogation
"In Interrogation, both teams have to defend a safe filled with supplies. To locate your opponents' safe, you'll have to hold defeated enemy players still and interrogate them instead of killing them, which leaves you open to attack. If your team gathers enough intel, you'll have a chance at rushing and cracking the other team's safe, which turns the game into an assault/point-defense sort of thing."

Sounds awesome and its free! Cant wait to try this out, and hopefully we get some new info on the single player DLC soon.

Damn... that sounds pretty cool and glad to see it's free. And the special executions being interrupt-able will be interesting... I wonder how that'll work out in gameplay. I see that it just means it'll stop the special execution motion and prevent the executor from getting bonuses.

A lot of these updates would have been nice before. The increased revive range is welcomed. And I can't remember the number of times I've been in games with such poorly balanced teams (i.e., four sub-level 15 players versus four 25+ level players) even when it's non-party matches. 

Some people probably see this and wonder when they're gonna get their paid DLC for the season pass. 

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Damn... that sounds pretty cool and glad to see it's free. And the special executions being interrupt-able will be interesting... I wonder how that'll work out in gameplay. I see that it just means it'll stop the special execution motion and prevent the executor from getting bonuses.

A lot of these updates would have been nice before. The increased revive range is welcomed. And I can't remember the number of times I've been in games with such poorly balanced teams (i.e., four sub-level 15 players versus four 25+ level players) even when it's non-party matches.

Some people probably see this and wonder when they're gonna get their paid DLC for the season pass.
Yeah, I hope this doesn't turn into a Bioshock infinite situation regarding the season pass lol Here's the full patch details.

  • Revive range has increased slightly (about 1 meter). It’s more difficult to accidentally crawl out of range when a teammate is reviving you now
  • Players can prevent opponents from finishing Executions/Interrogations so that the opponent does not receive Parts for the special Execution/Interrogation. (The downed player will still lose their life, but this makes preventing Executions/Interrogations more helpful to your team as you prevent the other team from gaining Parts.)
  • Matchmaking update: players should find opponents around their level of experience more often and teams should be balanced more evenly
  • Item cache locations adjusted for balance on University, High School, Lakeside, and Downtown
  • Starting cameras adjusted so they show your player with greater frequency
  • Item cache disbursement tweaked so additional items are given out more fairly
  • Winning a Survivors match by a count of 4 rounds to 0 now means your team will get more bonus parts for winning the match by that margin. This applies for games with scores of 4-1, 4-2, etc. as well. Rewards are tiered by how dominant your team is. This system is in place for Interrogation mode as well.

I haven't played the MP in a couple of weeks but Im looking foward to getting back into it with this update.

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"In Interrogation, both teams have to defend a safe filled with supplies. To locate your opponents' safe, you'll have to hold defeated enemy players still and interrogate them instead of killing them, which leaves you open to attack.
I was thinking of Killzone: Mercs when I read that. lol

the new mode is meh. "interrogating" doesnt really take any longer than a normal special executions and when both teams know where the safe is, its insanely hard to crack it, especially when youre against a competent team.

i played probably 6 games of it the other night and 4 were ties. also, you dont really get that many parts in this mode.

the new mode is meh. "interrogating" doesnt really take any longer than a normal special executions and when both teams know where the safe is, its insanely hard to crack it, especially when youre against a competent team.

i played probably 6 games of it the other night and 4 were ties. also, you dont really get that many parts in this mode.
I'm enjoying the new mode, its all I play, but yea I agree with the safe being difficult to open. IMO Lakeside and the High School are the easiest maps to defend the safe. There are just so many spots to hide and pick off the enemies. Especially Lakeside when your safe is in that cabin place. My team's safe got revealed fast so I decided to just play defense and I ended up getting like 15 defensive downs. The game ended in a tie though lol

Edit: They need do something about joining a losing game in the last seconds. Like 90% of my faction just went hungry/sick because of it =|.

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So I finally got to sit down with this game tonight, and after 48 minutes of play I've:

  • Put up two ladders
  • Suffocated a zombie 
  • Shot a zombie
  • Kicked a bunch of four-gallon milk containers, which are the only pieces of the game's random garbage piles that can be manipulated
  • Found a the same model used for two different characters within eyesight of each other
  • Been bored out of my fucking skull
Does this game ever pick up?  Or should I just dump it if I'm completely nonplussed by generic zombie apocalypse settings and weak guilt-trip child deaths?  Right now it seems like Naughty Dog looked at The Walking Dead and said "WE CAN DO A SHITTIER VERSION OF THAT!"

youve played for 48 fucking minutes. the game is 15-20 hours long. if youre ADD is that bad, dont bother. its not all non stop action packed

Yea this game is not all out action. Itd more a stealth game with some action sequences here and there. If thats not your thing, then its not for you.
Does this game ever pick up?
It does pick up. But it does remain a stealth game whose primary strength is phenomenal acting and production values, not exciting gameplay (IMO). I didn't enjoy it as much as the Uncharted games. But it does build momentum after what is a very slow first couple of hours.

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I really wish ND would give us an update on the single palyer DLC. :whistle2:(
I'm guessing that they actually started making DLC content after the game was released, rather than pull game content prior to release or develop it alongside the game.

BioShock Infinite's SP DLC was just announced a few weeks ago, and that game came out months before LoU, so I'm guessing we probably won't see any SP DLC for a while. They probably can't figure out WTF to do... continue the story, do a sidestory (how Bill sets up his town, Tommy's dam, etc.), etc.?

In defense of Bioshock and TLoU, at least it doesn't make you feel ripped off that they took it out of the game just to sell it to you day of release, like Mass Effect 3. Then again waiting too long makes you not want to go back to the game like in the case of Skyrim. Hard line for Devs/Publishers to walk, and Season Passes make it that much worse imo.

In defense of Bioshock and TLoU, at least it doesn't make you feel ripped off that they took it out of the game just to sell it to you day of release, like Mass Effect 3. Then again waiting too long makes you not want to go back to the game like in the case of Skyrim. Hard line for Devs/Publishers to walk, and Season Passes make it that much worse imo.
I don't have anything against what either company doing. The Bioshock Infinite DLC looks pretty sweet... like, it'll actually be something worthwhile. But the waiting is never easy.:lol:

uh, yeah, im sure they had an idea of what to expand on.
Yeah, I guess it has been long enough since release (can't believe it'll be 3 months tomorrow) and they're probably well into developing the DLC. I was only thinking they haven't made much progress since they just updated the MP but they probably have a separate team for that.

Eric did have some good news though, as he did mention that they’ll be giving out details about the Season Pass DLC “in the very near future”, “we are working out what’s in it”, and “we’re amping up what you get in [it] a bit.” Monacelli also said of Interrogation Mode: “A lot of people were confused by that but it’s a whole new mode for free that you had to download. That’s pretty awesome. As always we try to announce when things are really ready to go. We’ll have info soon.”
For season pass holders itching for some news.

I gave this game another chance the other night.  The stealth gameplay is fun, but it's basically just Manhunt 2 with better graphics; been there, done that.  I'm still not thrilled with the story/characters, especially the cutscene with Robert right before you meet up with Ellie for the first time.  Also not a fan of her screaming both "fuck" and "shit" in the first two sentences you hear from her. I get that she's a product of the zombie apocalypse or whatever, but it still struck me as trying-too-hard-to-be-edgy bullshit (see also: breaking Robert's arm).  Kids will be kids, despite the circumstances; probably the one thing that The Walking Dead got the most right with its narrative.

I dunno.  I'll keep going to see where the Joel/Ellie arc goes, but I'm more hate playing it at this point, plus The Wonderful 101 will be soaking up all of my gaming time for the foreseeable future.  Probably should've just used my last Playcation coupon on it and waited for the inevitable GOTY version.

This game might be a bit too adult for you if you think the arm breaking scene was just them trying to be edgy and if you're looking forward to W101. No point in trying to justify playing a game you hate. 

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This game might be a bit too adult for you if you think the arm breaking scene was just them trying to be edgy and if you're looking forward to W101. No point in trying to justify playing a game you hate.
That's exactly my point though: it's not "adult", it's adolescent violence for the sake of appealing to adolescents. There was no reason to break Robert's arm...or his nose...or shoot him. They had the situation resolved; they knew where the guns were. There was no reason to keep causing him harm, other than the fact that they're sociopaths and it makes them look SO HARDCORE~. It's even worse since they just spent the past 30 minutes brutally murdering anyone along their path to Robert. Again, I know it's the zombie apocalypse and all, but why would someone entrust the protection of a little girl to two people who just slaughtered dozens of people in a row, bragged about it, then started threatening more violence if they don't get their property back? That's not how actual human beings operate, and given that this game keeps grasping at realism it just doesn't work.

Contrast this game with The Walking Dead: that game had tons of horribly violent scenes but there was almost always a nonviolent option for you to take, and if you take the violent option the game makes you feel like shit for it for the rest of the episode and beyond. TWD was about trying to keep your humanity in the face of horrible situations; TLoU is just glorifying violence to make the character's seem edgier. Violence is not what makes a game "adult"; forcing you to think about/deal with the negative consequences of your actions is.

EDIT: A long read, but worth it.

EDIT2: This one, too:

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I thought the story and characters were easily the best part of the game and ND does a fantastic job of telling the story (and this seems to be the general consensus with the game). I've seen little, if any, of the criticism about the story being artificial. The game deals with a lot of heavy emotions and themes. If you think the arm breaking scene is ND trying to be edgey, then you're not going to appreciate what the rest of the game is because that's easily one of the most mundane moments in the game. 

I'm not sure how you made the connection that I was saying it was adult because of the violence. I'm implying that there's a clear distinction between this game and the game it seems like you'd rather be playing (W101). This game deals with a lot of adult situations in a hypothetical future. Maybe you're not in the mood for a depressing, dystopic game right now and would rather play something most light-hearted/gameplay oriented? There's nothing wrong with that. 

I liked the game and I've tried to convince many people who were split on quitting/keep going in this thread. But you're not someone who's split on the game, you've already passed judgement. If you don't like playing the game and there's another game you'd rather play, why not stop now because if you keep going, there's a good chance you'll just end up hating the game even more. 

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I didn't understand the hype until I got past Pittsburgh (Ch. 5?).  Up until that point I hated Ellie, and I thought she was nothing but annoying.  Now it's one of my favorite games ever, and I love her.  This game definitely picks up - the beginning of this game may feel like a chore now, but the payoff is so worth it at the end..  That said, the tone of your diatribe makes me think this game may not be for you.  You seem to be looking for reasons to hate it, even though you've barely played any of it at all if you're just complaining about the Robert scene.

Uh, Robert put out a hit on Joel and Tess. He was trying to have them killed, preempt because he betrayed them. Are you going to let him live to try again?

Breaking an arm to torture for info isn't gratuitous, it's getting info 101. You must have never seen the TV show 24 on Fox. The word shit isn't bleeped anymore on network TV and fuck probably isn't far off either.

Was the Walking Dead 20 years after the "outbreak"? I really don't know, but TLoU is 20 years after the infection spread. Humanity, society, and civilization has gone to shit, do anything to survive. Every single human out there has suffered major losses and it shows. Ellie was sent to a military school which she mentions early on in the game. Ellie is a product of the times, imo. If you know any 14 year old that doesn't say "shit" right now, then wow that'd be a nice bubble to live in.

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Was the Walking Dead 20 years after the "outbreak"?
no, its not. not the tv show, not the comic, not the good video game and not the shitty video game. the comic is 114 issues in and the time that has passed, i would estimate, is only a couple years since issue 1.

rick grimes wasnt in a coma for years and years.

Stop feeding the troll. Regardless of whether they like the game or not, anyone that's not smart enough to at least admire the Last of Us as a quality title isn't worth giving the time of day. If they're too stupid to see that they're beyond your help.

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You mean the links you edited in later?  I skimmed the first one and found it very poorly argued and pretty much a waste of time.  The gist was that the author felt TLoU should have picked a clear, easy-to-deduce theme where a character's actions are guided only by this theme, instead of all this complicated moral ambiguity mess where the gamer has to use his brain and come to his own conclusions.  Then, when his argument was being rightly trounced in the comments, he kept arguing that he must not be getting his complicated point across or that people must keep missing it.  Nope, it's just a bad argument.  It's also funny that the author felt the complexity of his argument was lost on so many, when it's apparent that the complexity of TLoU was clearly lost on him.

But the bigger point is this: what the hell are you doing reading spoiler-laden reviews for a game you've played two hours of?  Why would you want to bring somebody else's specific experience with a game or point of view with you for your first playthrough?  He details specific scenes and his reactions to them... why would you want to know these prior to experiencing them yourself?  I'm beginning to think that matrix is right and you're just a troll, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

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You mean the links you edited in later? I skimmed the first one and found it very poorly argued and pretty much a waste of time. The gist was that the author felt TLoU should have picked a clear, easy-to-deduce theme where a character's actions are guided only by this theme, instead of all this complicated moral ambiguity mess where the gamer has to use his brain and come to his own conclusions. Then, when his argument was being rightly trounced in the comments, he kept arguing that he must not be getting his complicated point across or that people must keep missing it. Nope, it's just a bad argument. It's also funny that the author felt the complexity of his argument was lost on so many, when it's apparent that the complexity of TLoU was clearly lost on him.

But the bigger point is this: what the hell are you doing reading spoiler-laden reviews for a game you've played two hours of? Why would you want to bring somebody else's specific experience with a game or point of view with you for your first playthrough? He details specific scenes and his reactions to them... why would you want to know these prior to experiencing them yourself? I'm beginning to think that matrix is right and you're just a troll, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
First off: having a discussion about why you do or do not like a game is not trolling. I'm sick of this notion that every thread about a game has to only contain posts from one certain viewpoint. It's the argumentative version of "tits or GTFO" and I'm pretty sick of it. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're trying to antagonize you for the sake of it. Ridiculous.

Second, I read a bunch of spoilery post-mortems/editorial writeups, both positive AND negative, because I have a very limited amount of gaming time in my work week and I wanted to see if the game would turn around and win me over or if it was just more of the same. I'm glad I found out it was the latter by reading someone's writeup for a few minutes versus slogging through the game and wasting weeks of my limited free time to come to the same conclusion. I posted the two writeups that match up the closest with how I feel about the game since I didn't want to put an even bigger textwall up in this thread and because they wrote my feelings better than I could hope to.

Third, you didn't read the link, you fucking skimmed it and completely missed the point. He wasn't arguing that the game needed a central theme or that it was too ambiguous; he was saying that the events and character arcs presented in the game were shallow, ultimately unnecessary to the overall plot and done in a way to elicit base emotions in the player by default without adding anything to the overall story/character arcs in a meaningful way. Here, I'll highlight the important paragraph so you won't have to skim:

Looking back, it seems most of what happens with regard to the execution of certain elements in the plot is for the sake of drama rather than for the sake of meaning. Drama and meaning can exist in the same story, but there doesn’t seem to be any meaning connected to the major elements put on display in this story—in the relationship between Joel and Ellie or in their concerns in saving the world. Things happen because that’s what happens in an apocalypse. The game isn’t making any statements about apocalypses or the nature of man shown through an apocalypse. These are things that just happen because that’s what happens in an apocalypse. The plot says so.
You may call the events in this game a "moral ambiguity mess"; we're calling it lazy storytelling covered up by pretentiousness and emotional manipulation.

I wouldn't normally go into this big of a textwall about a game, but I find it incredibly sad that the game everyone is giving perfect scores, hailing as GOTY and marking it as a landmark in game design is just shoddy and embarrassing. Once all of the marketing/release/review hype wears off and the game is forced to stand on its own two legs it will stumble back down to the ambitious-but-flawed status it deserves. It's GTA IV all over again.

That's hilarious.  The argument from the guy who hasn't played the game is that I missed the point of the article he stole his feelings about the game from.  Never mind that the author IS arguing that he wants a central theme.  It's, you know, his whole point.  Not that the characters' actions are "shallow" or whatnot, and not that they lack verisimilitude, but that they neglect to advance a central theme put forth by the designer.  What he felt he was missing was meaning.  He wanted Naughty Dog's take on this post-apocalyptic world and society.  His whole argument is "what's the point?" Geez, I got that even through fucking skimming the link, but apparently you missed it in your extensive study of it.  Maybe actually playing through the game might help?

And man, you sure do have a lot of time to write walls of text to complete strangers on gaming sites for someone who's so concerned about his free time.

And guess what?  I only fucking skimmed your wall of text, too, because it's evident after your response that you are a troll.  Not because we disagree, but because you're trying to argue something from a position of ignorance, and you're letting other people's impressions of the game make the argument for you.  Play the fucking game, then we can talk.  Until then, tits or GTFO.

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That's hilarious. The argument from the guy who hasn't played the game is that I missed the point of the article he stole his feelings about the game from. Never mind that the author IS arguing that he wants a central theme. It's, you know, his whole point. Not that the characters' actions are "shallow" or whatnot, and not that they lack verisimilitude, but that they neglect to advance a central theme put forth by the designer. What he felt he was missing was meaning. He wanted Naughty Dog's take on this post-apocalyptic world and society. His whole argument is "what's the point?" Geez, I got that even through fucking skimming the link, but apparently you missed it in your extensive study of it. Maybe actually playing through the game might help?

And man, you sure do have a lot of time to write walls of text to complete strangers on gaming sites for someone who's so concerned about his free time.

And guess what? I only fucking skimmed your wall of text, too, because it's evident after your response that you are a troll. Not because we disagree, but because you're trying to argue something from a position of ignorance, and you're letting other people's impressions of the game make the argument for you. Play the fucking game, then we can talk. Until then, tits or GTFO.
I said my work week; it's currently my day off, the TV is being used and I can't really play TLoU in front of my two young daughters now can I? I know I probably should be out in the woods teaching them to flay marauders alive with a machete but since they're, you know, kids, they want to color instead.

I did play the game. I played multiple hours of it, was completely unimpressed by what was being offered, and decided to read spoiler post-mortems of the narrative instead of wasting my time playing through hours of gameplay mechanics that I have already experienced multiple times over the past decade. If you strip away the limited Manhunt/Splinter Cell-esque stealth sections the game is one big cutscene; it doesn't matter if I read a writeup or sat through hours of ingame footage: I know what the story is and I don't think it's worthy of even half the praise it's getting. That's the problem: you tell me to just play the game, but this isn't a game; it's an interactive movie, and as a movie it sucks. If I want to experience the gameplay side of TLoU, I'll pop in a different stealth game that doesn't try to be more than it is.

He didn't only lament a central theme; he was ripping on the game for not having ANY themes. No situations in the game serve any purpose other than getting Joel and Ellie from point A to point B until the final choice, which serves to show as a culmination of Joel's moral failings but doesn't mean jack shit in the grand scheme of things. Ellie is still alive; she can still be used for a cure, which will of course be resolved in the inevitable sequel. It's just a series of events strung together just because with a very light arc for Joel and Ellie that ultimately doesn't mean a goddamn thing or any goddamn things in between.

I'm also not a huge fan of all the articles expounding upon how the game gave people a father-like experience without being actual fathers themselves, but that's a whole different hill of beans that will go off topic for me (the "I don't have kids, BUT..." bullshit).

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bread's done