Humble Bundle Thread

Local NinjaSquirrel discovers this one weird trick to getting #CAGCard that makes CheapyD hate him!
"one weird trick" []


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GoT photo
I'm thinking they probably did a pretty decent job of casting that role because that actress seems like the right combination of unattractive and strangely appealing. I haven't actually bothered watching the show since the end of the first season--too confusing as it started changing stuff from the books.

I'm thinking they probably did a pretty decent job of casting that role because that actress seems like the right combination of unattractive and strangely appealing. I haven't actually bothered watching the show since the end of the first season--too confusing as it started changing stuff from the books.
She's perfect. Imho the show improves on a lot of aspects of the books, but it also misfires from time to time, mainly when some of the good book material doesn't make it because they had to reserve time to fulfill the quota of naked boobies. The Red Wedding was epic, though.

It is when they're empty characters with no other reason to be there. I have porn for that.
[customspoiler='Not really a spoiler, but just in case...']I'm perfectly okay with the redhead and her slightly taller friend and the emptiness of both of their characters in last week's episode. Their male companion didn't do it for me, probably because I'm not a Dornish prince.[/customspoiler]

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[customspoiler='Not really a spoiler, but just in case...']I'm perfectly okay with the redhead and her slightly taller friend and the emptiness of both of their characters in last week's episode. Their male companion didn't do it for me, probably because I'm not a Dornish prince.[/customspoiler]
No, I agree, Oberyn is written that way in the books and I don't have a problem with his hyper-sexuality in this case. It would make more of an impact, however, if that sort of the thing hadn't been used gratuitously in the previous three seasons.

How about those Humble deals, huh? Yeah...

It is when they're empty characters with no other reason to be there. I have porn for that.
I prefer my porn characters to have depth. I want to know the motivations behind their actions. Why is she straddling that midget? Why did she decide to use that sex toy in the middle of a park, instead of waiting til she got home? Is she a sex addict, or does she just enjoy the rush?

I prefer my porn characters to have depth. I want to know the motivations behind their actions. Why is she straddling that midget? Why did she decide to use that sex toy in the middle of a park, instead of waiting til she got home? Is she a sex addict, or does she just enjoy the rush?
Remember when porn had storylines?

New Humble Store sales:

Meh deal for Awesomenauts, but I think there's some Playfire Rewards for it atm. GMG also had it for cheaper last week.

I'm still waiting for it to be rebundled, or to pick up a spare Humble from someone. The wait continues.

Remember when porn had storylines?
Is it me or do we talk about porn a lot in these threads?

Yeah, fast forwarding was a bitch.
Okay grandpa. :p

...I don't understand. Why would you want to?
I know right? I mean crazy porn is the best kind. All those sexy ladies dressed up like toasters beating the crap out of dudes dressed up like the cast of Downton Abbey While A Flock Of Seagulls plays in the background during a laser light show. All the while a group of old grannies shout racial slurs at bathroom fixures. Then about half a dozen midgets riding ponies and firing guns into the air start reciting Shakespeare into boxes of cereal. One lone woman in the midst of this having sex with a dude dressed up as a head of cabbage.

Kinkiest stuff I've ever seen.

I know right? I mean crazy porn is the best kind. All those sexy ladies dressed up like toasters beating the crap out of dudes dressed up like the cast of Downton Abbey While A Flock Of Seagulls plays in the background during a laser light show. All the while a group of old grannies shout racial slurs at bathroom fixures. Then about half a dozen midgets riding ponies and firing guns into the air start reciting Shakespeare into boxes of cereal. One lone woman in the midst of this having sex with a dude dressed up as a head of cabbage.

Kinkiest stuff I've ever seen.

If it wasn't for PewdiePie Surgeon Simulator would have never gotten out of shovelware status.

Consider this my final contribution to the snake oil salesman that is the HumbleScamBundle, until Humble Indie Bundle 12. If you're not going to make the effort to put in decent bundles, then I won't make the effort to pay you con artists a single dime

I know right? I mean crazy porn is the best kind. All those sexy ladies dressed up like toasters beating the crap out of dudes dressed up like the cast of Downton Abbey While A Flock Of Seagulls plays in the background during a laser light show. All the while a group of old grannies shout racial slurs at bathroom fixures. Then about half a dozen midgets riding ponies and firing guns into the air start reciting Shakespeare into boxes of cereal. One lone woman in the midst of this having sex with a dude dressed up as a head of cabbage.

Kinkiest stuff I've ever seen.

This week's Humble Weekly is going to be tied to a weekend charity streaming event from The Speed Gamers.

If their schedule is any clue, the games are things we've seen before (Braid, Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, Swapper, Thomas Was Alone, Bastion, Cave Story, Rogue Legacy, Gone Home). That's just a guess though.

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This week's Humble Weekly is going to be tied to a weekend charity streaming event from The Speed Gamers.

If their schedule is any clue, the games are things we've seen before (Braid, Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, Swapper, Thomas Was Alone, Bastion, Cave Story, Rogue Legacy, Gone Home). That's just a guess though.
God fuck ing damn it! I just bought Spelunky. If Super Meat Boy is Dollar tier I might have to buy it anyway though. I don't have that on Steam yet. Oh they have a picture of the Dustforce guy up on there too. I want that.

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Also Spelunky, Fez, Dust Force, Hotline Miami, VVVVV, and Lone Survivor.

These are all just possibilities. I doubt everything listed is in it.

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If their schedule is any clue, the games are things we've seen before (Braid, Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, Swapper, Thomas Was Alone, Bastion, Cave Story, Rogue Legacy, Gone Home). That's just a guess though.
Can't wait for Braid, Binding of Issac, Super Meat Boy, Bastion bundle. This will be epic.

bread's done