Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Speaking of Book of Bantorra, is it worth a blind buy? Have it in my cart at DVD Planet along with some other stuff and wondering if it'd be worth the $42...

Ended up picking up Hidamari Sketch finally from the dvdplanet/dd sale. Wasn't sure earlier in the week since tax killed the deal but the coupon helped me pull the trigger :)

Ditto on Toradora. I plan on waiting until it becomes an actual charge and then I'll contact them. They may just be doing a card auth for the full amount without coupon codes. I'm not too concerned, because the email clearly shows the $80.98 price.
Same thing as well for me. I do wonder though, did the 10% off code always have the "in stock" wording next to it?

I wonder because if that is true, and with Toradora not being in stock, but a preorder, they process it as a regular price?

Thanks to this thread and the DD/DVDPlanet sale I just pulled the trigger on way too much anime. Yay...

EDIT: Slightly OT, but any recommendations on good shelves to hold DVDs/Blu-Rays/games? lol

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Ditto on Toradora. I plan on waiting until it becomes an actual charge and then I'll contact them. They may just be doing a card auth for the full amount without coupon codes. I'm not too concerned, because the email clearly shows the $80.98 price.
I responded to the original order confirmation email (which had the same email address suggested for contact), politely asking why the charge was for the full amount. Maybe I jumped the gun, but I wasn't curt or rude in my inquiry--I'm mainly curious.

Thanks to this thread and the DD/DVDPlanet sale I just pulled the trigger on way too much anime. Yay...

EDIT: Slightly OT, but any recommendations on good shelves to hold DVDs/Blu-Rays/games? lol
I've long been a fan of the media shelves made by Sauder. I use them CDs, movies, games, and even paperback books. It comes in various colors, and sizes. Here's a link to an example of the shelf I'm talking about.

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Ended up picking up Hidamari Sketch finally from the dvdplanet/dd sale. Wasn't sure earlier in the week since tax killed the deal but the coupon helped me pull the trigger :)
Ah shit, I don't really buy much anime, but I love wide. Might just bite on that. Thanks for the heads up.

I responded to the original order confirmation email (which had the same email address suggested for contact), politely asking why the charge was for the full amount. Maybe I jumped the gun, but I wasn't curt or rude in my inquiry--I'm mainly curious.
I emailed them and this is what he says

Hi! The coupon code you used was a 'stocking item' coupon and was not
valid for pre-order items. None of our 10% coupons are valid for
pre-orders as we already discount many of them heavily. Most of our
regulars know how our coupons work, and we usually add the exclusions in
the database anyway, but had not at the time you ordered it, so there was
a short period of time where the store was letting it pass thru for the
Toradora sets (sorry about that). We pay $82 for them, so there is no way
we could sell them that cheap in any case.

I attached the text from the full coupon code offer for that coupon below.


Who here is on the fence of canceling or returning toradora if they charge the $89 ? Im on the fence about this as it was my first time ever buying from them and so far bad experience.
Who here is on the fence of canceling or returning toradora if they charge the $89 ? Im on the fence about this as it was my first time ever buying from them and so far bad experience.
I didn't really notice it but yeah, you're right. And it cleared... yeesh. Guess I gotta give these punks an e-mail.

EDIT: E-mail sent. It feels this site the the business functions like they are still in 1999. I must have ordered this when I was tired or something.

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Isn't it illegal to charge a customer a higher price than the agreed-upon selling price without their consent?  That's super-shady.

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Isn't it illegal to charge a customer a higher price than the agreed-upon selling price without their consent? That's super-shady.
I'm kind of curious on how this company has stayed afloat for all of these years. I've known of them but their prices were always sky high. It makes me wonder on who is actually buying their merch. And I basically told them to refund the money that would have been discounted from the coupon or to just cancel/refund the order (pertaining they can't refund me anything for god knows why). I really don't feel like playing games with these guys. =S

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I don't think I would have had a problem with it if they just told us that there was a glitch, and it didn't work all those months ago when the orders were first made, and not after they've charged you, and they didn't even tell you until you had to pry it out of them.

A courtesy email would have been okay for me, and I would have just canceled it then, but it's almost July now.

Yup, and here's what hasn't been released.

Kiki's Delivery Service

Porco Rosso

Pom Poko

Princess Mononoke

My Neighbors the Yamadas

Spirited Away

The Cat Returns

Tales from Earthsea

The Wind Rises

So, approximately half classics, half movies nobody really cares about. Also, Earthsea. I do think we'll get Wind this year but I have no other predictions at this point.
I thought Mononoke was confirmed for this year. Don't tell me that fell through. . .

I'm kind of curious on how this company has stayed afloat for all of these years. I've known of them but their prices were always sky high. It makes me wonder on who is actually buying their merch. And I basically told them to refund the money that would have been discounted from the coupon or to just cancel/refund the order (pertaining they can't refund me anything for god knows why). I really don't feel like playing games with these guys. =S
I plan on doing the same. :boxing:
I emailed them and this is what he says

Hi! The coupon code you used was a 'stocking item' coupon and was not
valid for pre-order items. None of our 10% coupons are valid for
pre-orders as we already discount many of them heavily. Most of our
regulars know how our coupons work
, and we usually add the exclusions in
the database anyway, but had not at the time you ordered it, so there was
a short period of time where the store was letting it pass thru for the
Toradora sets (sorry about that). We pay $82 for them, so there is no way
we could sell them that cheap in any case.

I attached the text from the full coupon code offer for that coupon below.


Most of our regulars know that we're worthless, now you know it too.

That flippant remark really annoys me, so this is the email that I have sent them:

My credit card is being charged the incorrect amount for this order. I am being charged the full price, and not the price after coupon. To save ourselves some time, I know someone that has already contacted you about this, and they were given the response that the item was not eligible for the coupon code, citing that
"Most of our regulars know how our coupons work, and we usually add the exclusions in
the database anyway, but had not at the time you ordered it, so there was
a short period of time where the store was letting it pass thru for the
Toradora sets (sorry about that)."

What your regular customers "do and don't know" has no bearing on the order that I have placed. The order I placed was for the Toradora Premium set at a discounted coupon price of $80.98, as was shown during the checkout process on your website. I should not have to scour the internet for your regular customers to tell me whether or not the price you've quoted me is the actual price or not. If you found out at a later time that I was being charged too little, the correct course of action would have been to contact me saying that there was an error and either cancel the order or provide me the opportunity to agree to the new price. Instead I have simply been charged more than I agreed to in the hopes that I would either not notice, or not pursue the issue. Please refund me the difference in price that I am owed.

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I plan on doing the same. :boxing:
And mine is cancelled. Went for my lunch break at work, one minute they said they couldn't discount it then 20 minutes later, they send another email saying they canceled it completely. He seemed a little defensive about this whole thing through the way he typed it as he mentioned CheapAssGamer specifically about the coupon thing.

The guy explained it to me that whoever in this thread posted that deal said that they made the restriction that the coupon was not for pre-orders. He said that they usually would have let this slide (and have given me the discount), but apparently the cost of shipping would have been too much so he cancelled my order a few minutes after sending the first e-mail.

So that ends that.

EDIT: Wow, so I was going to leave this out. But two things he said did kind of bug me such as "we could use the extra unit" and "we will probably be sold out in a few days anyway".

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And mine is cancelled. Went for my lunch break at work, one minute they said they couldn't discount it then 20 minutes later, they send another email saying they canceled it completely. He seemed a little defensive about this whole thing through the way he typed it as he mentioned CheapAssGamer specifically about the coupon thing.

The guy explained it to me that whoever in this thread posted that deal said that they made the restriction that the coupon was not for pre-orders. He said that they usually would have let this slide (and have given me the discount), but apparently the cost of shipping would have been too much so he cancelled my order a few minutes after sending the first e-mail.

So that ends that.
So they're upset because we all "tried to sneak one by them" when they did the exact same thing by charging us the full amount? I knew I should have just ordered from Right Stuf at the beginning.

So they're upset because we all "tried to sneak one by them" when they did the exact same thing by charging us the full amount? I knew I should have just ordered from Right Stuf at the beginning.
roger, did you delete your post? And I suppose so. I'm getting the feeling RAC doesn't like us anymore.

Thanks for the posts guys, I'll be cancelling mine as well. And like Squarehard said, I would have been fine with them cancelling months before, not doing this near release. Shame, I thought my first RACs order might've been a good one.
I never personally had an issue with RACS though the only thing I have ordered from them were NISA titles since the coupons usually put them under RS prices. I used free shipping and received them in a box w/ packing peanuts rather than paper like RS uses. The item wasn't damaged though.

This current issue does seem sketchy though and I wonder if the same thing will happen again with those who pre-ordered Cardcaptor Sakura through them.
Glad I stuck with my TRSI order. The whole thing wouldn't be so bad if they didn't wait 1 week before the release to tell everyone about the error.
Apparently they e-mailed everyone about this. Well, except us.

Wait a minute...wasn't I the one who pointed out the coupon working on the Toradora preorder at RACS? So then is this my fault? :???:
I wouldn't put the fault on you. You found a deal and you posted it. They just failed to put that it restricts pre-orders and according to Roger, they assumed that their regular customers already knew so it wasn't posted.

We're not regulars... so we're outcasts!

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Not just salty, but smug as if he was doing us a favor by cancelling the order that they charged full price because they had already sent out phantom emails that didn't reach anybody on CAG who made an order, and then noting that new customers should have known the code wouldn't work (even though it did) on pre-orders, since after all it is incredibly hard to code something like that for a site that has been completely reliant as an online retail store, and has been doing this for over a decade and a half, and still seem to have problems with something as simple as that, but no, he was definitely right to help us with our misfortune that had nothing to do with us.

Everyone just lay off Bob, damnit! HE'S TRYING HIS BEST!

roger, did you delete your post? And I suppose so. I'm getting the feeling RAC doesn't like us anymore.
I did. My post wasn't really going to accomplish anything. Honestly, the only issue I have is that they charged more without contacting anyone first. I (obviously) don't have any problems with them choosing to not sell them at a loss.

Edit: Oh, and of course that bit about how most of their regulars knew ...

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Square, yeah. I give him props for at least cancelling it before it could have been shipped. I was only put over the edge after I saw what he said to roger because I received a similar response and that was from the same guy. I'm pretty sure that guy saw the thread here which probably triggered all of this. (To note, I did edit my post to remove his name)

Either way, it seems they are at least willing to cancel our orders and that's all we wanted in the end. 

My only protips to them pertaining they are reading this is that the website needs revamped and sending charge/shipment notifications via e-mail would be great. I don't think you can make an account on the website either, but having an account with order updates to your existing orders would be a nice option too.

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Hey, let's hop back on the deal wagon to cleanse everyone's pallets. After seeing that Amazon UK dropped the price on My Neighbor Totoro today, I thought I would share links to all of the films listed above that have blu ray releases over in the UK.

* Prices shown are in pounds, include VAT, and require a region free player (well, except for The Wind Rises apparently).

Was just at Best Buy and they have a lot of anime on sale. Beserk Blu-rays are $10 each, DBZ Orange Bricks are $15 each, Black Lagoon OAV is $17.99, Naruto Shippuden and Bleach Set 1 are $11.99, Shippuden Set 16 and Bleach Set 18 are $21.99. Fairy Tail Part 10 is $29.99 and the movie is $17.99, as is Wolf Children. Yu-Gi-Oh Season 5 is $19.99.

Nothing amazing, but if you have a MBB account I tight be worth it.
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Was just at Best Buy and they have a lot of anime on sale. Beserk Blu-rays are $10 each, DBZ Orange Bricks are $15 each, Black Lagoon OAV is $17.99, Naruto Shippuden and Bleach Set 1 are $11.99, Shippuden Set 16 and Bleach Set 18 are $21.99. Fairy Tail Part 10 is $29.99 and the movie is $17.99, as is Wolf Children.

Nothing amazing, but if you have a MBB account I tight be worth it.
Are the sales YMMV?

I don't see these prices reflected on their website.

Are the sales YMMV?

I don't see these prices reflected on their website.
Well, the website has Berserk on DVD on sale, but the store only had the Blu-rays, so I dunno.

DBZ Orange Bricks were Season 1 and either Season 2 or 9. I also discovered that Seasons 1-3 Blu-ray are $17.99, but you have to search for "Dragonball" as one word.

Every other price I verified on the website. Maybe your BB cache is old?
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Well, the website has Berserk on DVD on sale, but the store only had the Blu-rays, so I dunno.

DBZ Orange Bricks were Season 1 and either Season 2 or 9. I also discovered that Seasons 1-3 Blu-ray are $17.99, but you have to search for "Dragonball" as one word.
I think that store probably mislabeled because I just checked my store on those Berserk blus and they're the same price as they are online, so those are actually decent prices if they are mislabeled.

bread's done