Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

Last edited by a moderator: scheisters:

I did want to mention one SNAFU that we ran into with the billing on the Toradora premium set. We offered the Toradora Premium set in pre-order for a very special low price, and a few folks came in early on from other places (one forum in particular gave us a lot of traffic on it) and pre-ordered it from us using a store coupon code available at the time. The store allowed a few of these orders to pass, which was my bad, as I had setup the exclusion data set wrong on the backend, so the store allowed these orders to pass and took the discount against the pre-order even though that coupon was technically not valid for pre-order items. 

Unfortunately for these cases the only option we could offer was to either ship the set at the original price or cancel the order, and I know this made a couple of people a little mad at us that we could not honor the price with the coupon the store gave them. See, there was just no way we could offer the set for a price any lower than original offer (especially if we were picking up the shipping cost too) unless we wanted to ship the sets at a loss. 

But more so, even if we could have shipped these orders at a loss (you know, let a couple go on out with the extra discount to placate those customers), it would be grossly unfair for us to let a handful of people get the set $9 cheaper than everyone else because of a mistake in how we programmed a coupon code - so that was the real issue. I do want to apologize to the folks this effected, and we are improving our system for how we program store coupons so that the store calculates the correct order total even if a customer does use a coupon for an excluded item. One of the reasons we currently exclude pre-orders from most coupon codes is so we can do really awesome pre-order offers (like our current Attack on Titan Set #2 offer) without having to play any pricing games, and I like it better that way. scheisters:

I did want to mention one SNAFU that we ran into with the billing on the Toradora premium set. We offered the Toradora Premium set in pre-order for a very special low price, and a few folks came in early on from other places (one forum in particular gave us a lot of traffic on it) and pre-ordered it from us using a store coupon code available at the time. The store allowed a few of these orders to pass, which was my bad, as I had setup the exclusion data set wrong on the backend, so the store allowed these orders to pass and took the discount against the pre-order even though that coupon was technically not valid for pre-order items.

Unfortunately for these cases the only option we could offer was to either ship the set at the original price or cancel the order, and I know this made a couple of people a little mad at us that we could not honor the price with the coupon the store gave them. See, there was just no way we could offer the set for a price any lower than original offer (especially if we were picking up the shipping cost too) unless we wanted to ship the sets at a loss.

But more so, even if we could have shipped these orders at a loss (you know, let a couple go on out with the extra discount to placate those customers), it would be grossly unfair for us to let a handful of people get the set $9 cheaper than everyone else because of a mistake in how we programmed a coupon code - so that was the real issue. I do want to apologize to the folks this effected, and we are improving our system for how we program store coupons so that the store calculates the correct order total even if a customer does use a coupon for an excluded item. One of the reasons we currently exclude pre-orders from most coupon codes is so we can do really awesome pre-order offers (like our current Attack on Titan Set #2 offer) without having to play any pricing games, and I like it better that way.
I guess they're trying to do fix things after all the evidence pointed to Bob being an arrogant self righteous prick, so better make sure that Bob himself explains it in a more formal, and less prickish way, and not note how easy it would be to sell the stock if we canceled our orders, and they don't need our business, and also making sure new customers feel unwelcomed, unhappy, and pushed away from purchasing from them again.

Thank god for damage control. scheisters:

I did want to mention one SNAFU that we ran into with the billing on the Toradora premium set. We offered the Toradora Premium set in pre-order for a very special low price, and a few folks came in early on from other places (one forum in particular gave us a lot of traffic on it) and pre-ordered it from us using a store coupon code available at the time. The store allowed a few of these orders to pass, which was my bad, as I had setup the exclusion data set wrong on the backend, so the store allowed these orders to pass and took the discount against the pre-order even though that coupon was technically not valid for pre-order items.

Unfortunately for these cases the only option we could offer was to either ship the set at the original price or cancel the order, and I know this made a couple of people a little mad at us that we could not honor the price with the coupon the store gave them. See, there was just no way we could offer the set for a price any lower than original offer (especially if we were picking up the shipping cost too) unless we wanted to ship the sets at a loss.

But more so, even if we could have shipped these orders at a loss (you know, let a couple go on out with the extra discount to placate those customers), it would be grossly unfair for us to let a handful of people get the set $9 cheaper than everyone else because of a mistake in how we programmed a coupon code - so that was the real issue. I do want to apologize to the folks this effected, and we are improving our system for how we program store coupons so that the store calculates the correct order total even if a customer does use a coupon for an excluded item. One of the reasons we currently exclude pre-orders from most coupon codes is so we can do really awesome pre-order offers (like our current Attack on Titan Set #2 offer) without having to play any pricing games, and I like it better that way.
My main reason (and I'm sure others too) why I got pissed was the way the situation got handled. I would have been ok with the price increase (because its still cheaper than TRSI) if you guys would have communicated with us properly instead of just outright charging us an increased price(isn't that illegal?). In addition, your rep Bob sounded like a total prick. Telling me how its good that I want to cancel my order because they could use the extra copy. Telling me that its my fault that I did not know the details of the coupon use because I am not a "regular". Telling me "oh we e-mailed people but we must have missed you" when this whole forum was not informed. That right there was the final straw for me. You are doing me no favors buy giving me a chance to buy anime from you guys so stop acting like it (as blunt as it sounded, its true). I know that employee is not a full representation of the company as a whole (I hope not) but that is mine now. You guys keep highlighting over the "coupon issue" as the main problem when it was just a part of it. It is your customer service.

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My main reason (and I'm sure others too) why I got pissed was the way the situation got handled. I would have been ok with the price increase (because its still cheaper than TRSI) if you guys would have communicated with us properly instead of just outright charging us an increased price(isn't that illegal?). In addition, your rep Bob sounded like a total prick. Telling me how its good that I want to cancel my order because they could use the extra copy. Telling me that its my fault that I did not know the details of the coupon use because I am not a "regular". Telling me "oh we e-mailed people but we must have missed you" when this whole forum was not informed. That right there was the final straw for me. You are doing me no favors buy giving me a chance to buy anime from you guys so stop acting like it (as blunt as it sounded, its true). I know that employee is not a full representation of the company as a whole (I hope not) but that is mine now. You guys keep highlighting over the "coupon issue" as the main problem when it was just a part of it. It is your customer service.
Bob is actually the original owner of the site, and I assume is still the owner.

Robert's Anime Corner = Bob

Is the tiger and bunny movie worth purchasing?
absolutely not... it's another one of those lets rehash part of the series with a few extra scenes movies... in this case it is just a remake of episodes one and two without any meaningful new content added, just longer.

but alas I hate rehash movies in general and will never ever ever recommend them to anyone as I always want their sales to be 0 so they stop being made period.

(that being said the second tiger and bunny movie will likely be worth owning :p)

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Man, RACS just needs to let this go.  He's not going to win back any of the people he's lost over this, and the people that weren't affected have no reason to care.

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Man, RACS just needs to let this go. He's not going to win back any of the people he's lost over this, and the people that weren't affected have no reason to care.
It would have been better if they'd just let it go because now it just looks like they're trying to cover it up.

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Honestly I'm surprised RACS is still around. Their prices have always been appalling and by no means competitive with TRSI, Amazon, and DD from a decade ago. I only bought from them once and that was because they were the only retailer that specified they had the first editions of Geneon's X TV with those slipcases I still have nightmares about hunting down.
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My main reason (and I'm sure others too) why I got pissed was the way the situation got handled. I would have been ok with the price increase (because its still cheaper than TRSI) if you guys would have communicated with us properly instead of just outright charging us an increased price(isn't that illegal?). In addition, your rep Bob sounded like a total prick. Telling me how its good that I want to cancel my order because they could use the extra copy. Telling me that its my fault that I did not know the details of the coupon use because I am not a "regular". Telling me "oh we e-mailed people but we must have missed you" when this whole forum was not informed. That right there was the final straw for me. You are doing me no favors buy giving me a chance to buy anime from you guys so stop acting like it (as blunt as it sounded, its true). I know that employee is not a full representation of the company as a whole (I hope not) but that is mine now. You guys keep highlighting over the "coupon issue" as the main problem when it was just a part of it. It is your customer service.

EDIT: Thanks for at least posting here though
I never got communications from them about this matter. I just got an email today with the $81 shipped price. Yet, my credit card authorizations show the $90 price. What BS.

Edit: And "effected" bothers me.

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if i were you guys, i would send that back back and make them eat the shipping costs, and just order it from rightstuf. that is where i got mine from in the first place 

Speaking of RACS, they put out their weekly newsletter. Which mentions the Toradora pricing error and seems to be pointing at this forum for abusing the error.

I did want to mention one SNAFU that we ran into with the billing on the Toradora premium set. We offered the Toradora Premium set in pre-order for a very special low price, and a few folks came in early on from other places (one forum in particular gave us a lot of traffic on it) and pre-ordered it from us using a store coupon code available at the time. The store allowed a few of these orders to pass, which was my bad, as I had setup the exclusion data set wrong on the backend, so the store allowed these orders to pass and took the discount against the pre-order even though that coupon was technically not valid for pre-order items.

Unfortunately for these cases the only option we could offer was to either ship the set at the original price or cancel the order, and I know this made a couple of people a little mad at us that we could not honor the price with the coupon the store gave them. See, there was just no way we could offer the set for a price any lower than original offer (especially if we were picking up the shipping cost too) unless we wanted to ship the sets at a loss.

But more so, even if we could have shipped these orders at a loss (you know, let a couple go on out with the extra discount to placate those customers), it would be grossly unfair for us to let a handful of people get the set $9 cheaper than everyone else because of a mistake in how we programmed a coupon code - so that was the real issue. I do want to apologize to the folks this effected, and we are improving our system for how we program store coupons so that the store calculates the correct order total even if a customer does use a coupon for an excluded item. One of the reasons we currently exclude pre-orders from most coupon codes is so we can do really awesome pre-order offers (like our current Attack on Titan Set #2 offer) without having to play any pricing games, and I like it better that way
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I have mixed reviews on RACS. The one thing I'm always going to do or think when I order from them is, am I going to get something with a box?

I have this thought because I have had some past experience with them. I ordered the Arakawa Under the Bridge P.E (both sets) and the first set had a bruised up box. It's because I bought the last PE for the first set, so it was reasonable for it to be damage. He tried to get me a better box but a week later the replacement box he received was also damaged so he gave me a $20 refund.

The second issue I had with a box was the Serial Experiement Lain L.E. The box I received from them was damaged slightly on the corners and caused some peeling towards the front end of the box. He sent me a replacement for the box for free.

The third issue I had was with the order I placed last week. I ordered Wagnaria 2 PE and the Panty and Stocking Bluray. The Wagnaria 2 box has bruises on it and the Panty and Stocking has a tear on the back corner. I am currently writing an email to see if I can get a replacement. I don't know if it was them or USPS but the shipping box must have took some smashes because it looks pretty damaged (despite the FRAGILE sticker on the box)...

All the other orders I had were in regular dvd cases so none of them were damaged. Despite the damages, they had good customer service but the economy shipping is really expensive... I would go to them if you really have too... Like if they have the only remain copies of Haganai or something...

Yeesh, Bob manages to completely miss the point of his customers' complaints.  Nobody is upset because he won't honor the price and take a loss on the set.  People are upset because he never notified the affected customers about the price increase, and apparently figured he could just slide it by them.  Again, this is super-shady, and I'm fairly certain it's also illegal.

Bob, obviously you are still upset over the situation. I understand some of my comments may have gotten under your skin, but I and everyone else here is over it. As a few others have said, you obviously didn't e-mail all of your customers about the offer not working and then you sent us e-mails talking like you didn't want our business in first place.

We're sorry for not being "regulars" of the mighty RAC community, but I can ensure you that you didn't leave a good first impression on me and everyone else here. I thank you for the speedy cancellation and refund, but remember, that the customers are your business. Not your enemy.
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Again, this is super-shady, and I'm fairly certain it's also illegal.
Sounds like it's technically the bait and switch method. As the first time customers didn't know coupon restrictions, since it went through. Got emails stating the discounted price and then got charged full price.

This just seems like sour grapes from the owner. Who seems to act like he could've gave the price but didn't want to "because it wouldn't be fair to regular customers". Which most sites would still honor the pricing error that small, but RACS didn't want to.

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stickers messed up my Shiki artbox.
Goo Gone would have done the trick. Of course of it was on of the big ones that they like to plaster on the back of most of the slipboxes a blow dryer to loosen the adhesive goes the trick.

It happened to my Princess Jellyfish slipbox I got a few days ago. It is a small area but still bothers me. Goo Gone only really works for smaller stickers that are usually on slipcovers.

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stickers messed up my Shiki artbox.
Talk to the people who you bought if from. If you got it at Rightstuf, I'm sure you can get a replacement if you ask nicely...
I guess that's the risk into buying a cheap save edition that has a box with it...
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Goo Gone would have done the trick. Of course of it was on of the big ones that they like to plaster on the back of most of the slipboxes a blow dryer to loosen the adhesive goes the trick.

It happened to my Princess Jellyfish slipbox I got a few days ago. It is a small area but still bothers me. Goo Gone only really works for smaller stickers that are usually on slipcovers.
if it's messed up like mine goo gone wouldn't have helped...

the stickers actually came off really easily, just where they were are no longer shiny.

Just updated the OP. Removed RACS from the OP, for obvious reasons. And added a Summer 2014 anime license list to the bottom of the OP so people can keep track of which companies license their favorite seasonal anime :D

Just updated the OP. Removed RACS from the OP, for obvious reasons. And added a Summer 2014 anime license list to the bottom of the OP so people can keep track of which companies license their favorite seasonal anime :D
Good riddance!

Not sure how they snuck in there in the first place.

Also, I'm doing another anime challenge tomoreee if anybody interested.

Prizes! :p

Yeah, I'm pretty bored on weekends, so thought I'd spice things up.

Not sure if there's a more appropriate thread to ask this, but I'm in need of some anime recomendations!

Long story short: My wife and I love drama/romance anime with tasteful comdedy and at least slightly relatable settings. Also, English is her second language, so we prefer box sets that include good dubbing.

We greatly dislike series with constant screaming and fast-talking with highly annoying characters such as Kamisama Kiss and Love Hina. Also series that take themselves too seriously, such as Say I Love You and His and Her Circumstance bored us to tears.

We Loved:

Fruits Basket
Paradise Kiss
Kids on the Slope
Peach Girl
Princess Jellyfish

We Disliked:

Kamisama Kiss
Love Hina
Yamada's First Time
Please Teacher

Any well-dubbed recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
Not sure if there's a more appropriate thread to ask this, but I'm in need of some anime recomendations!

Long story short: My wife and I love drama/romance anime with tasteful comdedy and at least slightly relatable settings. Also, English is her second language, so we prefer box sets that include good dubbing.

We greatly dislike series with constant screaming and fast-talking with highly annoying characters such as Kamisama Kiss and Love Hina. Also series that take themselves too seriously, such as Say I Love You and His and Her Circumstance bored us to tears.

We Loved:

Fruits Basket
Paradise Kiss
Kids on the Slope
Peach Girl
Princess Jellyfish

We Disliked:

Kamisama Kiss
Love Hina
Yamada's First Time
Please Teacher

Any well-dubbed recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
If you don't mind fanservice I suggest


High School DxD

A Certain Scientific Railgun

Not sure if there's a more appropriate thread to ask this, but I'm in need of some anime recomendations!

Long story short: My wife and I love drama/romance anime with tasteful comdedy and at least slightly relatable settings. Also, English is her second language, so we prefer box sets that include good dubbing.

We greatly dislike series with constant screaming and fast-talking with highly annoying characters such as Kamisama Kiss and Love Hina. Also series that take themselves too seriously, such as Say I Love You and His and Her Circumstance bored us to tears.

We Loved:

Fruits Basket
Paradise Kiss
Kids on the Slope
Peach Girl
Princess Jellyfish

We Disliked:

Kamisama Kiss
Love Hina
Yamada's First Time
Please Teacher

Any well-dubbed recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
If you like Kanon and Clannad then Air and Angel Beats,Chobits, Spice and wolf is great, and then as far as movies Wolf Children, Summer wars.

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Not sure if there's a more appropriate thread to ask this, but I'm in need of some anime recomendations!

Long story short: My wife and I love drama/romance anime with tasteful comdedy and at least slightly relatable settings. Also, English is her second language, so we prefer box sets that include good dubbing.

We greatly dislike series with constant screaming and fast-talking with highly annoying characters such as Kamisama Kiss and Love Hina. Also series that take themselves too seriously, such as Say I Love You and His and Her Circumstance bored us to tears.

We Loved:

Fruits Basket
Paradise Kiss
Kids on the Slope
Peach Girl
Princess Jellyfish

We Disliked:

Kamisama Kiss
Love Hina
Yamada's First Time
Please Teacher

Any well-dubbed recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
I don't know if they're well dubbed (or at all), but you would like Honey and Clover and Tari Tari as well, as far as themes go.

Not sure if there's a more appropriate thread to ask this, but I'm in need of some anime recomendations!
Long story short: My wife and I love drama/romance anime with tasteful comdedy and at least slightly relatable settings. Also, English is her second language, so we prefer box sets that include good dubbing.
We greatly dislike series with constant screaming and fast-talking with highly annoying characters such as Kamisama Kiss and Love Hina. Also series that take themselves too seriously, such as Say I Love You and His and Her Circumstance bored us to tears.
We Loved:
Fruits Basket
Paradise Kiss
Kids on the Slope
Peach Girl
Princess Jellyfish
We Disliked:
Kamisama Kiss
Love Hina
Yamada's First Time
Please Teacher
Any well-dubbed recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
Ouran Host Club is a good choice and it has a solid dub.
There are several other members that know the drama/romance genre better than I do, but you can't go wrong with Miyazaki/Ghibli films. Whisper of the Heart sounds like it hits all the right marks.

Chrono Crusade has a fairly decent love story, but it's also a supernatural/action series so it might not work. The same could be said of Saikano and Rahxephon.

And though it's a comedy, I recommend Azumanga Daioh to anyone and everyone ;)
Not sure if there's a more appropriate thread to ask this, but I'm in need of some anime recomendations!

Long story short: My wife and I love drama/romance anime with tasteful comdedy and at least slightly relatable settings. Also, English is her second language, so we prefer box sets that include good dubbing.

We greatly dislike series with constant screaming and fast-talking with highly annoying characters such as Kamisama Kiss and Love Hina. Also series that take themselves too seriously, such as Say I Love You and His and Her Circumstance bored us to tears.

We Loved:

Fruits Basket
Paradise Kiss
Kids on the Slope
Peach Girl
Princess Jellyfish

We Disliked:

Kamisama Kiss
Love Hina
Yamada's First Time
Please Teacher

Any well-dubbed recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
Lovely Complex


Special A

Spice and Wolf


Maid Sama




Just some to start you off, and then we can go from here depending on what you liked/disliked from the list. ;P

P.S. The majority of these aren't dubbed, so you may not enjoy it if you are only looking for dubs.

If you don't mind fanservice I suggest


High School DxD

A Certain Scientific Railgun
I don't think he's going to want to watch any of those with his wife, except maybe Railgun. From the list he gave too it doesn't seem like any of those will fit, especially since he already noted harems/reverse harems in the lists of dislikes, so probably not a great list.

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Kare Kano takes itself too seriously? I thought the problem the manga author had was the exact opposite!

Or are you thinking of Now and Then, Here and There?

Anyway, it's OOP I think, but Step Up Love Story is sweet.

And if you actually liked Kanon you will love Air. Makes me cry everytime. It IS heavy of the melodrama, but it does it so effectively.

Tenchi Muyo OAV is an oldie, but goodie.

If you like fantasy adventure Tower of Druaga is really good.

Spice and Wolf is pretty much the default "romance anime" right now.

It's not romance and is OOP, but Planetes is damn good.

Ouran High School Host Club is funny as hell.

And if don't mind brotherly love, either Fullmetal Alchemist series.

I would recommend Godannar, but the dub is very...loud and high-pitched.

School Rumble is a farcial anime, but it is the perfect example of a Love Dodecahedron.

They're more drama than romance, but I also recommend Last Exile and Kaleido Star. And, if you can track down a cheap copy, G Gundam. Super Gals is also excellent, but Season 2 is sub-only.
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Not sure if there's a more appropriate thread to ask this, but I'm in need of some anime recomendations!

Long story short: My wife and I love drama/romance anime with tasteful comdedy and at least slightly relatable settings. Also, English is her second language, so we prefer box sets that include good dubbing.

We greatly dislike series with constant screaming and fast-talking with highly annoying characters such as Kamisama Kiss and Love Hina. Also series that take themselves too seriously, such as Say I Love You and His and Her Circumstance bored us to tears.

We Loved:

Fruits Basket
Paradise Kiss
Kids on the Slope
Peach Girl
Princess Jellyfish

We Disliked:

Kamisama Kiss
Love Hina
Yamada's First Time
Please Teacher

Any well-dubbed recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
I'll suggest Angel Beats, Little Busters, Hana Saku Iroha, and Kimi ni Todoke (the last two are not dubbed, but still worth it).

If you like Kanon and Clannad then Air and Angel Links,Chobits, Spice and wolf is great, and then as far as movies Wolf Children, Summer wars.
I think you mean angel beats instead of angel links.... angel beats is actually a good show and related from kanon and clannad as it's a Key title... angel links is a bad show with the only memorable scene for me is a horribly dubbed crying scene in the shower ><;

I think you mean angel beats instead of angel links.... angel beats is actually a good show and related from kanon and clannad as it's a Key title... angel links is a bad show with the only memorable scene for me is a horribly dubbed crying scene in the shower ><;
You are correct sir. lol

When they said His and Her circumstances took itself too seriously, it made my brain hurt.  I bet either they are thinking of Now and then here and there, or they only watched the first half of the first episode.

Not sure if there's a more appropriate thread to ask this, but I'm in need of some anime recomendations!
Long story short: My wife and I love drama/romance anime with tasteful comdedy and at least slightly relatable settings. Also, English is her second language, so we prefer box sets that include good dubbing.
We greatly dislike series with constant screaming and fast-talking with highly annoying characters such as Kamisama Kiss and Love Hina. Also series that take themselves too seriously, such as Say I Love You and His and Her Circumstance bored us to tears.
We Loved:
Fruits Basket
Paradise Kiss
Kids on the Slope
Peach Girl
Princess Jellyfish
We Disliked:
Kamisama Kiss
Love Hina
Yamada's First Time
Please Teacher
Any well-dubbed recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
Skip Beat is another good one if you liked Nana.
I think he's mainly looking for stuff he can obtain on dvd/blu or /stream.

I was going to put Skip Beat on my list too, but it's not available on media. T__T
Just realized this myself lol I finished the show yesterday on Crunchyroll and then was sad I couldn't but it right after other than "malasian" copies.
Wow! I'm so pleasantly surprised with all of the recommendations I've gotten from all of you! I was worried I'd just get "Great deal. In for 10." replies. >_<

I should clarify regarding His and Her Circumstances; I shouldn't have jumbled it up in the same sentence as Say I Love You as taking itself too seriously, though both of them bored us to tears equally. For both of these series, the humor in the dub felt so flat, the stories never felt like they took off, and the characters and scenarios were all so forgettable.

As for the Studio Ghibli recommendation, you're right; I love them! I actually own every movie of theirs available across Blu-ray and DVD, and have seen them countless times.

I should add that I've seen Air, and while I enjoyed it, I'd rate it below Kanon and Clannad. The animation was spectacular, though, and I'm definitely glad I saw it.

I also have on Blu-ray and have watched Wolf Children, Garden of Words, Summer Wars, and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (my most valuable Blu-ray in my entire library, and still sealed thanks to my DVD spare I watch instead)! Loved them all.

Own Suzuka, too! Really liked it. Didn't earn a spot in my top, but it was still very enjoyable. I also love the recommendation for Azumanga Diaoh! Own that one, too; I totally wasn't expecting to enjoy it, because I thought it was going to be off the wall, but it's got so much heart, despite it's comedic outer shell, and I really appreciated that.

Unfortunately, Ouran High School Host Club didn't jive with us like I had hoped. We enjoyed it for awhile, but it got to the point where, about 8 episodes in, we were just rolling our eyes at a lot of the scenarios. I'm definitely open to revisiting it again, though, since I've still got the Blu-ray set.

I'm actually not opposed to Harems/Reverse Harems, either, so long as they aren't just an excuse for 300-600 minutes of straight perverse content, or full of that damned screaming.

I swear, I'll never understand the common anime staple of characters constantly screaming at other characters talking at lightning speeds while crying/punching/kicking/etc. That stuff is just headache inducing to me, and destroys any possibility I could have for getting immersed in the show.

Fruits Basket did reverse harem right by me. The show was so calm, sweet, and humorous all at once. I got Kamisama Kiss since I heard it was from the same director, but holy crap, it's barely watchable to us. The screaming characters every 30 seconds and annoying chibi little twin characters embody everything I hate about that type of anime.

I'm glad to hear Spice and Wolf may be right up our alley; I picked up the complete Blu-ray collection when it was on sale last year on Amazon for $28. I'll put that next on my list, and start looking up trailers for all the other series mentioned in here that I've yet to see.

Thanks so much again, everyone! I can't wait to look into all of these when I get home!

Also, is there anything in this sale I should jump on?

Any impressions on Flowers of Evil, Golden Time, or anything else notable? I know they aren't dubbed, but at least I'd be able to enjoy them alone or with friends.

I want to take advantage of my 10% membership on top of this deal if any offerings are worthy!;Offset=0&amp;ReturnTo=Main#highlights

i enjoyed golden time in beginning, but the later episodes towards the end became a little crazy for me with the mc

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Also, is there anything in this sale I should jump on?
Any impressions on Flowers of Evil, Golden Time, or anything else notable? I know they aren't dubbed, but at least I'd be able to enjoy them alone or with friends.
I want to take advantage of my 10% membership on top of this deal if any offerings are worthy!;Offset=0&amp;ReturnTo=Main#highlights
I enjoyed Golden Time a lot though waiting weekly was a pain lol. I originally dropped Flowers of Evil because the animation threw me off but I figured I would give it a second chance after Ping Pong/the good reception it had.

Watamote is something else I enjoyed and plan on picking up from the sentai sale as well as Love Lab. I also picked up Short piece as a blind buy since it wasn't too expensive.
bread's done