Let's argue about Mike Brown!

[quote name="Finger_Shocker" post="12432224" timestamp="1421914193"]Blah Blah Blah...... When did Clinton become a talking point? or are you trolling?

You should take a good clear look in the mirror before throwing around baseless insults[/quote]
Oh, so when a liberal in power is sexist and taints / abuses his office, it's not a good comparison? Funny.
Blah Blah Blah.... how is he sexist?  is he a perv who desecrated the Oval Office with semen?  Sure maybe

But abuse of office?  Under what? just having a affair is not a abuse of power or crime

Now when you use the White House as a place to conspire and coverup evidence to start a war for dubious reason.  That is a CRIME and ABUSE of office

[quote name="Finger_Shocker" post="12432319" timestamp="1421918073"]Blah Blah Blah.... how is he sexist? is he a perv who desecrated the Oval Office with semen? Sure maybe

But abuse of office? Under what? just having a affair is not a abuse of power or crime

Now when you use the White House as a place to conspire and coverup evidence to start a war for dubious reason. That is a CRIME and ABUSE of office[/quote]
Ahahaha... I just remembered why I ignore your posts. Your reasoning is so jacked that dude bros just assume it lifts.

Continue on, troll.
I hate to interrupt the trolling...but this damn NJ shooting, man. Why can't people just do what they're being asked? Was shooting the guy necessary? Maybe not. But he just decides on his own "I want to get out of the car" and then proceeds to push against the cop trying to keep the door shut...

And of course the bullshit vulture media is selling this as "officer shoots man with hands up". GTFO. Because the headline couldn't possibly be "man in possession of gun disobeys orders, challenges officer, gets shot".

And people are going to protest this shit and make it into another "bad cop" issue. This is ri-god damn-diculous. These cops did EXACTLY what I've been saying needs to be done. Their orders were perfectly clear and direct. "Don't move". "Show me your hands", and even "if you reach for something, I'm going to shoot you."

Why can't people just comply? Are people really so freaking stupid that they can't understand the officer is concerned for his safety...so ensuring his safety is going to ensure your own. It blows my mind how truly ignorant people are. What the hell world do we live in where people just feel like they don't have to do what they're being asked and there will be no consequences? The only argument would be "He doesn't have the authority to tell me what to do". But yes he does, man. He does.

For anyone who hasn't seen the video...


I hate to interrupt the trolling...but this damn NJ shooting, man. Why can't people just do what they're being asked? Was shooting the guy necessary? Maybe not. But he just decides on his own "I want to get out of the car" and then proceeds to push against the cop trying to keep the door shut...

And of course the bullshit vulture media is selling this as "officer shoots man with hands up". GTFO. Because the headline couldn't possibly be "man in possession of gun disobeys orders, challenges officer, gets shot".

And people are going to protest this shit and make it into another "bad cop" issue. This is ri-god damn-diculous. These cops did EXACTLY what I've been saying needs to be done. Their orders were perfectly clear and direct. "Don't move". "Show me your hands", and even "if you reach for something, I'm going to shoot you."

Why can't people just comply? Are people really so freaking stupid that they can't understand the officer is concerned for his safety...so ensuring his safety is going to ensure your own. It blows my mind how truly ignorant people are. What the hell world do we live in where people just feel like they don't have to do what they're being asked and there will be no consequences? The only argument would be "He doesn't have the authority to tell me what to do". But yes he does, man. He does.

But, they didn't give him CPR right away.

This still gets me:

"The video speaks for itself that at no point was Jerame Reid a threat and he possessed no weapon on his person," Walter Hudson, chairman and founder of the civil rights group the National Awareness Alliance, said Wednesday. "He complied with the officer and the officer shot him."
I guess my definition of "complied" is not the same as his. And as I said in my above post when you factor in this:

Reid, 36, spent about 13 years in prison for shooting at three state troopers when he was a teenager. And Days knew who he was; Days was among the arresting officers last year when Reid was charged with several crimes, including drug possession and obstruction.
And the fact the cop saw a gun in the glove box then I can understand his demeanor. Not saying he deserved to get shot but it always amazes me that people try to SO HARD to make complete idiots into martyrs.
I hate to interrupt the trolling...but this damn NJ shooting, man. Why can't people just do what they're being asked? Was shooting the guy necessary? Maybe not. But he just decides on his own "I want to get out of the car" and then proceeds to push against the cop trying to keep the door shut...

And of course the bullshit vulture media is selling this as "officer shoots man with hands up". GTFO. Because the headline couldn't possibly be "man in possession of gun disobeys orders, challenges officer, gets shot".

And people are going to protest this shit and make it into another "bad cop" issue. This is ri-god damn-diculous. These cops did EXACTLY what I've been saying needs to be done. Their orders were perfectly clear and direct. "Don't move". "Show me your hands", and even "if you reach for something, I'm going to shoot you."

Why can't people just comply? Are people really so freaking stupid that they can't understand the officer is concerned for his safety...so ensuring his safety is going to ensure your own. It blows my mind how truly ignorant people are. What the hell world do we live in where people just feel like they don't have to do what they're being asked and there will be no consequences? The only argument would be "He doesn't have the authority to tell me what to do". But yes he does, man. He does.

For anyone who hasn't seen the video...
Didnot watch but some people are saying they can hear the other cop say get out
Didnot watch but some people are saying they can hear the other cop say get out
To be accurate, the cop that killed the passenger told his partner to "get 'this' guy out of the car," but didn't specify whether he wanted the driver or the passenger out.
Didnot watch but some people are saying they can hear the other cop say get out
Was this in the version first edited by NBC? Because the "other" cop (i.e. white) doesn't say anything on camera.

I heard the black cop say more then a dozen times "Don't fucking Move". In fact because he knew the person he pulled over he even addresses him by name.

As DD said he told his partner to "Get him out of the car" and then at least a dozen times told him not to move or reach for anything or he'd be dead.

I would assume that at the time he said "Get him out of the car" he was referring to the driver since he was clearly already engaged with the passenger.

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Yeah, the media is just a shit stirrer at this point...both liberal and conservative. Both sides go way overboard, exaggerating things because they feel like "the other side is going to do it, so I might as well too". This is basically what American politics has devolved into as well. Most people can't think for themselves and the places they get their info from are corrupt (hey...see, finger_shocker...that's the correct usage of the word)

Also, any statement of "He had his hands up and had no weapon on him is complete and utter bullshit because:

1. He was told multiple times to not get out of the car. He consciously (and rather aggressively) defied orders. He escalated a tense situation in a dark environment. It's becoming trite to say "don't do stupid shit"...but seriously...

2. I'm pretty sure the cop isn't Miss Cleo. He saw a gun in the glovebox that neither person in the car informed the officers was there. So, from an LEO perspective, they've already withheld dangerous information. It's not unreasonable to think that the passenger could have a gun on him as well.

Was this in the version first edited by NBC because the "other" (i.e. white cop) doesn't say anything on camera?

I heard him (the black cop) say more then a dozen times "Don't fucking Move"

As DD said he told his partner to "Get him out of the car" and then at least a dozen times told him not to move or reach for anything or he'd be dead.
To be accurate again, you could also hear the passenger trying to explain that he's just trying to get the registration.

It's entirely possible that the passenger, despite his history, had absolutely no idea that there was a gun in the glove compartment and was wondering why the cop was freaking out. I don't think there's anyone that can honestly argue that the passenger was out to kill the cop at any point before he was killed.
Yeah, the media is just a shit stirrer at this point...both liberal and conservative. Both sides go way overboard, exaggerating things because they feel like "the other side is going to do it, so I might as well too". This is basically what American politics has devolved into as well. Most people can't think for themselves and the places they get their info from are corrupt (hey...see, finger_shocker...that's the correct usage of the word)
LOLZ...no. You don't get to compare a tightly knit international multimedia conglomerate to Jon Stewart and Rachael Maddow without being called out. Maybe you can disclose who the Liberal Media(tm) is for me.

Also, any statement of "He had his hands up and had no weapon on him is complete and utter bullshit because:

1. He was told multiple times to not get out of the car. He consciously (and rather aggressively) defied orders. He escalated a tense situation in a dark environment. It's becoming trite to say "don't do stupid shit"...but seriously...

2. I'm pretty sure the cop isn't Miss Cleo. He saw a gun in the glovebox that neither person in the car informed the officers was there. So, from an LEO perspective, they've already withheld dangerous information. It's not unreasonable to think that the passenger could have a gun on him as well.
1 and 2 do not make the original statement untrue. He had no weapon and he had his hands up. I thought you were a stickler for facts and not hyperbole? Cause you really seem to be confused between the two considering what you had to say about The Media(tm) and Politics(tm)...especially since 1 and 2 are just as much opinion as fact in content.
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1 and 2 do not make the original statement untrue. He had no weapon and he had his hands up. I thought you were a stickler for facts and not hyperbole? Cause you really seem to be confused between the two considering what you had to say about The Media(tm) and Politics(tm)...especially since 1 and 2 are just as much opinion as fact in content.
I'm also a stickler for compliance. Don't escalate a situation when there are unknowns at play. At that point, there's no more proof that he didn't have a weapon than there is that he did. If I'm flagged by airport security (which has happened several times) and I start acting aggressively, do you think they're going to assume I don't have a bomb or I do have a bomb? And which is the smarter way for me to behave?

It's not rocket science. You don't get to just decide to act however the hell you want when you're being questioned by a person of authority.

And here are some legitimate facts from the video:

The white cop said nothing the entire time (which is good because two people yelling commands at you can be disorienting as hell)

At 0:52, the black cop says "Get him out of the car, Rog. (obviously referring to the driver...ie. where "Rog" was) We've got a gun in this glove compartment."

The black cop then IMMEDIATELY tells the passenger again "Don't you fucking move."

He repeats this 5 more times before firing a single shot.

He also tells the passenger "Show me your hands" / "Don't reach for anything" 6 times before firing a single shot.

At 1:26, the passenger says "I'm getting out and getting on the ground" twice (maybe people think this was where the white cop gave orders...but it was the passenger). The black cop immediately tells him. "No, you're not. No, you're not. Don't fucking move."

Then there seems to be a struggle by the passenger to open the door while the black cop tries to hold it shut.

At 1:31, the passenger says "I'm getting out" and the door suddenly flies open. I can't really tell if the passenger used his foot to push the door open and overpower the officer, or if the officer just let go at that point. But then the guy gets out, walks forward, and gets shot.

To be accurate, the cop that killed the passenger told his partner to "get 'this' guy out of the car," but didn't specify whether he wanted the driver or the passenger out.
Also, to be accurate...that's not accurate.


(just cause i know you appreciate a good image)

This is why all cops need to have body cams, you don't know really happens a lot of time because you can't see their pov. The media likes to flip stuff all the time. If every cop can get these on and make it mandatory that it be on at all times would end most of this stuff. 


If you prefer to not watch the vid, click link below 


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Man, it still kind of freaks me out that we live in a world where you can just go online and watch people get killed. That used to be like a "Faces of Death" kind of thing. Now, it's just on Youtube.

I also don't understand how some people are so willing to either A) kill a cop or B) face their own death. I mean, I guess maybe he didn't actually think that those were his options when he took off running. But just being that unwilling to get arrested that you put yourself in that situation. You'd think these guys were wanted for murder or something.

How bad is the problem? In dollars, not including medicaid, medicare or social security. Just the poor children and bad parents you are referring to.
Calculate the cost in wasted potential, suffering, and hopelessness created by the generational welfare cycle? I'll go ask the 34 year old grandmas I see everyday. It is kinda like the genocidal levels of black abortions that Liberals seem ok with because they believe in pro choice. We rationalize everything.

Are you for amnesty even while arguing that we can't expect people on welfare to work due to the lack of jobs? You see the intellectual disconnect there, right?

As far as the idiot who got shot in the video above, you live or die on your personal choices. I would much rather see this scenario than the others that were possible.....

Calculate the cost in wasted potential, suffering, and hopelessness created by the generational welfare cycle? I'll go ask the 34 year old grandmas I see everyday. It is kinda like the genocidal levels of black abortions that Liberals seem ok with because they believe in pro choice. We rationalize everything.

Are you for amnesty even while arguing that we can't expect people on welfare to work due to the lack of jobs? You see the intellectual disconnect there, right?

As far as the idiot who got shot in the video above, you live or die on your personal choices. I would much rather see this scenario than the others that were possible.....
The thing is not only do you not know, you don't even have a general idea and can't be bothered to find out. By all means continue to post obsessively about it.

The last I heard was over 40 million people on SNAP at a cost of about 6 billion a month. That is only the cost of SNAP, not TANF, housing, utilities, all other subsidies, etc... Is that correct? What is your point? Sure I am concerned about our debt, but the destruction of the family unit and loss of morals and work ethic for generations to come is what I truly am scared of. Are you pro immigration and amnesty?

I am still waiting on a reply from you for misreading my Al Sharpton/ MLK post. Be a man and apologize or at least admit your mistake. Think of the Southpark episode where Sharpton made the dad "Apologize. Apologize." Hehehehehehehheheeee.....

That episode was Jesse Jackson, not Sharpton.  Not much difference though, both are race pimps.

Fun fact: one of the varieties of welfare in Ohio now only lets you get 1% or skim milk. No more 2% or whole.

Crap! Thanks, Darby. I hate to get my race hustlers mixed up. ;-)

I prefer skim milk, though the science is undecided over whether whole or skim is better for you. Cow milk as a beverage is maybe not good for us at all anyway. I just can't mix protein powder in water. Nasty!

Back on topic....no comments about the federal civil rights findings in the Michael Brown case?

That episode was Jesse Jackson, not Sharpton. Not much difference though, both are race pimps.

Fun fact: one of the varieties of welfare in Ohio now only lets you get 1% or skim milk. No more 2% or whole.
Same in Maine... the program here is called "WIC" (Which stands for either Woman/Infants/Children or "Woman in Crisis" depending on who you talk to).

It's for "responsible" parents who have children and can't even budget for things like enfamil... because God forbid you have to breast feed.

Yeah, I'm not sure if it's WiC doing it or SNAP because I didn't ask the people in front of me in line at the store "which welfare system are you on?"

Is that correct? What is your point?
I wasnt referring to just the number of people on programs or the total dollar amount. I was making reference to what amount is fraudulent, you have a nasty habit of conflating those two concepts but there is a difference.

Please expand on this because the implications of it qualifies you for the Nobel Prize.
Many young mothers (~70%) choose NOT to breast feed and yet cannot afford formula. AAP suggest you breastfeed for at least 12 months. Breast milk is essentially free. It is exponentially better for a developing infant then formula.

For those who choose not to breastfeed yet can't afford formula, through taxpayer funded programs, they are essentially taking $35 dollars a week which would be the cost of a weeks worth of Enfamil at Walmart if you buy the smallest size.

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Many young mothers (~70%) choose NOT to breast feed and yet cannot afford formula. AAP suggest you breastfeed for at least 12 months. Breast milk is essentially free. It is exponentially better for a developing infant then formula.

For those who choose not to breastfeed yet can't afford formula, through taxpayer funded programs, they are essentially taking $35 dollars a week which would be the cost of a weeks worth of Enfamil at Walmart if you buy the smallest size.
LOLZ...go on...

LOLZ...go on...


So what you're saying is.... you have nothing to say

However, in 1988, the formula industry began advertising directly to the public, which created tension between the medical profession and the formula manufacturers. By 1990, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a statement listing reasons for the organization's opposition to advertising infant formulas to the general public. The AAP believed the advertisements created a negative effect on breastfeeding, interfered with physicians’ advice on infant nutrition, led to confusion among consumers, and increased the cost of infant formula (Greer & Apple, 1991).

Currently, many believe the development and advertisement of infant formula has once again negatively impacted the practice of breastfeeding. Although the breastfeeding rate was 90% in the 20th century, it has decreased to approximately 42% in the 21st century (Gaynor, 2003; Wright, 2007). Research shows increasing trends of formula-fed children developing atopy, diabetes mellitus, and childhood obesity (Gaynor, 2003; Wolf, 2003). The detrimental effects of formula on children's health, supporting Des-Essartz's claim that breastmilk is superior for infant feeding, have initiated a “Breastfeeding versus Formula-Feeding Era.”

Great. So my taxes can go to not only provide formula to women who choose not to breast feed it can also go to support their malnourished children.

Oooooooohhhhhh, I love when Doh thinks he has something on you. Like that dark secret about me that he claimed he knew but would never reveal. Please entertain me more. ;-)
So what you're saying is.... you have nothing to say

Great. So my taxes can go to not only provide formula to women who choose not to breast feed it can also go to support their malnourished children.


Like you two actually give a shit about the welfare of those children. It's the same rhetorical bullshit about gun violence in Chicago; you bring it up but don't give a shit about it either.

I guess I'm the moran here because breastfeeding is as easy as throwing the baby on the boob and switching sides after 15 minutes. :roll:

I sincerely hope that any prospective mother of your children, for both of their sakes because I couldn't give a shit about assholes spewing the kind of shit you two do, doesn't have any issues that come with breastfeeding and if they do, that you'd be more supportive than just telling them to "deal with it." Or maybe you'd cop out and go straight to formula the second there's a problem because "you can afford it."

You don't have to be a father to know these things, but it's pretty easy to spot a fucktard talking out of their asshole about this stuff. I'd love to see you two drop this bullshit in the gamer mom/dad thread.
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And you didn't disappoint.;-) I like the idiotic statements about hating kids. You presume and assume too much, bro. I choose not to have kids because I like to be able to surf whenever it's good..... and so I can retire way early. Kids are expensive if you are a decent parent. I would never want to take other people's earnings to provide for my own responsibility.
Doh, since Mutt won't answer my immigration question, maybe you will. Should we grant amnesty and have porous borders while not having adequate jobs for the people already here?
Ps: what is a Moran?

Do you really believe it is poor form for people not to engage your irrelevant questions or are you just hoping no one notices you have no point ever?

That episode was Jesse Jackson, not Sharpton. Not much difference though, both are race pimps.

Fun fact: one of the varieties of welfare in Ohio now only lets you get 1% or skim milk. No more 2% or whole.
Gotta add Oprah Winfrey, Barry Obama, and Eric "Dick" Holder to the list of Race Pimps.

Crap! Thanks, Darby. I hate to get my race hustlers mixed up. ;-)

I prefer skim milk, though the science is undecided over whether whole or skim is better for you. Cow milk as a beverage is maybe not good for us at all anyway. I just can't mix protein powder in water. Nasty!

Back on topic....no comments about the federal civil rights findings in the Michael Brown case?
It's easy to get Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Barry Obama mixed up. I have one word that I use to refer to all of them--Racist!

There are no comments because Officer Wilson was not guilty of being a racist. The man had to use force to prevent himself from being killed. No reason for Federal Civil Rights charges.

Yeah, I'm not sure if it's WiC doing it or SNAP because I didn't ask the people in front of me in line at the store "which welfare system are you on?"
The proper way to word that question would be "What program are you using my goddamn paycheck to buy Cheetos and Twix Bars with?"

Oooooooohhhhhh, I love when Doh thinks he has something on you. Like that dark secret about me that he claimed he knew but would never reveal. Please entertain me more. ;-)
I wish he would reveal the secret. I am waiting impatiently.

Wow a thread about the questionable murder of Michael Brown by a cop turn to questionable police tactics to bad cops are the norm.   All of a sudden morph into a argument about Clinton's BJ and breastfeeding...  And people say I'm trolling ....what the fark....lol

My wife breast feed our daughter for her first 6 months. It was very difficult for her.  She was in pain and I felt like a piece of shit because I didn't have proper heath care for her. We saw consultants and asked for advice. We decided to supplement formula with the addition of breast milk. She's now a healthy 4yr girl w/ above average height and at a normal weight.

A little government aid was provided to us. Do you think me a criminal?

No child is the same. I hate it when non-parents make generalizations about raising kids.

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My wife breast feed our daughter for her first 6 months. It was very difficult for her. She was in pain and I felt like a piece of shit because I didn't have proper heath care for her. We saw consultants and asked for advice. We decided to supplement formula with the addition of breast milk. She's now a healthy 4yr girl w/ above average height and at a normal weight.

A little government aid was provided to us. Do you think me a criminal?

No child is the same. I hate it when non-parents make generalizations about raising kids.

A criminal? No.;-) irresponsible? Definitely. At least you felt some remorse for having to rely on other people's money. I bet you used the money as intended and have been contributing income tax previously and currently. Maybe not. I go to whole streets of gov't subsidized housing where nobody works, nobody is married, 16 and 17 year old moms are common, and NO remorse about living off of other people's money is displayed. I hear whole communities of white people in West VA are doing the same. I see trailer parks full of meth heads sucking up tax money. That is why I don't see this as a racial issue. It is a human character flaw issue. Why be responsible, sacrifice instant gratification, work harder, and make decisions based on consequences when the nanny gov't will take from others to give to me?
The good old switcheroo, complain about people abusing the system or breaking the law. The real target is everyone who ever got government assistance.

A criminal? No.;-) irresponsible? Definitely. At least you felt some remorse for having to rely on other people's money. I bet you used the money as intended and have been contributing income tax previously and currently. Maybe not. I go to whole streets of gov't subsidized housing where nobody works, nobody is married, 16 and 17 year old moms are common, and NO remorse about living off of other people's money is displayed. I hear whole communities of white people in West VA are doing the same. I see trailer parks full of meth heads sucking up tax money. That is why I don't see this as a racial issue. It is a human character flaw issue. Why be responsible, sacrifice instant gratification, work harder, and make decisions based on consequences when the nanny gov't will take from others to give to me?
In my opinion, it's a bit unfair to lump WIC and Welfare under the same umbrella. If there is EVER a time that a person justifiably needs a helping hand, it's when they've just produced another human life, are getting zero sleep, and are learning on the fly. It is a shock to your system like you've never known.

I'm not even sure how familiar some of you are with WIC, but it's not even like food stamps/EBT. You can't just buy whatever the hell you want with it (ie. Cheetos and Twix Bars). And after the child turns 5, you're no longer eligible to receive it (and I could even consider an argument that 5 is too long). I guess if a woman keeps popping out babies, she could maintain a cycle of WIC eligible children. But there would at least be a limit to what is being received.

I guess what I'm trying to say is WIC in and of itself could never be a replacement for not working. It might as well be a short-term disability benefit. So, yeah...maybe we have programs like that for people who are "irresponsible", but what we don't have are regulations to enforce employers allowing legitimate maternity/paternity leave. Almost every other country in the world absolutely destroys us in that regard.

The idea that we value family and we value education in America is a farce, man. It's also ludicrous to go on a crusade against WIC and turn a blind eye to all the corporate bailouts that go on. Sure, there's an argument that they were "necessary". But they're no less irresponsible. Look at this freaking country, man. It was built on being irresponsible.

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In my opinion, it's a bit unfair to lump WIC and Welfare under the same umbrella. If there is EVER a time that a person justifiably needs a helping hand, it's when they've just produced another human life, are getting zero sleep, and are learning on the fly. It is a shock to your system like you've never known.

I'm not even sure how familiar some of you are with WIC, but it's not even like food stamps/EBT. You can't just buy whatever the hell you want with it (ie. Cheetos and Twix Bars). And after the child turns 5, you're no longer eligible to receive it (and I could even consider an argument that 5 is too long). I guess if a woman keeps popping out babies, she could maintain a cycle of WIC eligible children. But there would at least be a limit to what is being received.

I guess what I'm trying to say is WIC in and of itself could never be a replacement for not working. It might as well be a short-term disability benefit. So, yeah...maybe we have programs like that for people who are "irresponsible", but what we don't have are regulations to enforce employers allowing legitimate maternity/paternity leave. Almost every other country in the world absolutely destroys us in that regard.

The idea that we value family and we value education in America is a farce, man. It's also ludicrous to go on a crusade against WIC and turn a blind eye to all the corporate bailouts that go on. Sure, there's an argument that they were "necessary". But they're no less irresponsible. Look at this freaking country, man. It was built on being irresponsible.
I actually think WIC is great since they are only issuing very item specific vouchers. My girlfriends sister got vouchers for 9 bottles worth of Enfamil as well as a few for 1% milk and juice for the period of January 19th - February 19th. All in all it was about $180 worth of goods.

My problem is that her TANF and EBT benefits already increased as soon as she gave birth to account for the fact that she has to support (bad choice of words since she isn't supporting anyone financially) her son.

Since she doesn't have to spend her TANF or EBT on formula... and since the TANF restrictions are theoretical and the EBT restrictions are a joke she doesn't do anything productive with her money.

If she had to provide receipts for her expenditures at her weekly/bi monthly state appointments this bullshit would come to an end real quick.

Think about this.... if you get Pell Grant money as a NCAA student athlete you sure as hell have to bring in receipts showing what you spent the money on otherwise you must reimburse what you can't account for.

I actually think WIC is great since they are only issuing very item specific vouchers. My girlfriends sister got vouchers for 9 bottles worth of Enfamil as well as a few for 1% milk and juice for the period of January 19th - February 19th. All in all it was about $180 worth of goods.

My problem is that her TANF and EBT benefits already increased as soon as she gave birth to account for the fact that she has to support (bad choice of words since she isn't supporting anyone financially) her son.

Since she doesn't have to spend her TANF or EBT on formula... and since the TANF restrictions are theoretical and the EBT restrictions are a joke she doesn't do anything productive with her money.

If she had to provide receipts for her expenditures at her weekly/bi monthly state appointments this bullshit would come to an end real quick.

Think about this.... if you get Pell Grant money as a NCAA student athlete you sure as hell have to bring in receipts showing what you spent the money on otherwise you must reimburse what you can't account for.
Yeah, that basically makes my point of it being unfair to lump WIC in with those other programs. WIC is very well regulated, like you said. If these other programs allow themselves to be exploited, then those are definitely areas that can be improved upon. And I'm all for that.

I just thought it was kind of messed up to specifically go after WIC when its purpose is to aid some of the most legitimately vulnerable members of our society (new mothers and infants) who are buying frozen peas and milk.

That just feels like a completely different universe from using foodstamps to buy steaks and pepsi. Just my opinion though.

I've said before and I'll say it again - WIC is a great program (not without flaws, but what doesn't have flaws?) and I'd *love* to see an overhaul of other support programs to pull them more in-line with WIC. Of course, whenever that comes up, suddenly "lefties" start crying about the expense that it would take to do it. I mean, they don't care about the cost of throwing out millions of taxpayer money on supplying undernourished children with free Pepsi and Hot Pockets, but throw a fit at the idea of overhauling the system in such a way that it would deter fraud while encouraging folks to eat better.
It's also ludicrous to go on a crusade against WIC and turn a blind eye to all the corporate bailouts that go on. Sure, there's an argument that they were "necessary". But they're no less irresponsible. Look at this freaking country, man. It was built on being irresponsible.
Cue the "well I'm against that too" (yet curiously never bring that up in every single topic the way welfare is brought up)
bread's done