GGT 351 Is Rereleasing Every GGT With "GGT REply"

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Yeah Windows 10 has been great for me, a few small problems but it's been much better then 7/8 were for me already, in both speed and easy access to everything, good amount of customization as well.

I'm sorry I didn't get on for PSO last night Indigdawg and everyone. I didn't have my phone on me. I'll play next time! 

Has anyone read the potential spoilers that were released for Phantom Pain? I haven't read them yet, but I heard they were good and I'm actually really, really excited to hear my friends that like MGS getting excited about it. I was planning on playing a lot of DR3 today, but instead I'm going to play the shit out of Ground Zeroes to make sure my save file has the most on it for my Mother Base.

You think Jared will be getting footlongs in prison?

EDIT: Oh holy shit, Shadowrun Hong Kong is out? fuck yeah.

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You know what my biggest question about Phantom Pain currently is?

Whether or not Hideo Kojima can still be a part of my team since I saved him in Ground Zeroes since he left Konami.

Straight up, I find it hilarious that there are still people like that in this day and age. My Grandma, Aunts, and Mom were like that when I was growing up. My Grandma and one of my Aunts still talks like that. My Aunt J won't let her daughter play Pokemon because she thinks that the constant talk of evolution will break down my cousin's spirit enough that demons will have an easier time latching themselves onto her and bring themselves into their home. She also believes that is basically what happened to her husband and is why they're getting a divorce now.

When I was growing up my Grandma once did a sermon on the Ninja Turtles and how they were green demons that were teaching children they needed to mutilate people (My Grandma got the word mutant mixed up with mutilate). Because of her a lot of people in my area boycotted TMNT and because of that the local Wal-Mart quit stocking them and I couldn't get any for Christmas that year. fucking sucked.

I played some Sunset Overdrive last night. Really not feeling it so far, unfortunately. 

The La Le Lu Le Lo.

Man, played more Sunset. Really not grabbing me. I think I've gotten old or the humor just isn't my style. I just really do not like this. So sad. I was thinking this game would be a ton of fun.
I remember in school when someone first told me about persona, it sounded like a very interesting concept ( the whole shot yourself in the head releasing a persona) it was like a deep message and sounded like a fun game. The whole imitating shooting yourself does sound like something a mother would worry about especially if her child doesn't have a strong mental image. This would be the perfect time for her to stop posting on a forum and talk to her son, ya know communicate.

Woke up today and first thing I thought about was that Zach Braff played the voice of a chicken
I told you Zeki was above you, why aren't you mad about that?

That's why he's above you, cuz you just don't care about my rankings. wtv beatles

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Look, people need to understand that these things are almost meaningless while playing, while the PC may look better you can consider that the PS4 version is the version that was developed for it's real graphical representation of the game. People will agree with me that the Playstation is the home of the MGS franchise and it makes sense that it was the platform where it would be developed for first, taking this into account is the fact that artists were primarily aimed at making the game look stunning on consoles first. While consoles have limitations, the artists use their proficiency in making the game meet the 'true image' of what the game environment looks like, compare that to the PC version which was tacked on later and just has extra options that go against the true image' of what the designers and artists wanted. Another point is that colour tones have been used in the game, while the console versions have a more natural MGS2 vibe of colour saturation which is just perfect for the metal gear universe, this is more harder on PC platforms to achieve hence why we see more clarity to compensate, overall the clarity doest really help as you are in motion for most of the game so unless you like taking pics this point is null. If you think about it while in motion if#s almost ineligible to tell the difference anyway. So yeah get the PC version if you want but I doubt it has the care that was put into the PS4 version, at least I know it's going to stable and playable on consoles.
People still dont think pc gaming is the best? Hmmmmm

Also the united states have lost their minds. I put it in a spoiler because it is indeed horrific.

I think MGSV will probably be best on PS4 still.

You guys ever know people that get so drunk you get worried over if they'll live through the night or not? That's been like my last 3 hours. Not fun.

Tonight has been crazy. Went out and walked my dogs and heard some weird noise. Looked up and there was a fucking drone flying around watching me. It stuck around for 5 minutes or so and then flew away. Then, some paraplegic guy in one of those fancy chairs rolled by walking a dog and acting really creepy, so I ducked back behind my apartment with my dogs and saw that my downstairs neighbors were doing a seance in the middle of their living room (their back door was open). They had candles lit, they were in a circle on the floor holding hands, and slowly chanting. It was creepy. Worst part was that my dogs started whining. I didn't stick around for long. I ran back around to the front and went back up stairs. fuck midnight on Saturday.
I think MGSV will probably be best on PS4 still.

You guys ever know people that get so drunk you get worried over if they'll live through the night or not? That's been like my last 3 hours. Not fun.

Tonight has been crazy. Went out and walked my dogs and heard some weird noise. Looked up and there was a fucking drone flying around watching me. It stuck around for 5 minutes or so and then flew away. Then, some paraplegic guy in one of those fancy chairs rolled by walking a dog and acting really creepy, so I ducked back behind my apartment with my dogs and saw that my downstairs neighbors were doing a seance in the middle of their living room (their back door was open). They had candles lit, they were in a circle on the floor holding hands, and slowly chanting. It was creepy. Worst part was that my dogs started whining. I didn't stick around for long. I ran back around to the front and went back up stairs. fuck midnight on Saturday.
Never had the drinking issue

I dont know even what the drone was about, probably some neighbor with a new toy. Also was it like a religious seance? I know some religions people like chant/speak things while sitting on the floor.

Either way you are living in the twilight zone or something.
It was alright. I liked that they developed Hawkeye a bit at least instead of keeping him as the most boring piece of shit ever.

I didn't like how Don Cheadle shows up but then Falcon doesn't. I guess Marvel decided that they had enough black guys. Didn't want to add anymore more without another 17 white people, am I right beatles?

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It was alright. I liked that they developed Hawkeye a bit at least instead of keeping him as the most boring piece of shit ever.

I didn't like how Don Cheadle shows up but then Falcon doesn't. I guess Marvel decided that they had enough black guys. Didn't want to add anymore more without another 17 white people, am I right beatles?
Don Cheadle did need more screen time, he pretty much is exactly Iron man, so like you saw all the power he had, why not have both of them doing double the work. it was nice that they developed Hawkeye. The scene where he motivated Elizabeth Olsen was a really good touch to his character.

Sorta Spoilers i guess for ant man as well
Anthony Mackie didnt have much screen time in avengers 2 but he had the awesome scene in ant-man as well as the post credit scenes, They probably dont want to use him too much to make it look like he is working on stuff (new team, bucky etc.)
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Avengers movies are pretty racist.

So was Iron Man 3 when RDJ wouldn't let Don Cheadle into one of his suits at the end.

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Never had the drinking issue

I dont know even what the drone was about, probably some neighbor with a new toy. Also was it like a religious seance? I know some religions people like chant/speak things while sitting on the floor.

Either way you are living in the twilight zone or something.
I don't know what the seance was about, but it was creepy as fuck.

I'm watching Avengers 2 right now.

The part with the jackhammer punches made me laugh more than it should.
That part was good. I need to rewatch.

It's not thaaat weird. Though I feel odd when I hear it too.

It was alright. I liked that they developed Hawkeye a bit at least instead of keeping him as the most boring piece of shit ever.

I didn't like how Don Cheadle shows up but then Falcon doesn't. I guess Marvel decided that they had enough black guys. Didn't want to add anymore more without another 17 white people, am I right beatles?
Hawkeye's going to be in Civil War even more. Gonna kill his whole family.

I also wish Falcon had been in it more. Beatles is right though, lots of Falcon in Ant Man.

Don Cheadle did need more screen time, he pretty much is exactly Iron man, so like you saw all the power he had, why not have both of them doing double the work. it was nice that they developed Hawkeye. The scene where he motivated Elizabeth Olsen was a really good touch to his character.

Sorta Spoilers i guess for ant man as well
Anthony Mackie didnt have much screen time in avengers 2 but he had the awesome scene in ant-man as well as the post credit scenes, They probably dont want to use him too much to make it look like he is working on stuff (new team, bucky etc.)
Don Cheadle needs more screen time in everything. Love him.

Can any of you clarify who reads comics, isnt war machine more weapon advanced than Iron man?
War Machine is, but it's not because Iron Man's armor isn't as advanced or anything. The Iron Man armor is just made to combat specific threats which is why there are so many different kinds while War Machine's armor is just specifically geared towards war. So when it comes down to it, War Machine is really just another Iron Man suit that more or less stays the same because it only really has one use.

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