PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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How can it be carpal tunnel with all those headaches you are getting?
I dont know. Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Is my head hurting because my arms hurt and I get tense which causes headaches? Or is the tenseness or bum shoulder contributing to the headache which then makes my arms hurt?

My arms have been hurting more and more over the past year when I am at work. It used to be just a minor annoyance but it has gotten worse lately. But since I had the arm issue for a while now I figure its carpal tunnel and then I have these other things on top of it.

And I don't think all of the songs are correctly recognized yet. I don't think there's anyway I didn't buy at least one of those Sublime songs, but they're all coming up as costing me money. Going to have to cross reference with my Rock Band 3 game at some point.
Yeah, I heard that. I'm not confident enough to press the purchase button until I go home to check (prices are still showing in my chart). I also maintained a Guitar Hero library so I know there might be some instances where I think I own a song, but I actually had it for guitar hero.

I haven't been buying any games the past couple of months. I need to play my backlog and pay my bills. I have UC2 in my backlog so decided to give it a go finally :)
I have never taken advantage of one of those spend $100 get $15 back deals. It's highly unlikely that is going to change.
I was close when I bought Destiny but otherwise I haven't found enough on sale that would make sense. Too soon for the Uncharted Remaster to go on sale. Even if i bought it for $60 I still need to spend $40 more to get $15 back. Doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe I guess if I renewed PS+? Don't think it is going to make sense for me (again) but I will look at the sales between now and then just in case.

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I have never taken advantage of one of those spend $100 get $15 back deals. It's highly unlikely that is going to change.
Spending $100 is a pretty high bar, but the spend $50 get $X have been good to me in the past. Most of the times they have ran those, there have been pretty good sales during the month. With how the sales have been lately, and this being a spend $100 I won't hold my breath.

So the long in development Sony Bend game, which no one has any idea of keeps getting teased by Shuei Yoshida.  On todays PS I Love you XOXO podcast, he again gave a small tidbit saying it will be their biggest game yet.  Mind you the last game Bend made was Uncharted Golden Abyss....  in previous interviews, Yoshida had stated he has played it and is really excited for everyone to hear about it.

It has been crazy, none of the exclusives this year were first party.  All the first party studios are and have been working on PS4 games for 3 plus years... next year has to be THE year.  I mean Horizon should be next year, we still haven't heard from Sony Santa Monica, Bend, Quantic Dream, and I am sure more that I am missing.  

If the price drop that is rumored is true, plus all the marketing Sony will be getting with COD, Destiny, and other third party titles, MS may not be able to kill the PS this fall and holiday, and may not be able to in the near future with all the exclusives yet to be announced.

Spending $100 is a pretty high bar, but the spend $50 get $X have been good to me in the past. Most of the times they have ran those, there have been pretty good sales during the month. With how the sales have been lately, and this being a spend $100 I won't hold my breath.
It's been a long time since they did it for anything other than $100. Last time was 9/13 for spend $50 get $10. It's been over a year since we had a $60 and $10 as well, I think.

So the long in development Sony Bend game, which no one has any idea of keeps getting teased by Shuei Yoshida. On todays PS I Love you XOXO podcast, he again gave a small tidbit saying it will be their biggest game yet. Mind you the last game Bend made was Uncharted Golden Abyss.... in previous interviews, Yoshida had stated he has played it and is really excited for everyone to hear about it.

It has been crazy, none of the exclusives this year were first party. All the first party studios are and have been working on PS4 games for 3 plus years... next year has to be THE year. I mean Horizon should be next year, we still haven't heard from Sony Santa Monica, Bend, Quantic Dream, and I am sure more that I am missing.

If the price drop that is rumored is true, plus all the marketing Sony will be getting with COD, Destiny, and other third party titles, MS may not be able to kill the PS this fall and holiday, and may not be able to in the near future with all the exclusives yet to be announced.
Remember that there's the Paris Games Conference coming up this month. There'll probably be some announcements there.

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True story


Question for mpaulin and others:

Why are you buying RB4 when it's worse than the RB3 game you already own?  That's the dilemma I'm struggling with.  And I don't trust Harmonix to implement missing features down the road.

Although I'm hearing good things about the new guitars.

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transformers playthrough 1, lowest difficulty, 3 1/2 hours. had to get to the first ark point on my continue, but i just upped the difficulty. taking a break now, but i'll check it out to see what's updated. haven't tried any of the challenge mode stuff either. wouldn't recommend a full price purchase, but it's definitely a fantastic game. 

I dunno...I really think unless theres a PS4 price drop MS may actually have some momentum going into the holidays.  Don't forget Halo 5 is coming out later this month and while 343 still hasnt fully recovered from the MCC fiasco it will still move some systems.  Add in that PS4 exclusives are few and far between until Uncharted next year and I could see it being a close holiday battle.

Question for mpaulin and others:

Why are you buying RB4 when it's worse than the RB3 game you already own? That's the dilemma I'm struggling with. And I don't trust Harmonix to implement missing features down the road.

Although I'm hearing good things about the new guitars.
Worse is relative it sounds like. My guess: If you don't care about playing online it sounds like it's just as good as rb2. rb3 (ps3) is somewhat pricey to get your hands on, has a reputation for being crashy (ps3), and has the keyboard (which I enjoyed but some did not). Plus I presume that there's a few new songs that come with the purchase of rb4.

Plus ps4 master race etc etc.
So does the new Super Meat Boy music suck? Everyone is saying that. Interesting but unrevealing blog post about why they didn't get the original soundtrack:

Hey guys!

Many of you have probably already seen the news, but my soundtrack for Super Meat Boy will not be in the PS4/Vita versions. This is because I no longer have a working relationship with Team Meat. You may also know that I did not do the soundtrack for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. I made a decision a couple years ago to end my working relationship with them for many reasons that don’t really need to be listed here. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause my fans.

I’ve heard rumors that there were creative differences between us; this is not true, or at least was never communicated to me.

I own all the rights to my music, and Team Meat approached me to license the music for the PS4 and Vita versions. I didn't feel like the license fee and exposure through PSN they offered was enough to make me seriously consider accepting the deal. I decided to decline their offer. I wish them and the new artists the best of luck with the game.

I genuinely appreciate all the outreach from fans today. I love you guys!

I dunno...I really think unless theres a PS4 price drop MS may actually have some momentum going into the holidays. Don't forget Halo 5 is coming out later this month and while 343 still hasnt fully recovered from the MCC fiasco it will still move some systems. Add in that PS4 exclusives are few and far between until Uncharted next year and I could see it being a close holiday battle.
Did you miss that Target leaked this a few days ago?

I dunno...I really think unless theres a PS4 price drop MS may actually have some momentum going into the holidays. Don't forget Halo 5 is coming out later this month and while 343 still hasnt fully recovered from the MCC fiasco it will still move some systems. Add in that PS4 exclusives are few and far between until Uncharted next year and I could see it being a close holiday battle.
Well the price cut is the worst kept secret Sony has ever had. It is definitely happening.

MS will definitely make up ground in the US regardless since they have the better exclusives. However, it wont matter much because they will still be getting their ass kicked worldwide.

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