PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!

So best buy currently has the prices transposed on the Iron Giant CE and standard edition. Listing 9.99 for the CE and $75 for the normal edition. Might be worth locking in a preorder,
Sweet, locked one in. Hopefully they honor it.
Not that I know of. People expected it with TWD s2 but of course it didnt happen.
Yeah I guess I know the answer, but I still can't understand why people on the trophy forums always say "I hope they add a plat with the new trophies" every damn time. It's never happened before, so what makes them think it will happen this time?

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So best buy currently has the prices transposed on the Iron Giant CE and standard edition. Listing 9.99 for the CE and $75 for the normal edition. Might be worth locking in a preorder,
Thanks, preorder placed. I wish you could do store pickup so I wouldn't have to pay $3.99 shipping (man, I miss being Elite+).

My wife is having real issues with allergy eyes right now due to all the pollen in the air here.  I have made sure to keep her indoors all weekend hoping to give her eyes a chance to recover.  She sent me to the grocery store this afternoon.  I had to laugh when I saw the 2 things she wanted me to pick up for the kids lunches.

Bread and bananas

Yeah I guess I know the answer, but I still can't understand why people on the trophy forums always say "I hope they add a plat with the new trophies" every damn time. It's never happened before, so what makes them think it will happen this time?
Well they always say that there should be a separate platinum trophy for online and offline trophies, too. They're idiots.

that sucks. I played golf two days in a row with the temp in the 70s. No clouds in the sky. Cool breeze.

Suck it Baltimore!!
My friend was actually in Tampa for work all last week. He flew from Tampa to Baltimore Friday evening and the difference in temperature from getting on the plane to getting off was around 40-50 degrees.

Apparently the Astros are letting the young batboys play in the field now? Or the Brewers are actually Giants?

Wow, just watched the Gamecocks closer get out of a bases loaded, no out jam against the Vols to secure the 4-3 win. He faced their 3, 4, and 5 hitters, who oh-by-the-way are the top three RBI guys in the conference, with the bases juiced; K, K, pop out. The closer doesn't have lights out stuff, fastball tops out at about 85, but his location is pretty strong.

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No crazy would have been if both balls went in!! It was soo close. Bet that has never happened in history and that's the closest we will ever see it.
Holy fucking meltdown Batman!

How do you go birdie birdie birdie birdie bogey bogey quadruple bogey. What the fuck.

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Spieth is done. If he comes back this will be the single greatest round of golf ever. 3 holes in one. One a ricocelhet and a guy going wire to wire with a comeback after meltdown.

Then he doesn't hit the green on this shot while I type.
Wren just got the headset case and the quality is really good. Do you have any issues with the zipper getting stuck when opening the case?
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Any of y'all play that Beat the Streak game on Or via the app? I thought if there was enough people and/or interest I could create a PSNOT group.

Basically everyday you pick one player from any roster to get a hit that day. If you pick 56 in a row you win 1.5 million and move in with pitfall. If you forget to pick on a day, your streak doesn't end. And you can pick the same player multiple days in a row if you want (so not suicide pool rules). There's also prizes for streaks hitting the multiples of five.

Anyway let me know and I'll set one up.
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bread's done