PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!

I really hope the next resident evil goes back to having 1 good campaign, and maybe an extra episode or something. 6 has some nice action pieces, but it just feels like the campaigns drag on too much. They could have taken out a lot of filler, mixed the campaigns together, and it would have turned out much better. Haven't dipped into the multi-player, but I'm sure it's going to be a lot more fun.
I really hope the next resident evil goes back to having 1 good campaign, and maybe an extra episode or something. 6 has some nice action pieces, but it just feels like the campaigns drag on too much. They could have taken out a lot of filler, mixed the campaigns together, and it would have turned out much better. Haven't dipped into the multi-player, but I'm sure it's going to be a lot more fun.
Ah, so thats why you keep falling asleep while we play! You were running in place in front of a lot of walls last night.

My boss asked his directs what extra curricular activities we participate in here at work.  Like employee networking groups etc.  I said Ive got nothing unless you count going out to the bar with Product Management after work.  Pretty sure thats the best type of networking.

Never mind that we are leaving two hours early again.  And of course I aint buying!

TLDR: fuck work

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I really hope the next resident evil goes back to having 1 good campaign, and maybe an extra episode or something. 6 has some nice action pieces, but it just feels like the campaigns drag on too much. They could have taken out a lot of filler, mixed the campaigns together, and it would have turned out much better. Haven't dipped into the multi-player, but I'm sure it's going to be a lot more fun.
I wanted to pick it up on ps4 just to play all the dlc multiplayer modes. I always thought the 4v1 mode looked rad.

My boss asked his directs what extra curricular activities we participate in here at work. Like employee networking groups etc. I said Ive got nothing unless you count going out to the bar with Product Management after work. Pretty sure thats the best type of networking.

Never mind that we are leaving two hours early again. And of course I aint buying!

TLDR: fuck work
I guess it would be wrong to say banging your assistant?

Went to sign up for that pokemon trainer account thing so I could get the free legendaries. Apparently I'd already set up an account back when the 3DS games first came out. Forgot all the login info, so I requested the username then a password reset. Of course, nintendo doesn't allow you to request both within a short time span. Took me 20 minutes to login to a stupid pokemon account. 

Looking to make a last minute decision on that Stories: Path of Destinies game. Looks pretty interesting. Bastion-ish with branching storyline (32 different endings). I'm weak so will probably bite due to the 10% discount and a free theme. Looking like I am getting all of these launch party games. 

Went to sign up for that pokemon trainer account thing so I could get the free legendaries. Apparently I'd already set up an account back when the 3DS games first came out. Forgot all the login info, so I requested the username then a password reset. Of course, nintendo doesn't allow you to request both within a short time span. Took me 20 minutes to login to a stupid pokemon account.
Even better! The codes are in some mailing list I can't figure out how to get on. Original post says you can check on your account settings page, but I must be dumber than the 3rd graders this site is aimed at because I'm not seeing it. I give up, back to ignoring Nintendo.

Looking to make a last minute decision on that Stories: Path of Destinies game. Looks pretty interesting. Bastion-ish with branching storyline (32 different endings). I'm weak so will probably bite due to the 10% discount and a free theme. Looking like I am getting all of these launch party games.
The complete lack of reviews is a bit worrying. Gameplay videos that are online look great, though. I've already bought it myself and will probably fire it up tomorrow morning before work to check it out.

Onto episode 4 of Sat Morning RPG. I can't see how any of you are masochistic enough to go for the plat. (looks like it requires playing episodes over and over to make alternate choices)
That part is easy. Most the alternate choices can be reached quickly in the episodes and go quick because you know what to do to solve it.

The grind is getting to level 50. fuck that.

I really hope the next resident evil goes back to having 1 good campaign, and maybe an extra episode or something. 6 has some nice action pieces, but it just feels like the campaigns drag on too much. They could have taken out a lot of filler, mixed the campaigns together, and it would have turned out much better. Haven't dipped into the multi-player, but I'm sure it's going to be a lot more fun.
They tried to do way way way too much with RE6. It's like they took the approach to throw in everything, because more is obviously better, right? The game's pacing is completely fucked.

Amazon has Far Cry Primal for $35 as a Deal of the Day:

The page mentions a "$25.80 trade-in guarantee" if you send in the game within 60 days, but I don't know how that works when the same page shows $16.27 as the TIV.
One shit thing about PS4 being so popular is that the resell value of the games are lower than X1 versions (the X1 version trades in for $30 guaranteed)

It was the opposite last gen, I always loved buying PS3 games because they'd always be worth a few bucks more on the resell market because they were less common.

Mind blowing time. Brazilian ketchup and mayonnaise:


Yeah there is a lot of walking through corridors (and into walls) without fighting.
Yup, and after you finish walking you run into a massive ambush or set piece. There was no middle ground in the game. It was all huge bombastic shit or dull lifeless walking.

Compare to RE4 (especially the first half) where there are tons of nuanced fights with just a few zombies, a much more even pace with the occasional large boss fight or ambush thrown in.

Yup, and after you finish walking you run into a massive ambush or set piece. There was no middle ground in the game. It was all huge bombastic shit or dull lifeless walking.

Compare to RE4 (especially the first half) where there are tons of nuanced fights with just a few zombies, a much more even pace with the occasional large boss fight or ambush thrown in.
The huge set pieces can be really cool though. But yeah thats it. Its basically an even stranger and grossed out Shadow of the Colossus.

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The huge set pieces can be really cool though. But yeah thats it. Its basically an even stranger and grossed out Shadow of the Colossus.
They're great once in a while but just become tiresome if they happen too frequently.

I get the Shadow of the Colossus comparison, but I always considered that more of a boss rush game. The world was a bit too expansive but it was also kind of fun using your sword to try and figure out where the next Colossus is.

I kind of liked Titanfall. I suck at FPS but that one was decent fun for as much as I played it, but that was on 360 and I don't play much on there any more (and don't have Live currently). So I'd be interested in Titanfall 2 on PS4, but definitely not for even 20% off of $60. Will wait for $20 or less.

I still wanna play the first one. I can't remember if it was timed exclusive or not, but I assume if it was it would be out by now.
No, full exclusive. It was offered for free for a 48-hour trial on Origin a long while back. Grabbed it but still haven't checked it out. MP-only games just aren't something I'm excited about. TF2 having a single-player campaign makes it much more interesting.

No, full exclusive. It was offered for free for a 48-hour trial on Origin a long while back. Grabbed it but still haven't checked it out. MP-only games just aren't something I'm excited about. TF2 having a single-player campaign makes it much more interesting.
TF2 is Team Fortress 2, son. Get it right.

There was an email from the boss reminding everyone about the "Electronic Device Policy" . This sort of thing gets sent out every few months or so, probably because someone was whining "So and So was looking at their phone, and wasn't helping me! I was really busy! Waaahhh"

[SIZE=12pt]-          [/SIZE]Legacy recognizes that employees may need or want to bring personal cellular telephones, pagers, smartphones or personal computing devices to work for emergency use or use during breaks.  However,employees are prohibited from using cellular telephones or personal electronic devices for personal reasons during work time or in a manner that adversely affects employee job performance or patient care needs.

[SIZE=12pt]-          [/SIZE]Employees must limit personal use of cellular telephones, pagers, smartphones and personal computers to non-work time, and in non-patient care areas.

[SIZE=12pt]-          [/SIZE]The use of radios or personal audio players must not be distracting to patients, visitors or co-workers nor interfere with the safe performance of one’s job duties.

[SIZE=12pt]-          [/SIZE]While on duty, employees should not watch television or video recordings, play computer games, use personal electronic devices, sleep or give the appearance of sleeping, or engage in other non-work activities.

[SIZE=12pt]Another question that often comes up is what about when it is slow - is this an appropriate time to use the internet, cell phones, or other personal electronic devices for personal reasons?  My answer is No.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There are always procedures to be reviewed, centrifuges to be cleaned, supplies to be stocked.  Also, there is a negative message that you send to your co-workers when you are surfing the web as theyare working.  It is neither appreciated nor appropriate.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I like the part about sending a negative message to your co-workers. What, because I'm better at my job and finish faster than you, I should be punished? It's not my fault you can't remember how to do things or have to spend extra time because you loaded the wrong reagent.[/SIZE]

Titanfall was fun but it just didn't have much staying power. Got old real fast.
Staying power is pretty subjective, IMO. If the multiplayer is fun I'll keep playing as long as the player base is big enough for it to not be a pain in the ass. I like Call of Duty fine, but I wonder what it is about that that motivates people to play over and over but people dropped off of Titanfall. Are people really motivated to prestige multiple times? Maybe just something about Titanfall that makes it less fun to party up and play non-stop.

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just a heads up to the 0 people who will be playing skullgirls on vita anytime soon.  it seems to be a bit too beastly for our little handheld pal, so there's a few things to keep in mind:

- if you suspend during any fight it randomly starts running at half speed

- it randomly doesn't save progress in all sorts of things - the excessively long tutorial, story mode, challenges, etc.  there's no save icon as far as I can tell so you just have to hope that it saves.  it seems to get worse the longer you have the app open.

- while I'm sure the online part of it works, I haven't had any luck with it yet.  not even viewing leaderboards.

- there is no apparent cross save, so if you put a bunch of time in single player content on the ps4 and were hoping to polish off some challenge or something on the go, you'll have to redo everything.

I think the devs are paying attention so hopefully it'll get somewhat tidied up down the road.

Staying power is pretty subjective, IMO. If the multiplayer is fun I'll keep playing as long as the player base is big enough for it to not be a pain in the ass. I like Call of Duty fine, but I wonder what it is about that that motivates people to play over and over but people dropped off of Titanfall. Are people really motivated to prestige multiple times? Maybe just something about Titanfall that makes it less fun to party up and play non-stop.
I say this same thing about EVERY multiplayer game. Its the same damn thing every match. You shoot someone or they shoot you. You answered your own question. Its all subjective.

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I say this same thing about EVERY multiplayer game. Its the same damn thing every match. You shoot someone or they shoot you. You answered your own question. Its all subjective.
Yeah but youre old and you fuckin suck so for you its just someone shooting and you and youre too old to react fast enough to kill them so I can see why you would get bored quick.
I say this same thing about EVERY multiplayer game. Its the same damn thing every match. You shoot someone or they shoot you. You answered your own question. Its all subjective.
Seriously, though. That's literally sports. You've been watching the same exact game with maybe a few different rules every few years yet you cream your pants every time a football game is on. Guess what, the set up is the same and things happen differently every game.

Yeah but youre old and you fuckin suck so for you its just someone shooting and you and youre too old to react fast enough to kill them so I can see why you would get bored quick.
I was actually pretty damn good at Goldeneye on N64 in college thank you very much. I still got bored quickly because I dont like doing what I perceive to be the same thing over and over. The guys were playing that shit every night for hours well after I stopped playing. It just isnt for me. Part of why I suck now is because I am older for one yeah, but the other is I dont care if I win or not since I know I wont be playing it for long and I dont bother to learn all the nuances of any specific game.

Seriously, though. That's literally sports. You've been watching the same exact game with maybe a few different rules every few years yet you cream your pants every time a football game is on. Guess what, the set up is the same and things happen differently every game.
I say this same thing about EVERY multiplayer game. Its the same damn thing every match. You shoot someone or they shoot you. You answered your own question. Its all subjective.
Pretty sure I made that point clear.

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bread's done