PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!

Old people have shitty taste in games.

Staying power is pretty subjective, IMO. If the multiplayer is fun I'll keep playing as long as the player base is big enough for it to not be a pain in the ass. I like Call of Duty fine, but I wonder what it is about that that motivates people to play over and over but people dropped off of Titanfall. Are people really motivated to prestige multiple times? Maybe just something about Titanfall that makes it less fun to party up and play non-stop.
My understanding was that the issue with Titanfall was a lack of content. Does it have the same amount of guns, maps, loadout options, etc. as Call of Duty?

My understanding was that the issue with Titanfall was a lack of content. Does it have the same amount of guns, maps, loadout options, etc. as Call of Duty?
Good enough point. Pretty sure there were fewer maps and way less guns/loadout options. Maybe I'm in the minority but once I find a loadout I like in a multiplayer game I almost never change it, so that's not something that would ever click with me.

The actual moment to moment action in Titanfall was just great, though. Wall running around, call in your titan, kill a bunch of people, ejector seat out and shoot people on the fall back down. They nailed it. Assuming they're building on all of that with more maps and modes the sequel should be sweet.

Got the 60 day rental of Far Cry Primal for $9.20, thanks Vig. Probably stream it on my Thursday stream.

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Dawg you just replied to someone that said it was subjective you can give your opinion on why you basically think it's boring and then you brush me off for doing the same thing. C'mon son.
huh? I only replied to show why its all subjective. I was agreeing with him by saying I dont get why people play what I perceive to be the same thing over and over again. Your sports analogy was a good one and I agree with that as well. Which again is why I agree its all subjective.

I still think MP competitive shooters are boring and you think sports are boring. Neither is right or wrong, its just our opinions. I wasnt brushing anything off.

I think titanfall and evolve both had some great ideas. both seemed to fall short because of content (evolve's being locked behind dlc was a terrible idea). I think a lot of companies making these online only mp games really miss the mark on the value of single player content. It's not just a feature checkbox, it also acts as a demo/gateway to the multiplayer side to get people who would be otherwise disinterested curious.

street fighter 5 just fell for the same thing - banking on an esports/competitive market that just can't drive sales. you've got to bring new people in somehow, and expecting them to spend hours losing to superhumans online over and over to git gud is a ridiculous proposition.
One shit thing about PS4 being so popular is that the resell value of the games are lower than X1 versions (the X1 version trades in for $30 guaranteed)

It was the opposite last gen, I always loved buying PS3 games because they'd always be worth a few bucks more on the resell market because they were less common.
I seemed to remember not always getting good deals on new but older games on PS3 for the same reason. The 360 game would be on sale for cheaper then the PS3 game.

I seemed to remember not always getting good deals on new but older games on PS3 for the same reason. The 360 game would be on sale for cheaper then the PS3 game.
Yeah that's true too, I guess it kind of voids itself out. There were a lot of random used games at Gamestop and Best Buy that were $5 more for the PS3 version (Shadows of the Damned and Asura's Wrath come to mind)

Titanfall was fun but it just didn't have much staying power. Got old real fast.
Wonder if anyone is still playing it on XBox One? It is like under $10 used at Game Stop and I think $10 new. Or do you need the DLC too?

Might check it out at some point since it is so cheap but if the online is dead will just skip.

I never had any luck with those transmitters so I just gave up on them.

My new car has a USB port so I just put like 1000 songs on a flash drive and listen to it on random. It's amazing.

tldr buy a new car pitfall

Titanfall was fun but it just didn't have much staying power. Got old real fast.
Out of all these online only games which ones really stayed viable for long? Destiny maybe? Even Destiny had SOME sort of campaign you could play by yourself weak as it was. Evolve tanked fast. Without a single player experience they are written off by a decent amount of gamers who play more single player stuff then MP.

Wonder if anyone is still playing it on XBox One? It is like under $10 used at Game Stop and I think $10 new. Or do you need the DLC too?

Might check it out at some point since it is so cheap but if the online is dead will just skip.
Last time I played was several months ago but the online was still fairly active. I think they made all the DLC free too.
FM transmitters can work around here. I notice this when a jacked up pickup truck drives by and broadcasts country music into my car while I'm listening to a station low on the "dial". I assume they've done something to boost the power of it.

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Got the 60 day rental of Far Cry Primal for $9.20, thanks Vig. Probably stream it on my Thursday stream.
Did you get an option to lock the trade back to Amazon? I didn't see anything for it this morning and no emails yet either. Not sure if it's something I'm supposed to trigger or if Amazon does it automatically.
Wonder if anyone is still playing it on XBox One? It is like under $10 used at Game Stop and I think $10 new. Or do you need the DLC too?

Might check it out at some point since it is so cheap but if the online is dead will just skip.
That's another good thing about Titanfall. After a year they made all DLC free. I'm also pretty sure they added it to the vault in EA access so there might still be a pretty good player base. Last time I tried to play it seemed dead-ish, but that was a long time ago (prior to EA access/DLC going free, I think).

Edit: Avenged'

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Had someone incorrectly call an image macro a meme at tailgate on saturday. Wanted to laugh, but it wasn't worth the effort of explaining why it was so funny. 

Wonder if anyone is still playing it on XBox One? It is like under $10 used at Game Stop and I think $10 new. Or do you need the DLC too?

Might check it out at some point since it is so cheap but if the online is dead will just skip.
The DLC was made free a while after it was all released to pump some life back into the game.

EDIT: ....yep.

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according to kotaku, dark souls 3 will be vig's goat:

edit - sage'd

My palms were sweaty, causing my fingers to slip off the buttons. And you know that phenomenon where you say a word too many times and it stops making sense? That started happening to my hands; I was unable to grip the controller the right way. Nothing felt natural. The fight was stripping me of my motor functions.

But then, one set of sparring seemed to go my way. Hack, slash, dodge. I managed to get the boss within an inch of defeat, and though I died, the closeness of victory was its own victory. The boss was beatable. I could do this. It took another 20 minutes or so, but eventually, their souls were mine. My hands shook for minutes after the fight was over, my breath was erratic. I slept soundly that night.
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I never had any luck with those transmitters so I just gave up on them.

My new car has a USB port so I just put like 1000 songs on a flash drive and listen to it on random. It's amazing.

tldr buy a new car pitfall
When I got a 2013 Toyota Corolla the USB port and Bluetooth for my phone were the highlights. I never use the USB port for music since I have 5000 songs in my phone. I couldn't imagine having to deal with a FM transmitter with the technology of today.
When I got a 2013 Toyota Corolla the USB port and Bluetooth for my phone were the highlights. I never use the USB port for music since I have 5000 songs in my phone. I couldn't imagine having to deal with a FM transmitter with the technology of today.
+1....Bluetooth in car is great. I also have Spotify and an unlimited Data Plan on my phone from work. All the songs without managing anything and Netflix from anywhere = good shit.

bread's done