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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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People have cited Wonder Boy and Night Trap as being good values post-receipt. They have them in-hand and think they're perfect. I haven't heard a single person express remorse over the Wonder Boy or Night Trap CE. Again, I think the fact they almost instantly gained value on the secondary market played a lot into people's perception of them. Wonder Boy was selling on eBay for $150 - $200 on the day of release, so I feel like people looked at that and felt good about the $65 price tag. The DARIUSBURST CE was super expensive and most who bought it also reported satisfaction - the common thread here being a positive correlation between satisfaction and quick secondary market value gain.

For whatever it's worth, I think all of our CEs are great and have turned out very well. Knowing the inner machinations of what partners want to make on these and how economies of scale affect our costs - I feel like the $65 price is very fair.

In any case, we're listening to feedback and our last CEs of the year will clearly reflect that. In the end, I'm not going to be able to please everyone, but I hope people see that we're listening and changing.
long-winded reply. I don't want to hurt anyone's eyes heh

Yeah sure okay, so that's human nature. People want to feel like they are getting good value for buying a premium version of a product. That's fine. From this perspective then the question to ask yourself is "why did the value (perceived) plummet on the recent CEs?" I don't agree with your view that comes off as a verdict something close to "people need to realize they only don't like the recent CEs as much because they didn't gain value". I don't think that's fair. It's a more complicated situation. You are selling them a 'limited' and 'collector' product to begin with. Where when they purchase it, yes, they absolutely expect it to at least not go down in value immediately. That would show that the physical product didn't carry the weight of its original price tag to begin with. Value Perception is a part of your business plan.

A different perspective you could take is that people would have had buyer's remorse if the value of their Wonder Boy and Night Trap CEs didn't remain high in the aftermarket. So what can you do to drive aftermarket demand in your CEs in the future? Perhaps make fewer quantities and number them? Add a unique trinket that diehard fans can't live without?

This is important: Just because something rises in value doesn't mean it was a great deal from the start. It just means people haven't been complaining because they realize that they can sell their item. If you wanted to take a poll I would be willing to bet that most people haven't opened their Wonder Boy CEs, which kind of tells you everything that you need to know about these products you are offering, and this market segment. In regards to fan satisfaction and what they want in a CE.

I know you don't want to hear it, but to make long story short and boil it down to its most simplistic nature: the CE supply is exceeding the demand (in the case of the less desired ones).

Yes, yes all sellouts are good. (save it, people. lol) But you are rightfully concerned with this issue because interest and the demand for future CEs can, and will, cascade downward rather quickly.

You know that much of your business is based around speculators. You know there is buyer's remorse from all the cancellation requests and the chargebacks received. Time to make adjustments. Best of luck!

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Is there any difference to the LRG River City Melee than the one from Play-Asia? I noticed that the PA release says "Battle Royal SP" and I'm mainly curious if I should sell my PA copy to get the LRG or keep both.
From what I assume, there is no difference other than the multiple languages in the PA version. Might be wrong though.

Functionally, it's the same game, but it's cheaper and has better (reversible) cover art. I'm biased about the cover art but I really do think it is fantastic.

Functionally, it's the same game, but it's cheaper and has better (reversible) cover art. I'm biased about the cover art but I really do think it is fantastic.
The LRG packaging is WAY BETTER and follows the same aesthetic / art style of the original River City games. Fans of the series appreciate that :) and I'm so happy Double Dragon IV is getting a physical release !!!! woot woot

is there no financial interest in porting Double Dragon Neon to PS4? i.e. then we could get a physical release? something like Retro City Rampage DX gets ported to every system known to man, so I would think it's profitable?

December 8th is gonna be a bloodbath. I was on the fence with Windjammers but seeing the two side scrollers coming a week later I'm gonna have to skip it in hopes of securing both of those. I hope the print runs are reasonably high. 

December 8th is gonna be a bloodbath. I was on the fence with Windjammers but seeing the two side scrollers coming a week later I'm gonna have to skip it in hopes of securing both of those. I hope the print runs are reasonably high.
Every week this month will be. Vita games are all in high demand and allowing 2 with the low quantites is likely going to make it really hard to get both in the cart without ridiculous luck. Probably will be the first time I have to resort to ebay for one of the games since they don’t want to offer up bundles to make it easier
The LRG packaging is WAY BETTER and follows the same aesthetic / art style of the original River City games. Fans of the series appreciate that :) and I'm so happy Double Dragon IV is getting a physical release !!!! woot woot

is there no financial interest in porting Double Dragon Neon to PS4? i.e. then we could get a physical release? something like Retro City Rampage DX gets ported to every system known to man, so I would think it's profitable?
I don't know - I'd love that to happen, but I imagine it's up to Majesco, Arc System Works, and WayForward.

I'm pretty locked into Windjammers but unsure about River City Melee. Not a lot of reviews, how is that game for those that have already played it?

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I'm pretty locked into Windjammers but unsure about River City Melee. Not a lot of reviews, how is that game for those that have already played it?

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I bought it blind from PA because I thought it looked neat and played it for less than an hour and never touched it again. Of all the limited games I have bought it's definitely the one I have enjoyed the least. Just found it extremely boring and repetitive. Keep in mind though that I have never played any of the other games in the franchise and while I like side scroll beat em ups I have only played a few pretty casually. It might be a different experience if you are a bigger fan of the series and genre.

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I haven't been able to get a response to my customer support ticket, but when is Skullgirls for PS4 supposed to ship?  I've seen people on other forums posting pictures of their copies and see copies are up on eBay, but haven't heard anything lately.

I haven't been able to get a response to my customer support ticket, but when is Skullgirls for PS4 supposed to ship? I've seen people on other forums posting pictures of their copies and see copies are up on eBay, but haven't heard anything lately.
PS4 copies should have shipped already unless you ordered a PS4 and Vita copy in the same order. In that case you're stuck waiting until the Vita copies come in before your order ships out. On that note, are there any updates on the Vita version?

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PS4 copies should have shipped already unless you ordered a PS4 and Vita copy in the same order. In that case you're stuck waiting until the Vita copies come in before your order ships out. On that note, are there any updates on the Vita version?
Guess I'll open another ticket, my order of Skullgirls for PS4 is still unfulfilled and my ticket asking about its status was closed with no response. I've been pretty patient but the lack of updates on this is getting frustrating.

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I'm pretty drunk rn but just wanted to give a shout out to Doug and everyone else at lrg for all they do, thanks guys
Probably just a standard Windjammers PS4 copy. The frisbee nonsense turned me away from the Collector's Edition.
Vita for me

Too many LRG games released this year. I'm actually in Favor of EastAsia releases. Once or twice a month which I like.
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Just got my Ys regular edition for ps4 today. Was it not supposed to come with a card or was that an error?
Trading card or post card? The post cards ended awhile back, but a few long standing games still had them, as long as supplies permitted. And the trading cards should be offered for each game now, and the same applies in regards to supply. If you didn't get one, just open a ticket and see what happens. If they have some left, they'll send you one. day before release. What are you guys buying tomorrow?
I'm just getting both standard Vita releases. I like the art on the Windjammers CE, but the content really does nothing for me. I was actually happy that Windjammers and La Mulana both had lackluster CE, as it made for an easy pass on both. Now I have more funds for just the standard Vita releases instead, as I can get 2 games instead of just the one.

I just need to accept that I'll never understand exactly what people want out of their CEs. This CE is the best one we've produced and it is definitely the best value overall.

It has all the same contents as our past CEs plus an additional thematically appropriate item (that normally would cost $16+ shipped), all for the same price as our past CEs.

I also need to remember that this is CheapAssGamer, which is probably not the right community for higher-priced CEs to begin with. :p
Think you guys still missed the boat on not making the CE of Windjammers a mock-up AES clamshell or MVS arcade kit in design.

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You're selling $10-15 digital games for $65 CEs dude.   Take a step back and think about that for a minute.   That's almost comparable to $100 CEs for $60 msrp games.  So people are expecting extras that are at least what you'd get in a standard $100 collector's edition for a retail new release.  Even if you are basing your costs off of your $30 releases, which are already inflated. 

I don't even understand why Windjammers is $30.

Prices have gone up. 

I haven't been a fan of some of the CEs, but the Windjammers CE is one of the better ones. If you add up the costs of the individual items it is a decent value. 30 (game) + 15 (soundtrack) + 16 (frisbee) = 61. Then factor in the box and poster. So for 65 plus shipping this CE is more in line of what I expect from a CE.

I just need to accept that I'll never understand exactly what people want out of their CEs. This CE is the best one we've produced and it is definitely the best value overall.

It has all the same contents as our past CEs plus an additional thematically appropriate item (that normally would cost $16+ shipped), all for the same price as our past CEs.

I also need to remember that this is CheapAssGamer, which is probably not the right community for higher-priced CEs to begin with. :p
I think you're starting from the wrong premise. As I mentioned earlier, I don't think most of us are clamoring for more CEs and certainly not CEs for virtually every release week. I say this as someone who has purchased every release since your first one, including all the CEs and as someone who regularly buys the CE of virtually every retail game that gets released.

As for your comment about CAG, many of us are members here, your forums, Resetera, etc...We also have substantial game budgets and we are very much your demographic. Maybe it's time to get back to basics instead of spending time and effort on a type of product most of us just don't care that much about and which you guys don't have the volume of sales to bring to a level of quality and uniqueness that many would feel justifies the higher price point.

I’m definitely trying for the CE tomorrow and curious to see how it goes. The Neo Geo fanbase is flatout psychotic so it could go quick.
Think you guys still missed the boat on not making the CE of Windjammers a mock-up AES clamshell or MVS arcade kit in design.
The MVS kit is literally a cardboard box, bubble wrap, and some arcade flyers. We actually looked into doing that but we opted for this route since we figured the very basic makeup of an MVS kit might confuse people not familiar with them. As for the AES cases, we were working on that, but for reasons I can't disclose that fell through. :(
Even if you are basing your costs off of your $30 releases, which are already inflated.

I don't even understand why Windjammers is $30.
The higher prices of the games themselves cover the cost of the physical goods. They're not "inflated" in the sense that it's done arbitrarily - we aim to make our partners the same or more than they do per unit digitally and in order for that to happens the cost of goods need to be accointed for in the price on top of the digital MSRP. With Windjammers, we have both DotEmu and PAON needing to make certain expected amounts - not to mentiom the ESRB ratings cost over $10,000. We had no option but to charge $29.99 here even though the game is $14.99 digitally.

Prices have not increased across the board - everything outside of Super GunWorld 2 and Windjammers still follows the digital price plus $10 model we've always used.
I’m waffling hard on what to get. Funds are super tight but dang it if I don’t want that CE. Thinking I’m going to buy one regular and one CE of Windjammers and that’s it. There’s just too much to keep up with; Especially after the BF massacre. My wallet never stood a chance. Making buying games into a game was great suspenseful fun but it has caused just the tiniest bit of buyer’s remorse for me since I’d rather try and get my hands on a few of the titles I picked up down the line if/when things slow down. Might just go ahead and skip Claire altogether...

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I think you're starting from the wrong premise. As I mentioned earlier, I don't think most of us are clamoring for more CEs and certainly not CEs for virtually every release week. I say this as someone who has purchased every release since your first one, including all the CEs and as someone who regularly buys the CE of virtually every retail game that gets released.

As for your comment about CAG, many of us are members here, your forums, Resetera, etc...We also have substantial game budgets and we are very much your demographic. Maybe it's time to get back to basics instead of spending time and effort on a type of product most of us just don't care that much about and which you guys don't have the volume of sales to bring to a level of quality and uniqueness that many would feel justifies the higher price point.
I didn't mean to slight CAG with that statement - I've posted here for over a decade now so I know a wide range of people post here and my statement was pretty stupid. I'm just frustrated that we seem to be in a position where there's always someone unhappy about something and it's just tiring, you know? I mean this from a legitimate place - not some kind of petty "wha wha, why don't people like us?" spot. There have been so many times where I've honestly felt like just stopping this whole thing because I'm so mentally exhausted from constantly having to defend or justify things. Even if we took things back to plain old releases with no CEs there'd be things beyond my control driving prices up and forcing us into insane release schedules - or games that sell out too fast and result in death threats. I don't know, I just feel stuck in a losing cycle here when it comes to pleasing people.
Woah. Frisbees aren’t worth shit these days unless they’re fit to golf with.

Where’s s&s?
The porting house missed required steps for the Vita build so a full rebuild is required for physical. The devs are super busy now so the release is kind of floating in the ether. We might have to just do PS4 first and Vita later, but I guarantee Vita fans will get upset over this.
Love what you guys do but is there a reason you don't show in game screenshots under the product page? It's all box art and contents but a screenshot or two would add to it.
I just need to accept that I'll never understand exactly what people want out of their CEs. This CE is the best one we've produced and it is definitely the best value overall.

It has all the same contents as our past CEs plus an additional thematically appropriate item (that normally would cost $16+ shipped), all for the same price as our past CEs.

I also need to remember that this is CheapAssGamer, which is probably not the right community for higher-priced CEs to begin with. :p
This is CAG. What are you going to expect?

You had people complaining about the shipping cost for the first print of Retro City Rampage and then complaining that they missed it.

Love what you guys do but is there a reason you don't show in game screenshots under the product page? It's all box art and contents but a screenshot or two would add to it.
We thought about adding this recently but the ESRB has this policy about age-gating M-rated content (screenshots/video) which is functionality we can't easily add to Shopify.
bread's done