Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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Yay, CCGs! Cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars to even remotely enjoy, and even then still aren't all that special.

Richard Garfield.

Creator of Magic: The Gathering.

So it's confirmed, it's going to be heavily P2W and full of booster packs you can spend your steambucks on.
I would think they would chase the Hearthstone crowd where it doesn't take a ton of money to play. True MTGO costs in an unknown CCG, even by Garfiield, seems like a recipe for failure. Something similar to hearthstone economically with the ability to actually trade/sell cards would be a win with me assuming it had some traction and was interesting.

Also, I'm not even sure a CCG being by Garfield is a good thing. Magic took off because it was fairly unique and had the space to itself. Pretty sure if you launched it today it would fail. This guy also designed Vampire and Star Wars CCGs apparently. Neither of those were good. Vampire wasn't awful but my memory of Star Wars was it was super bad. The fact that it failed pretty much tells you how bad it was. If you can't relieve Star Wars fans of money you are obviously doing it wrong.

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Per PC Gamer:

Valve's Brandon Reinhart isn't worried. "If a card has got a [top pro's] signature on it, and there's only one of those in existence, and that player won a major tournament, then it might have some value, and that is fine. But as far as the unsigned normal versions of that card, over the years we've developed a lot of tools in order to make sure that we're keeping those prices in a reasonable range." Reinhart also referred to a point Newell made about the power level of cards not being correlated to their rarity, and noted that common cards are going to cost "pennies".
Signed cards, oh boy!

Really, they lost me with the lede of "DOTA 2-themed CCG". I don't give a shit about DOTA 2 so why would I get excited about a CCG based off of it? Not that the game can't be good on its own merits but the tie in does nothing to hook me.

I think that was part of the issue with the Vampire CCG, where it was based around the White Wolf game that has always had a pretty niche following even in the RPG community. So they're trying to use the lore and simulate some of the mechanics of a small time pen & paper game and it's hard to get other people excited about that. I remember playing a few games of Vampire and also Rage (the Werewolf based one) and both were okay but failed to capture the straight-forwardness and easy accessibility of M:tG. Of course, for a while there you had a bajillion new CCGs coming out all the time and so it was hard for any to get traction. That I remember Vampire at all probably says something positive about it.

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The only CCG I play is Gwent and according to GOG I've put about 63 hours into it since the beta back in late 2016 I think.

Still waiting on that damn single player add-on.  It was supposed to be out late last year, but haven't heard anything about it since.

The only CCG I play is Gwent and according to GOG I've put about 63 hours into it since the beta back in late 2016 I think.

Still waiting on that damn single player add-on. It was supposed to be out late last year, but haven't heard anything about it since.
Wouldn’t it be sad if that is all CD project red announced at E3?
In 2 Years:

Ubisoft just announced they are shutting down the servers to Division 1 as most players have migrated to Division 2.
I think it will be more than 2 years... I don't see the Division shipping this year. March worked really well before so I think it will be the same.

That said when the servers do go away it will be a sad day... The game's network structure is suppose to be simple so hopefully someone can do something with it.
Wouldn’t it be sad if that is all CD project red announced at E3?
Oh it would be a travesty if that was the case, but there's just no way.

I'm sure new Gwent content will be shown off, but I'm 99.9% sure they'll have, bare minimum, a gameplay trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 there. And possibly another game (supposedly they were working on another game so maybe it'll get announced at E3 this year).

Magic Duels was my most-played game on Steam for the last three years and I still haven't even tried Hearthstone, Gwent, or any of the other ones. 

The game died after a few years because they made it so F2P friendly that if you logged in for a daily win or two, you never needed to buy coins for anything.  Duels was supposed to be the long-standing, games-as-a-service magic game that killed all the annual iterations by continually having the same game getting updates three times per year.   Lots of people played it.  Then it died.  It wasn't generating enough money. 

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Eater of Lasagna: Italiano.

So it's confirmed, it's going to be heavily cheesy and full of tomato sauce and you can spend your steambucks on garlic bread.

Does this make me old? Or just not funny?

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For those who care...


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This will be the first E3 I have cared about in a really long time. Cyberpunk, smash bros, maybe metroid, borderlands, new doom would all be pretty cool and plausible.
I just ordered a Nintendo Switch with that ebay coupon. Goodbye forever.
Welcome to the club. I was wasted a couple weeks ago and bought one from a dude on craigslist for 200 bucks. Dude included like 600 bucks worth of switch stuff, maybe he was wasted too.

should also mention that if anyone has been wanting a vr setup, if you use that ebay coupon it makes a rift 320$, by far the cheapest its been

I ordered a 4k monitor with that ebay 20% off.  I hear I can fit more stuff on my desktop instead of putting them in folders like a normal person does.

should also mention that if anyone has been wanting a vr setup, if you use that ebay coupon it makes a rift 320$, by far the cheapest its been
Thanks, always wanted a paperweight I can't use. Can anyone with a Rift comment on how painful it is to have Zuckerberg scan your retina? How many in-headset targeted ads do you get?

I can tolerate Hearthstone because I don't have to spend actual money.  But this Valve CCG requires you to spend money (Steambuxxx are at least fungible for actual games unlike Hearthstone gold)?  Lol, nothnx, Gabe.

"New" 3DSXL for me. How often does Ebay have these 20% off coupons...I haven't been paying attention.
From the year or so I've been following the ebay coupons, I think this is the first 20% off almost anything coupon I've seen. They consistently do $15 of 75 or 20% off select items which is usually not great, but this one is pretty rare.

I think it will be more than 2 years... I don't see the Division shipping this year. March worked really well before so I think it will be the same.

That said when the servers do go away it will be a sad day... The game's network structure is suppose to be simple so hopefully someone can do something with it.
I started playing Division 1 ( PC / UPlay version) last night. I already liked the Beta anyways; and I certainly like the full version from what I played so far last night. So far, it's just an addictive third-person looter-shooter, which runs well and looks really good, with my hour and a half or so behind it.

Hopefully, when player #'s dwindle down to nothing, maybe someone can mod an offline mode w/ bots or UbiSoft can do this officially for us anyways. I really liked what I've played so far, in the short time of playing it.

Same can go for TSW/SWL, while I'm at it - I would love and offline mode w/ AI bots to control and/or run around w/ the player. Would hate to see the game, game-world, story, and whatnot go to waste only b/c the damn plug was pulled.


I ordered a 4k monitor with that ebay 20% off. I hear I can fit more stuff on my desktop instead of putting them in folders like a normal person does.
I actually have both folders and tons of icons littering the desktop.

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Magic Duels was my most-played game on Steam for the last three years and I still haven't even tried Hearthstone, Gwent, or any of the other ones.

The game died after a few years because they made it so F2P friendly that if you logged in for a daily win or two, you never needed to buy coins for anything. Duels was supposed to be the long-standing, games-as-a-service magic game that killed all the annual iterations by continually having the same game getting updates three times per year. Lots of people played it. Then it died. It wasn't generating enough money.
I doubt you will ever see a really good game as a service MTG variant. They are way too afraid of cannibalizing the money printing machine that is MTGO.

Almost bought a switch today. Thank you ebay sellers for jacking up the prices between the time I started considering it and decided to pull the trigger. Saved me $225ish.

Pretty awesome coupon though. Ended up grabbing a Shield that is probably going to replace my XB1 for streaming duty. Never actually play games on the XB1 anyway.

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Almost bought a switch today. Thank you ebay sellers for jacking up the prices between the time I started considering it and decided to pull the trigger. Saved me $225ish.
Same. I thought about it while at work, decided against it, saw that I had a $50 settlement check from a Lenovo class action suit, figured "what the hell" but the sellers all added another $50 to the price so screw that.

Almost bought a switch today. Thank you ebay sellers for jacking up the prices between the time I started considering it and decided to pull the trigger. Saved me $225ish.

Pretty awesome coupon though. Ended up grabbing a Shield that is probably going to replace my XB1 for streaming duty. Never actually play games on the XB1 anyway.
The Shield is by far the best streaming device I've used. Nothing else even comes close.

The Shield is by far the best streaming device I've used. Nothing else even comes close.
A lot of people say that which is why I am giving it a shot. That and the fact that you can sideload some interesting stuff on it. Thought about the Fire but I dislike Amazon constantly trying to push you to use prime streaming. Fire also can't run Plex server which is something I may actually make use of.

Okay, guiz, what can I play with i5-4670k integrated graphics?! Guiz, GUIZ?!?!?!?!
Youtube, all you need.

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The Shield is by far the best streaming device I've used. Nothing else even comes close.


Okay, guiz, what can I play with i5-4670k integrated graphics?! Guiz, GUIZ?!?!?!?!
You have that CPU? If it ain't a laptop - seriously, go find a decent GPU and stick it in there. Got any graphics cards lingering around doing nothing? Or keep looking online for GPU deals online.

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You have that CPU? If it ain't a laptop - seriously, go find a decent GPU and stick it in there. Got any graphics cards lingering around doing nothing? Or keep looking online for GPU deals online.

Bro, I get the most outta muh hardware!!! New GPU's gotta be no more than three months away. I will HOLD! And hope the coin mining market tanks.

Now the question is... do I want Mafia 3 or should I sell it (all funds go to the Amazon credit Mooby GPU Trust).
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Bro, I get the most outta muh hardware!!! New GPU's gotta be no more than three months away. I will HOLD! And hope the coin mining market tanks.

Now the question is... do I want Mafia 3 or should I sell it (all funds go to the Amazon credit Mooby GPU Trust).
Depends on how you feel about repetitive UbiSoft-like open-world style games.

While the gameplay mechanics are really good w/ its mix of stealth and third-person action/shooting - the game itself just can go on a little too long and much for its own good w/ the open-world side-questing stuff and also b/c of the game's lack of variety in mission types.

Though...M3 actually has great story, voice-acting, character development, presentation, setting, and licensed music.

What did you buy the bundle for? Deus Ex?
Mostly, yes. Even if I manage to sell off Mafia 3 I figure Deus Ex MD + a few random games is worth $6.

Edit: Also, I can actually run HoTS on integrated graphics... can continue to farm muh goldz!!!

Also, also, the last few Humble Monthly unlocks have been okay. Nothing HOLY SHEEET WUT A DEAL 'okay' but okay in the sense that it's stuff I'd have only bought in a bundle, anyway, like Lost Castle.
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Drew Karpyshyn left Bioware again.... He was working on Anthem.

I haven't been keeping count but this is the third major bigwig working on Anthem to leave. (Also been two big Dragon Age members to leave also.)

I would make a joke about the rats abandoning the ship but Caseys Hudson just returned so it's obviously not true.
With the way Destiny 2's Eververse being so complained about (among other things), another big name like Drew leaving BioWare (who was working on Anthem) and BioWare looking each day to possibly be EA's next failing company to be gutted, and The Division 2 announcement - maybe The Division 2 will come away from all of this as the online-only looter-shooter.

It's possible. Some people think Division 2 is close so it might even beat Anthem out of the gates.

Granted, the winner will be the one with the best loot driven end game that doesn't punish player's wallets. (And time, somewhat, but you want to have a carrot that is a decent time sink or people will run out of content and complain.)
I'm sure there will be a push to make Borderlands 3 have a persistent/online component.
Hopefully, that will still have an offline mode.

We already got enough online-only looter-shooters on the market already (i.e. Division & Destiny series) and got another one coming soon (Anthem).

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bread's done