PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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But acting like you deserve to be able to pirate games because of Sony's treatment is really some next-level entitlement. It's annoying to listen to people act like they're owed something on that front; you paid for a console and you got it, you can pay for games and receive them. If you don't think the value justifies the price, nobody's holding a gun to your head and you're free not to make those purchases.
This is really the issue at the end of the day, and something I have never mentioned, or agreed to, and have even stated, I'm not in support of doing things illegal with a hacked Vita(not pirating). My Vita now allows me to use any micro SD card I would like, which allows me to add my entire Sony collection of games on to my Vita. It's allowed me to add custom themes, access to PS Mobile Titles I paid for, that Sony took away. I can also use many cool apps and programs created by the homebrew community, as well as adjust the RGB settings to have the 2000 display, show closer to the OLED screen. None of the things I mentioned is illegal, and every option there is something that makes the Vita that much greater. Many things Sony couldn't be bothered to do or to offer support to fans of the system, which was what I was saying in stating slapping fans in the face.

Like always, when someone sees someone else doing something perfectly legal they don't like, or wish they could do themselves, then want to slam it as some entitlement argument for Piracy. Have I mentioned anything above, that every person who owns a Vita would't like the option to have or use? Having access to any size memory alone for a cheap price is the one thing I know EVERYONE HERE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE! So please, you can put your soapbox back in the closet until your next argument about something it's apparent you know nothing about.

All these features are nice things to have, and since Sony couldn't be bothered to support their own system in any meaningful way, I'm supposed to be happy about them killing killing these LEGAL FEATURES? So I'll leave it there, as we'll have to agree to disagree, and I apologies to anyone here if my comments appear as some form of entitlement, as nothing could be further from the TRUTH!

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This is really the issue at the end of the day, and something I have never mentioned, or agreed to, and have even stated, I'm not in support of doing things illegal with a hacked Vita(not pirating). My Vita now allows me to use any micro SD card I would like, which allows me to add my entire Sony collection of games on to my Vita. It's allowed me to add custom themes, access to PS Mobile Titles I paid for, that Sony took away. I can also use many cool apps and programs created by the homebrew community, as well as adjust the RGB settings to have the 2000 display, show closer to the OLED screen. None of the things I mentioned is illegal, and every option there is something that makes the Vita that much greater. Many things Sony couldn't be bothered to do or to offer support to fans of the system, which was what I was saying in stating slapping fans in the face.

Like always, when someone sees someone else doing something perfectly legal they don't like, or wish they could do themselves, then want to slam it as some entitlement argument for Piracy. Have I mentioned anything above, that every person who owns a Vita would't like the option to have or use? Having access to any size memory alone for a cheap price is the one thing I know EVERYONE HERE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE! So please, you can put your soapbox back in the closet until your next argument about something it's apparent you know nothing about.

All these features are nice things to have, and since Sony couldn't be bothered to support their own system in any meaningful way, I'm supposed to be happy about them killing killing these LEGAL FEATURES? So I'll leave it there, as we'll have to agree to disagree, and I apologies to anyone here if my comments appear as some form of entitlement, as nothing could be further from the TRUTH!
Cool strawmanning there, you addressed exactly one of my points by saying it didn't apply to you personally and deferred to trying to insult me. Throwing out caps, highlights and saying I'm on some ignorant soapbox isn't a rebuttal.

Like I said in every post in this exchange, Sony cares about piracy. If homebrew/hacks didn't include them they wouldn't care. It's fine if you don't care about business operations and just want to do your shit to your console, and I don't think we're in disagreement on that point. But don't try to argue the business operations side if you either don't know or don't care about what goes into it.

On the actual news front, Sharin no Kuni published an update overnight:

Key points:

  • Publisher is now EastAsiaSoft instead of LRG (which was all but confirmed in their last post).
  • Steam version hit some roadbumps, expected to be submitted "by Autumn".
  • No updated dates for the Vita version
  • Shared pics of the "deluxe edition" box
At least EastAsiaSoft means it won't cost as much to buy.

Not sure it matters since backers have already paid for it. No confirmation that there will be a separate sale outside of the campaign.
I thought it was through KS only, and not going to be offered outside of that? But I pledged to this ages ago, and don't remember all the details, so don't quote on that. LOL

It’ll be something like, “in order to even make it worth printing the cartridges, we need to have a regular release through Play-Asia. Don’t worry though, you’ll get an exclusive slipcover!”
If they have a regular release I will get in on it. I just want the game to release officially. I was going to likely get it on PC, and yes I know there is a fan translation. I played through most of that a few years ago. Who knows when that will be though.

I'm 99% sure Sharin no Kuni for the Vita will have extra copies produced for non-backers. Looking at the number of pledges, it will not meet the minimum for Asian production. Folks who backed several of these games expecting a North American release are getting burnt. Always risky to back games, so I suppose it's cool that at least the games will be coming out in physical form rather than just being cancelled and confined to digital. Those folks who didn't back Sharin no Kuni are likely to get a better deal than backers since they will pay less for a CE than the backers of the original game itself, if East Asia Soft offers the game up like like they have most of their other releases (34.99 CE). Happy that more people will get to experience the game than just backers. Not so happy that my complete collection will likely have to be maintained by buying a non-backer variant of the game from Play Asia in addition to the one I already bought through Kickstarter. Vita is the gift that keeps on giving.

The key thing is KICKSTARTERS CAN BE RISKY (all caps for emphasis). I've had games i backed 5-6 years ago that haven't come out and may never. One I know is dead in the water but the others have been coasting for so long I no longer care anymore. At least they were cheap.

Where would be the best place to grab a memory card for my Vita? I don’t want to spend $100 on a 64GB cartridge, and I’m mostly want to use the Vita to play my classic PS1 games on the go. Would a 16GB card be enough? Amazon has some for around $25, which isn’t as bad as the 32GB or 64GB ones.
Where would be the best place to grab a memory card for my Vita? I don’t want to spend $100 on a 64GB cartridge, and I’m mostly want to use the Vita to play my classic PS1 games on the go. Would a 16GB card be enough? Amazon has some for around $25, which isn’t as bad as the 32GB or 64GB ones.
If you keep the number of titles low, 16GB should be fine, but that amount can go quick. I filled my 64GB card shortly after getting one, and it remained that way until I was finally able to use a standard micro SD card. PS1 games are pretty small, but some RPG's can be pretty large, so it's up to you if it will be enough. The best rule of thumb is to always get the biggest amount of space funds can allow you at the time. Amazon, Ebay and pawn shops are good places to get decent deals, just be on the look out for potential scams.

My biggest problem was once I started to get into PS1 titles.  Some wouldn't be very large, but get a couple of 4-5+ GB games like FF VII, and you  start to fill up really quickly

Thanks for the input, guys...yeah, I’d mostly like to just play some PS1 games on the go, but FFVII is one of them, along with VIII, Tactics, SotN and SFA3, so my guess is I’d need at least a 32GB card. Didn’t think of the pawn shop idea, that’s a good one to try.
Thanks for the input, guys...yeah, I’d mostly like to just play some PS1 games on the go, but FFVII is one of them, along with VIII, Tactics, SotN and SFA3, so my guess is I’d need at least a 32GB card. Didn’t think of the pawn shop idea, that’s a good one to try.
Yeah, I've never gone the pawn shop route myself, but I've heard many stories here over the years of some pretty good deals there, so it never hurts to try.

First round of Vasara at SLG went in a few minutes. If you want one from the second batch, make sure you're logged in and ready to go when it goes live.

I survived for like a year or more on just an 8gb card. As long as you can be picky about what you are currently playing you don’t need a huge card. That said, eventually I caved and bought a 64gb card. All that did was make my choices for what to play too dang much so I ended up playing less. YMMV.
Thanks that's what I thought but I wanted to make sure. Gonna set an alarm now.
A few minutes, haha! Try for under two minutes, it was like a repeat of a LRG Vita game sale all over complete with a crash of the website's main page when the sale began. Make sure you are already logged into the SLG website and have the product page open so that you can F5/Refresh when the sale begins and snag a copy, because it will sell out quick! Also worth noting that it was nearly a full minute after the site's countdown timer reached zero before the products actually went live for some reason.

Tried to play my vita last night when I had 30 minutes to burn waiting to pickup my youngest son from band... and it looks like my memory card is partially corrupted.  By the time I managed to get one game to work it was time to head home.   I don't look forward to the coming format and rebuild.  Makes me worry a bit about the future of the vita in my life.   I still have a lot of games I want to play.

Tried to play my vita last night when I had 30 minutes to burn waiting to pickup my youngest son from band... and it looks like my memory card is partially corrupted. By the time I managed to get one game to work it was time to head home. I don't look forward to the coming format and rebuild. Makes me worry a bit about the future of the vita in my life. I still have a lot of games I want to play.
Is it a 64gb? My 64gb card corrupted, and it was pretty devastating. I spent a significant amount of time redownloading everything onto two 32gb cards. Honestly, that alone is the best justification to hack the system and do away with the expensive and unreliable proprietary cards.
Is it a 64gb? My 64gb card corrupted, and it was pretty devastating. I spent a significant amount of time redownloading everything onto two 32gb cards. Honestly, that alone is the best justification to hack the system and do away with the expensive and unreliable proprietary cards.
Yes. It's the PCH-Z641G (ASIA) version. The Japanese version is the one known for going completely bad where as this version clearly gets corrupted over time. I bought mine back in July 2016 and had to rebuild it a year or so ago after it did the same thing probably because I left it on sleep mode 100% of the time I wasn't using it and never shut it down. I thought I was careful about shutting it down this time when I stopped playing but I'm thinking maybe yet again I let it lose complete charge while in sleep mode. So it's probably my own fault... though it's still frustrating it just doesn't work like every other device. I'll know after the rebuild, but last time this happened it was just starting over fresh. Thankfully I haven't had a memory card just up and die.

I've now had two 64gb cards go bad on me. I still have on that is working, but fully expect it to bite the dust at some point. Definitely going to be using 32gb cards in the future. Sony sucks for the whole memory card BS with the Vita. Then to add to the stupidity, their highest capacity card has all manner of reliability issues. I feel for folks who have had problems with their cards, especially idiots like me who were too lazy to backup their saves before realizing how crap the 64gb cards are. No telling how many hours of several games I lost, other than to say it adds up to be in the hundreds. Learned my lesson well.

I have had PS+ since before getting my first vita (a PSTV) so all my saves are backed up.   I am thinking of giving up PS+ when it runs out in December.  My saves aren't as important to me anymore anyway and my kids mostly play PC games ... though my oldest is playing my Switch for Fire Emblem right now... my youngest has my N3DS... so... the vita was going to get some attention only for this to happen.   Still, I doubt they care about online gaming with the PS4 much anymore.

I've now had two 64gb cards go bad on me. I still have on that is working, but fully expect it to bite the dust at some point. Definitely going to be using 32gb cards in the future. Sony sucks for the whole memory card BS with the Vita. Then to add to the stupidity, their highest capacity card has all manner of reliability issues. I feel for folks who have had problems with their cards, especially idiots like me who were too lazy to backup their saves before realizing how crap the 64gb cards are. No telling how many hours of several games I lost, other than to say it adds up to be in the hundreds. Learned my lesson well.
Hack your system, then get an SD2Vita adapter and an SD card from a reliable company. I've got 128GB of storage in my Vita, without having to deal with Sony's proprietary nonsense.
Good news.  I went through the rebuild database another few times (I think I'm up to 5 rebuilds total) and everything on my memory card seems to have come back.  Granted it's not organized all pretty like how I had it (all games were in folders on the first page with all the system stuff pushed to the second.  But... I was able to play some Sly Cooper last night without issue.  I need to test it a little more to verify everything is indeed working, but it's looking good that I won't have to rebuild after all.    One of the things that pushed me to keep rebuilding was seeing more info show up in the memory card manager.  At first it wouldn't total the amount of stuff for each game type, but then the PSP & PS1 stuff got a total (even though the icons still weren't showing).  Another rebuild and the vita games got their storage total field populated.  The last database rebuild and all the icons showed up.

So if you face a similar issue, before formatting just rebuild the database over and over and over.  Now I wish I had kept trying to rebuild back the first time this happened... though that did make me re-evaluate how much crap I had downloaded and how having so many games actually made it hard for me to decide what to play.   So maybe it wasn't such a bad deal to format and start fresh.   And again, I think it happened due to my own negligence in letting the system stay in sleep mode and the battery eventually died.   If you don't plan to play the vita for a while, just do a proper shut down.

Yeah, I was lucky my 64 gigs lasted the course, as corruption was always at the back of my mind each time I used my Vita. Now I can use any brand and or size I so choose, so to Sony I say.........


In theory - could you just use the Vita internal memory (I think it's 1 GB for the slim) for your game saves?  Or are game updates too large to make that possible?  I understand this wouldn't work for someone who has digital content though, I am only referring to saves for physical carts that you own.

In theory - could you just use the Vita internal memory (I think it's 1 GB for the slim) for your game saves? Or are game updates too large to make that possible? I understand this wouldn't work for someone who has digital content though, I am only referring to saves for physical carts that you own.
Yeah, that was the original reason why it was offered, as many would get home only to realize the memory card was required for 95% of the games. Of course it's a poor substitute for regular memory, but it's good in a pinch, and that's the reason it was a new feature of the 2000 models.

In theory - could you just use the Vita internal memory (I think it's 1 GB for the slim) for your game saves? Or are game updates too large to make that possible? I understand this wouldn't work for someone who has digital content though, I am only referring to saves for physical carts that you own.
I still to this day wonder if they would have included 8GB-16GB of internal storage on the Vita 2000 model if it would have changed the systems favor with the market since in theory no one would need to buy there over priced memory cards.

I know the reason they didn't do this was because they wanted people to buy their over priced memory cards but imagine how much more successful the vita could have been with some actual internal storage. PSPgo had 16GB of storage so why not the vita?

I still to this day wonder if they would have included 8GB-16GB of internal storage on the Vita 2000 model if it would have changed the systems favor with the market since in theory no one would need to buy there over priced memory cards.

I know the reason they didn't do this was because they wanted people to buy their over priced memory cards but imagine how much more successful the vita could have been with some actual internal storage. PSPgo had 16GB of storage so why not the vita?
The PSPGo was a miserable failure, financially speaking. I’d imagine they weren’t really looking at that for ideas when they were making the Vita, other than to say “let’s NOT do [x],” though given Sony’s capacity to learn from the past, they may not have even done that.
PSP-Go was way ahead of it's time.  It was at the beginnings of PSN and people buying digital.  It was a slap in the face to those with big PSP libraries and a bit too late to get new people on board.   But what a fantastic system it was.  Built in memory, dockable and compatible with the PS3 controller, and it easily fit in a pocket for both travel and as a portable media player.   The vita should have come with at least 16gb of internal storage.  The 1gb of the 2000 model is better than nothing, but some games need a lot of space and then there are those that need patches for all the features to work right.

I don't know. It looks like any of the other umpteenth 8 or 16-bit indie side-scrollers from recent years to me.
I've played it and found it pretty generic and dull. Having said that, the developer somehow convinced three different limited companies to release it on three different platforms, so I guess they deserve credit for that.

I've played it and found it pretty generic and dull. Having said that, the developer somehow convinced three different limited companies to release it on three different platforms, so I guess they deserve credit for that.
What companies would that be other than playasia?

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