Playstation Deals, PS Plus games, and Discussion


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Thanks to Frisky for all of the hard work that he put in for the previous deals threads!

Feel free to post here about the newest Playstation deals, PS Plus games, and discussions about the previously mentioned items.

Official PlayStation™Store US

March 2024 games (available on March 5th):

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog

March 2024 games (available on March 19th):

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog
PlayStation Premium | Classics
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So on my PS5 it shows GTA V in my library to download about 86gb but I never paid for it because in my transaction history it shows $0 when I made the transaction on the PS app. Where do I get the story mode and online for $20 at in the PS5 store?
"Haven's first new IP for PlayStation is a AAA MP experience". Between this and Bungie, looks like Sony's going all-in on MP games after a SP exclusive-heavy PS4. As previously discussed, MP games have been a weak point in their portfolio (and one of Xbox's strengths), so committing to filling that gap isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I suspect this is more about the massive amount of money made from microtransactions in these games that higher-ups see as money they are leaving on the table.

tl;dr Expect less first-party SP games in exchange for MP games riddled with microtransactions.
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That's just your guess. They are diversify the portfolios of games and has even stated that they are still focusing on developing more single player games. The GaaS was one of the growth vectors that they said they would do along with PC release in their IR presentation from last year.

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So on my PS5 it shows GTA V in my library to download about 86gb but I never paid for it because in my transaction history it shows $0 when I made the transaction on the PS app. Where do I get the story mode and online for $20 at in the PS5 store?
I'm assuming you redeemed the free PS+ GTA online right? When you download it you'll have the online portion, but the single player will need to be purchased for $10 right now not $20 to unlock it. You'll need to go the GTA5 game tile and then click the 3 dots near the play button. Select GTA5 PS5 from there and the $10 story should show up to buy.

Interesting time for a Witcher announcement.
Does this mean that Cyberpunk is being abandoned now that the next-gen update shipped (outside of more bugfixes and minor additions)?
That's just your guess.
I never said otherwise. :bouncy:
I just anticipate that in going in this direction, Sony is likely to follow the lead of the rest of the big players in the industry. Less SP games going forward doesn't mean none, just less than before.
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Dang. I just started Shadow Warrior 3 on psNow... and it expires in 2 days. Is there a good place to get it discounted? Or is it pretty much full price like I'm seeing everywhere for 12 months?
Dang. I just started Shadow Warrior 3 on psNow... and it expires in 2 days. Is there a good place to get it discounted? Or is it pretty much full price like I'm seeing everywhere for 12 months?
They just added Shadow Warrior 3 this month, it's meant to be on there until July 4th.
No, they also said in the announcement that an expansion for Cyberpunk was still on the way.
That's good. The announcement wouldn't load for me for some reason so I missed that.
Nothing about MP though?
Edit: Nope. I guess they just quickly mentioned the expansion at the end so people wouldn't think they were dropping support.
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Cancelled my discounted copy of Ghostwire Tokyo from Target … just looks really meh after watching the ACG review. It seemed like it had a lot of potential, but it just looks really bland and might be something to pick up on Black Friday or rent with a free GameFly trial down the line.
Cancelled my discounted copy of Ghostwire Tokyo from Target … just looks really meh after watching the ACG review. It seemed like it had a lot of potential, but it just looks really bland and might be something to pick up on Black Friday or rent with a free GameFly trial down the line.
Heard it’s pretty much like bioshock but does things good but doesn’t do anything exceptional
Looks way more bland than Bioshock … the enemies just seem really poorly implemented, like cookie cutter enemies that just run at you. Watching the reviews reminded me of something like early Serious Sam games where a bunch of the same enemies just charge you. I was a fan of the studios earlier games, so it’s a bummer that this one doesn’t look as good as it could have been. Elden Ring spoiled me … I’m actually returning Dying Light 2 and maybe Elex 2 because they both seem like buggy messes compared to something like Elden Ring.
Final Fantasy Origin: Strangers of Paradise is interesting so far. Graphics are definitely dated, but the gameplay is really solid. At its best, it feels a lot like playing Sekiro. I always put my teammates away.

Especially if you're a Final Fantasy fan, it's neat seeing their takes on the jobs and areas. The story is downright bizarre in a cult-classic kinda way. I'm liking it a lot so far.

Cancelled my discounted copy of Ghostwire Tokyo from Target … just looks really meh after watching the ACG review. It seemed like it had a lot of potential, but it just looks really bland and might be something to pick up on Black Friday or rent with a free GameFly trial down the line.
They definitely had a different direction for the game when Ikumi Nakamura was still there, it was more survival horror. The big wigs must have wanted it changed a lot and that's why she left.

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Finished Horizon 2 last night. What a ride. Great game all around. 61 hours and 3 trophies away from the platinum. Just picked up River City Girls & Monster Boy from the current sale. I need a bit of a palette cleanser before I start another open world game. Probably going to go pick up Elden Ring at the start of the month.
They definitely had a different direction for the game when Ikumi Nakamura was still there, it was more survival horror. The big wigs must have wanted it changed a lot and that's why she left.
Yeah, she was one of the reasons I was hyped for the game. She seemed so passionate about it, but when I heard she left the development team it raised some flags. Reminds me a little bit of the potential that Secret World had from its own trailer … but that game wasn’t great either. I could excuse the slower moving, walking simulator-esque gameplay of Ghostwire if it was more horror-based, but it really doesn’t seem like it knows what it wants to be. I’ll give it credit for being a somewhat unique setting, but it also seems like maybe this was sent out to die now that Microsoft owns Bethesda and the primary focus will be on Xbox exclusives from this point forward.
I am not a fan of multiplayer 4 vs 1 games, though I know some are. Why couldn't we have a first person ghost capturing game, or something like the good one from the ps3 era. I will just wait on release, likely not care and then forget about it. Disappointing to me at least.

Hope everyone with GT7 is exploiting that PC script via remote play to earn millions of credits right now before they shut it down. Poetic justice since they've been dishonest with players since before the game even launched.

Hope everyone with GT7 is exploiting that PC script via remote play to earn millions of credits right now before they shut it down. Poetic justice since they've been dishonest with players since before the game even launched.
Nice find. Unfortunately looks like it requires a car and racetrack I don't have yet.. any idea how long it takes to get to that point? I've sunk probably about 6 hours into the game so far, enough to unlock multiplayer but not much beyond that.

Nice find. Unfortunately looks like it requires a car and racetrack I don't have yet.. any idea how long it takes to get to that point? I've sunk probably about 6 hours into the game so far, enough to unlock multiplayer but not much beyond that.
I've got probably 15 to 20 hours in and don't have that car either. Honestly, I think a lot of the stuff is overblown for people who aren't fanatical about getting every car in the game. I'm just enjoying it for what it is and not sweating these details for now. Can't possibly imagine a world that I would live in where I would have 100+ hours to grind for all of the cars in the game anyway.

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Nice find. Unfortunately looks like it requires a car and racetrack I don't have yet.. any idea how long it takes to get to that point? I've sunk probably about 6 hours into the game so far, enough to unlock multiplayer but not much beyond that.
Sorry, I don't. Just came across it in gaming news and I always enjoy it when people find a way to rip-off systems designed to rip players off.

Castlevania requiem (has sotn & rondo) for $3.99, Castlevania anniversary collection (several games) $3.99, and contra collection $3.99 take my money. Oh, and Ni No Kuni ii for $8.99 and season pass for $9.99 why not. These sales are breaking me but can't afford not to buy.

Castlevania requiem (has sotn & rondo) for $3.99, Castlevania anniversary collection (several games) $3.99, and contra collection $3.99 take my money. Oh, and Ni No Kuni ii for $8.99 and season pass for $9.99 why not. These sales are breaking me but can't afford not to buy.
Ni no Kuni II Deluxe has been down to $11.99 multiple times over the past year, there’s every reason to believe it’ll get there again in the next few months, rather than paying $18.98 for the base game and pass separately.
Just have to complain a bit of how terrible the search function is on PSN. I searched "Stranger of Paradise" and I had ZERO results and it just gave me a list of nonsense dlc for some other games. Spelling was accurate and everything.

How is the infrastructure still so bad?
That's not what the game is called.

"Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin" comes up with all the editions of the game as the top results.

Doesn't seem strange to me at all that a search would have a hard time knowing you want a Final Fantasy game when those words don't even appear in your search. "Stranger" and "Paradise" are common words in a search, it's probably just doing something simple and doing full-text searches on the words and returning the best matches.

It is substantially more complicated to accomplish a more intelligent search that can do something like infer that you mean specifically "Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin" when all it's working on is you provided it with two words that are extremely common in video game titles and descriptions.

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Castlevania anniversary collection (several games) $3.99, and contra collection $3.99 take my money.
Be aware Contra - and I believe Castlevania - lack the most basic screen option to allow you to properly scale the games to 4:3 full. Great price, I know, but this is the kind of inexplicable omission that continues to ruin commercial retro products.

"Sony will likely be at a disadvantage there. The new service is not expected to feature its biggest titles on the day they come out. The upcoming God of War Ragnarök, for example, is unlikely to be offered on the streaming platform right away, said one of the people familiar with the plan."

Far Fry 6 is free this weekend.
Most people that actually read this article and the one months before this, already know that this subscription service is different from game pass and is the merging of plus and now service, it was never PS version of game pass. There were some who thought it was PS game pass because they just read the headline.

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I disagree. PS Now is already basically Game Pass Ultimate without Gold (selection of game rentals, ability to stream), so the merger with PS Plus makes it Sony's version of GPU and I imagine it will be priced similarly. Should anyone expect day 1 PS exclusives? No, but if they do aim for $15/month, I would expect heavier hitters (or a robust back catalog for PS1 & PS2) in their monthly additions to justify the price increase.

Tbf to Sony, MS is obviously more willing/able to take a loss on Game Pass to gain marketshare, and devs (aware of Xbox's marketshare generally leading to lower sales on the platform) are more willing to take the money to be on the service. Additionally, PS Now games don't rotate out nearly as often (iirc the addition of specifically time-limited "premium" titles is more recent, seemingly in an attempt to compete) and there's also the massive PS3 catalog which even though it is streaming-only, is far more filled out than Game Pass' 360 offerings. Don't forget that the price dropped by 40% annually not that long ago either.

As a result, day 1 exclusives are just not something I think is reasonable to expect from the service barring a ridiculous price increase.
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It is substantially more complicated to accomplish a more intelligent search that can do something like infer that you mean specifically "Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin" when all it's working on is you provided it with two words that are extremely common in video game titles and descriptions.
Seriously? It's a three-word string that appears verbatim as the first three words of the title. I am not a programmer, wouldn't an algorithm be designed almost from the start to match up identical, ordered characters like that? I can't imagine a more basic starting point.

I'd love to understand whatever technical reasons don't make that possible. But from the user end perspective, their engine seems to function in the exact opposite of common sense.

Seriously? It's a three-word string that appears verbatim as the first three words of the title. I am not a programmer, wouldn't an algorithm be designed almost from the start to match up identical, ordered characters like that? I can't imagine a more basic starting point.

I'd love to understand whatever technical reasons don't make that possible. But from the user end perspective, their engine seems to function in the exact opposite of common sense.
Yeah I don't get it. This isn't Ask Jeeves in 1999. The internet has come a long way and a technology company like Sony should be able to properly program a decent search engine.
bread's done