Recent content by Fathergamer

  1. Fathergamer

    What are you playing?

    The Cave - 360 and Wii U I'm playing it for review. Ni No Kuni - PS3 I've completeded it once already for review, but I played it on the company gamer tag. So I'm replaying for trophies and the fact that its awesome. Oddworld: Strangers Wrath - Playstation Vita It's a pretty fun port...
  2. Fathergamer

    Old Thread, New Thread Linked in First/Last Posts

    With two new consoles launching this year, as well the slew of current gen games. I'm pretty sure we are going to see some crazy price drops to make room for shelf space. Well, at least I hope so!
  3. Fathergamer

    Sleeping Dogs (Xbox 360) $23.99+tax at Toys R Us (in store pickup)

    One of my favorite of 2012, that's a good price. A far as a GOTY edition, don't hold your breath. The game did decent numbers, but not good enough for anther print run of the game. You can bet they are spending all the money from the first game on a second.
  4. Fathergamer

    The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

    Well i got my Wii U at Walmart at the mark of midnight yesterday. I had to wait eight hours in line , but I got my deluxe bundle. They kept telling us all they had was the white one. I had already gone throught my seven stages and had excepted that is what fate had delt me, but long story short...
  5. Fathergamer

    The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

    The moment the system was available.:hot: Oh well, I can hang with some of the like minded for a few hours.
  6. Fathergamer

    The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

    I just got an email from that my deluxe console was Cancelled! WTF? I called to complain, but I was told they are sorry but there is nothing the can do. I guess i'm going to be recording the next episode of my show from the line at Walmart this Saturday night. The fact that they...
  7. Fathergamer

    Used PSP System $129.99 at GameStop/EB

    When the new system comes out the older ones will drop again. My bet is $99!(used)
  8. Fathergamer

    CAGcast #44: The Other Reggie

    Ummmm......A Go Wombat !:applause:
  9. Fathergamer

    Mario Kart DS Control Scheme

    What he said! I will say this , it's a heck of alot more fluid with eight people playing it than i thought.
  10. Fathergamer

    Lost in Blue discussion (sign in if you bought the game!)

    I love the game, a little repetitive, but i love it!:) Can anyone tell me how to make a better arrow?
  11. Fathergamer

    TRU Green Tag 2005(Now with List)

    I work at a TRU, and i always hear about the price changes here before they tell me anything there!:roll: God i hope we put a few more games on the list, because my TRU has very little left!
  12. Fathergamer

    The Official Nintendogs Thread!

    I might be wrong,but i think the aerodisc might fly a little better. I seem to get a higher amount of points in the disc comp. with the white one. I don't know it might just be in my head, but it just seems "better" in some way.
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